#|| it's good info and solid psa about my activity and how i roll on all my blogs!
liifegambler · 7 years
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Speed: WELL. slow-ish? i don’t roleplay at all on weekdays since i work full-time and am on a computer as it is for like 8 hours soooo by the time i’m home, the LAST thing i want to do is sit on my slow ass old macbook and try to write, ya feel? i’m just burNT out. so, i only actually get properly online on the weekends (not a lot tbh cause i have other stuff i like doing, but i try to AT LEAST get on in the evenings to churn some writing out). that being said, i do pride myself on being pretty consistent with replies/communication and all that -- i certainly do my best despite my lack of any real free time. SO, i’m not lightning quick but you’ll get replies (IC or OOC) in a pretty timely fashion, i think!  Replies: 10000% queued always. it’s legit the only way i can get  things done -- getting like a bunch of replies back and all that just got waaay too overwhelming for me since i’m never actively sitting on the dash anymore  to go like back and forth with folks?? so, spreading my replies out in the queue allows me to usually spread out the time in which i get things tossed back wHICH makes me a much more calm human. it helps keep my drafts across the several blogs i juggle at 9/10 manageable numbers so that i can actually churn out all my replies on ALL my blogs every weekend and have them stuffed in ol’ queue! just makes my life easier tbh! Starters: i will almost never do starter calls (or memes) because i either get no interest, little to no replies once i post them, or tbh i just straight up i just suCK at writing starters xD i will however TOTALLY write you a starter if you want one! you just gotta let me know -- i prefer plotted ones so that the thread has a little direction, and it helps gimme an idea of what to write to start! Inbox:  my inboxes are all across the board pretty bare tbh xD like i mentioned, i almost never post memes b/c on the off chance i do get a lot of interest, i’m afraid of being too overwhelmed and i like to make sure i have time for all my replies! that being said!! i will post the odd starter call or reblog a meme if i’m liKE really hungry for some interactions (aka i don’t have anything to write atm and/or just wanna drum up some new things)! Wishlist item: heCK good question tbh -- i really haven’t given this tons of thought yet??? i follow a lot of different kinds of blogs so i’m honestly up for just about anything?? come @ me! Honest note: i don’t really know what i’m meant to put here?? i will say that super mega extra tiny text and like icons that are so edited you can’t even tell what they are ?? kinDA?? make me cry?? i’m old and goin blind b/c i’m a graphic designer who spends like 9 hours a day staring at computer screens lmao i juST !! it won’t like turn me away from someone cause honestly, everyone should just do whatever they wanna do on their blog (and for text, i have a thing that makes all the text on my screen a certain point size anyway) -- that’s just the one “honest” thing i could think of?? idk i think legibility is super important regardless of the aesthetic??? but yEAH everyone is entitled to like what they like! that’s just moi ~
tagged by : @lionwept <333 tagging : whoever’s reading this, TAG YOU’RE IT !! 
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