#“jigsaw doesn't MAKE mistakes!!!!!!” and yet he thinks he can outsmart the coffin trap.
okay im having Thoughts about peter strahm. like, he's one of the smartest characters in the whole series. he figured out the jigsaw case so quickly, the whole 'amanda young is too small, she never could have gotten kerry up there alone, jigsaw had another accomplice' etc etc.
but on the other side of the same coin, he's fucking dumb. he dies not because he wasn't intelligent enough to get out of the trap, but because he had too much hubris. he thought he knew better, he thought he could beat the game. and that was ultimately what killed him. his pride. its like. yes he was smart enough to get out of the water cube, that was a very quick move. but he wouldn't have been in the water cube if he'd had enough sense to leave. strahm had john's corpse, an unedited tape that tied the whole thing back to john, and both the rooms with mandy, lynn and jeff and riggs, matthews and art blank. there was so much evidence. he could have just walked away, but he didn't.
and that's what makes him such a compelling character.
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