#{{ late but i'm happy that rhajat got picked for altena <3 hope they have fun at the ball !!
duskroine · 2 years
          “Dusk hopes you haven’t been awaiting their presence too long,” Ophelia greets the looming figure of Rhajat with a smile, closing their room door behind them and lazily tossing their bag off somewhere to the side. Rhajat says nothing, merely glaring as they refuse to move from the door. In fact, Ophelia seems almost teasing; the delicate curve of their grin is nothing if not mocking Rhajat for being unable to speak. Yet she does.
          “Why did you do it?” Rhajat asks, to which Ophelia only blinks, owlishly. The grin moved from their lips as they appear confused, instead.
          “Do what?” A shake of their head, “Please do not accuse the heroine for idle acts of foolery! My day has been hard enough with the lack of assistance in the stables!”
          Rhajat does not smile, nor laugh. She takes only a few steps before she’s in front of Ophelia. Then, she holds up a couple of cards. The marks of an owl left on its parchment. “These. I know you handed them in to the Knights for the stupid event.”
          Of course Ophelia did! And seeing the cards almost makes them want to jump up and scream that, yes, they were the culprit behind Rhajat’s misfortune! Except, they don’t. Ophelia tilts their head and pretends to read over the words on the form, as if the words were not the ones they had written down a few nights ago.
          “Nope, this surely must be a misunderstanding.” Ophelia shrugs— hiding their triumph at the confused frown on Rhajat’s face. “Besides, why am I the first accusation you set to place?! What of Mitama? Kana?” Then a beat of pause— another name, one who would also be willing to push Rhajat into a state of excitement. “What of Sharena?”
          Rhajat reacts to this quite well; if uncertainty washing over her face was any sign of reacting well. “Oh...” She mumbles, “I was certain that it might have been you. The writing was... never mind. Pity, I even had another curse planned out and everything.”
          Not again. “Well, the stars have revealed to me Sharena’s location; in the marketplace trying to retrieve a gift for her close, close friend!” And Ophelia winks at Rhajat, which causes the diviner to click her tongue and look away with the remains of a smile on her face. “Hurry before she is lost to the wisps of my magic and you, your undying curse, is unable to find her.”
          There is a moment of vulnerability that catches Ophelia’s attention; as Rhajat lowers the cards and turns her back on them, carding her hands through her locks of hair. Quietly, Ophelia turns the knob on the door and pulls it open, enough for her to slip out if needed.
          “Oh and a quick note; Dusk prays that your date with Altena of Crimson Wings goes splendidly well—”
          When Rhajat turns around, a glare in her eyes and a scowl on her lips, Ophelia slips out of the room and bolts down the hallway; a celebratory laugh escapes them at the call of their name far behind their stride.
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