#ᵗᵉˡˡ ᵐᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ ⁱⁿ ᵖʳⁱᵛᵃᵗᵉ ( rand & amelia)
malumxsubest · 1 month
𝖓𝖔𝖓-𝖒𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖆𝖑𝖘 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌
@theknifeinyou / @caracarnn
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malumxsubest · 2 years
continued from here.
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     “ well, i do love to tease people. doesn’t matter the gender, darling. either way, making them blush no matter the cirumstance is such a wonderful game. “ she answered honestly. then she leaned towards him with a teasing grin. “ but to you, however, it’s better. far more enjoyable. “ Amelia pulled back into her seat once again; hands clasped within her lap. 
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malumxsubest · 2 years
“ unexpected guest “
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send me    “ unexpected guest “    for my muse  ( receiver’s )   to find your muse  ( sender’s )   asleep in mine’s bed,  injured and exhausted,  after having broken into my muse’s home.  | x
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amelia observed the man that was currently occupying her bed with scrutiny, a frown steadily growing on her lips. her poor satin sheets... ruined. the woman then sighed silently to herself as she took note of his injured and exhausted state. it aggravated her but she was moreso confused as to why he sought the comfort of her home rather than his own. what would her sons think? thankfully they were still in session with their private tutor --- an hour away from home --- so they wouldn’t be able to barge into her bedroom as they tend to do when they arrive home. now Rand must be dealt with but in what manner? 
the void creature closed her eyes while she pinched the bridge of her nose as she mulled over her thoughts, feeling quite beside herself. with gentleness as much as she could muster, amelia bowed forward until she hovered above him; her hair pooling over her shoulders ‘till it curtained around him. she tentatively brushed the pads of her cool fingers on his forehead before placing a hand on his left shoulder, giving a firm yet gentle shake. 
“ you ought to wake up now.., “ her voice sweet and feathery which came surprising to her.
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malumxsubest · 1 month
𝖓𝖔𝖓-𝖒𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖆𝖑𝖘 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌
@theknifeinyou / @caracarnn
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malumxsubest · 1 year
[ guide ]
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something bubbled within her as she allowed him to guide to wherever they are going. it felt too intimate and foreign to her despite their constant back & forth of whatever they have between them: the lingering touches; harmless flirting; endless banter and teasing. the list could go on for as long as they tip-toed around the subject. yet neither were willing to encroach the topic.
one would think they were a couple by the way Rand had his hand on the small of her back. Amelia peered up at him as they walked to a random destination, her eyes dilated as she devoured his appearance. he was a handsome man; there was no doubt on her mind. she would love to ruin him in the most delicous of ways. just the mere thought made her emerald eyes darken into a sacramento colour while a faint dusting of pink appeared on the apples of her cheeks; across her nose.
she snapped her head away from him, a pale hand pressed against her cheek in disbelief. it took her a moment to gather her bearings before she could ask him where he was taking her.
↳ [ guide ]  your muse putting a hand on mine’s back to lead them .
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malumxsubest · 2 years
[ direct ]
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" Look at me... "
Amelia peered up at him, acutely aware of how his hand felt on her skin when Rand made the conscious decision to grasp her chin; a delicious burn...  the woman allowed him to take the lead this time around in which he did not disappoint. if she were honest with herself, she would admit that his eyes were her favourite feature about him. they were blue-gray... they reminded her the calmness before a raging storm. the second closest would be his hands for they were a bit calloused without a doubt from using his sword from their countless battles.
she let a moment of silence consume them before a small smile began to form on the edges of her lips; teasing as always. " you're getting bolder, it seems... " however, underneath all the teasing, Amelia wondered who was the first to burn between the two. due to their bloodied history, it never ceased to surprise her that there was some sort of tension between them.
so, who burned first?
↳ [ direct ]  your muse taking mine by the chin and telling them to look yours in the eye .
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malumxsubest · 2 years
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something like surprise filled his features as he met her eyes. her smile is faint but it still settles there across her face and he finds that it looks beautiful on her, although he would much rather have preferred to have seen her smile fully. that would have been something nice to see - what was he thinking though? he knows full well that he shouldn’t be allowing himself thoughts like that and yet, still, they persist in some ways.  “and what is it that you’re suggesting?” he asks her with a light furrow of his brows and something weighted filling his eyes. he was tired too and maybe what she said brought some interest to him. “I’d like to hear it.”
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with his inquiry, her face brightened as her smile widened, albeit in a teasing manner. the woman leaned forward slowly, her arms drapped over her lap while she kept eye contact with him. oh how would he react with what she was about to say? just the way he looked at her with the furrow on his brow, he seemed innocent. perhaps he was... then again, what innocent man would constantly seek the end of her existence?
" sex, " she answered bluntly and honestly.
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malumxsubest · 2 years
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He barely even hears her words and maybe that’s not good to say but it is the truth, overall. He wants to hear the tone of her voice, the way that it flutters around the room and how they seem to home there in her eyes. She’s bloody beautiful, it nearly glistens in every single one of her features and Rand finds himself quite at a loss over the feelings that thread through him. He’s almost weakened by the feeling and he hates every second of it. HIs eyes close on the scraping of her nails across his skin and he shakily breathes out against her thumb. She was staring at him, he could feel himself being studied by her and every second made his heart race all the more. Far too quickly. Did she sense that? How utterly upended he felt underneath her touch? Did he want her to know that she had upended him just as much as he had seemed to do to her? Reaching his hand up, he circles his fingers around her wrist before finally fluttering his eyes open. “Does that matter?” It felt almost blasphemous to say something like that, bitter on his tongue and yet, right then, it’s the only thing that he wanted to say. He drew in a breath then, hesitating over his next words as he does. “Amelia…why not just this once…just this one time we try to make some part of this worth it?”
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her own eyes almost fluttered to a close when she heard his blood rushing through his veins. her other hand placed against his chest as if to feel his sweet heart race beneath it or to keep herself anchored to him. his mere presence at this very moment all but consumed her very being. he had gotten her in a chokehold. her chest heaving as if she ran. yet it was the tension and the desire doing so.
it rattled her to the core. this situation felt as though it was sudden; completely inconceivable. Amelia had never desired anyone moreso than now. hell, he was the first --- and perhaps be the only --- person to summon such visceral and raw longing from her. of course she had plenty of suitors and flings, but it was barely physical. she would touch them, yes, but they wouldn't be able to reciprocate. and that Amelia would instruct them on what to do and watch them. this was undoubtedly different.
emerald eyes snapped to his hand when it encircled around her wrist before meeting his eyes again. only for them to widen; her pupils constricting to a point and her lips parted by a hair. after constant back and forth for months about their role --- his role --- within the path he was set for by the Pattern, THIS is what he finally admittedly asked?
her other hand shook for a moment while she stood there in shock before surging forward and captured his lips in a heated kiss. Amelia had fully pressed herself against him as she stood on the tips of toes with the hand now caged between their bodies clutching his shirt in a desperate manner.
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malumxsubest · 2 years
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She always does this as though she really is attempting to ebb away at his connection to the Pattern, his devotion to his Fate. He draws a breath, something heavy constricting there in his chest. “Amelia, you say this…you always say this but the only reason why I’m here again is because the Wheel has spat me out again.” He scoffs a little. “Even you can’t deny that.”
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Amelia could not help but narrow her eyes at him, nails gripping her biceps for a moment before they slipped away to her sides. " then tell me what you are doing right now exactly. if you truly believe the Wheel has such power over you, " she sneered at him, her hand gestured over to him; palm facing up as if she's clenching something between her sharp nails." why are you hesitating to do your job? "
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malumxsubest · 2 years
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
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Dialogue Prompts
Injury • Enemies to Lovers | x
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     she had knicked him on the neck wit the tips of elongated talons, mere centimeters away from his jugular. her eyes were ablaze with a concoction of loathing and nervousness as she peered down at him from her standing position. her right hand flexed into a fist after she had inspected it and flicked her fingers in a disgust manner. if she were herself at that very moment, amelia would have a sardonic grin on her face and taunted him out of pure hellish delight to be able to have his blood on her hands. however. his blood on her nails revolted her. 
     she grimaced down at him, a sneer appeared on her lips. yet her voice was soft as spoke her words.“ no. no. this is not at all what i wanted. ” she felt torn; conflicted. this was not supposed to occur. amelia was not meant to feel anything else but disgust for other living creatures --- with an exception of her children; she truly love her sons.
     eyes flickered for a moment while she gathered her bearings before narrowing them into slits. “ why must you irritate me so? “
     in the end, she must villainize him. wasn’t it his fault from the very beginning?
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malumxsubest · 2 years
“Stay with me.”
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Dialogue Prompts Injury • Enemies to Lovers | x
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     " m-my vessel, it's crumbling... " she choked out in a mixture of surprise and agony. through the cracks of her flesh, black-redish blood began to ooze out while void miasma drifted away into the air like smoke from a well lit cigarette.       in the midst of their fighting, Amelia took note how his eyes were completely different. it was hardened, filled with hatred and disgust. she knew those eyes.  the woman, by default, taunted him --- the previous dragon --- while she evaded his onslaught of aggressive advances yet it was proving to be difficult. the void creature did not want to harm his current soul & body. it was still him, still Rand. yet it his hand that had thrusted the blade deep into her chest...       all of this felt so familiar to her because this scenario --- not exact but similar --- has happened before all those centuries ago when they were deep in the bowels of fate. and so, when she collapsed onto the stone ground from the sheer Light power coursing through the blade and the air around her, Amelia made sure to utter out how she did not hate or fault him for this. 
     she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth in pain only to release a relieved sigh the moment Rand spoke. he was back. thank goodness. unfortunately, she does not possess the ability to teleport home at that very moment. and being able to regenerate she needed her sarcophagus.       yet she doesn’t think she will be able to make it. unless....
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malumxsubest · 2 years
[ laces ]
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❥      NON - SEXUAL   ACTS   OF   DOMINANCE . | x
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     one particular tug along with a tightening of her corset caused Amelia to release a faint grunt. she turned her head over her shoulder in order peer over to Rand with a glare in her eye, albeit a light one. “ if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you’re in a certain mood. “ Amelia could have done it herself, but he was around and decided to ask him --- more so demanded him --- to help lacing and tightening up her corset. 
    tonight was a formal event for donating charities via a ball of sorts. she loathed parading around the mundane despite the humans of the event claiming to be otherwise. she loathed how they constantly spoke about money and investments as if it had any meaning to her. it bored her to tears that last time she had attend to one a year prior. perhaps it was due to the fact that she had always take in part of these events alone.
     “ and if you’re in that particular mood, then you ought to accompany me to the formal event tonight. it could be entertaining, y’know? “
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malumxsubest · 2 years
continued lovingly from here.
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      “so that’s how it is.”
      a mischievous smile formed on her carmine painted lips as she watched him steadily rise up from the bed within her guestroom. raising a dainty finger to her lips, the woman bit the tip of her nail in thought as sultry eyes glided over his dishelved frame before finally meeting his own. her smile steadily formed into a widen grin as she sauntered over toward him, her movements were  sinuous which accentuated her hips with every step. 
     peering down at him from her position directly between his legs, Amelia delicately grasped his chin and would maneuver it to the point where it was angled in a way where it would cause some slight tension. nothing painful, just mildly uncomfortable. the void creature dared to outline his bottom lip with her thumb in a feather-like touch while she continued to stare down at him. a smile permanently fixated on her lips just as she bowed a bit forward to where her face hovered above his. her hip length hair had became a curtain around their face, concealing it away from the world.
     “ is this what you desire? you ought to know, Rand, that i will not make this easy. my affections are not so easily attainable as you would think. “ she whispered to him, their lips a mere centimeter away before she pressed a kiss to the edge of his own then pulled back. 
     “ my heart has teeth. would you be able to bear it? “
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malumxsubest · 2 years
💕 these two idiots
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I am basing this from the main au of mine that we have together uwu
How did they meet?      since the moment she became into being and Fate decided to be a bitch and thrust this poor ( but powerful ) human for a laugh... 
Who flirted with who first?     amelia, of course. but more so in a sardonic, cynical type of way at the beginning. NOW? still amelia, let’s be real. the moment she be catching feelings? IT’S OVER!
Was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance?    slowburn romance like molasses.
Did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic?      friends before things became romantic. perhaps with a little bit of spice of friendly banter, flirting and perhaps touches here & there. 
What was their first date?     perhaps tea at her home. THINGS GOTTA TAKE TIME!
What are their favourite things to do on date nights? n/a.
Do they still go on dates after being together for a while?     you bet your ass she would do it. gotta take mr grumpy gills around to explore the new era.
What is their love language?     i’d say, on behalf of amelia, it would be either gift giving or acts of service with a splash of words of affirmation.
Who kissed who first?      well technically it was amelia. but rand officially kissed her first. 
Who started the relationship?     probably amelia. tho, it would take a while for her to get to that point. they’re enemies, let’s be real.
Monogamy or Polyamory?     amelia is demi-romantic poly. but she wouldn’t mind a monogamy relationship. depends what he wants. 
Are they/do they plan on getting married?     honestly do not know if it’s in the cards for them... considering what they are.
Who proposed? Was it a yes or no?     but if they were able to pull of being proposed to one another and have their relationship work out, i would totally bet that amelia would propose.
Do they want kids? Who brought it up first?     yes. they want a family ( she knows rand does. she’ll daddy him up ;> )
Do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships?      amelia has two adopted children. 
Do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship?     n/a.
How do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt?     amelia will tend to him in ways where she will lightly demand him to stay in bed until he gets better. despite having a staff in her home, she will cook for him. obv take care of him in every sense of the word.
How do they like to spend time together?     bickering like an old couple. xp
What are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy?
What are some of their favourite things about their partner?     N/A BUT she undoubtedly loves how he is kind to her children. major brownie points since her children hardly likes anyone with an exception of few people. 
How do they comfort the other when they are upset?     it’s complicated. they’re still working on that.
Who buys the other spontaneous gifts?     n/a.
What position do they sleep in?     oh hella yeah amelia would be the big spoon despite being super short compared to him. so hella spooning and/or head resting on one another’s chests.
Do they bathe/shower together?     yeAP. no ifs, ands or buts. 
Do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash?     while bathing, probably chat about anything under the sun or amelia teasing the fuck out of him and getting a kick out of it.
In the bedroom - Vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af?     👀
For applicable ships - who tops/bottoms?     I’d say amelia tops, but she can also switch depending on how they feel at the moment. amelia would totally say rand is the bottom. 
For applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive?     amelia is hella dominant. doesn’t matter if she’s on top or bottom. HOWEVER, she can switch it up. she doesn’t mind switching honestly.
What is their favourite sex position?     not there yet :c
Do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom?     n/a.
Favourite place to have sex?     if she were to take a guess, she’d hella choose the master bathroom or obv private chambers. 
Most adventurous place they’ve had sex?     n/a.
How often do they fight? What about?     THE PATTERN AND THE BLOODY WHEEL. that’s all i can think off rn.
Have they ever broken up?     define breakup... does killing each other count?
Messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part?     i think it would possibly be a messy “breakup” --- like death LOL. they are opposite of one another. it really boils down to: who will kill who in the end? fate is a bitch... they really can’t have a happy ending.... 
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malumxsubest · 2 years
"Kiss me, please."
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     when had it come to this? how did they reach to this exact moment of their lives? two beings destined to be the end of the other by murder are the same two beings who had fallen for one another. it was pathetic; a farce... a cruel joke created by the Pattern. the bloody Wheel... what had those humans filled with Light told her before she torn them apart? the Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills. and was Rand truly being honest with her about his feelings? or was he merely stating so in hope to lower her guard? whatever it was, she was not hesistant, not now to be precise, to go along with it. they were forever and bound to each other whether they respect it or not.
     and if she found out it was all a lie, she will not falter on killing him.
     amelia will enjoy her moment with him knowing it will not last. a sultry smile formed upon her lips as she peered up at him through her thick eyelashes while she slowly curled her arms up and around his shoulders; balancing herself on the tips of her stilleto-covered-toes. “ since you begged so nicely... who am i to deny what you want? “ she asked while her lips hovers before his own. 
     feeling the thrumming coursing through her nightclub within the confines of her private office, amelia surged forward with shut eyes and enveloped his lips with a searing kiss. her chest pressed firmly against his sternum while she embraced him close to her smaller frame. she felt something akin to lightning bolting through her veins the moment she kissed him. it almost forced her eyes open trepidation but she held it back in time to alter the angle of her head just so she can laved her tongue across the bottom of Rand’s lips before giving it a tiny nip.
     perhaps this wouldn’t be too bad to explore...
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malumxsubest · 2 years
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Eternal foes bound to be against one another...
❝ ᵂᵉˡˡ, ʷᵉˡˡ, ⁱᵗ ⁱˢ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ᵃ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵘʳᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉᵉᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃᵍᵃⁱⁿ, ᵐʸ ᵈᵉᵃʳ ᵒˡᵈ ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ. ❝
                      “ 𝗜 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱𝗻’𝘁 𝗻𝗲𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶𝘁 𝗮 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲. “
❝  ᴵᵗ ᵐᵃʸ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵇᵉ ᵃ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵘʳᵉ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘ, ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵐⁱˢˢᵉᵈ ʸᵒᵘ. ❝
And yet, they’ve grow fond of each other despite their differences; despite the fate to destroy one another... no matter what.
                   But they have chosen to love each other in private.
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