#⋆ * lift the thick reading frames of leisure and peace / tranquility and optimism shine / with guilt. ; juniper 'ghost whisker'‚ analysis *
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What a Familiar Face...!
A character dev. meme. Forgot to post it!
*Based on experiences as a minor; makes her very suspicious of people. Will not openly admit to it. **Sino has no formal relationship with (birth) parents and has no clue what her mom looks like.
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This Sinday edition for headcanons is based on how JAMS interact with their alcohol!
Aimon was involved with a young party culture and pre-exposure to the ideas of free-served alcohol at parties, during daytime and nighttime, without there ever being a hard limit (besides your wallet if in the Underground).
Xe drinks when xe can at parties but does so in the spirit that is what partying is. Xyr concept of fun doesn't equate to being wholly incapacitated and blacking out to the following day. Safe to say that xe knows xyr limits in taking in the luxuries of intoxication, but definitely have your drink if you're not.
Juniper, also from Nihiran, is pretty desensitized to the regular presence of alcohol in the day-to-day outside of her cat colony. Her culture doesn't quite party as hard in drinking, but there is a standard in the Red Dunes that she does have to participate with in some capacity.
She is a social drinker in more extensive settings but does not go as far as Aimon does. Often, she was in Drakeshadow as she worked for the Academy and was an extra pair of eyes after adolescent children. She would never be at a reception, an event hammered out of her mind in front of children.
She is more susceptible to drinking in glee when alone with her wife.
Sino was raised underneath the eyes of her patron, traveling the roads and hopping from tavern to tavern in her adolescent and young adult years. She was exposed to the drinking culture of Graneye, and there was little thought given to a gnome then. She worked beyond the counters and served tankards when she could. At a young age, and trying to learn of 'normal customs,' she became a social drinker to better fit in.
Unlike Juniper, Sino used to not care for her threshold and is a known heavyweight. Drinking became synonymous with fitting it at the pubs and taverns, getting people around, and simulating what fun is. The gnome is at the point where she would tell her party she is "past though days," meaning her twenties to late-thirties, which seemed to be a concoction of blurred memories and scrapping by.
That doesn't mean she has wholly shed the habit. During the earlier parts of Arc 1, she left her elven comrade alone to hit up pubs and taverns; it is implied off-screen that she drank and found herself nightly company.
Drinking, however, is also a terrible coping habit that she's been struggling with. It helps her rest into deep sleep without having to fall into dreams of the past. It also becomes something of a numbing agent when she feels she has done something terribly wrong.
At those points at the lone trips to the pub in Arc 1, Sino was dealing with the loss of their fallen party members (Eleanor and Lenora), which was a typical thing to do for her - - being alone in the struggle.
At this point, Sino has only heavily drunk once in the Saving of Ingora with her party member, Seraph. It was a minor relapse due to her early childhood trauma on full display in a specific setting.
She had also sworn off being intoxicated in front of Soup before the events of the Saving of Ignora, where she was nearly blackout drunk with Seraph. She still upholds this well but has drunk in a situation with Seraph and Soup at a tavern during their travels up to the Village of the Wintertouched.
Unlike the three, Maisie actively avoids intoxication and heavy drinking.
Once upon a time, the ambassador might have taken to drinks and well-socialized with others, even singing alongside her brothers if their paths crossed during her duties. This was about her in her early twenties. But that was so short-lived that the rest of her family and village never associated her with tavern life.
Politely declining wine and other liquors, Maisie would usually keep to non-alcoholic beverages. Depending on the environment (balls, regal parties), her body language tenses, and her face sours at the scent. The ambassador is more vigilant now and would keep an eye on other people's drinks; it would not be unlike her to toss a companion's wine from a glass when no one is looking.
Drinking serves as a way for Maisie to ready herself. It helps with disassociation.
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HC + Care (For Juniper!)
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character. | accpt.
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For a catfolk of the Red Dunes, Ghost Whisker equates self-care with being best prepared. Unlike most ancestries, the catfolk have a natural weapon, their claws, which are very efficient in quick scraps! Though her specific kind of ancestry is more magically attuned as a liminal catfolk, no one can deny the usefulness of retractable claws that could help scratch the right place, scratch paint or other materials off a surface, or just attempt to pick through a lock. 
The cat carries around a nail filer and a nail sharpener. Her morning routine every couple of days is to maintain their claws. During the time that she worked at the library, she dulled her claws to avoid accidentally damaging the academy's property, like priceless tomes and scrolls. Since starting with her local startup security company, she has begun using the sharpener and enjoys rolling her paws over it because of its therapeutic effect. For the newest contracts and as a favor for coworkers, she dips her central claw in an inkpot and signs off paperwork for them. It is a generic and universal signature, but graphologists can quickly determine if it is from the same person. 
As a fun tidbit, her short fur retains less sand or dust! If there is any case in which she feels like she has fleas and ticks, her first remedy will be to find exposed patches, dirt, or any nearby side to roll herself around. Someone might say something, but it works! 
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HC + Family (Juniper)
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character. | accpt.
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In catfolk/tabaxi culture, surnames are unheard of; one's identity lies in their birth name and the name they present to the outside world. Born Juniper but known to the world as Ghost Whisker, she faced an interesting quandary upon her employment at the Graneyean Academy of the Arcane Arts. The elven establishment raised an eyebrow at deviations from their homogenous norms. Catfolk like Juniper were rare in the city in the clouds; their existence was unknown to most Graneyean citizens unless they had prior history with the Nihiranian Trading Syndicate or frequented Nihiran. 
Navigating elven bureaucracy and elven resources, Juniper created the first "family name" or surname for her colony. Combining it with her public moniker, she was documented as Ghost Sharpears. However, her elven employers were puzzled by the first name, leading her to begrudgingly disclose her actual name. In Graneyean culture, where titles and surnames are favored to emphasize social hierarchies, she found solace and was almost exclusively referred to as "Miss Sharpears." 
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🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion? [ for all your skrunklies ]
𝐎𝐂 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒! ( send an emote for an hc! please specify muse. ) accepting.
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
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Aimon - The heir's temper is mild but colorful; he has an average tolerance threshold for people. Unfortunately, Aimon doubts his position from comparisons between the former to-be-heir and his double-his-age peers who share his rank. When he was younger, it was easier to get under his skin. He, thankfully, knows how to hold his tongue, but he can have an intense glare when he feels someone digs at the right nerve.
As he's gotten older, Aimon knows how to better hold his emotions, but those old wounds can still open up occasionally. Instead of fully expressing it, Aimon lets it fester and tends to keep to his lonesome. A common coping mechanism for him is to ignore the comments or laugh them off. Things regarding his appearance and history do not annoy him, but the future gets to him more, especially when he finds himself questioning it.
Hilariously, Aimon's temper shows more for their passions, like thrifting for books. He wouldn't disrespect a shopkeeper, but if you dare pass him in line or try to take that rare first edition "Fifty Depths of Seasalt" book he saw first, he will be obvious and gasp loudly.
Estranha - It has yet to be documented if they have a temper. Estranha needs to be adequately integrated into social situations and has been isolated since childhood with her father. Their interactions with others, professionally or personally, tend to not venture into situations where their patience can be limited. This would need better venturing into because Estranha is most likely someone's stress test to see how much of a threshold they have.
However, that does not mean they don't have anger. Because of the circumstances with their father, which is why they went off on the deep end in research, Estranha's anger is expressed as a disappointment. It was like they were talking to themselves growing up because they did not have a proper person to speak with. They carry certain expectations about themselves where they anticipate someone's ire and cold shoulder.
Juniper - I'm not going to lie, I'm unsure how to answer this for her. For now, her temper isn't a thing at her age, but her age has definitely cemented her stubbornness, though she is laid back.
Maisie - A common trait between the gnomes is the consistent habit of "shoving it into the closet" regarding discomfort and anger. Maisie utilizes this well because of her predicament as a delegator in constant shove and push against everyone else. She has often taken a deep breath and accepted her conditions as part of her work; she would say that "she's been called worse for less" and "she's been punished worse for nothing." Things done to her person do not anger her on the surface level. That much can be said.
However, her obvious triggers would be threats to her family and village. Someone will get a more somber Maisie if she ever thinks that someone's words hold any substance because she has been told horrific things that can happen to her loved ones. The moment she is convinced that the threatening party can do something is the moment that the threat is neutralized.
She is a "slow boil" person by choice, but it can change to where she equally says "fuck it" and decides to give up acting and putting up with something that makes her miserable, afraid, and sick.
Sino - Sino's main thing is that her temper isn't engaged in typical situations, which can infuriate some people. Her temper hasn't been tested much throughout her life because she keeps reticent about what gets to her (being her origins), and most are completely unaware of them.
It takes time to actually get that unbridled anger to spill out. It is not to say it is instantaneous, but the gnome stores a lot of her wariness, guilt, and frustrations within her. It is easier said that these topics are basically a lit match that's being held closer to a loaded keg of gunpowder. Already, Sino has avoidant reactions to these topics. It starts accruing little by little, so it begins as a lit fuse snaking to the barrel. It gets stomped out by Sino metaphorically whenever she steps away, but there tends to be a firestarter (Soup) in her midst.
Already, I've made Sino's negative emotions akin to a boiler room where the space underneath the door is sealed, making the smoke fill the room. There is only so much time before the pressure gets too much.
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Sunday comes again, and a new set of headcanons is available! This time, it is regarding relationships.
Of the four, Juniper is the only PC in an admitted relationship. She has a healthy and long relationship with her wife, Master Frazzlespark. They met at the Graneyean Academy of Arcane Arts as Frazzlespark was a lead professor and Juniper was an assistant librarian. They've been in a steady relationship for decades, and the downfall of the Graneyean Empire 20 years ago actually marked the beginning of a future where they can live together and settle down.
The story of how Frazzlespark and Juniper met and started dating changes. It is actually a joke between the two women that their 'origin story' cannot stay the same. Neither of them is ashamed or secretive about how they started dating, but it is funnier to see people's reactions to the outlandish tales either of them cooks up. If someone were to ask Juniper about their story, she'd usually ask if Frazzle told them already. If they answer that they have been, Juniper adds to that story and sticks to it. The same is applicable for Frazzle.
Sino has been in several short-lived relationships in her 20s to 40s. As much as she was a social drinker in her 20s to 30s, she was a social sleeper. These relationships were only seen in routine flings and casual flirtations since Sino knew that her time at these towns and establishments was limited. Only one or two relationships she had around 18~21 were considered deeply romantic, at least from her end. Following the Lord of Night's command and being admittedly overtly devoted and following in her father-patron's ways, she did not bring herself to get herself attached to those around. She comes and goes, much like the night and her moon, and must continue. Even if it means being away from others.
Committed long-term relationships are interesting for Sino. In all sense, she does not believe herself compatible; she reasons she "lacks" what it is to be in one, and her background/upbringing in [REDACTED] makes her feel several degrees removed from being a "person." Bluntly, she feels like a "nothing" and cannot produce something that a "someone" deserves. Though she ran away, she never escaped from that place.
As far as the campaign has shown, her devotion is at the forefront, and what she believes herself to be, or well, what isn't, is far from the truth. She shows her love in other ways when she struggles to say those three words.
Always with a plan, her end goal is to see them smile. To see them live long and happily ever after. Even if she knows it can't be with her.
As much as xe can do in Drakeshadow, Aimon has been only in a handful of short-term relationships and has yet to commit to anything serious. Xe lives in the predicament of being in a highly desired position and also with suitors who do not fit xyr preference. That has not prevented xem from exercising xyr to bat xyr eyelashes and mention what xe lies.
In Maisie's world, Aimon has been able to go out much more to the Nihiran Underground and experience more flirts and regular dates in that area. However, xe doesn't have a large sexual appetite and rarely has slept around. Xyr dorky aura, indeed, has won over the hearts of men!
Lastly comes Maisie. She has yet to be in a committed relationship and perhaps hasn't been in a relationship whatsoever. While she may be experienced, with a physical relationship here and there, nothing goes beyond a superficial level.
A relationship, admittedly, can compromise her work and put her loved ones at risk, something she already worries about with her immediate family. However, that is not the reason.
Something festers deeply in her - Maisie openly cares and shows affection, always optimistic - and it is something she doesn't want to be known and seen. It craves and claws inside her. But she cannot feed it.
She denies to protect others from what and who she really is. Because, to her, no one would love her after the truth's out. No one should love her. No one could love her.
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allthatisleftinthedark · 10 months
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Cast Introduction
From shortest to tallest:
Sino and Maisie Doscedar are tied at 3'9" (Sino appears taller due to heels in boots)
Juniper at 5'7"
Aimon at 6'0"
From youngest to oldest (literal)
Juniper at 37 (57 in Corruption of Letheia)
Sino at 59
Maisie at 60
Aimon at 122
From youngest to oldest (mentally/actual)
Aimon (equiv. of 22)
Maisie (equiv. of 25-29)
Juniper (37 -> 57 in CoL, making her the oldest if we go by 'active PCs')
Sino (equiv. of 35-39) Estimating a gnome's age is very blurred past the age of maturity (18); their experiences and self-perception of themselves influence their appearances and mindset.
Sino is Chaotic Neutral
Maisie is Lawful Neutral
Aimon is Chaotic Good
Juniper is Lawful Neutral
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allthatisleftinthedark · 10 months
from the court of overdue books and investigations arrives the second cast member. tag drop (5/?)
⋆ * beyond the pages of histories spurned and hidden / these paws uncover and hold until the end ; juniper 'ghost whisker'‚ musing * ⋆ ⋆ * lift the thick reading frames of leisure and peace / tranquility and optimism shine / with guilt. ; juniper 'ghost whisker'‚ analysis * ⋆ ⋆ * ears peak as high as mountains and claws sharp as daggers / this cat's on the case! ; juniper 'ghost whisker'‚ aesthetic * ⋆ ⋆ * memo seen and replied ; juniper 'ghost whisker'‚ asks * ⋆ ⋆ * chats with the courier ; juniper 'ghost whisker'‚ ic * ⋆ ⋆ * reviewing the investigator's quirks ; juniper 'ghost whisker'‚ study * ⋆
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