#‘they’re ET and Elliot’ ‘they’re star crossed lovers’ ‘its bullshit' from their friends + never getting romantic bonding that sticks
emblazons · 1 year
The fact that I’ve been searching for true and actual positive reactions to the mlvn romance from the duffers and have yet to find a single comment about it 12 pages and 20 min deep into a search is absolutely wild to me fr.
Like…I literally typed in the duffers, Mike and Eleven, “romance” + other keywords…and not only was there never more than anything vague, by the second page of google (even when i filtered byler) it was always talking about how there was either a platonic inspiration or an issue between them…or how they switched to some other duo or grouping (especially in S2/S4) because it more compelling when they got to the writing.
Those brothers can’t stand that ship for real 😭😂
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