#{ from azure lands i'll sing your dirge 🎶 forwin — verse 🎶 }
galeforged · 2 years
☭ for Forwin
via Send ☭ for a vs. battle quote to your muse (open!)
Muse selected: Forwin!
Battle Theme: “Roar of Dominion [Inferno]” – Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Battle Intro: “Sorry, but I am cutting off your advance here. You are intruding on imperial land... and in the name of Gerth, I will not allow you to keep doing as you please!”
Victory: “I-I can’t afford to lose... Not after finally returning home!”
Defeat: “Fine, I-I understand when my song is over. I... I yield to Faerghus.”
Assist: “Come, Nikolette! Let me help you shine all the brighter in King Dimitri’s eyes~”
Dual Strike: “Behold the peerless duet of Gerth and Brandt!”
Defending: “Can’t have you taking needless hits before His Majesty sees you again... right?”
Taunt: “Is this the best that the Holy Kingdom has to offer...? You do the name of Faerghus a disservice.”
Reacting to Taunt: “Believe me, I-I don’t really want to be fighting here either...”
Flee: “Damn it all...! E-everyone, fall back!”
Reacting to Flee: “Troops, do not let her escape! Capture her!”
Tie: “You’re certainly persistent... but keep in mind, you all still have Jeralt’s Mercenaries and the Death Knight to deal with.”
Perfect Victory: “Arundel territory, and this stronghold, will not fall today, least of all to House Brandt!”
Finishing Move: “It’s curtains for you, Lady Nikolette!”
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galeforged · 2 years
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Forwin: High-Born Songster
Prodigal son of Duke Gerth. He stands at a crossroads between reclaiming his birthright to succeed his father, or forsaking it outright to live freely as a bard. Appears in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.
“Forwin or Wyndell... I cannot yet say which life I would rather follow. Perhaps in fighting by your side, I will find my answer.”
{ ooc } At long last, Hopes!Forwin has finally arrived!!! Back when I visited my old hometown for my vacation, I commissioned my friend Bluerosefantasy to put together this little number, and my GOD – did she deliver or what?! And of course, I’ve got so much to talk about for boyo’s new look below the cut.
Consistent with the new appearances for all of the former Officers Academy students, Forwin’s design for his Three Hopes verses is heavily based on that of his original War Phase design for Three Houses. However, there are a few key differences. The three-pointed cap and the shoulder cape are the more obvious standouts, but I’ve mostly been going feral over Blue’s unintentionally galaxy brained choice of palette for him? Mainly, over the inclusion of white in his colour scheme here compared to his old look?
Why it’s galaxy brained: Forwin from Three Houses (et al.) pretty much underwent full character development and arcs over that timeline’s five year span, and it ends with his War Phase look being all coloured in like a complete work of art. Forwin from Three Hopes, on the other hand? That’s a wholly separate continuity where he was not afforded those same opportunities to grow into his own, all from Shez ending up at the academy instead of Byleth!
We saw for ourselves in-game how far that butterfly effect rippled. Monica was rescued instead of getting killed and replaced by Kronya. Tomas got ousted as Solon early, catching those who slither in the dark off guard and having to readjust their plans. Major political conflicts within the three nations surrounding Garreg Mach Monastery saw the Officers Academy shut down indefinitely. Edelgard declares war on the Church of Seiros in 1182 instead of end 1180.
As a result of these changes? Forwin never left Abyss. He doesn’t end up thrown into the Outrealms and landing in Nohr, then Valentia before returning to Fódlan. He doesn’t make those same personal strides in this new timeline whereas before, he had to witness “Monica” killing Jeralt, confess to an identity and past he kept buried, and be forced to grow from the hardships that followed or learn how to properly affirm himself.
Because of this, in spite of the veneer of showmanship he embraces as a bard, his Three Hopes iteration still carries many of his insecurities from his original Academy Phase self. This is further compounded by the fact he is revealed to be Wyndell von Gerth from the beginning of the story, without him having any real say in the matter. He still has plenty of growing to do as a person...
Hence the galaxy brain my bestie exhibited in adding white, as if parts of him in these new verses still remain an empty canvas.
And yes, your honour, I just wrote four whole-ass paragraphs about it bECAUSE I DEARLY LOVE AND AM JUST THAT OBSESSED WITH MY SON-
Please do commission Blue when you get the chance, and be sure to check out her Carnival Theory webcomic (and its Patreon) as well!
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galeforged · 2 years
From Azure Lands I’ll Sing Your Dirge Forwin in Three Hopes (Azure Gleam)
With the Adrestian Empire seizing Garreg Mach Monastery, their victory over the Church of Seiros also saw to the addition of new commanders to its army. While some saw the return of lost nobles Constance von Nuvelle and Wyndell von Gerth—in addition to a monstrous talent in Hapi joining the ranks—as cause enough to celebrate, one individual did not feel this same joy.
That individual was Wyndell himself, who had long assumed the name of Forwin Tyrell so that he may better separate himself from his past. To be thrust back into the life he sought to escape while war begins to raze Fódlan in earnest is not a position he ever wanted to be in. However, the son of Duke Gerth would find himself forced to live up to the expectations that come with his name all the same. He longed for simpler days, to return to how things were with the Ashen Wolves or perhaps seek out the troupe that took him in when he first ran away, but he knew to yearn for these now would be folly.
More than anything else, Wyndell longed to be free in making his own choices for once, instead of going along with his father’s or the Empire’s wishes while Fódlan burns. Though relieved to see that the man had worked to change in the seven years since they last spoke, it brought him no small amount of discomfort to stand by his father once more. With the threat of war aimed at the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus for their harbouring Archbishop Rhea and her kin, it was not long before Wyndell was instructed to help maintain the bordering territory that once belonged to the traitorous Lord Arundel.
That would also be the last time he would find himself under the banner of the Adrestian Empire he once knew.
Azure Gleam, Chapter 6: Conspiracy in the Air
Between himself, Bernadetta of House Varley, Jeritza of House Hrym, and Jeralt’s Mercenaries holding the line from a ruined Arundel village, Wyndell was confident that their army could successfully fend off the Kingdom’s forces.
They weren’t ready for the combined might and cunning of Faerghus. More and more did the imperial army find itself put into a corner, even with the likes of the Blade Breaker, the Ashen Demon, and the Death Knight taking point. Wyndell recognized a losing battle when he saw one, and felt more and more unwilling to fight and put his life on the line - he didn’t want to die on this battlefield, especially not like this.
Should someone among the Kingdom army notice his reluctance, they would find the young lord all the more amenable to the idea of surrendering. It is here where he would eagerly don the mantle of Forwin the Bard once more, if only to have the rank and file feel more comfortable in his presence, given they were enemies until recently. Plus, with a few familiar faces brought into the soldiery already, fighting for Faerghus and the Church that previously granted him sanctuary might prove to not be so bitter a pill to swallow.
From there, Forwin would join in the liberation of Fhirdiad and the rescue of King Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Dedue Molinaro, and Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius. He would see to the end of Cornelia’s rebellion, suppressing the traitorous mage and the many lords she manipulated from further disrupting order within the Kingdom. He would take up arms to defend the fortress city of Arianrhod from imperial forces, conflicted though he may feel then. From each of these encounters, he would find himself more and more inspired to compose new songs that would tell of Dimitri’s exploits... but come the events at Arianrhod, Forwin will only be able to watch in horror as the Adrestian Empire starts to crumble from within.
Now the bard and defecting lord will fight not to overthrow his homeland, but to save Adrestia’s soul from the opportunistic monsters who seized power from Emperor Edelgard, just as they did before from her father with the Insurrection of the Seven. Little did Forwin know that things would only continue to get worse for the Empire come the new year...
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