#{{ e h e. it's about time I started giving fable's diluc a taste of my kaeya :^] }}
frozenambiguity · 1 year
fablewrote asked:
" no. it's non-negotiable. you're staying here. " diluc!!
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«My, my.~ Always worried about others, even if said worry is veiled under a crotchety disposition. That's the master Diluc I know». The description fits perfectly with the side of Diluc that Kaeya is most familiar with. This persona, however, rarely greets others. For those he holds dear and that have his trust, Diluc is gentle in nature. Delicate. Always willing to lend a helping hand whenever he can. And such kindness may even be accompanied by a genuine smile of his.
Kaeya allows himself to go back in time. To visit the simpler days, when Diluc's smile alone was capable of brightening an entire room. When it was capable of providing reassurance and a sense of safety when doubts and fears came haunting the younger one's mind.
Diluc... He used to be such a cute young lad. The cards fate has dealt him are far from just. For that very reason, Kaeya doubts Diluc has many reasons to smile nowadays. He sometimes catches himself entertaining the idea that his presence alone is capable of making Diluc recall everything he wishes to forget. Kaeya does not blame him. Sometimes, he tries his best to stay away from the vigilante's life and affairs. Sometimes, he is successful. And, sometimes, he is not. Kaeya, despite being the ever-so-charismatic captain, does not come without his own set of faults. He can be greedy, and he realizes that. He can put his needs above the needs of others, and he realizes that. It is naught but a curse, for nothing pleasant has ever resulted from it.
Although being welcomed with coldness may at times demotivate Kaeya, he does not let it be known to the world. Nor does he blame Diluc for his reactions. Who would want to deal with a two-faced, treacherous impostor, anyway...? Kaeya has come to terms with it. If he must endure frigid words and glares in order to get any attention from Diluc, then... He will. Gladly. It is better than getting no reaction at all.
And Kaeya knows Diluc is genuinely concerned this time. He simply has a very... peculiar way of showing it. Which is why a smile is quick to form on the captain's features.
«Fret not. I would not want to overstay my welcome. Though...» Is it time to be honest...? «I appreciate the concern. I promise I shall visit a medic first thing in the morning. The wound is properly dressed, so I doubt it shall reopen in the meantime. And Diluc...?» A small pause. Facial features grow serious. A sign that the redhead should pay attention to what he is about to tell him.
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«If you can spare me the kindness of being concerned for my well-being, then it is only fair that I require you to extend that courtesy toward yourself. Abyssal activity has been increasing in certain, specific premises, and the ley lines have been acting strange. I suspect the Abyss Order is messing with them once more... They are definitely up to something. This is not your average troupe of Abyss Mages causing the usual mayhem».
And although I trust your abilities, I do not want you to be so rash as to act impulsively without any backup. I would keep an eye out for you, if I could... If you let me. Or rather, I would let it become public knowledge. Because, to this day, I still look out for you. I would not have known that you were the Dark Night Hero before anyone else, otherwise.
«If you... grant me a few more moments of your time, I can tell you all I know about it». Just like in the old days, through the letters they exchanged.
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