#“you have no idea what you're actually getting into” right zena
transpersian · 8 months
Doc 3 is about PZ's kid
And yes, that means what you think it means. We've been talking. A lot.
From my Twitter thread:
Needed some time to think.
I've been trying too hard to make too many people happy, even with contradictory needs. I've been letting people jerk me back and forth on what they think is right. I've been trying REALLY hard to be nice.
Biding my time. No more.
PZ’s kid is okay.
Back in October, after months of worrying about optics, we decided that it was too important: we had to see if Poppy’s kid was okay. They’d literally ESCAPED, ffs. They’re 23, but still.
And before anyone says anything, I WAS RIGHT. This is the first thing they said to me:
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Yes, I understand the delicacy of the situation. Yes, I understand how this looks. But please understand: I’m not just some internet rando who’s in way over her head. I’ve been supporting abuse survivors in deep and intense ways for decades, and I’m damned good at it.
I’d fuck off if they had a negative response. I’d push for them not to be involved in any efforts against their mom. In the end, what ended up being our priority was making sure that The Kid (no real name plz) was okay and knew we were there if they needed help.
Fuck the optics.
I helped them clean up the tracks that led to them, then we started talking. Initially, I insisted on this being strictly for support. They wanted to get involved and I pushed back. Said if they really wanted to, they could send me screenshots, not thinking they’d apply.
Oh boy.
First they sent them to me to illustrate their points, but they insisted that I was free to use any of them. That first batch of 12 was jarring enough.
Then, unprompted, they sent me 70 more.
They want me to tell their story. They want me to show you how PZ lie.
And they’re not in a rush. They want me to be thorough.
So in a move I was barely okay with, they gave me access to their 3200-message Signal chat log so I could figure out where relevant screenshots are and have them take them.
I’m taking my time because they’re hard to read.
My mother left when I was 3. My father remarried 4 years later and she was abusive to me for the following 16 years.
I felt unwelcome in my own home, incapable of doing anything right, constantly eggshelling.
Zena makes my experiences with my stepmom look like Sesame Street.
There are little things you notice when you have texts in DB format.
Like how Poppy said “I love you” to her kid eight times from July ’21 to June ’22.
Only twice from July ’22 to June ’23.
Watching them be believed less and less over Zena, who started blatantly lying.
For the past couple of months, when I’ve been able to, I’ve been studying a way-too-intimate look at the death of a mother’s empathy for her child. I’d chat with them sometimes and give them what support I could. Figure out how to respond to ones like this:
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I know I’ll only get one shot at this, so here’s what the doc will consist of:
A more complete intro about the above
Transcripts of when PZ have cited The Kid’s abuse on stream
A tally of claims to track
The screenshots
Examples of the “assignments” they were given
A 3.5-page long, single-spaced list of what they deemed unacceptable treatment, which PZ promptly wrote off as bullshit and complained to their friends about
Screenshots from those friends
Direct rebuttals against PZ’s on-stream claims
Additional context from my conversations with TK
Somehow forgot to mention a major chunk: dozens of screenshots from TK’s personal discord with a few close friends, serving essentially as a diary of their experiences. Purely testimonial on that front, I know, but…
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I feel like maybe it's worth seeing what a young adult in their early 20s says to their close friends in private about in what's essentially a group chat.
See, PZ’s 23-year-old kid has POTS, a circulatory disorder that affects your body’s regulatory systems, including respiratory. Things that negatively affect POTS:
Skipping meals
Excessive physical labor
What if I told you PZ would punish them with food restriction?
What if I told you of at least three separate mentions of TK being worked to collapse or illness? That they ignored TK’s symptoms and scolded them for not just eating better? That they worked TK for 8+ hrs some days?
What if I told you that TK is 5’1” and 80 lbs (unrelated)?
What if I showed you when, on-stream, Poppy accused TK of intentionally crying so intensely that she dissociated? Or of abusing Zena?
Can you imagine being pushed so far by your parents that you're in wailing tears, and they don't stop until it reaches that point? And then they accuse you of manipulation?
If you're like me (and what I'd imagine is many members of The Foundation), you don't have to imagine it.
What if I told you that what PZ called “intentionally faking forgetting instructions” when TK was really just having a hard time?
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What if I told you I knew what the mysterious psych test Poppy trotted out as proof on stream actually says? What if I told you that Poppy harassed the kid until they gave it up, even though she’s not legally entitled to any of it? Even though she’s abusing the authority of her license?
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Remember how Poppy talked about having to rush to the bank to make changes to her accounts because TK withdrew all of their own trust money? What if I told you I have proof that she was talking to them as early as the next morning and TK was completely cooperating?
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I’ve heard a lot of horrific testimonies about the things that Poppy has done, but this… This radicalized me.
And it’s radicalized anyone I’ve shown it to.
TK has asked me to use everything I can from them to expose @ZenaandPoppy for what they are:
Abusive Hypocrites
So ultimately, how does this incredibly personal violation of privacy factor into the big picture? Yes, I know what this is. I know what it looks like.
But these are abusive parents who have been using their platform to use their own victim for pity points. That’s how they win.
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What I’ve been trying to prove is abusiveness. PZ are recklessly abusive people who hide behind victimhood (and what they used to disdainfully refer to as “idpol”).
This is extensive proof not just THAT they’re abusive liars, but also HOW.
This is what Zena is like with power.
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This is a ways off. Still lots to do. But I just want everyone to finally know why I’m still in this.
I know what Poppy and Zena are. Intimately. Not because I’m a “stalker.” Because I’ve had people come to me about how PZ hurt them. 20+ of them with claims from the past year.
I can’t share all of their claims because they only have so much proof. But I believe victims. And this? This I can prove, extensively.
This is why it’s funny when people accuse me of clout-chasing: I have no online brand to care about, and if I did, this would be insane.
People have asked me what the end goal is.
My goal is COMPLETE deplatforming.
For nobody in this community to trust them with their mental health ever again.
They are justifying their abuse with therapy speak and TEACHING THEIR FANS TO DO THE SAME.
They’re dangerous.
Oh, and Zena! Zena! Yeah, right here. I know you were really sad about being left out of the abuse allegations, but trust me, there will be #noZZerasure on this one. You’re a solid 80% of this one, sweetie! How’s that monkey’s paw working out for you?
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And in closing, I’m just going to give myself this one additional… treat.
If you’ve been following for a while, you know this reference.
But this one’s for the abuse mob:
You still don’t take us seriously, do you?
Or rather…
Are you taking me seriously yet?
Because you will. I promise you, you fucking will. Because you’re about to understand that this has never been for me. It’s never been about me.
It’s about making sure you two have as few avenues as possible to prey on this community ever again.
See you in school.
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transpersian · 9 months
That clip shows you entering a space you knew you weren’t welcomed. Your ex looked terrified to see you, and then you laughed at the distress you caused. That clip looked like an abuser trying to torment their victim in front of hundreds of onlookers.
Brittany and Courtney have both posted on Kiwi Farms. Both of them have admitted it. I don’t know why it’s “a new low” to bring up your friendship with Kiwi Farmers when it wasn’t hidden in the first place.
It’s too little too late to insist that people leave you know who alone. We all saw how you did nothing when Courtney posted about her sex life. We all saw how you did nothing about the speculation for weeks. The only reason you're bothering to respect her dignity now, is because you think there’s a chance she’ll come to the blogs. If this isn’t vindictive or malicious behavior, I don’t know what else is.
I love it when people try to dictate my truth to me.
Listen, people like them don't see any possibility of anyone else being right, and they spread that perspective to their followers. The fact that you can say with a straight face that I look like the abuser when I've got evidence to prove otherwise is pretty gross.
As for the KF thing, this is not a conversation that I'm going to entertain over anonymous asks. I'm not going to be pulled into some "gotcha" question to make it seem like I'm coming up with reasons that make it okay for people to use KF. I mean, did you see the transphobia in Courtney's earlier screenshots? People can change and grow. Poppy talks about this all the time and it's one of many things I agree with her on.
I don't agree with everything they've done, but I'm assuming that Poppy is more diligent about looking into people's backgrounds than I am before collaborating with them, so if they came knocking at my door I'd at least hear them out.
Because if we're talking about actual actions taken and people being forgiven for them, did you know that Poppy straight-up used an actual KF'er's drawings to dunk on Lily for a while? No?
Here's a screenshot of her old Twitter account from a video on her own channel.
That art right there, posted on their old Twitter channel account? That's by Shifty, a Farmer. Go ahead, ask her where she got that. I'll be here.
And what do you mean "too little too late?" What do you think I am? 😂
Do you see how much intent you're projecting onto me? This is how it works. They get you to believe in the worst possible version of me so that every single thing I do is taken in bad faith. You can't imagine a scenario where I might be right or even have a slightly defensible position. You have no idea what I'm doing behind the scenes. You don't know the people I've reeled in or talked down.
While we would welcome her, the important part is that she and her (seemingly wonderful) other partner get safe and free from Poppy's manipulative bullshit. That's it.
They seem like nothing but lovely people, and I fully believe that she genuinely loves Poppy. I'm doing my best not to project because I know what it's like to be somewhat in her position, but this is a whole new level of horror and I feel for her.
What you don't seem to understand is that my goal is not to hurt Poppy and Zena. It's to hold them accountable for the actual harm they cause and hopefully prompting them to change their ways. They've refused to do so in private, so here we are.
And if they don't want to do that, then people need to know how they actually act if you get close to them. Otherwise you're endangering vulnerable queer people and letting them walk into a serial abuser's arms.
I don't have room to focus on catering to you people's bizarre attempts to take whatever route you can to invalidate me and stop people from seeing a word I have to say. I have more important things to focus on and there's no point trying to argue with you until I'm ready to show you more.
In the meantime, you can watch her Twitter and see how she composes herself in conflict. Like today. This might be seen as a one-off, but it's just a more extreme version of how she composes herself in private.
I hope you see the truth soon, friend, as so many others have. I'll be here when you do.
Until then, please take care.
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