#{|YOU'VE BEEN THUNDERSTRUCK|} (Musings: Iron Bull)
rcyalflvsh-a · 7 years
malachite, raspberry. only two instead of my usual half dozen, but I want answers for E V E R Y B O D Y
*takes a deep breath* i love you
has your muse ever done anything that they winded up feeling incredibly guilty for in the end
So Staris, being one of my 2 dnd characters on this account, she has done some SHADY fucking shit. I think so far in “““Game Canon””” the biggest whoops i fucked up moment was she actually killed an NPC she was in a relationship with in game.
I can’t blame the DM for this one, this was my own paranoia after completeing a quest, I chose to burn down the Inn the party was staying at and the place blew up. Later I learned that the reason the NPC was acting so shady was because they had been hired by my character’s family to keep an eye on her, and the npic didn’t know if it was a breach of contract to fall in love or not :’)
Big, strong, barbarian girl Sappho. She accidentally broke an Orc King’s arm in an arm wrestling match.
No repercussions she just feels bad for doing it
He regrets agreeing to go spy on the conclave at all. Especially after the whole of Clan Lavellan is slaughtered (made worse by the fact i chose to romance Josie with Visus). He feels personally wronged after that by his advisors.
It leads to his choice to also drink from the Well in game actually, which he also immediately regrets.
But Visus would have rather died knowing that his son didn’t die alone, than wonder what happened to his son in the slaughter.
Iron Bull
Iron Bull is a little more difficult (given he’s not an oc and I have no hcs written down for him), but I think depending on the time in game, Iron Bull regrets turning himself in once he began to think about straying from his duties.
Later on (and depending on the choices of the Inquisitor) he regrets bringing the Chargers into danger.
Gladiolus regrets some of the things he said to Ignis after he lost his vision. He was trying desperately to stop himself from falling apart, he didn’t think about how Ignis felt. It still makes his gut lurch if he thinks too long on it, but he doesn’t apologise because it would hurt worse to do so after so long.
Prompto doesn’t regret a lot tbh. He’s very live fast, die young, oh shit we fucked up in a lot of his endevors. If I had to give him anything, he probably regrets not befriending Noctis sooner, because now he knows his weight wasn’t going to be an issue and they could have been friends for a lot longer. 
Edited 9/29/2017, read here
Prompto doesn’t have regrets. He works every day to make himself better, he learns from mistakes he’s made so it doesn’t happen again. He lives every day to its fullest. His mind set is more in the “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”. He’s tried dozens of weird hobbies, and while some of them have gone better than others, he’s proud of himself for even trying them in the first place.
what food and/or drink can your muse not get enough of? do they indulge in it often, or is it something reserved for special occasions?
This girl, cannot get enough goddamn strawberries. She loves this so much. She’s canonically purchased a whole fruit stall’s stock for double the price in my dnd game. She will eat them literally when ever she can get her hands on them.
Sappho is a northerner in game, so a lot of the food is smoked meats, some hearty cheeses. These choices are actually heavily influenced by Traditional Nomadic Mongolian cuisine.
So fantasy Aaruul is her food that she loves! A type of cheese made from drained yogurt/sour milk products. It’s readily available so she eats it often.
Sticking with Dalish Game Canon, Visus loves hearth cakes! As a young boy (despite his now dour demeanor) he would often plot how to get his hands on as many as he could when his mother or father would make them.
For me, hearth cakes resemble a favorite dish of mine Dorayaki save for the ingredients are mixed in and/or enclosed inside the castella pancakes.
He doesn’t eat them often after becoming Inquisitor. Sera will mention that she saw him in the kitchen early before the staff one morning making something with fruits and nuts.
Iron Bull
Since the Qunari are based on Feudal Japanese Culture
A lot of Qunari food is plain. Rice, broths, A LOT of fish, and in general easy to digest items.
One such item is pottage. It’s a thick stew (think chowder) that is mostly vegetables and sometimes meat. It’s not much, but it made him feel warm, and he misses that feel sometimes. It’s hard to fit in and feel that way when you stick out of a crowd like Bull does.
Get. This. Man. Coffee. Jelly.
That’s right: Coffee flavored Jello basically, it’s served either with milk, whipped cream, cold coffee, or ice cream!
Gladiolus likes it with his morning coffee if he can swing it, but will usually eat it as his first choice in dessert.
Prompto isn’t picky with food. He eats pretty much anything set in front of him (including Noctis’s veggies), but he really enjoys street food more so than most ““traditional”” cooking.
Don’t get him wrong! Ignis’s fine cuisine is great and all,but it’s not the same as getting food fresh at 1 am at a night market.
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rcyalflvsh-a · 7 years
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