#{ no they're n o t he's just salty he can't do them
suvidrache · 1 year
Baraka NSFW Alphabet
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 666 / Read it on AO3 | Offline Version
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A: Aftercare - What they're like after sex?
- This being his second time, he's not quite sure what to do. You'll have to tell him. He'll either be up for another round or sleep.
B: Body Part - Their favorite part of themselves/you?
- His arms or his cock. It's the least terrifying thing about him. Also, he's pretty big, and in Outworld, the bigger the better. For you, it would be your legs.
C: Cum - Taste, texture, etc?
- Salty and an almost grey color
D: Dirty Secret
- His sense of smell is great. He'll know when you're turned on and he loves that smell. From time to time, he may tell you that you smell great.
E: Experience - How much experience do they have?
- He slept with Mileena before, it wasn't a very enjoyable experience.
F: Favorite Position
- Doggy style. That way, you don't have to see his terrifying face. He will, however, do other positions if you're 100% sure and okay with it.
G: Goofy - How are they: serious, funny, etc?
- He doesn't know many jokes and probably wouldn't understand some of them. However, he's not serious.
H: Hair - shaved, not shaved, color?
- Unshaved, it's the only hair he has. He has no desire to trim it either. Black.
I: Intimacy - How are they romantically?
- Mileena's a very demanding individual, he wouldn't want to treat you and her the same. Not very romantic, as he isn't sure what to do.
J: Jack Off - How often do they masturbate?
- Whenever he feels the need. Every couple of months.
K: Kink - Their kinks?
- Breeding, that's about it since he is limited because of his teeth and he doesn't know very many others.
L: Location - Favorite place(s) to do it?
- The bedroom. He doesn't really want to do it elsewhere, especially where people may see it. However, he wouldn't be opposed to showing everyone who you belong to.
M: Motivation - What gets them into it?
- You being turned on, lingerie, and seeing you naked.
N: No - Will not do/turns them off?
- Anything that causes pain or death or involves another person.
O: Oral - Giving, receiving, skill?
- Loves giving. He does have a long tongue, so it wouldn't be a problem. If you're scared, his teeth may cut you, he's fine with receiving.
P: Pace - Fast, rough, slow, etc?
- Hard and slow, unless he's angry at something, not at you.
Q: Quickie - How often?
- Whenever you want.
R: Risk - Willing to take risks/experiment?
- It depends on what it is. He would like to discuss things before trying anything.
S: Stamina - How long/many rounds can they go?
- 4-5 for about 40 minutes.
T: Toys - Do they have any/will they use them?
- No, he's never heard about them. You can't convince him to try them. He doesn't like them, they're annoying, and he can pleasure you far better than they can.
U: Unfair - How much do they tease?
- Not a lot, he's too busy trying to not cum inside you after just getting inside of you.
V: Volume - How loud are they?
- Not very loud, but will growl and say your name. He, unfortunately, cannot moan, so he growls instead. There is a difference between his anger growls and his pleasure growls.
W: Wild Card - Something random?
- Wouldn't mind kids. Him cumming inside of you multiple times is more of a way to show people who you belong to. Although no one can see and no one may know, the other Tarkatans will, due to their sense of smell. If you don't want kids, he'll break up eventually, as he does want at least one.
X: X-Ray - Size, appearance, etc?
- 9½, slightly paler than him, darker towards the tip. Some noticeable veins, uncut.
Y: Yearning - How high is their sex drive?
- Pretty high, but has a lot of self-control. He will be in the mood when you are.
Z: ZZZ - How quickly do they fall asleep?
- As soon as you do, unless you're taking too long.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
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creepypastalover97 · 2 years
Time for another creepypasta au headcannon
Today’s headcannon is about Tim/Masky.
Just to clarify, I know marble hornets has nothing to do with creepypasta. And I also know that Masky and even hoodie are not proxies. But I love them so I’m involving them.
Warning ⚠️: mention of suicide.
Any let’s get on with the headcannons
Here we go
. I’ll elaborate on this at some later date but Tim, Brian weren’t proxies during the events of Marble Hornets, only afterwards.
. There’s no real difference between Tim and Masky anymore. Due to Slender Man turning him into a proxy “Masky” is just Tim wearing a mask instead of a separate personality altogether. Everybody uses the names “Tim” and “Masky” interchangeably and Tim will answer to Masky when he’s not even wearing the mask.
. He has schizophrenia, sometimes has seizures ( or used to anyway) anger issues, and like toby he also has amnesia.
. Tim’s strong as fuck. He can lift people up and throw them with very little effort. He’s picked up Jeff and thrown him headfirst into a dumpster before. He’d do it again.
. He’s not the most logical at times, but is fairly rational.
. Tim’s salty as fuck and sasses everyone. EVERYONE. This man has guts to even talk back to Slenderman.
. He gets easily annoyed by the others sometimes, because they can just be so ridiculous.
“2 am is not the time to climb a tree, Kate”-masky
. As I’m sure half the fandom has joked about by now, he has the strongest sideburn game.
. He's a natural heavyweight
. Masky has quite the dad bod. What I mean by this is, he's bulky. His muscles aren't heavily defined, but they're there, especially in his arms.
. He is n o t a morning person. At all. Try and wake him up before 9 and you’re signing your death warrant.
. He runs on caffeine and pure spite.
. His wardrobe consists nearly entirely of jeans, flannels and maybe a few plain tshirts
. Tim is very musically inclined. He can play guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, and piano. He also so sings, however he keeps all of this to himself because he is not a performer and refuses to play for anyone.
. he is currently a poly and is in a relationship with hoodie and skully (jay did die in my au, I will explain how and why he is alive at a later date)
. Knows a lot about cars
. Masky is actually a victim in the mansion and do mental breakdowns often because the others are just horrible with him cause it's so goddamn funny to watch him suffer-
Wilson the basher fast and furious-ing though the woods
Wilson the basher: “ alright mr. panic at the everywhere you need to relax. Relaxing music?”
Starts blasting death metal trough the van’s speakers
Wilson the basher: “ oh don’t worry I have a special song for you”
Proceeds to put on the gummy bear song and starts head banging.
. This guy has some massive bed head when he does wake up. I mean it looks like he got electrocuted it sticks up in every direction but it’s really soft and fluffy.
. This guy drinks his coffee black. No cream, no sugar, nada.
. Likes sunflowers.
. Smokes when he’s stressed. He hates when he’s chasing a victim and loses his breath, and coughs a lot.
. Every year Tim makes his new year’s resolution “quit smoking” and every year he ruins it by smoking literally the next day.
. Tim has a small collection of very expensive colognes ( of which he stole.) he prefers the expensive, strong smelling ones because it distracts people from the stench of cigarettes that constantly follows him.
. He cant STAND Toby, Cody, and Circe(partially, can't completely not stand her, because the kid looks up to him as a father figure), he always thinks that they shouldn't be proxies . Not because they’re annoying, but because they’re young. He also can’t stand how enthusiastic they are about killing.
. Toby is the one who started the rumors that Tim/Masky is obsessed with cheesecake, he did it to mock Masky’s build. Masky got toby back by spreading rumors that toby is obsessed with waffles.
. While he vehemently despises cheesecake with all his heart he does have a favorite food: pineapple pizza. He is positively obsessed with pineapple pizza and Hoodie is more disturbed by this than when Tim literally murdered him.
. Masky has a tiny (big)fear of dogs. He hopped into one of his targets backyard and ended up getting chased by a huge Great Dane. He now makes Hoodie go in first when hopping fences. Dogs love that man. Tis very strange.
. He can read emotions and teleport (powers he developed while being a proxy to the slenderman.)
. He can be overprotective over people he truly cares about. Like really overprotective. Not letting anything happen to them.
Though first you need to earn his trust and then he will give world to you.
. He vibes to Johnny Cash, John Lennon, Bon Jovi, ect.
. Masky for whatever, reason is scarily good at calculating percentages without the use of a calculator. He basically is the calculator. He’ll just be like:
“Oh yes, there’s a 76.632% chance that lady falling off the CN tower”-Masky
And he’s right. Every. Fucking. Time.
Even hoodie has no idea how he does it, but within 2 seconds he’ll have the exact answer, and it’s funny because he failed math classes when he was still in the hospital.
Bonus: he failed math on purpose to annoy his teachers.
. Still kinda has… issues with his leg. Sometimes wears a brace.
. hates if anyone mentions anything about his height since he’s one of the shortest of the male proxies . He is 5′6 tall.
. Masky owns a red truck with four seats, and he loves that truck so much.
. He makes lots of dad jokes and chuckles at them.
. Whenever he leaves for a few minutes he usually comes back to toby breaking a bone, x-virus passed out, Kate and Brian confused, rouge gone, Wilson crying over the fact rouge is gone, and Circe just recording all of this to post on TikTok.
Does he react?
No cuz he is the definition of everything is fine meme.
. Post- marble hornets Tim freaked out when the Slenderman came to collect him. Tim at the time did not know that the operator and the Slenderman were separate entities. So he assumed the Slenderman was the operator. In attempt to avoid being under the control of who he thought was the operator, he tried to shoot himself in the head with a pistol. A course the Slenderman man stopped him by knocking him out and proceeded to take him back to the slender mansion.
. He was hella confused when he found out hoodie was still alive but happy that his friend was alive. Turns out slenderman had found hoodie and brought him back to the mansion as well.
. Masky still has a hard time believing that the slender man and the operator are not the same being. Tho there are times he sees proof that they are not the same.
Slenderman carrying Circe: “ I have adopted a another human. And I have apple juice.”- slenderman
Masky: “ you what?”
Slenderman: “ I got more apple juice”
Masky:” yeah, let’s pretend that’s what I was talking about “
. He was never allowed to have sweets as a kid, some of the pasta’s think that’s why he’s so bitter all the time.
. Some believe that Masky has forgotten his past when he was still just”Tim” and only knows the life of a proxy but that is false. Masky remembers jay and Alex and his past as Timothy wright. He feels immense guilt over what happened to Alex’s film crew. He still thinks it’s his fault that the Operator began stalking the Marble Hornets cast. He also blames himself for Jay’s death.
. Every once in a while he checks up on Jessica to make sure she’s safe (don’t worry, she is). He tried getting BEN to do it for him but all he did was spread a rumor around the Mansion that Tim had a girlfriend. Tim retaliated by flushing BEN’s cartridge down the toilet.
Overall Tim/Masky just wants peace, but he’s not getting that anytime soon.
Well I hope you liked it.
P.s. just know this is a au, not every thing is canon. So don’t hate. If you don’t like it, go somewhere else, thank you. Bye 👋🏻
P.s.s. Go check out circe’s origin story on archive of our own. It’s called rabbits are not what they seem.
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xinkypotatoechipsx · 3 years
Can I have Blitzo reacting to his S/O being jealous of his thing with Stolas because they're scared he's gonna leave them for Stolas.
Of course! I'm so glad I'm starting to get more requests as well as majority of them being for my comfort character! I was also going to decide on more of an angry type of angst but decided to go for more of an emotional one and I was also really end this in a comedic way too but oh well. Anyway, if this version isn't what you want I can always try and re-write it for you :)
Warnings ~ Angst, swearing, slight out of character Blitzø
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Stupid ~ Blitzø x !GN! Reader
Even though you knew the deal between Stolas and Blitzø was strictly for business, the thought of your beloved boyfriend leaving you loomed over you like a massive rain cloud. Whenever the full moon had arrived, Blitzø would pull you into a hug and say how much he loves you and how, if he had the option, he would make these monthly "visits" come to an end to try and console you, yet it did no good. Stolas was a prince for crying out loud! He was wealthy, tall powerful, good looking, regal, well mannered and so much more! Yet here you were constantly thinking that you were worth no more than the broke demons living out on the streets of the shattered society of Hell.
During the nights when Blitzø was off fulfilling his side of the deal with the demon of the ars goetia, your insecurities would come flooding back and all you had to calm you down was a hoody that still had Blitzø's scent on and the yellow horse plush that sat on his bedside table.
"Ugh so fucking glad to be back," Blitzø muttered.
Knowing that you were asleep, he entered the apartment as quietly as possible. He put all of his belongings that he took to Stolas' on the sofa and tiptoed towards your shared bedroom. He saw that the door was slightly ajar but thought nothing of it and opened it up wide enough so he could slip. Once he did this and closed the door he noticed that his bedside lamp was on and that's when he saw your trembling state. You were lying on top of the covers on your side of the bed, in his grey hoody, clinging onto his beloved horse plush.
"(N/n), what's wrong?" the imp boss questioned. Startled, you jumped up from the bed and roughly wiped away the tears spilling from your eyes. "Blitzø? I-I thought you weren't coming back till t-tomorrow?" He jogged a small distance to get to you and abruptly wrapped his arms around you, "Are you okay? Why are you crying? Please don't cry...please."
Just as you thought the tears stopped flowing, you collapsed in his arms and a fresh batch of salty tears escaped and slid down your cheeks once more. "I-I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't be c-crying it's stupid you stuttered out."
"Please (N/n), just tell me what's wrong."
You both sat on the bed, facing one another and Blitzø waited patiently for you to explain what got you so upset.
"It's just, I feel that you care more about Stolas than me. You always have your attention turned on him, whenever he comes to visit, he always calls you a-and he has your un-divided attention. I-I know that the only way the business can continue is if we have the grimoire and the only way you can get it is by...doing it with Stolas....but I can't help but feel a little insecure. I mean he's a prince, he's wealthy...he's tall."
Blitzø could only chuckle at your worried state. He wrapped his arms tightly around you once more, "(Y/n) I would never leave you okay? Especially for that sick fuck. Like you said I'm only doing this for the company okay? If there was another way I could get my hands on that book believe me I would, but there isn't and Stolas decided to work out a trade that worked for both parties...I guess."
"Like I said, stupid." you replied.
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amaiimerodii573 · 6 years
So I've got some random HCs n shit for OCs and the like.
L O V E L I V E !
You and Kanan both speak using Newfoundland slang, but You is heavier on It, and it's Kanan who's got the accent.
Riko has social anxiety, though joining Aqours has sort of toned it down.
Hanamaru has a bit of a swearing problem, but she got some sailor slang off of You so nobody else would really understand it.
Chika can't do long division to save her life, most of Aqours can't either, but Yoshiko is a master at it, and even Dia isn't as good.
Mari has a really heavy accent and it's really fucking cute.
Jake is a GIGANTIC idol fan, although only Rich knows of this, he really adores Keyakizaka46 (is that the name??) And he also enjoys a bit of anime idols, especially IDOLMASTER, he fuckin adores Haruka and he also loves Uzuki quite a lot. He unintentionally got Rich into Love Live! And both of them have Kanan has their best girl.
Christine is really good at playing the flute, Rich is lit at tuba, and surprisingly, Jeremy is really amazing with a cello.
When they start wanting romance, U-1 figures out that he's Bi, same with Pico, but she knew for quite a while, Kazuya actually had no romantic interest in Pico and in fact he's as straight as a circle! Puma would most likely be your local pan.
Puma can transform into a human at will, though he ends up with a lot of sleep paralysis experiences from it. He also wears circular glasses and is NEVER seen without a white sweater on.
Pico had a girlfriend before she met U-1, until they found out they were actually cousins, causing them to break up immediately and be eternally grossed out. They're still best friends though.
Kazuya was somehow able to get himself a boyf in like 8th grade. He honestly thought he was the only gay guy at school, but he was wrong.
Kazuya has a cat and her name is Min-Chan, similar to Ming-Ming, Zowie's cat.
U-1 is extremely quick to the waterworks, actually tearing up for some reason when he meets Kirah for the first time. Her smile was too cute to handle.
Puma got U-1 a sweater just like his but in black for Christmas one year and U-1 fuckin loves it.
Kevin has an extreme lisp. Not to mention his voice is sorta static-y. The guy seriously hates being a defected robot. It sucks major ass.
Lucy speaks really fast and is pretty messy, as a cause of her also being slightly defected.
Megan wasn't programmed to be, but Megan, by their own will, is non-binary. A non-binary robot. Unexpected.
Max does a lot of dumb shit. Though he can make a crying person die of laughter at any point in time.
Kevin only can feel 3 emotions without overloading his system, and they were randomised. Anger, fear, and sadness were his only emotions from programming.
Lucy was somehow equipped with the knowledge of how to give a robot emotions. So to give her creator proper instruction, she had to be left on, causing her slight defection.
Kevin wasn't scrapped due to pity from his creator, and Lucy needed another robot to talk to, didn't she?
Panda met Kevin due to Lucy meeting his roommate Angel at a party, they immediately became acquainted and Kevin got used to Panda and his antics almost immediately. Kevin gained more emotions over time, and there was a shit ton of celebration when he could feel joy for the first time.
Call Kevin a defect? Make him fuckin cry? Prepare to fuckin die cause Panda and Lucy will beat your ass.
Amaii is constantly salty for some reason, and she only doesn't get salty at China (China is a friend OC), but constantly calls Yuri (friend OC) a lesbian even though she's one herself.
Vi fuckin died and ended up in Sonic's world and was like "tHE FUCK"
Merri is in the weirdest places and ended up in Peter Sam's (friend OC) window at a Christmas party. They also climb a lot of trees. I think they'd get along with Evan Hansen.
Sketch is Amaii's guardian and best friend, another person Amaii isn't mad at 24/7. She got Amaii into waffles and immediately regretted it. Also she's a literal drawing that came to life.
Pepper and Velvet are extremely gay for each other and actually adopted a child.
Pepper has really bad anxiety and gets extremely paranoid at night.
Velvet is a huge ass weeb and Pep makes fun of it constantly.
Amaii has a kitten named Pippa and she's adorable.
Lily is blind and uses a seeing eye vine to guide her around. She's able to talk to wildlife, but actually isn't very shy. In fact she's fuckin lOUD
Kevin wants to slap Eric in the face and Megan constantly has to hold him back.
Nana is Pico's cousin that I mentioned in the Gitaroo Man hc set. She's got a softer voice but she's quite the fun girl. She would mostly be a minor or background character.
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marshallunspoken · 7 years
look at these good parents lol
Marshall Lee: [So Marshall Lee is just hanging out, I guess. Hanging out minding his own business. And yeah, maybe he knows. Maybe he's heard the excitement of Clover screaming earlier that she had a doctor's apoitment, and sure maybe he's curious about it all, but whatever. So maybe he's expecting to see the girl around, as he always does, but it's not like he's waiting around for her. nope. totally not a marshall lee thing to do at all.]
Clover: [Guess what? Clover's coming in from her doctor's appointment, all excited. And yes, she's been alone. She wanted to go alone. She told everyone it was just so the big news would be a surprise for Roy, but no, she just wanted to do it alone. And boy, she's ecstatic, like, really crazy happy right now. So, she's heading back to her dorm, I guess? And she's gonna pass Marshall, really unaware he's there just because she's got excitement tunnel vision, and she just wants to get back to her room and jump around excitedly.]
Marshall Lee: [so he just watches her walk on by... yep. I'm sure there's a "hey clo....." but it's ignored. and he's honestly taken aback and offended like df? but still for some odd reason he is completely curious as to why she just passed him up. so he makes his way to her door and knocks once, but actually just barges in. his eyes land on a jumping Clover, and he just watches her at the door way. laughing, too because what a cutie.] So it went well then?
Clover: [There's a yell when her room is barged into, because w h o a. But when she recovers, the big, pretty Clover smile is back on her face, and she nods excitedly.] Yeah, really well.
Marshall Lee: [is that a smilE on Marshall Lee's fACE? yeah, because his frIEND IS ECSTATIC, and woaw.] That's good. Happy for you. [a tiny round of applause.]
Clover: [And, really, she can't keep herself contained, and no, nobody else knows yet besides her, but wahey.] They told me what the baby is.
Marshall Lee: You mean other than a bump?
Clover: [There's a lil eyeroll.] Well, yeah.
Marshall Lee: So is there going to be a little Roy running around? Or a little Clover? [he's just curious, there's a shrug. he doesn't care. really. he doesn't mhm.]
Clover: [She smiles real big again, and perhaps her hand is subconsciously moving to her tummy, just maybe.] It's a girl.
Marshall Lee: Thank t h e lord. [and he doesn't believe in prayers but his hands are brought together bcs heckie yes no more little roys running around.]
Clover: Be nice~. [like, boy, I just told u before anybody else, and I know why you're thanking the lord, and while warranted it is not nice.]
Marshall Lee: Congrats, I mean. [ and so he walks right up to her for a high five. is that nice enough?]
Clover: Thank you! [And since she's so ecstatic with happiness, she skips right past that high five, and pulls him into a hug instead. Fight me!]
Marshall Lee: Oh-- [so oKAY he hugs her back, and a little too lightly.] A girl tho. If she's anything like her mother, she's going to be a real crazy lady. mHM
Clover: [She pulls back and gives him a look like 'i said be nice'.] She's gonna be perfect.
Marshall Lee: [so he just nods in agreement, because yep that was perfection in his eyes right there.] Crazy, and perfect, probably with those fake eyes, and... well... and...
Marshall Lee: [no he's not gonna say it
Marshall Lee: ]
Clover: [There's another softer, but still Clover pretty, smile.] And whaaaaat~?
Marshall Lee: [he just shrugs, and pulls away from that hug, because that big pretty smile is wayyyy too dangerous. kay.] Oh, just nothing.
Clover: Hmph. [turn that into a Clover pout, because deflecting Marshall is a pain.]
Marshall Lee: So, how do pregnant lady's celebrate good news anyways? Should I buy a 12 pack of Mountain Dew? [trying to make a joke. t r y i n g.]
Clover: I can't have caffeine, so I have to decline. [she grimaces, because why god a life without Moutain Dew.] But I've never been pregnant before, so I don't know how I'm supposed to celebrate.
Marshall Lee: Bummer. [there's a small shake in his head.] Well.... what would you like to do instead? Anything you can think of? Think of it like a present from me, I guess....
Clover: [She thinks for a minute.] You could always buy me food. I /am/ eating for two, after all~.
Marshall Lee: That's right, you are~ [he chuckles.] What's the little one craving? Hm?
Clover: I can't say for sure, but probably mcnuggets. [she shrugs with an adorable lil grin.]
Marshall Lee: Probably. Alright, alright. Probably mcnuggets. So let's go, then.
Clover: Yaaaaay, you're awesome~~~. [because give Clover food, and she's a happy girl. Especially mcnuggets while pregnant, yes gAWD. she's on her way out, yay.]
Marshall Lee: [and so in the back of his mind, a happy Clover is way better than a pouting Clover, and since he was unable to actually tell her that her daughter would be just as beautiful as she was, mayyyybe this would make up for it. so she's out the door, he's out the door, and they're walking] I'm really happy for you, by the way. A daughter's real exciting, she's going to be precious.
Clover: Yeah, I'm really excited. And, like, there's something about knowing what she is that makes it feel even more real and stuff, and it's weird, but it's also really cool. Like, I have a human in me? What???? It's mine??? It's so weird.
Marshall Lee: You know. It is pretty cool. Never thought I'd say that. She's all yours, tho and, well, and his. But mostly yours for now, I guess? [there's a grimace at the his, yuck. eye roll] And I'm sure you're going to spoil her loads, and well, you're going to be a great mom. I know it.
Clover: [There's probably a matching grimace when Marshall says 'his', ngl. But she recovers pretty quickly.] Really? You think it's cool? I wouldn't have pictured you the type to think parenthood sounded cool. [eyebrow raise, because is Marshall not like I think? mmm.] Thank you. I hope I'll be.
Marshall Lee: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't freaked out at first. But seeing you, and your excitement, I don't know. I'm excited for you.
Clover: Maybe you can babysit sometime. See how much you really like it~. [there's a smirk, because she's joking hard.]
Marshall Lee: I'd never. No way. Especially for date night with Roy. [ annoyedddd af]
Clover: Not for date night, stupid. [Literally, every time he brings up Roy, there's an internal eye roll.] Maybe you can just come and play with her sometime then. When she's with me, or whatever.
Marshall Lee: A better option. Yes. I can deal with that.
Clover: Seeing you with a baby would be funny. [there's another grin. she's all smiles right now, apparently.]
Marshall Lee: [And so he was unfazed as the car pulled up to the drive thru window. He was too busy thinking of the idea. Him, with a baby. And while that normally would irk him, and send nasty prickles up his spine, he pictured it. For once, he thought about him, holding Clover's child in his arms, and he couldn't help but to smile.] Yeah... funny. [So the voice on the intercom interrupted them and he ordered some food yikes bye.]
Clover: [food is ordered, and food is with the pregnant girl now, and she's happily eating said food. but hey, she's gonna fish for info now. Just watch her.] Do you think you'd-- ever want kids, or???
Marshall Lee: [he steals some fries. or maybe he ordered himself some as the eater for two needs all the sustenance she can take, but he ponders the question. Thinking real hard, and before, before Clover getting knocked up by Roy, he would have said no. In fact, he was glad the child wasn't his, as it were a possibility. but no. h hadn't want any children then but now....] I don't know. Sure. With the right person, I guess. [eating salty goodness.]
Clover: Mm. [she nods, contemplating. Would she fall under that category, if Marshall knew the truth? Probably not. But being open to the idea at all? A step up, for sure.] I think... you'd be a pretty good dad.
Marshall Lee: Me? Oh... no. Nah. [he shakes that idea off real quick.] I don't know the first thing about babies, or children or anything.
Clover: Neither do I.
Marshall Lee: But, you're...
Marshall Lee: No.. you're like excited and happy and... reading about it. and stuff.
Clover: I still don't ~know~ anything about being a parent.
Clover left the chat
Clover joined the chat
Marshall Lee: So... so what are you saying?
Clover: I'm just saying... you don't have to have any knowledge beforehand for me to think you'd be a good dad. That's all. [she looks down at her fries, tbh.]
Marshall Lee: So then... [huff] what do you think makes a good parent? Hm?
Clover: Caring enough to try, I guess.
Marshall Lee: Well... I'd try. I guess.
Marshall Lee: [shrug]
Clover: Then... you'd be a good dad. [shrug, eating fries, trying to be nonchalant.]
Marshall Lee: [he's just gonna quietly eat his fries.] I neither agree or disagree I guess.
Clover: You're not allowed to disagree with me~.
Marshall Lee: [eye roll aF] For now I do.
Clover: [Clover pout.]
Marshall Lee: I'm just sayiNG, I won't know until it happens to me.
Clover: Til then, you just have to believe it~~~
Marshall Lee: Fine. Fine. okay. Fine. [he fakes a Clover pout ha.]
Clover: You can't pull a pout on someone that trademarked the pout.
Marshall Lee: I do what I want, woman. [eVEN MORE EXAGGERATED POUT HER WAY.]
Clover: It doesn't work, stupid.
Marshall Lee: -______________- k.
Clover: Don't make that face at me.
Marshall Lee: -__-
Clover: I'll get out of the car.
Marshall Lee: No don't. It's not safe
Clover: Then stop making that face~
Marshall Lee: Stop making UR face.
Clover: I can't.
Marshall Lee: Samsies~
Clover: Liar.
Marshall Lee: You're welcome for your nuggets btw. :D
Clover: ... Yeah, thanks for that. They're great.
Marshall Lee: [Thumbs up]
Clover: You're the best~~~~
Marshall Lee: No you, tbh.
Clover: I didn't buy you any mcnuggets.
Marshall Lee: No but you made me realize something [shrug]
Clover: What?
Marshall Lee: That I could be a good dad. If I wanted.... you know. [shrug again aF.] I mean sure I don't like it but I guess you're right. As you always are [EYE ROLL, and parked car they are back home.]
Clover: Yeah, I always am. [smiley smile]
Marshall Lee: Yeah... yeah... w/e.
Clover: [she just giggles.]
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suvidrache · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet - V
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 521 / Read it on AO3 | Wattpad
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A: Aftercare - What they're like after sex?
- Will lay and cuddle you, he won't get up and get you anything unless you need it.
B: Body Part - Their favorite part of themselves/you?
- His arms, your chest, and ass
C: Cum - Taste, texture, etc?
- Slightly salty and clear color.
D: Dirty Secret
- Loves seeing your lingerie and thinking of you in it. He wouldn't get himself off in them as he doesn't want to dirty them before he can see you in them, but would get himself off to the thought of you wearing them.
E: Experience - How much experience do they have?
- Maybe 1 or 2 partners before you.
F: Favorite Position
- Any position that allows you to be on top/in charge and doesn't require him much work (cowgirl, reverse cowgirl).
G: Goofy - How are they: serious, funny, etc?
- He may smile and tell a few jokes now and then to make you laugh or smile and to break the tension.
H: Hair - shaved, not shaved, color?
- Not shaved, unless you want him to trim it. Black.
I: Intimacy - How are they romantically?
- Will be very romantic in any way that he can, will leave marks in spots where no one will see the things you two have done.
J: Jack Off - How often do they masturbate?
- At least 3 times when you're away.
K: Kink - Their kinks?
- Marking and breeding.
L: Location - Favorite place(s) to do it?
- The bedroom, it's easier on him.
M: Motivation - What gets them into it?
- Lingerie and being suggestive
N: No - Will not do/turns them off?
- Pain, threesomes, and public areas where you will be seen.
O: Oral - Giving, receiving, skill?
- Loves giving. He feels he can't do much and is kind of upset about it, but feels he can make it up by giving.
Loves to receive but would prefer giving.
P: Pace - Fast, rough, slow, etc?
- Slow and kind of hard if he's on top. If you want anything else, you'll have to be on top.
Q: Quickie - How often?
- Not very often, he prefers longer versions.
R: Risk - Willing to take risks/experiment?
- It depends, but probably not.
S: Stamina - How long/many rounds can they go?
- 1 or 2 - for about 30 minutes or fewer, he's fragile. Now, if you're on top, you can go as many rounds as you want. Just give him some breaks now and then.
T: Toys - Do they have any/will they use them?
- No, not unless you want to use them.
U: Unfair - How much do they tease?
- A lot as he enjoys seeing your reactions. 
V: Volume - How loud are they?
- Deep moans and grunts, but not loud.
W: Wild Card - Something random?
- Would love to do it in a private spot in a library, however, he would never suggest it.
X: X-Ray - Size, appearance, etc?
- 7, pale with a slightly darker tip. Noticeable veins and a slight curve to the left. Cut.
Y: Yearning - How high is their sex drive?
- Slightly above average.
Z: ZZZ - How quickly do they fall asleep?
- About an hour or two after you do.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @phantomheiko, @sunmoongoddess / To Join My Tag List Apply Here!
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suvidrache · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet - Detlan
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 649 / Read it on AO3 | Offline Version
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A: Aftercare - What they're like after sex?
- Doesn't know what aftercare is, but all people from COAD carry food and water on them, so there's that if you need it. He would try his best to help you in any way.
B: Body Part - Their favorite part of themselves/you?
- For him: his arms, his arms are muscular from all the rowing he had to do through the years.
- For you: legs, you don't have to use crutches to get around; you help wash his clothes, feed the clan and he just loves you so much
C: Cum - Taste, texture, etc?
- It is probably very salty and clear.
D: Dirty Secret
- Loves watching you change clothes. He has nearly been caught on more than one occasion. 
E: Experience - How much experience do they have?
- None, you're his first 
F: Favorite Position
- Cowgirl, but would be willing to try any that don't require the use of his legs. His leg injury hurts him to move. Now, if he wasn't injured, he'd prefer missionary.
G: Goofy - How are they: serious, funny, etc?
- Not funny, but not serious. Pretty neutral - but if you laugh at him, he would think that you are laughing at him.
H: Hair - Shaved, not shaved, color?
- Blonde like his hair. He doesn't shave or trim it.
I: Intimacy - How are they romantically?
- Very intimate: neck kisses, hand holding, compliments, nothing more than that as he doesn't know much.
J: Jack Off - How often do they masturbate?
- Very little, if at all.
K: Kink - Their kinks?
- Praise, he absolutely loves it
- Marking
L: Location - Favorite place(s) to do it?
- The shelter
He can't get far, so... that will pretty much be the only spot unless you can think of a safe place to go that he won't trip on.
M: Motivation - What gets them into it?
- Being straightforward, he doesn't understand hints and prefers things to be told as is. He also enjoys seeing you naked, but wouldn't ask to start something, as he doesn't want to bother you.
N: No - Will not do/turns them off?
- Pain of any kind
- Getting caught - Asrif would never shut up about it if he saw you two.
O: Oral - Giving, receiving, skill?
- He has never heard of it, but sure you can try it!
P: Pace - Fast, rough, slow, etc?
- Slow but rough at first but will go faster if you want.
Q: Quickie - How often?
- Not very often, but sure as long as Asrif is out hunting
R: Risk - Willing to take risks/experiment?
- Anything that gets him caught/Asrif finds out about it, he will not do
S: Stamina - How long/many rounds can they go?
- 2, give him a break, his poor leg, rip.
- If you want more, you can, but you'll be on top and he needs to rest for a while before he can take the top. 
W: Wild Card - Something random?
- Would love to have a threesome with you, Bale, and him (if you wanted)
T: Toys - Do they have any/will they use them?
- No, and has never heard of them 
- Maybe after some convincing he'd try it.
U: Unfair - How much do they tease?
- He doesn't tease, but if he did, it may have been an accident, and he didn't know he did, unless it was physically teasing.
V: Volume - How loud are they?
- Not very, maybe some moans and grunts, but your neighbors aren't that far away and it's really quiet out... the walls are pretty easy to hear through so…
X: X-Ray - Size, appearance, etc?
- 8½, nothing too big (in his opinion). Some veins are slightly noticeable, pale with a pink tip, uncut.
Y: Yearning - How high is their sex drive?
- Not very high
Z: ZZZ - How quickly do they fall asleep?
- Pretty quickly, but if his leg is bothering him badly, he might stay awake half the night.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @unlikelypersonalknight1 / To Join My Tag List Apply Here!
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