#| literally there is no way whatsoever you are prying this sh*t from me. try when i'm dead and you might have a chance
hallasimss · 11 months
your tags and commentary for kmik literally always make my day 🥹 i literally will sit there refreshing until a post gets some halla love 😭 i’m so glad you’re enjoying it and thank you so much for bein so kind and takin the time to watchhhh 🫂
very late to this ask but you are always welcome—tbh i'm the kind of person that talks incessantly whenever i'm watching a series or specific films so KMIK is just an extension of that experience to me. only difference is there are tags to ramble in + i am heavily invested in where this goes (as i've said before, i think) bc Dan deserves all of the happiness in the world that we can give him and i will die on that hill, tyvm
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