#⌜ ɪ'ᴍ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴀ ꜱᴏʟᴅɪᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴀ ꜱᴘʏ⌟  →  ⌜sam wilson⌟
adamntiiums · 6 years
“please tell me you didn’t just say ‘they’re playing our song’,” sam almost groans, rolling his eyes as he lets bucky drag him to the dance floor and into a slowdance position. “they’re playing ‘the little drummer boy’, bucky. this isn’t our song and if you tell me it is, i swear to god, i’m going to kill you.”
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webbedshots · 6 years
hey, don’t they look an awful lot like ANTHONY MACKIE? but according to our files, they are SAM WILSON, otherwise known as FALCON, from MARVEL. our records tell us they are FOURTY years old and use HE/HIM pronouns. i’ve heard they can be LIONHEARTED, but also BRAZEN and apparently, they’re a HERO.
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could definitely use a break rn
turned to dust, rip sam
lives to bother bucky
says he hates bucky
but loves him secretly
at least he thinks it’s secret
he’s dating the man it really isn’t a secret
served in the military
has bad nightmares from his time
also has nightmares about fighting thanos so theres that
more trauma for everyone
he doesnt have the drone
he has an actual fucking bird bc thats SO MUC H COOLER
so hes just walking around
with a fucking bird on his shoulder
like some kind of weird pirate
he will let u pet redwing if you ask nicely
pls Love HIm
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adamntiiums · 6 years
Was that ANTHONY MACKIE? Oh no no, that was just SAM WILSON, a CANON CHARACTER from MARVEL. They are THIRTY NINE years old and ARE aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
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how long has your character been here?
not long at all. he’s been here for about a week.
what is your character's job?
he doesn’t have one at the moment, unless being an avenger still counts
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
the end of infinity war !
has any magic affected your character
nope !
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
he turned to dust at the end of infinity war
lives to bother bucky; says he hates bucky but loves him secretly
at least he thinks it’s secret
served in the military; has bad nightmares from his time served
also has nightmares about fighting thanos so theres that
more trauma for everyone
he doesnt have the drone like in the mcu ! in the comics redwing is an actual bird and that is a million times cooler so
hes just walking around with a bird on his shoulder like some kind of weird pirate
he will let u pet redwing if you ask nicely
pls Love HIm
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adamntiiums · 5 years
« morning dude. someone drew a dick on your face. » bucky @ sam
meme day // not accepting !
“someone drew a what now?!” sam exclaimed as he groaned, jumping out of bed despite the slight headache. he walked to the mirror and sighed. “james buchanan barnes! you fucking did this, didn’t you? don’t lie to me. i’m gonna kill you!” he said before picking up a nearby wash clothing and dousing it in water and soap and attempting to scrub the drawing off his face.
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adamntiiums · 6 years
sam wilson knew of peggy carter, at least a little bit. he had never met the woman, but he had attended her funeral with steve. he respected her and all she had accomplished. dressed nicely in a suit, he mostly kept to himself, but when he spots her amongst the crowd, he’s confused. to say the least, anyway. as far as he knew, she was dead. “excuse me,” he begins, a small frown of confusion on his face. “are you peggy carter? a strange question, i know, but… you look an awful lot like her. it should be impossible but… here we are.”
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adamntiiums · 6 years
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sam wilson at the winter ball.
why is sam at the ball ?
thought it’d be fun | peer pressure | forcefully dragged | was entirely bored
does sam have a date to the ball ?
no | no but not against leaving with one | yes
is sam going to have a good time ?
most definitely will | doubtful | highly doubtful | ha most definitely not
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adamntiiums · 6 years
‘ don’t worry , you’re still in the “ early life ” part of your wikipedia page . ’ to sam from sansa!
meme day // no longer accepting !
“early life?” sam repeated, a laugh escaping his lips as he shook his head. “nah, i think i’m well past that. you might still qualify under ‘early life’. me, i’m into my 40′s now. i don’t look it, but yeah, definitely past that. you think people have wikipedia pages of us, though?”
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adamntiiums · 6 years
“ war changed me. ” (from hana to anyone)
meme day // no longer accepting !
“pretty sure it does that for everyone,” sam replied, his eyes falling to the floor for a moment as he thought back to the time he’d served. “was with the air force. pararescue.” he added, and his mind goes to riley, his best friend, who had died in combat. riley, his reason for leaving active duty. “when i left, i started helping with veterans affairs. mostly fellow veterans struggling with ptsd.” he chose his words carefully, mostly so he didn’t accidentally mention riley. he didn’t want to think about him too much. “you?” he asks, a brow raised.
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adamntiiums · 6 years
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sam wilson will be handing out candy to trick-or-treaters while dressed as captain america. he will be joined by bucky barnes, who is dressing as peggy carter - hence the rose to give to peggy.
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adamntiiums · 6 years
sam wilson knew of peggy carter, at least a little bit. he had never met the woman, but he had attended her funeral with steve. he respected her and all she had accomplished. so when he’s walking down the street of this place that looks and seems like dc - but sam still isn’t convinced it really is dc - he’s shocked to see her. not only was she younger, but she was also alive. both things confused the hell out of him. “excuse me,” he begins, a small frown of confusion on his face. “are you peggy carter? a strange question, i know, but… you look an awful lot like her. it should be impossible but… here we are.”
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