#| the man is basically a walking perfumery at this point and you're telling me not to? criminal. i will sue
hallasimss · 1 year
👃 : Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
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this took me practically all day bc i am,,,,, slow af when it actually comes to putting thoughts on paper but. three different questions, three different OCs!!! we'll do Jalal, Nithya and Zuhr for this since i have been dying to talk about them <333
👃 : Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
God. so this is entirely my fault and is all based on that time i walked through a local market and was literally glued to the stall that was selling little imported bottles of oud attar (which i did not buy bc they were too expensive *sobs*) but uh. if you had to ask me that is more or less exactly what Jalal smells like. very warm, very earthy, woody (other than the oud, ofc, sandalwood if you squint)—there's some floral there as well, jasmine and rose, the afterthought of dampness after a wash. (think of dirt after a light rain, not a complete soaking, but just enough that you can smell the petrichor. the best reference i can give that is hopefully close enough irl is this mitti attar, which i have resolved to save up to buy one day bc i will f*ck around to have the scent of rain in a bottle tyvm) if you're around him at the end of a long day (and he hasn't bathed yet) he smells faintly of smoke and spices, saffron maybe? anyway the point is he smells f*cking good and the threat of me biting him is real
💦 : Is your OC’s attractiveness based on looks or a more intangible aura?
the aura, hands down. Nithya is an absolutely f*cking gorgeous human being (i mean look at her) but i think the real appeal comes from the way she carries herself. she's been through a lot to get to where she is and still struggles with her mental health, so one of the most important things that she's done is work on her confidence—despite being soft spoken you can almost sense when she enters a room, now, that's how much the entire atmosphere changes.
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
both Zuhr and her fiancé prefer a quiet evening in rather than going out and being mobbed by the press—after all there isn't much of a way to get around without being seen when one of you (In-tae *cough*) is a world famous actor and the other is the literal leader of a GCC nation, so depending on their schedule she'll usually plan to have dinner together (rock paper scissors decides who cooks, if they cook at all) and watch a movie afterwards. (what movie that is hinges on whether Zuhr is in the mood to dig up one of In-tae's older releases and watch him squirm throughout the entire thing as he severely judges his past acting skills, sksksksk) it's more everyday domesticity than anything else, but considering the fact that they rarely see each other except for when one of them is visiting for whatever, i am going to give in and say it is the little things that count.
send me piping hot oc asks!
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