#{i think it's just postdrome now but We'll See when i wake up}
iruludavare · 2 years
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          “Did you know that some plants are completely incompatible with one another? Despite their appearances, plants are... truthfully, they are rather competitive. For sunlight, water, nutrients... When they are incompatible, it can get quite violent,”
          “Plants communicate with one another, and for those they do not like... they will release chemicals that can suppress the growth of or kill off the competitors they dislike so much. Sometimes, they will even poison the soil, so that only they can grow in that spot...”
          “It’s a fact that not many know about unless they have gardens of their own-- and even then, some are unaware of it. I find it a little upsetting, seeing plants that are dying because someone did not know that they could not be placed together...”
          “...Then again, I guess the sight of any unhealthy or upset plant breaks my heart. There is no sadder thing to witness than wilting leaves...”
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