#{ how can you see the ending; when you're lost at the beginning | navy & alex }
perfectdisastcr · 4 years
@ncwperspective​ said: ♬ (alex m/navy} kinda crazy — selena gomez
“You've been lying just for fun.”
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send me ♬ and i’ll shuffle my playlist and the first song i get, i’ll use a lyric as a starter
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lovemychoices · 4 years
The Lost Prince - TRR AU [Epilogue] / TRH : Royal Rhys [Prologue]
After being married for three years and unable to produce an heir, Liam and Riley are about to give up when Liam gets an unexpected news that changes his life forever.
Genre : Romance, Drama
Characters except my OCs belong to Pixelberry, I am just borrowing them
Word count : 2k++
Chapter Summary: 28 years later...
A/N : One stories closes another begins. I’ve decided to put the epilogue of The Lost Prince and prologue for the sequel together because it seems to work.
TRH : ROYAL RHYS, is a sequel set 28 years later from the events of THE LOST PRINCE. Theon and his siblings are all grown up. The OG will still be in the series from time to time but it’s mainly about the kids. 😊
Sorry for any typo’s and grammatical errors. Also this is tagged under long post.
Warning : The sequel will contain mature content in future chapters such as NSFW, Violence and a few triggers which I will mention on the chapter. Only read if you are 18 and above.
Do let me know if you want to be added to the sequel.
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28 years later…
Somewhere in Greece.
It was already past noon when he began to slowly flutter his eyes open as the small ray of sunlight peaks through the closed curtains of the hotel room. He slowly lifts his head up as he takes in the surroundings of his luxurious penthouse suit, a few empty shot glasses on the table and a few empty bottles of liquor along with it. Clothes scattered all over the floor and next to him was her, sleeping soundly.
A low grunt escapes him and presses his palms between his forehead. “Fuck, I probably had too much to drink again last night.” He slowly removes the sheets and carefully gets up from bed trying not to wake her up. As soon as his feet touch the floor he reaches for his boxers and pulls them on, gathering the rest of his clothes, getting dressed before leaving the room being careful not to let anyone see him.
“Hey it’s me, meet me at the back.”
Hunter Dominic Rhys was the youngest of the twins and the black sheep of the family. At the age of 3 he was already giving the nanny a field day with his mischief and shenanigans. By the time he was 16 he already had 20 different kingsguard assigned to him eventually breaking his uncle Leo’s record.
He makes his way towards the back entrance of the Hotel. As he enters the black SUV and takes a seat his phone beeps, he takes it out from the pocket of his jacket and reads the text a wide grin forms on his face as he does.
Had fun last night, hope to see you again soon. Xoxo
“Seriously man, I can’t keep covering for you.” The driver on the front seat said, giving Hunter a look between annoyed and worried.
“Common Jackson if there’s one Kingsguard who I know I can trust it’s you.”
“You know this is just going to bite you in the ass if her husband finds out you’ve been screwing with his wife right?” Jackson said with an eyebrow raised.
“Then we’ll just have to make sure he doesn’t..” He answers with a smug look on his face. “We’d better head to the private airstrip. I wouldn’t want to miss my family's Friday night dinner. My mother would never let me hear the end of it.”
Jackson rolls his eyes before putting on his aviators. “If you say so, your royal highness“.
TREND studio, Cordonia.
She stood at the back of the stage, waiting for Ana de Luca to announce her name. She was invited as a special guest today for an interview.
And without further adieu please welcome today's special guess, her royal highness princess Alexandra Rhys of Cordonia.
“That’s my cue.” She murmurs to herself, putting on a perfect smile and adjusting her posture before she saunters out to face the audience and the cameras.
Alexandra Kenna Rhys, the older twin, was the poster child of the Rhys family. While her brother’s were off involving themselves in mischief and her sister rummaging her mother’s closet playing pretend dress up, she would be spending her days at the palace library reading. By the age of 24 she was already a world known author and she’s also known for her philanthropy. Even Theon had his bad press days, but there was never one about Alex. She was always primp and proper for the camera but off cameras Alex had a secret that no one knew about.
Alex approaches the couch and shakes Ana’s hand as they greet each other, they each take a seat shortly after. The sound of the audience cheering slowly dies down and they begin their session.
“Thank you for agreeing to join us today, your highness.”
“The pleasure is all mine Ana. You know I’m always happy to come to your show.” She smiles.
“Firstly I would like to congratulate you on the success of your charity last weekend, I believe you managed to collect a generous amount from the people who attended.” She said and the audience clapped and cheered.
“Thank you Ana, but you know I could have done it without the support of my family and all the other people involved.”
“Humble as always.” Ana said with a smile. “So your recent book the sequel to The Elementalist was a huge success early this year and there were rumours going around recently that you are currently working on a third book. Is that true? Could you give us a little spoiler?”
“Uh well there is definitely a third book on the way, which I’m hoping would be out sometime later next year. Fingers crossed.” She said, crossing her fingers in front of the audience. “It’s going to be the final book and it’s taking place during the group's senior year.”
The audience cheers in excitement.
“That’s great news! I’m sure your fans of the book will be eagerly waiting for the official release.” She said with a smile. “So on to the next question and I’m sure it's something the audience has been dying to know. How are things in the love department so far? You and Jackson Walker have been dating for almost a decade. Are we going to hear any wedding bells soon?”
Alex shifts her position, her body tenses a little but conceals it perfectly before anyone notices. “The two of us have been doing well but you know we each have our busy schedules. I’ve been away a lot on business and he’s been busy handling Hunter. There hasn’t been any talk of wedding bells yet.” She answers with a plastic smile. “But if there was as always you’ll be the first to know.”
The two exchange pleasantries for another twenty minute until it’s finally time for Alex to get off the set. When she gets to the back of the stage she finally feels like she could breathe, a successful charity and an upcoming trilogy but all people were obsessed with was about her love life? She and Jackson agreed on keeping their relationship as private as possible away from the cameras but whenever there was a picture of them taken together it was always perfect, they seemed perfect but were they really?
Hey.. Saw what happened at the interview. Want to meet up tonight and talk about it after dinner?
Alex bit her lip, thinking about what she would reply.
Cant, I need to focus on my next book. Maybe some other time?
“Your highness, the SUV is ready for you.” Her assistant informs her.
“Thank you, Lily.” She said and headed off to get ready for her family’s dinner.
The Royal Palace - Ellie’s room
Ellie swipes through the racks of Designer gowns sent to her from all the top designers in Europe, she’s trying to choose the perfect gown for her upcoming 21st birthday party.
“So I’ll need two dresses, one for my entrance and the other for when I blow the candles. What do you think of this one for my grand entrance?” She asks pulling out a beautiful Navy blue ball gown with golden embroideries on it.
“It looks pretty.” Was MJ’s answer to every dress she took out and showed him. Ellie frowned, narrowing her eyes at him. “You’ve been saying the same thing to every dress I’ve shown you, how am I supposed to decide like that?”
“I’m a guy Ellie, I don’t have a keen sense of tayes when it comes to haute couture or fashion. All I know is that you’d look stunning in whatever dress you choose.”
“Ugh.. Give me a break MJ.” Viola groans, rolling her eye roll as she struts into the room. “Sorry I’m late dear old mummy had a dog emergency. She tosses a few shopping bags on the settee before rummaging through the rack for a few options, taking them out and laying them on the bed one by one. “Here, these are the ones that would bring out the colour of your eyes the most.”
“You're my lifesaver Viola, you know that right?” She beams, giving Viola a hug before taking a few of the dresses and trying them on in her closet.
“Nice to see someone finally decided to show up.” MJ shrugs at Viola.
Viola gives MJ an eyeroll. “Unlike you, I actually have a social life. Plus didn’t you hear me when I said I had a family emergency?”
“If by social life you mean sleeping around with half the court then hard pass.” MJ claps back, making Viola scowls. In MJ’s defence, he has caught her a few times hooking up with other nobles, most of them already had partners. The last time he caught her was during a party at his uncle Bertrand’s estate, he was on the way to the garden when he saw her coming out from the tool shed looking slightly disheveled and coming out after her was none other than his cousin Bartie.
The disgust on his face when he found out his cousin was hooking up with her when he was engaged to someone else. When MJ confronted Bartie, he said it was a mistake and that it won’t happen again. He made MJ promise not the tell his fiancé and MJ agreed, only because Clara was a nice girl and she didn’t need to get hurt by one mistake.
“So what do you guys think?” Ellie asks as she steps out of the closet and twirls around in her dress. MJ eyes go wide open and his jaw drops. “You look beautiful Ellie.”
“Usually, I don’t agree with MJ but I’ll make an exception for this. You look drop dead gorgeous.” Viola exclaims.
“Really? Thanks, but I’m still putting it in the maybe pile. These dresses are really pretty, I just. I don’t know.”
“Well if there’s nothing you really like, what about the dresses you’ve designed?” MJ suggested. “I’ve seen your sketches Elle, they’re really good.”
“I would be lying if I said the thought never crossed my mind. But my mom pulled a lot of strings to get me all these dresses.”
“I’m sure she would understand besides it’s your big day. You should tell her about it during dinner.”
“Then it’s settled, I’ll let my mom know during dinner.” She smiled.
Castelsarreillan Estate, Cordonia
Theon nods attentively with a forceful smile plastered on his face as he listens to King Eirik endlessly talk about his adventure back in the day.
It was like any normal afternoon for him, attending a diplomatic luncheon that was held at the Castelsarreillan estate. As the crown prince and future king of Cordonia it was his obligation to attend such events but recently for the past year he noticed those obligations were becoming more and more. His parents were becoming less involved and he could start to feel the weight of the crown getting heavier.
“I’m sorry your majesty for the interruption, but there’s some pressing matters that require his royal highnesses attention.” Natalia said, whisking Theon away from the crowd and to the otherside the room. “Thanks for that.” He murmurs into her ear. “I was beginning to think you’d leave me there just hanging. And by the way, thanks again for coming with me on such short notice.”
“Well what are assistants for. Speaking of you should really find your own assistant.” She said, raising an eyebrow at Theon. “I can’t babysit you all the time.”
Theon chuckles. “I’m sure my mom won’t mind if I borrow you for a little longer. Besides, you love babysitting me.” He said, giving her a playful wink.
Natalia chuckles. “Careful now your highness people might talk if they see your flirting with the help.”
Their coversation is cut short by someone who approaches. “Pardon me your highness but the Duke of Krona would like to have a few words with you.”
“Ah. Of course, I’ll be there a bit.” He said, turning to Natalia with his champagne glass raised. “Duty calls. Oh and have the helicopter ready by six, I wouldn’t want to be late for family dinner.”
Kings Office, Cordonia.
Liam sat on his leather armchair slightly pushed back, absently swirling the glass of scotch in his hand while staring at the picture of his family on his desk. He had been ruling Cordonia for three decades and during his reign he managed to achieve peace and prosperity in the country like he had always hoped for. But he couldn’t have done without help from the love of his life.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Liam turns his gaze and smiles when he sees his wife standing by the threshold. “No, I was just thinking.” He places his glass on the oakwood desk. “About what?” Riley asks, sauntering towards him then takes a seat on his lap, wrapping one arm on his shoulder.
Liam looks at his wife, taking in the sight of her. The way she smiled and her dimples that showed when she did, even after she started to age she was still beautiful and he was still madly in love with her like he was all those years ago. “I’ve been thinking.”He smiles, tucking the lock of hair that strayed behind her ear. “I’ve had the most peaceful and prosperous rule throughout my reign as king. Granted there were a few imperfect moments. But everyone of them I got through because I had you by my side.”
Riley chuckles. “You give me too much credit love. But you would have been a great king with or without me.”
“Modest as ever.” He said with a smile. “I love you Riley, I know I’ve said it maybe a million times but every word of it is true.”
Riley leans in and kisses her husband on the lips, when she pulls apart she smiles warmly at him. “I love you too Liam but where is this going?” She gives him a questioning look.
“Riley, the both of us. We’ve been through alot together, we faced scandals, threats from our share of enemies, we raised four beautiful children together while running a country.”
Riley chuckles. “How could I forget, but everything was worth it because it made us stronger as a couple.”
“It has my love. But there comes a time in a king’s life when he just wants to be a man and enjoy every moment of his remaining life with his wife.” He takes her hand gently and traces soothing circles. “Liam, are you saying?”
“Riley, love. I have decided to resign as the reigning monarch by the end of this social season. We could finally spend all our days on that private island just you and me. No country to worry about no buzzing press, I really it’s time and Theon, Theon is ready whether he knows it or not. So what do you say my queen? Are you with me?”
“Are you kidding me?” She pauses, her expression serious, it was making Liam a little worried but she quickly changes it into a gleeful smile then kisses her husband on the lips once more. “Liam Rhys, I cannot wait to spend every single day of retirement and have you all to myself.”
Liam chuckles. “You deserve it.”
“We both do.” She adds. “So when do we tell the kids?”
“How about tonight, during our dinner?” He grins.
Riley leans in and kisses her husband one more time. “Sounds like a plan. Now I need to get dinner ready.” She abruptly stands and heads out but not before stopping at the threshold, turning towards her husband once more. “I love you, my King.”
“And I love you, my Queen.”
TRR/TRH @charliejane-blog @dcbbw @hopefulmoonobject @cmestrella @pixieferry @lodberg @traeumerinwitzhelden @romanticatheart-posts @gnatbrain @the-soot-sprite @zaffrenotes @texaskitten30 @ao719 @desireepow-1986 @emceesynonymroll @jessiembruno @kinkykingliam @jlpplays1 @annekebbphotography @thecordoniandiaries @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty @lauradowning29 @msjr0119 @janezillow w @heauxplesslydevoted @cordonia-gothqueen @kacie-0156 @bebepac @queenjilian @sanchita012 @iaminlovewithtrr
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