#ᵐᵃᶤᶰ: ʰᵉᵃʳᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵃʸ 'ᶰᵒᵗ ᵗᵒᵈᵃʸ' ( thelostlieutenant. )
silentconfliction · 7 years
      ☄ @the-lost-lieutenant​
     It’s simple enough, they’ve done missions like this before. Break into the base, capture the head scientist for interrogation, and rescue the prisoner-slash-test subjects. Piece of cake compared to some of the other things they’ve had to do since becoming Paladins.
They’d split up to make things faster and more efficient: Shiro had taken Lance and they’d made off to track down the scientist while the rest of the team went down to start grabbing the prisoners. They’ve all kept contact, of course, and the other group has already started collecting people out of their cells so, overall, things are going pretty smoothly. The only problem has been finding the facility’s head scientist. With no way to track them, he and Lance have simply had to search the facility room by room, and by now, Shiro’s starting to get concerned that they’re aware of the Paladins’ infiltration.
Not long after this worry strikes him though, they have a stroke of luck: in stepping through the door to the next room, the scientist they’d been briefed on comes in to view. Standing at a computer terminal, they’ve paused in the midst of typing, looking quite startled to see two Paladins of Voltron standing before them. Good, then word can’t have been spread, and there shouldn’t be any Galra ships on the way.
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     “Don’t move,” Shiro orders, stepping further into the room. He doesn’t want to hurt them if he doesn’t have to, so if they come along without any fuss, it’ll work out best for the both of them. It doesn’t occur to him that the scientist might just have someone around to kick up a fuss for them. “You’re coming with us. We’re shutting this place down.”
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silentconfliction · 8 years
send ☑ and shiro will bold what he thinks your character has done at least once in their life  / /  not accepting                       »» @the-lost-lieutenant
been on a roadtrip | baked a cake (successfully) | asked someone out on a date | smoked | done drugs | taken medication | sang along with the full lyrics of a song | been heartbroken | dumped someone | had a pet | lost a loved one | driven a car | self-harmed | slept for over 24 hours | stayed awake for over 48 hours | skipped class | bullied someone | been bullied | broken a bone | punched someone | been tied up | taken nudes | played a video game to the end | been mugged | been sexually assaulted | won a contest | failed a test | used a fake ID | been in jail | been betrayed | been abused | been called names | stolen something | passed out | learned a dance routine | held a gun | lied about something important | assaulted someone | had sex with more than 15 different people | had a threesome | written a book | been food poisoned | travelled abroad | stabbed someone | rushed to hospital | seen someone die | gone to a wedding | gotten a piercing | been expelled/fired | cheated on someone | been cheated on | gotten away with a crime | done something they still regret | had sex in public | thought they would die | been depressed | sought serious help | kissed a stranger | had surgery | wanted to die | been in love | forgiven someone they shouldn’t have
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silentconfliction · 8 years
▹ @the-lost-lieutenant​ ♥’d for a starter
Everything happened so fast, Shiro feels like he’s dealing with whiplash along with everything else. They’d dragged him off to the lab maybe a day ago ( he can’t keep track of time here, so it’s all guesses ), and despite his struggle and his pleading, they’d put him under. He’d had no idea what he’d wake up to, what they’d do to him, and before he’d lost consciousness, he’d been terrified to find out.
His arm. They’d taken his arm. They took his arm and replaced it with some... some cold, metal prosthetic. Considering he could move it, and judging from the pain he felt extending beyond just his bicep, they must have connected it to his brain somehow so he’d be able to manipulate it, make use of it. When he’d first woken and seen the thing, the shock and utter fear he’d felt had overwhelmed even the pain. God... He hadn’t even lost his arm in one of those disgusting fights, they’d actually taken it from him and... what, was this supposed to be some kind of upgrade that he didn’t ask for? Of course, it would give them more of a show during the gladiator fights, wouldn’t it? He was only here for their entertainment, after all.
     A fear still lingers in the back of his mind since they’ve moved him out of the      lab, that if they have no problem taking his arm and swapping parts, who’s to      say they won’t do that to more of him?
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A shudder runs down Shiro’s spine where he sits in an empty room. The one they brought him to after giving him the night(?) to sleep after the operation. It’s too big to be a cell, and there’s monitoring equipment throughout, but... nothing else. Just him. Casting a glance down to his right arm, he winces looking at it, but takes a moment to run his fingers over it, trailing from human flesh to the sudden, cool metal. It only makes him flinch again, and only part of that is from the pain he still feels from all the work done.
What, he has to ask himself as he drags his gaze back up to the walls around him, is he supposed to be doing in here? He’s been given no instructions, no idea of what to expect, and it’s putting him all the more on edge. Should he be preparing himself for something?
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