#{ luke shouldn't you be studying for your midterms }
nyanyagi-blog · 7 years
he really.... had gotten carried away... when was the last time he even had a birthday for someone precious to him to celebrate? sure, they celebrated others’, but celebrating hoshino ichika’s birthday held so much more to it, there was more meaning, more drive behind his moral-- that had led him to this position. in the detective agency’s humble kitchen, the counters are abounding with several dishes, ranging from not only japanese style food-- to some appetizing looking pasta and he had even tried to experiment with some other cuisines with a cook book he had been gifted for his own birthday last month. yes he was feeding probably six to eight people tonight... but wasn’t this... a bit too much? 
yanagi dips a spoon in the sauce of one of the stew’s he’s prepared, bringing it to his lips to taste-- but the flavour is the last thing on his mind. what else was there for him to prepare...? was this really everything? the other boys are out running last minute errands to prepare for hoshino’s birthday party. of course, he had been nominated for cooking-- not like he would’ve entrusted any of them to do so-- the only other person he trusted with cooking was hoshino herself, and he wouldn’t dare let worry about cooking on her own birthday. his eyes wander over the expanse of dishes, and he lets out a repressed sigh. this really was too much... 
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he had worried that some of them might not be to her liking. of course when he initially picked out the dishes, it was her palette that he had taken into consideration. but as he was shopping for groceries earlier, he realized-- he probably should cook other dishes for the other ridiculously picky eaters that were attending the party. usually he wouldn’t have cared and told them to suck it up, but he also didn’t want to stir up any unnecessary banters later tonight, so might as well resolve any future problems while he still could. 
a timer chimes, promptly turning it off, yanagi retrieves a cooling tray where several layers of cake are primly cut, and have cooled down enough to start forming the actual cake itself. he can’t help but heave another weary sigh-- is this really okay? maybe it would’ve been better if he just catered everything so he wouldn’t have to worry-- but at the same time, hoshino seemed like the person to enjoy home cooked meals-- that’s how she was raised, right? aaaaaaaghhh stop worrying yanagi, and ice this goddamn cake already.
with the whipped and strawberries already prepared, he slathers the bottom later with a thin layer of cream, worries still storming through his mind. he had... initially been a bit confident with his doings earlier, but oh how turbulent his thoughts have become. all this dwelling had triggered the thought-- he... he really ought to get to know hoshino more intimately... he didn’t want to have these second thoughts, didn’t want to have these empty holes of unknowing. he wanted to be able to confidently do things in her favour, as much as he wanted to support her career, he wanted to become that within her personal life, within her romantic life-- ah, ah,
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how embarrassing for someone his age to have!!! admitted something like that!!! aghast with himself, he occupies his mind (that happens to be overflowing with more and more intimate thoughts of hoshino, with hoshino) with finishing this cake-- because oh had time really gone by that fast? he had only finished the first layer of strawberries, but when he’s placing the next cake layer on top, he hears a rustling by the front door and someone’s shoes clattering against the tiled floor of the genkan. his eyes check the clock, the others weren’t supposed to be here for another twenty minutes-- who had come so early ? 
and to his amazement, it had been the birthday girl herself. yanagi is more than surprised by her appearance, especially as she comes around the corner and peers into the kitchen, where he, in his most utmost grace is still trying to form her cake-- oh great. but! yanagi is quite skilled at improvisation on spot, and he spares hoshino a small laugh, and a nod of his head, beckoning her to come closer.  « i didn’t expect the first person to arrive to be you, hoshino. »
« it isn’t a surprise now, is it ? » they had tried to give her a surprise party before, it was.... successful to some extent, but hoshino coming early was a whole other thing-- she probably expected it.  « everyone hasn’t come back yet, and i’m still trying to get the cake ready... » yanagi does a small side step, as if asking ichika to fill in beside him with his action, and offers her another laugh,  « i know it’s your birthday, but how about you help me do the last preparation steps ? »
as hoshino resumes the cake building, yanagi pauses, and simply stares at her. there are so many things that rush through his mind, that he wants to say, that he wants to tell her, but as their time is running short, for the others are bound to be here soon-- he decides to keep it brief (for now). he bends down to press a firm kiss on her temple, 
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« happy birthday, hoshino. » there was so much more he wanted to share with her, but for now, this will suffice. 
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