#⌜ *¨*•.¸ okinaga seiji┊ 🇵 🇷 🇪 🇹 🇹 🇾    🇧 🇴 🇾 ⌟
hancfubuki · 4 years
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nonverbal memes / accepting
@stylesofh2o​ said: Nonverbal meme: [ surprise ] for Sal and Sei uwu
[ surprise ] for your muse to show up at mine’s house without explanation
        it’s been months already since he met the ‘interviewer’, or at least that was how everyone around called him. from the very first moment, sei tried to make him feel at GOOD friends. in a blink of the eye, sei found himself sharing many moments with the other in such a short period of time that actually felt like an eternity. though he had to admit that it was BOTH of their personalities working together as both of them talked as if they have known each other for years. 
        the fact that there was already BUILT trust between them, made it easy for them. he would frequent the same places as silas or they would hang together whenever he got out of the campus. he would listen to him talking about meteorology ( even if he didn’t understand anything ) and sei would babble about the artists he is working with. it was that kind of friendship that EQUALLY divided the attention, making it a perfect mix as both of them were different yet similar. but despite of that, he had never seen the other appearing in front of his door until now. ‘there’s someone looking for you.’ he could hear yuuto downstairs and only leading him to believe that maybe tori wanted to work in a song. though pretty much to his surprise, as soon as he opened the door he found sal standing and smiling at him.
        a little confused, he took his phone out of his pocket to check if there were some unread messages from sal but upon reviewing, he realized that he didn’t leave any notice that he was going to come. but oh-- sei knew there was no reason to OVERTHINK. he would do that as well, just randomly showing up at people’s houses, or at least people that he knew wouldn’t get angry at him. and in this case, sei was more than PLEASED to see sal. a little bit surprised, but it was a nice gesture. 
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        “hey~ i didn’t know you were coming. please, come in!” he exclaimed as a bright smile graced his lips, waiting for the other to enter the house as he closed the door. “do you want something to drink?” and still, his reaction was the most NORMAL one, as unexpeted didn’t equal not welcomed. 
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hancfubuki · 4 years
@kimuratsubame​ / s.c
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              “i’ve never been this earnest before in my life! even if i fall, i can never give up.” he sounded completely PROUD of his statement, however he couldn’t even say it with a serious expression as he actually looked silly. however, here really meant it. “’cause i’m a fighter! hands up higher! this place is on fire!”
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hancfubuki · 4 years
@encgma​ && lottie
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         “what do you mean that’s illegal?” 
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hancfubuki · 4 years
@starryburglar​ / s.c
        “i’m sorry we are cl---” but it was raining, and cold and sei couldn’t just allow someone to go back into the rain without a cuo of coffee, or tea, or whatever they wanted. 
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          “nevermind. please take a seat. what can i bring you?” 
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hancfubuki · 4 years
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           “you could have at least knocked the door.”
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hancfubuki · 4 years
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sei / yuuto / daehyun
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hancfubuki · 4 years
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ok but be blessed with the bby okinagas
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hancfubuki · 4 years
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                                          【    PROMPT !!  】
@ambivalent-auguries​​ said: 
“ is it bad i really want to kiss you right now? ” // Ryker for Sei.
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      he didn’t know that he would bump into ryker, he didn’t plan for ryker to just watch him. and the last thing he was aware of was the way the other might be looking at him right now. sei was oblivious, most of the time he acted without thinking or without trying to find an explanation to words and situations. this moment wasn’t an exception either. working out as always, following his routine, his gaze drifting at times in direction of his company just to offer a smile and let him know that he was going to be ready at any time soon. he would wave at ryker, he would stop to drink water, and he would lift his shirt to clean the sweat out of his face. 
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       “huh?” his attention was immediately directed towards ryker, traces of ignorance flooding his gaze before a nervous chuckle escaped his lips. “ahaha, i’m all sweaty.” he replied, a light-hearted tone as if he was trying to pretend it was some kind of joke. yet, he could feel the nerves kicking out his stomach, wondering if he meant it for real. he couldn’t do this, he never understood it. the way people would flirt or stare at him, it was uncomfortable in his eyes. but, when ryker was the one speaking those words, it wasn’t unpleasant at all. in fact, part of him even wished he could go along with it, though probably at times, he did it in a very unconscious way. and that made him think for a second, wondering if he was sick because at this very same moment he felt extremely anxious. did he mean it? was he messing with him? ryker was a flirty person after all, so maybe he was just playing with him or maybe--- too much thinking. 
      his head was going to start hurting at any time soon so he softly shook his head, forgetting about anything that might make him feel dizzy. picking up his bottle of water, he walked towards ryker, or rather next to him where his bag was located to take out clean clothes and a towel. “i’m gonna shower really quick and then we can go.” he said, trying to pretend he didn’t hear nothing to begin with. yet he couldn’t hide the weird tension that was starting to build up between them. so he stopped, highly strung, for some reason it was hard to breath. his eyes focusing on ryker, hesitating for a moment yet finally leaning down to press a soft kiss to his cheek. ah, he wondered if he was being awkward, or maybe too much? unexpected? perhaps unnecessary? anyways, he was trying. “be right back.” sei muttered softly, smiling again as if nothing happened before quickly run to the showers. 
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hancfubuki · 4 years
          it was early in the morning when his teacher advise the class that they were getting SPECIAL guests that were going to help them with their mid-year projects. music production was his area, and taking into consideration that this was his LAST year, he was expecting something big to happen. what he never imagined was to have actual CELEBRITIES to work with them. some students were here and there fangirling a little, but sei’s eyes drifted especially towards one person. 
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          perhaps it was the FAMILIAR face, or the long black hair that covered her back. whatever it was, it took him a while to figure out who that girl was. “sayu?” he got closer, face painted with CURIOSITY until he confirmed that it was THE kuromi sayu--  and no. he didn’t recognize her because she was in a band, but because she could recognize her face from kindergarten. 
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hancfubuki · 4 years
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kiss my muse under the mistletoe! / accepting
@ambivalent-auguries​ said:  💋 // Ryker for Sei.
    sei was pretty much an oblivious person, a characteristic that some might have pointed out before but still he was unable to completely understand what they were talking about. or at least, it seemed like he did but there were times in which he pretended to be ignorant. having ryker over wasn’t a new thing either. since they met again he found out that both of them had a lot of things in common and their bond started tightening even more than before. however, it was kind of funny the way yuuto was always teasing him about the other male, only to get sei replying with confused noises and faces as he couldn’t quite understand what exactly lead his brother to believe that he might feel certain attraction towards the actor. 
     ‘he might be misunderstanding everything.’ was his thought and carried on with his daily life, and that of course, included having ryker over just spending time together. the hours fled without him even noticing, sometimes they would watch movies together or maybe just laying down listening to music with a couple of beers considering that both of them were low tolerance. it didn’t matter what they did, sei would still have a good time. though, this particular day when their time together was up and he walked ryker to the main door, he was curious about the fact that the other simply stopped right in front of him. 
      “huh?” his voice came in a subtle hum, trying to read the situation but still being unable to comprehend why ryker suddenly stopped, and it was only by chance that he decided to look up just to find a mistletoe handing right in front of the door. “that wasn’t there in the mor...” he stopped himself from talking by letting out a sigh, looking at the back with an idea of who might have put the mistletoe there. he doubted for a second, but something in ryker’s eyes just pushed him to go closer without hesitation. and for a moment he thought that maybe in his cheek was okay, which was his initial chosen spot, yet his own body and face reflexively moved at the point that their faces were too close to even back up. another second of hesitation, trying to convince himself that it was just a tradition, leaning in slowly until their lips finally meet. 
     sei was supposed to let it linger for a few seconds, a quick peck and nothing more than that. so why was he already tasting his lips and shamelessly exploring his mouth? his tongue was already dancing in sync with ryder’s and before he could notice his hands were already cupping his cheeks, pulling him closer, not wanting to stop. and it was when he realized that he might be abusing from his newfound privilege when he decided to stop, cheeks blushing as brown hues looked at him with an apologetic yet eager gaze. 
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    “sorry, i got carried away.”
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hancfubuki · 4 years
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sei is honestly really really really bad at math, he was failing until he started paying yuuto to do his homework. and till this day it’s their little secret, as their parents don’t know shit about it because they thought that the tutor they got for sei did miracles.
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hancfubuki · 4 years
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literal angel
will cook for you
‘i was on the center today and i found this and it reminded me of you’
hugs, free hugs
cries with movies
pets every dog on the street and counts how many dogs he pet on the day
works out and then eats a lot of sweets as ‘a reward’
‘you have a crush on me... platonically, right?’
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wolf in sheep clothes
model student
‘i know i looked serious, and it’s because i didn’t like you at first sorry’
will smack your ass if he trusts you enough
resting-bitch face because of his initial shyness
smol, but can legit break your leg with a thumb 
prefers books over movies
'you have a crush on me? eh, not interested but we can fuck.’
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a really good and empathetic person but he denies it
great fashion sense
‘i used to live in shitty conditions so i deserve luxuries now’
very clingy when he trusts you
not really muscly but knows how to fight 
eats lots of spicy food
falls asleep on your lap
‘i invented gay’
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hancfubuki · 4 years
sei can go from
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hello sir, it’s nice to finally meet you
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your daughter calls me daddy too
he is also the type to act cute when he fingers his partner just for the sake of embarrass them lol
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hancfubuki · 4 years
body modification / oc’s info
used to have a lot of piercings when he was younger, but decided to take them off
he actually has one tattoo in the left side of his back that was used to be recognized as apart of the old gang. but honestly, he kinda wants to remove it. 
no piercings
no tattoos
afraid of needles
no piercings
no tattoos
believe they are ungraceful
double right nostril piercing
industrial piercing
daith piercing
helix piercing
surface tragus piercing
antitragus piercing
no tattoos, yet. 
a small heart tattoo on the ankle, matching with yuuto
no piercings
no tattoos
the patch in her eye is natural, created with her own magic 
can’t understand why humans tattoo their skins
no tattoos
want a tattoo on his upper arm but he knows he would kill his mother
both nipples pierced
a small heart tattoo on the ankle, matching with nori
no piercings
no tattoos
as nadine, she cannot understand why humans modify their bodies
no tattoos
no piercings
no tattoos
no piercings
no tattoos
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hancfubuki · 4 years
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sei is honestly a really good person, he is kind without expecting anything in return. but this trait has been probably the biggest downfall of his life. 
people usually take advantage of the fact he cannot say no, use him for their own benefit knowing that he is selfless and would help without hesitation and that’s probably the main reason why he avoids relationships. because yeah, he is oblivious and he seems dumb in front of people but if you analyze his character a little he is not really that dumb. he is really careful with people, and when he notices any minimum signal of flirting he panics and pretends he doesn’t understand because he is scared of being idolized. 
this is something that has happened from a very young age. people think he is nice, he is kind, he is handsome, he is a little bit of an airhead but that makes him cute. people have called him perfect before and he just doesn’t understand. he helps people, sure but... that is supposed to be normal, right? he remember having classmates asking him why he wasn’t dating someone if every single girl was crazy for him, and still he couldn’t understand why. he didn’t really have an inferiority complex, but he always found himself to be quiet ordinary. so why people thought of him as a celebrity? why everyone used him as example?
one time he helped a girl during school and she got obsessed with him. she would call him ‘her guardian angel’, ‘her prince’, or stuff like that, making him feel uncomfortable, making him feel weird. he was just another human being, he was not really the perfect student, he wasn’t a perfect person either. because of his personality and how easy-going he could be, sei was always a popular person, people would approach him only because they wanted to be their friend, because he was a ‘pretty handsome young man’, his looks were always something relevant whenever he was brought into a conversation. and sei, still was unable to understand. 
to this day, sei is heavily criticized around campus and in the industry because he prefers to stay off camera. he has been offered to be an idol and a model before, but he is just so scared of that attention that have been following him all his life that he is unable to do it. sei still cannot understand what makes him so special, sei is unable to find the reason behind his popularity. sei considers himself, an ordinary human being. 
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hancfubuki · 4 years
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i love angry sei because he doesn’t appear often, but when he is mad he turn you on oh
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