#⋄ ⊰ bad luck fills the force. › sw verse. ❜
Survivors of Unfair Choices (9) | FirstOrder!Poe Dameron x Reader
Words: 1345
Warning: SW-verse typical violence, minor swearing
A/n: I’m a bit behind in writing and although I try to type out a few chapters in advance, I just wasn’t feeling it the past month or so. Again, I am grateful for my readers and the people who comment on it. Just know that I do read them and appreciate every one of them, even though I don’t comment back. I always feel bad when I’m unable to and I don’t know why I’m sometimes just not in the mindset to fully show my gratitude through replying and I don’t want to keep repeating the same thing over and over. Also, I want to let you guys know that there might be a indefinite break in a few weeks as I am moving again.
The plan was to release the poisonous gas again and hide. Rey and Finn quickly ducked under a grate with BB-9 while BB-8 insisted on being with you, hiding in the cockpit with a blaster held up at the ready. A familiar voice began to fill the corridor, followed by a guttural sound. You shifted your position to see two figures lift the grate where your two companions were.
“Wait,” you said, stepping out from hiding, BB-8 following close behind.
They swung their blasters around until they recognized you. “Kid?” the man asked in surprise.
“General,” you addressed him with a small smile. You slid your blaster back in its holster and approached them.
“I told you to stop calling me that. You with these guys?” Han asked, waving a blaster at them.
“Yeah, they helped me fly the ship,” you said, helping them out. BB-9 used a magnetic arm to help hoist themselves up. “In fact, Rey was the one flying.”
“You?” Han asked Rey, who nodded, “Where’d you get this ship?”
“Niima Outpost,” she said.
Han raised an eyebrow. “Jakku? The junkyard?”
“Junkyard! Thank you!” Finn said pointedly.
“Anyways!” you said, trying to get to the point.
“Told you we should have checked the Western Reaches,” Han said to Chewbacca before turning back to Rey, “Who had it? Ducain?”
“Guys,” you pleaded, giving Chewie a pleading look. He patted your head, having missed you.
“I stole it from Unkar Plutt. Who stole it from the Irving Boys. Who stole it from Ducain,” Rey said.
“Who stole it from me!” Han said, clearly upset. “Well, you tell him that Han Solo just stole back the Millenium Falcon for good.”
Rey’s jaw dropped as Han made his way over to the cockpit. “This is the Millenium Falcon? You’re Han Solo?” You sighed, rubbing your temples.
“Isn’t he a war hero?” Finn asked Chewie who shrugged.
You followed Han and watched as he looked around with a small smile on his face. How long has it been since he’s seen this ship? You hated to break the nostalgia, but there was no time.
“Han, we need to get back to the Resistance. BB-9 has the map,” you said, walking up to him. He shook his head. “The map to Luke Skywalker.”
Han looked up from the console at the mention of his old friend’s name and frowned. “Is that why you’re out here, kid?”
“Yes, and we need your help. Please, Han.”
He sighed, having avoided going back there for years. His eyes landed on the ring hanging around your neck and tilted his head towards it. “Who’s the poor person that met your high standards?” he said with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes. “Would you be surprised if I said he’s a pilot?”
“Of course he is. Does Leia know? Do I know who it is?”
“Um…” A metallic crash sounded down the corridor.
“Don’t tell me a Rathtar has gotten loose,” Han said, hurrying out of the cockpit.
You blinked at the spot he was just standing in. “What? Rathtar? Why is everyone in this ship a disastrous wreck?” And suddenly you missed the peaceful bliss of that planet, with you, Poe, and your little droids.
Poe took in a deep breath once they landed on Yavin Four where a small group of Resistance members were stationed. Ohn Gos had given him a small bag of basic supplies for the road and wished him luck. Poe thanked him and made his way over to the village cautiously. This will be the first time he would encounter Resistance members after defecting, if they’d believe that he had.
Being surrounded by the tropical greenery were bringing back memories. He remembered the force-tree that his parents planted outside of the house. He remembered flying with his mother in her ship and learning how to fly. He remembered when she passed. He remembered when his father went to work and never came back, then the news of him being caught up in an attack. Then his grandfather got sick. When Poe joined the fleet, he received the news that he also had passed. There was no one left but his fleet squadron with him.
Then the First Order got them, too.
“You better hold it right there,” a voice calls out.
Poe stops in his tracks and slowly raises his hands up. Three figures emerged from every side, surrounding him with blasters. One man stepped up, wearing an orange and white uniform, the symbol of the Resistance on his vest.
“What’s a First Order officer doing out here by himself?” he asked.
Poe sighed. “Look, pal, I’ve left the First Order, alright?”
The man scoffed. “Just like that, huh?”
“Well, it’s not as easy as it looks,” Poe said, taking a step forward. They all shifted in their stance, raising their blasters again. “Let’s just say that I finally found something worth fighting for and I’m looking for them right now. Your Commander (Y/n) (Y/l/n).”
Their eyes narrowed. “You took our commander,” the man said.
“I helped (Y/n) escape, but we got separated leaving the Finalizer. I know how to find her, but I need a ship.”
A woman walked up to them and whispered, “We need to notify the general about this.”
The man nodded to her, then turned back to Poe. “How can we take your word for it?”
“I’m outnumbered, aren’t I? You can take me as a prisoner if you want. If my sources are correct, your commander managed to find BB-9 again who has the map everyone’s looking for.”
“So we take you with us to find them, then you’ll know of the map’s location, too.”
Poe sighed, losing patience. “You wanna cuff me? Search for any trackers on me? Do it.” He stuck his hands out in front of him and placed his wrists together.
“Come on, Snap,” the woman said.
The man grimaced, but lowered his weapon, signaling for the others to do the same. He pointed at one of them to search Poe before turning away. He paused for a second, before turning his head. Poe waited expectantly as the person searched his person.
“That ring… they think no one’s seen it, but I managed to get a glimpse of it. I don’t think they got it before that mission. They kept saying that they weren't alone, but we all assumed they were talking about BB. Now that I think about it, you were the last one to see them that time. It’s far fetched, but…”
“Let’s talk once we start looking for them,” Poe said as he was pushed forward.
“He’s cleared,” one of them said.
“Thanks, L’ulo. Come, Dameron. We’ll wrap things up here and head back to base,” Snap said.
This was not how he thought his plan would go. He thought that he would be able to get the Tie-Fighters distracted long enough for you and FN-2187 to escape before he could join you and then follow you to wherever your mission took you next. He never thought that he would be arriving at the Resistance base without you. Certainly, not in a U-Wing surrounded by your squadron’s watchful gaze.
He kept his chin up, focusing on planning his next move. If he was allowed access to any of their ships, he could continue to track BB-8, then find you. Or maybe they would take the tracker off of him and search for you themselves. He needed to prepare for all those possibilities. While the Resistance is no longer an enemy, they’re not his friends, either.
“We’re here,” the woman, who introduced herself as Jessica, said.
She answered a commlink and identified the ship before lowering the U-Wing onto the runway. The other members of the squadron prepared for landing, gathering their belongings before standing up. Poe stood as well and waited until the ramp lowered.
“Stick close to us,” Snap said, grabbing his things before moving next to Poe.
“Where are you taking me?” Poe asked.
“To see General Leia.”
Taglist:  @megzdoodle @psychoticobsession @thescarletknight2014 @marrypuffsstuff @theoralpha @daniellajocelyn @badwolf-212 @gleigh42 @ella-solei @roserrys
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