#▓▓▓┆♚ ˖° ❛ ANSWERED ASK
erobret · 16 days
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@palespawn asked : “Enough waiting. I crave blood.” ( halsin )
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LARGE HAND GRIPPED THE ARM OF THE OTHER . not roughly , simply enough to stop the male from leaving the spot where they hid . he would risk them getting them found by the enemy and they did have to wait for the others if they were succeed .
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hazel hues fell upon crimson . the druid knew that this one was a spawn . he had learned of that upon joining them on the road . it had not changed his view of him . there had been no choice given to him when he had been turned , for that he could only assume . he was not one to pry into one's past .
however , was it blood he wished to spill in battle ? . . . or did he crave it for nourishment ? gaze turned back to fixate on the clearing below them . ❝ have you not fed recently ? ❞ he inquired , her voice low and rough . ❝ if you are lacking then the strength for what is to come then i may offer you my own . ❞
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thevessaliuz · 5 months
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"Jack...can I ask you something?"
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"Umm.... Of course?"
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greedbent · 6 days
She might have spent a little TOO MUCH TIME with this bro, recently. For without realising it, Itsuki starts pulling a sour expression very similar to his own. With a clenched jaw and ever so slightly furrowed brows, once again-- she doesn't even realise that she's doing this while she stands nearby him or even beside him whilst he carries on in his doings.
@yukikorogashi || in which kaz is the worst influence (as usual) u-u;
He's learned not to pay her much mind.
Her presence isn't all that bothersome, that is; she hasn't made herself into some sort of pest like a few others Kaz could readily name, and when she chooses to be around him, she doesn't get in his way. It's almost like he has a shadow at times, one in the form of a young girl who rather fits the description of light more accurately, but those who know Dirtyhands (by rumors or the lucky few on a personal level) know not to ask questions about the company he keeps.
Unless you're someone like Jesper. Or even Wylan. Nina, too, if she were around.
It took the former's stray comment one day for Kaz to finally notice. And now, as he finishes sorting through a pile of documents, he ventures a look and hardly needs longer than a second to confirm the allegations. “You can stop that, you know,” he says, straightening the papers with a few quick raps atop his desk. “Making that face. It doesn't suit you.”
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royalarms · 24 days
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Offers him a plate full of birthday cupcakes. “Happy Birthday, prince Noctis!” ⸻ @foxballad .
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there's always a general awareness around the time of the celebration of his birth , and he's never spent it entirely alone ( despite this , the hole in his chest remains ) . regardless , his anticipation of the day is always a bit dull . numb , even . another day of increased , and generally unwanted , attention . he was tired before the day began , preparing himself for the sociable act he'd have to portray for all , that he might continuously represent lucis in a manner befitting of an heir . still , despite his dread , there is a level of appreciation that befalls him every time he's bestowed with a humble gift ; not one that requests further favor nor one that grapples for his undivided attention . home - made cupcakes , even if he cannot finish them on his lonesome , are appreciated . he smiles genuinely , accepting them with his hands and giving a passive shrug ( as if he were shrugging off the embarrassment of perceivable joy ) .
❛ hey , thanks . you busy ? i was thinkin' we share 'em . ❜
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feilien · 1 year
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@crosseddestiny said: “ [ walk ] sender helps receiver walk by staying by their side and holding onto them (from manfred) " {♚ x PROMPTS FOR COMFORTABLE INTIMACY ||  Accepting x}
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 It had been a close call. Hell, it might yet be. Just because he had made it out of the shooting alive, didn’t mean he’d survive the bullet he’d taken to the stomach. If being hunted down your own men — no, your grandfather’s men — wasn’t proof enough that his entire life had been a lie, Matt wasn’t sure what was. It had all started innocently enough; Matt had seen things from a different angle, a different perspective. He’d always been told that ‘the victims’ of their criminal dealings deserved it. That they had made the wrong choices, lived their life in a way that had led them down that path and no one else was responsible for it but they themselves. They were scum, worthless, and anything that happened to them, they deserved. The Black Dragons were merely executioner in this. And Matt had believed it. Had looked down on the people addicted to drugs and gambling, or taking out loans at interest rates they couldn’t afford. The Black Dragons were enabling, sure, but it wasn’t their fault those people were in that predicament to begin with.
 Until he started studying at university and working at a law firm. Some of the cases he had to study had been downright brutal and gruesome. It wasn’t just desperate men and women who had fallen victim to gang and triad violence, but children, too. How could children deserve that kind of fate? It didn’t sound right. So Matt had the nerve to ask: are you sure what we’re doing is right? It hadn’t sat too well with his grandfather, and after a verbal reprimand, Matt didn’t bring it up again for a while.
 Until he did. This time he didn’t cave. He questioned his grandfather and the clan repeatedly, struggling to understand what was truly right and wrong. Slowly, but surely, he could feel his entire world collapsing all around him. What exactly had turned Matt from being heir of the clan to being hunted, he wasn’t too sure. One night his mother burst into his room, telling him to pack a suitcase and leave. Run. Run as far away as possible.
 It was somewhere in Texas where they finally caught up with him. What followed was a high speed chase, then a shootout. In the end, Matt emerged victorious, but critically injured and close to bleeding to death. He’d managed to drag himself to a nearby town. Midnight, Texas. He’d never heard of it before, but he didn’t really care. As long as they had a doctor, or.. anyone that could help him, where he was was of no importance.
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 “You really don’t need to help me,” Matt muttered through clenched teeth, holding his side in an attempt to slow the bleeding. “All I needed was some directions to a doctor. Hell, a vet will do, too. Don’t really care.” Despite his words, he couldn’t deny that the help was greatly appreciated. His legs had slowly stopped listening to him and every step had become a chore. “I suppose I should apologize for ruining your shirt, too. Blood stains rarely come out.”
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kinglyisms · 7 months
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♚ — @dayrisen ;; Hiroki & Koko. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
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   “That I blew myself up?” Hiroki asked back, blinking confused at her before he slowly lowered his gaze down to his body. She had walked in on him changing, which was awkward enough, but having her look concerned at him was even more so. She really gives him such confusing signs, he can never tell when she hates him or if she likes him. It almost seems to fluctuate with her mood which, considering his magic is controlled by his own mood, that seems like such a chaotic combination. 
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   His desk he had blown up again had actually fractured and splintered far more than he had wanted it to and a good chunk of the wood had actually dragged right across his hip and left a fairly large gash. It was sensitive, he had some wood stuck in it actually, and he hadn’t even noticed he was bleeding until he touched his hip from the pain and his hand came back red. Hence, him heading to his room to change and she apparently followed him. 
   In Koko’s defense, she probably didn’t realize this was his bedroom. It wasn’t as if she’s spent a lot of time around, learning him or the place and again in her defense–Hiroki has been reluctant to do that. He doesn’t understand her and she tends to turn him off a bit with her–wildly varying mood. He never knows if he’s making the right steps or the wrong ones around her and it’s confusing. The topic of shoes sets her off, trying to protect her sets her off, but she gives him flowers and wants to help him?  
   Baffling is what she can be. 
   “I need you to, um, turn around or–actually just leave? Something along those lines.” He pressed his lips together and stepped over to the desk, searching around for some tweezers to pluck the wood from his wound. Then at the very least he could clean and patch it himself so he can go back to work. “It’s really not that big a deal, I blow myself up like–at least twice a week, maybe more.” He feels like he’s gotten better and then something just has to push him over the edge. 
   Today was just one of those bad days, where someone said something wrong and picked a fight with him. The desk tends to be the target when his emotions get too high and he throws his hands around. It can’t entirely be helped, not unless people learn to stop pissing him off which just wasn’t going to happen. Not in his position. 
   “I’ll be alright, I’ll clean and bandage it.”
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Y'know, as terrifying as Broly's anger is, it is nice to know he would defend a lady's honor (cuz in the movie, he defends Cheelai from that drink soldier) He's such a good boi!💚💚💚
Imagine standing up for Broly just to give him a voice in a matter because he's used to people speaking out for him, and then the back and forth heats up and he starts to pick up on the tension not at all liking the words being said to you. Next thing you know he's coaxed you behind him with his hand out both blocking you and guarding you from the offender, and basically letting them know its not between you and them anymore- now its between him and them. Chivalry or not, he's not going to let anyone disrespect people he considers friends.
That gesture alone is literally the only warning he's giving for them to back off because if they even so much as point a finger at you after that, he's rearranging their jaw and turning their nose into an innie.
Hes a good boi indeed ❤, still a scary boi when angry but he knows he ain't letting his friends take anyone's crap.
Like I am convinced Broly is best boy with good intentions and morals. But that he also. Really. Likes to fight. 👀 And when pushed will take what he can get.
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tazmilyxfamily · 2 years
Anonymous inquired:
So with that other art, is Sugar Glass your mom now Dark Choco? Are you happy your mom is here?
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"Of course I'm glad mother is here! How could I not be? She's been here for me for so long..."
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"Why do you say that as if she went away and came back? ...Did something happen...?"
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shadowsceptereda · 2 years
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@timewontwait​ SAID: ❛ i hope you find the peace you’re searching for. ❜
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The demon stares out into nothingness at those words. He's out of touch with reality, Sonic's words echoing through his mind with this odd shrill of... mockery? Certainly, the words aren’t spoken with such a tone, but Mephiles the Dark cannot interpret it as anything else, looking up with disturbed realization.
Peace. The machine electrocutes him thrice. Peace. He's begging them to stop. Solaris is begging them to stop. Peace. They were friends. They betrayed them. Peace. He's crawling, running away, HIDING. PEACE. And the cold, bleak abyss of nothingness, for the rest of his days. Why. Why is that peace? That's not peace. He won't know peace. He knows it. So long as everything lives, HE WILL NEVER KNOW PEACE.
It's all so abrupt. Without a word, the demon has lurched forward, hands shifted into pointed claws as he bolts to straddle the other to the floor by the neck. His voice trembles with fury, disillusioned anger, because how dare he. HOW DARE HE.
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❝ Don't you dare talk of peace to ME, Sonic the Hedgehog! ❞
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erobret · 2 months
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@thuganomxcs asked : Now that they were alone within the break room at the studio Yusuke squats behind her to lift up her skirt to view the contents beneath.
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SHE HUMMED SOFTLY AS SHE MADE SOME TEA . today was a day of photoshoots . mainly a promotion for a popular maid cafe in the area . she was going to be the one advertising their new menu . so . . . she'd been put into a maid outfit . it made sense though she'd been a little embarrassed by it at first . thankfully , after two hours she was given a break while the photographer looked through everything to see if anything needed to be reshot before she went home .
she was stirring in some honey when she felt the breeze underneath the skirt . head turned so that lilac hues could look back over a shoulder ---- she froze . face reddened instantly at what yusuke was doing . he was --- he was looking under her skirt . heart pounded in her chest . nonono ! he was seeing the lace she'd decided to wear ! it was far too scandalous ! ohhhh why didn't she go with a more modest pair ?
❝ don't look ! ❞ quickly she'd spun , hand flying down to pull her skirt back down to cover the lacey little thing . oh she couldn't look him in the eye . he's gonna think differently of her now ! the world saw her as this innocent ray of sunshine with her smiles and laughter and frills and sparkles . what would they think of her if she wasn't as innocent as they thought she was ?
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mccncutter · 2 years
🍂 hello brendan ! i adore your passionate ideas for ichigo and can’t wait to see more of them !  you’re such a positive vibe , i always enjoy talking with you . please take care and have a great day !
| | |  @oschvank  | | |   𝐔𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝: 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠   !
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            Esmeeeeeee  !!   I adore you and Nel + Karin  !!   Cheers to many more wholesome and depressing interactions  !!
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greedbent · 9 months
kaz is absolutely the most stubborn pos when he's been injured. a(n un)healthy mix of pride and his phobia making it so that he doesn't want anyone touching him, he will absolutely just deal with any of his ailments alone—at least as far as he can before he has to begrudgingly allow a healer to take a look (and even then, the healer is permitted to do a bare minimum before kaz is shrugging them off and going about his business)
it's incredible his own pigheadedness hasn't killed him yet tbh
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royalarms · 21 days
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Happy brithday, Noct! Whatever you wanna do today, we're doing it! (from prompto!) ⸻ @zoeticbled .
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❛ whatever ? ❜ he speaks with an air of contemplation , the demise of his indecision sitting just at the tip of his tongue , but never any further . a ruminative hand finds its way to the back of his neck , gelled strands of raven locks tickling the folds between his fingers as he sighs . he sighs quietly , as if he's bewildered by the prospect of his desires , and squints his eyes in some sort of thoughtful development of his choices .
❛ i guess . . . sushi ? that cool with you ? ❜
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kinglyisms · 7 months
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♚ — @dayrisen ;; Hiroki & Koto.
Yes ! Perhaps, on this day, she can make their rough meetings better ! She's quite adept at chocolate making after all ! Mint chocolate, sweet chocolate, bitter, strawberry, orange, a flurry of the best of things ! Chocolates, decorated & in a cute box, Koto scurries down the hall, to the room that she believes is his bedroom. It is not the same time as when the last incident had occurred, so maybe, perhaps, this time shall be better ! Throwing open the grand door, she begins to run in, eyes shining. ❛❛ Hiroki ! Happy Valentine's day ------ ❜❜ Oh, the universe did not like that ! For there she goes, tripping over her own two feet & flying face down, chocolates spilling all about except for a very few that remain in the box. Ah. Koto's decided she'll just lay here & perhaps become one with the ground.
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   Valentine's Day is always an interesting problem around Abarith. Being such a magical Kingdom, love potions tend to get sold around in secret, traded amongst people and others drugged. Starlight Bar tends to rent more security around that day, so no one's drinks get spiked and people assaulted. To him, it’s a stressful day, when he was younger with his mother it used to be quite fun. Baking chocolate, giving it to people that mattered, and spending those times with her just cooking. His mother was good at that, at baking, actual cooking she tended to be a disaster. 
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   He’s been up for a while, he never actually went to bed, and was going over the reports that he got from the soldiers who were keeping an extra eye out in this difficult week. They’d confiscated a number of love potions, which were essentially aphrodisiacs with sedatives and psychedelics from the way that the Witches explained it to him. He had one of them on his desk, taken from the street market and was looking at the little pink bottle curiously. So much money was spent just because they were afraid of not having love. 
   His door being thrown open startles him and he sets the bottle back down, his gaze darting over toward their visiting Princess who was shouting something about Valentine’s Day. Then, the rug in front of his door, the same one she killed herself on last time apparently decided to have round two and her shoes caught on it. He really is going to take her shoe shopping one day. He watches from the desk as she falls, the things she was carrying going everywhere, and then apparently she just gave up on life. 
   He literally just watched someone die from a carpet in real time. 
   Sighing softly he stood from the desk, tugging the gloves he was wearing off and opening his right hand flat, palm up. He focused a moment and through the bits of light that formed in his palm, a bundle of light blue star shaped flowers appeared. Once they were fully formed he held them gently in his hand and made his way over toward the girl on the floor. Kneeling down beside her he placed the flowers beside him and reached his hands down to her hair. 
   Though it was quite long, falling to what looked like the middle of her back, he could work with that. As he spoke he started to braid her hair from the sides to behind her head, working the flowers in at the same time. “Amsonias, the Blue Star flower, they’re dainty and small but don’t let their appearance fool you. They’re beautiful flowers that grow together and form a strong stem. And their meaning is a rather beautiful one.” He reached the end of her hair and realizing he didn’t have a hair tie, he took the one from his own braid and worked it into the one he made in her hair. “The Blue Star flowers represent strength, resilience and perseverance.” 
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   He took his hands back from her hair and gently touched her shoulder before moving away. Grabbing one of the chocolates off of the carpet he stood up and tossed it into his mouth, completely unafraid or unashamed. “I see those things in you.” He did, she was a strong person. He swallowed the sweet down and made his way over toward her desk. “It’s good. Happy Valentine’s Day, Koto.”
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yuukiiqwq · 6 months
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JJK Masterlist ♚
❥ Satoru Gojo
꒰ This is just me coping ꒱
╰┈➤ My Love, My Light, My One and Only (0.6k)
꒰ One Shots ꒱
╰┈➤ An Eternity Without You (1.2k)
What are the words you would use to describe a God? Beautiful, powerful, strong? The answer is lonely. To be burdened with everyone's dreams and wishes. To be the strongest without anyone to lean on.
╰┈➤ Our Blue Spring (2.5k)
Time stopped for you that day. That day where all four of you are laughing together, the sun brightly shining, the wind gently blowing, the sky a beautiful blue, where all of you believed everything was going to be alright.
꒰ Drabbles + Headcanons + Short Fics ꒱
╰┈➤ Look At Me! (1k)
Jealous of your cat
╰┈➤ Chocolate Heart (0.9k)
It's Valentine's Day, so where's his chocolate?
╰┈➤ Marry Me? (0.9k)
Satoru was going to propose to you
╰┈➤ Entirely Yours (0.5k)
Love sick Gojo
╰┈➤ Coffee Date (0.4k)
Asking you out on a coffee date
꒰ Mini Series ꒱
Basketball player Gojo AU
⇢ Score! (1.5k)
⇢ Stay Away! (0.7k)
❥ Sukuna Ryomen
꒰ One Shots ꒱
╰┈➤ Dandelions (2.7k)
His heart beats only for you while yours beats for someone else, so he made a wish on a dandelion, hoping it would come true.
╰┈➤ Sunflowers (2.3k)
Part 2 of Dandelion
He only had eyes for you. Everyone else in the world doesn't matter. He knows what you like, what you dislike, your favorite food, your favorite color, the books you like. He knew everything about you. So, just this once, won't you look his way?
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allkordelia · 2 months
Keep Me Near Your Heart XXII
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I can't believe it took me the whole season of 2 hotd to finish this single chapter, I'm so ashame of myself and i didn't watch the new season yet.
Aemond and Jaenara arrived in King's Landing just two hours before dinner, Jaenara was surprised that her aunt or Alys haven't come looking for her yet. She has no doubt the servants told the family of their return home, so why does  it feel like something happened while she was away.
"My heart, are you alright?" Aemond asked, his head was resting on jaenara's lap as their laid in bed.
"Yes..." she said slowly before blinks trying to shake the daze away, "...I was just thinking how quiet it seems around the castle...feels like everyone is hiding from us, don't you think?" She asked low, moving her hand to run her fingers through his white locks.
Aemond gives a thoughtful look before answering.
"Hmm, I sense that as well...you think they are angry at us?" Aemond asked looking up at his belove, now it was jaenara turns to look at him with a similar look.
"Hmmm, I'm sure your mother is but rhaelle, no I think something else is going on that we don't know about."
The young prince frown as he plays with her fingers.
"You think mother has another plan up her sleeve." He asked moving to grab her wrist gently before running his fingertips up and down her forearm.
"I don't know...I have a feeling we gonna find out later at dinner."
Just as Jaenara said that a knock made Aemond and Jaenara turn away from each other to the door, it took a moment for Aemond to answer and when he did a male servant came in leaving the door opened in his stesd before going to side of Aemond's bed and handing him a note.
Once the man left Jaenara looks at her husband.
"What does it say?" She asked looking over curious at the unfolded note.
"Father wishes to us in the throne room immediately." Aemond replies after scanning through the small note, he drop it and turn to his wife with a frown, "Do you think we're in trouble for leaving without telling anyone." He asked, Jaenara frown in return.
"I hope not." she utters as she took thennote from his lap and read over the two sentences, "I guess we should go and get it over with..." she discarded the note on the side table before getting out of the bed with Aemond's help, "...I mean, atleast we have a reason for why we left, I just hope this meeting goes better than the last one." Jaenaea grabs Aemond's hand after he opens the door and close if behind him.
"I am sure father will understand, he knows how mother is and besides," He brings the back of her hand up to his lips to press a kiss before parting, "He was in our favor the last time, I'm sure we have nothing to worry about." Aemond assures with a small smile, Jaenara sigh before leaning her head against the side of his arm.
"I hope you right, my love." She mutters before Aemond leans down and kiss the top of her head before leaning his head against hers.
Aemond prays to the gods and hope that he is right as well.
Once Jaenara and Aemond made to the throne they notice the rest of the family was there waiting on them, Jaenara glance around noticing how everyone kept their eyes averted with looks of indifferent on their faces. Jaenara look at Aemond as he look at her with the same look before coming to a stop in the middle of the hall, Jaenara's eyes turn to the left and to the right as her family stood divided while Alicent and her father stood at the bottom of the steps to the side as Viserys sat in his throne looking a little healthier the last time I saw him.
"My kin, I am so happy to see you both well." Viserys says with a small smile, both husband and wife bowed their heads to their king in thanks.
"Thank you, father." Aemond spoke lifting his head to look at his king, he cast his eyes over to his mother to see her staring at him with a sad and miserable look, "But, if I may asked what is going on here?" He asked looking away from his mother to his father again, viserys shift in his throne, his eyes glancing away from his son to another before back to him.
"Well, my son, it's seems that my words from before did not ring clear to everyone in that room that day I confronted your sister."
Multiple eyes glance towards Alicent as she bow her head like a kicked stray with a scowl on her face, jaenara look away from Alicent to her grandfather.
"I like to be the first to apologize to you both for what occurred that night, I am sorry that you had to go through that ordeal especially with your condition." Viserys says sincerely, making Rhaenyra roll her eyes at her father before looking at her nails, "Do trust that I intend to take care of this problem and make sure it never bothers you again." Jaenara smile thankfully at her grandfather, but deep down she had other plans in mind for Rivers and Alicent.
"Thank you, father." Aemond bow his head again, "But, it is not your fault nor was it your action that caused my wife's distress or made use leave." Aemond glance at his mother who finally look up to stare at her son in shock,  "I wish to hear it from my mother, I wish to hear her apologize to my wife and promise she'll never pull something like this again." He emphasize with a stern look as his mother's mouth gape at her son.
"I think thats fair," Viserys looks to his wife who turn to look at him, "Well, don't you have something to say, wife." He raise his brow at her in waiting as she stare at her husband mortified.
"No, I have nothing to say at all, I am not the one at fault here, she is!" She pointed towards Jaenara making half the people in the room roll their eyes at her.
"Mother--" Aemond growled getting fed up with her.
"No, Aemond! I will not do it." She hiss with vemon, "I would rather throw myself off the great sept than apologize to that manipulative little wh--" She spat.
Aemond along with few of his cousins glare at her and her audacity, she was beginning to make herself look like a mad woman each time she open her mouth.
"Watch yourself, Alicent." Rhaelle was quick to say as she glare at her ex-stepdaughter, "You already dug yourself into a hole, do not bury yourself as well."
Alicent narrow her eyes at Rhaelle, she was beginning to get tired of her ex-stepmother and her prigish tone, she was starting to hate the very woman.
"Alicent, just apologize and let's be done with it--"
"NO!" She shouted turning to her husband with fury in her eyes, "No, I will not allow it, I will not allow her to win again. It's not fair!" She stomp her foot like a spoiled child, rhaenyra squint her eyes at the woman who her father was glaring daggers at.
"Watch your tone with me, Alicent. You forget your place." Viserys hiss leaning forward with a hard look, Alicent start to breathe heavily as she glare at her husband, "Apologize. Now." He said through clench teeth, Alicent took a step close to the steps and snarl.
Viserys and his wife stare angrily at one another as if arguing with their eyes.
"Fine. You leave me with no choice than mother..." Aemond spoke making his parents turn to him, he grabbed Jaenara by the waist pulling her close before resting his hand on her hips, "Jaenara and I have decided we are leaving King's Landing  permanently to live in Dragonstone with Jaenara's aunt and uncle." He reavl making Jaenaea glance at him shock but hide her expression, Aemond look at her before looking away to look at his mother.
Alicent stood there dumbfounded by her son's declaration, it was like all the air in the room was snatch from her body and she couldn't breathe. She took a step towards her son before stopping. Aemond her sweet son. Her flesh and blood. The only person who can see and understand her pain was now abandoning her.
"Y--You can't..." She utter broken.
Aemond look away from his mother to off to the side, the look on her face was heartbreaking. He wish he didn't have to come to this, he truely  prayed to the gods every night that he hope his mother would change and see that he is happy with Jaenara. But, the gods didn't listen and rather showed him that his mother will never change, so he have to think about his wife and son.
"I am and will." He took in a deep breathe before looking at her, "You obviously can not let go of your anger and hatred for my wife because of her mother--"
Alicent scoff anger and disbelief at her son.
"So, your going to live with the very people who took your eye and didn't get punish for it." She hissed with tears gathering in her eyes, "What spell has that girl have you under, my son. What lies have she promised to you?" Aemond huffed.
"You still don't get it." Aemond mutters shaking his head feeling exasperated by his mother and her antics.
"Aemond, please, you can not leave me. You are my son... I have always been there for you, always stuck by your side, always kiss your wounds, and..." Her voice broke as her the tears spill down her cheeks, Aemond clench his jaw to stop him from crumbling to his mother's feet and begging her forgiveness.
The others watch with mix emotions, Jaenaea felt a ping of sadness for Alicent. She knows how much Alicent meant to Aemond, she knows how Aemond and Alicent shared a bond like no other just like her mother with Lucerys. Her plans was to put Alicent in her place and show her that she was a force to be reckon with, but she did not expect her husband to confess such things. The last thing she wanted was to shatter her husband and his mother bond, but in the end Jaenara couldn't deny that Alicent brought it upon herself.
"You leave me with no choice, mother." Aemond said with hint of defeat and sadness, "I have tried to reason with you on multiple occasions, but you refuse to listen."
"Aemond, please." Alicent walks up to her son with pleading tearful eyes, Janeaea took move to step away but Aemond held in place not wanting her to  leave his side, "Please, I will listen now, just tell me what to do and i will do it." Aemond look at his mother warily.
"I'm sorry, mother. But, I have to look out for what best for my wife and the will being of my son."
Alicent's eyes flicker as she stare into her son's orb, she could see how serious and sad he was as he stare down at her with a square jaw.
"What of your other child, hmmm? Are you just going to abandoned him and his mother. Is that the type of man I raise you to be, Aemond?" Alicent asked with a disappointed tone, Aemond glance down to the floor as he thought about what she said.
"No...you didn't." Alicent exhale softly feeling as she was finally getting through to her son, "But, I am not sure that that child is mine, Rivers could have gotten any lord to put that seed in her. But, once she gives birth to the child and if it is mine. Jaenara and I will discuss it and decide what to do with it, but for now that child is nothing to me."
Alicent step back as if she was slap in the face, she stare at her son as if she didn't know who he was.
"How can you speak about the woman you love since you were a boy."
All the color drain from Aemond's face before he balled his fist at his mother's words making him get upset, Jaenara notice and put her hand onto his own and squeeze in comfort.
"What would you know about that?" The coldness in his voice had Alicent looking at him taken back, "What would you know about anything between her and me."
"I know that you loved with your entire heart–"
"And what made you think that?" His words caused many to look on confuse especially Alicent, after a moment of silence Aemond spoke up again, "Do you remember what you said to me that night I came to your chamber after going to fleabottom with Aegon." He asked, Alicent's eyes flickers over her son's face during to decipher his emotion.
"I–I don't know...it was so long ago, Aemond. You can not expect me to remember that far back–" She defended herself.
"Yes, i didn't expect you too, you were so far down into the wine bottle. I thought I would have to fetch the maester." Alicent was left speechless as Aemond continue on before exhaling deeply, "That night I came to you for guidance...no reassurance, deep in my heart I knew what I did with Rivers felt wrong." Alicent was silent like everyone else as Aemond talk.
"And I came to you with my sorrows and thoughts, tears in my eyes feeling nothing but confusion and heartache. I ask for guidance, mother, because I knew you knew best for me." Aemond look away pressing his tongue against his cheek for second, "In your drunken haze, you grabbed my cheek softly and look me in the eye..." Aemond turn back at his mother to look her in the eye, "And told me that jaenara will never love a ugly one-eye monster like me...no woman would, I was freak now, how can anyone love a freak?" His eyes turn cold that caused Alicent shudder and look away.
"Aemond, I–" Alicent started.
"Was drunk I know, you always are ever since I was little boy you always had a cup in your hand," He snip causing Alicent to purse her lips,"I believe your words because you knew best..." He chuckle humorlessly, "...And after that I guess that made it easy for you to manipulate me," Alicent shook her head at what her son was implying.
"Aemond, I would never do that to you–"
"Just stop!" He snapped pointing at her,  "I am done with your lies and your meddling, I have allow you to control me for so long and I am tired of this anger i been holding on to." He drop his hand with weary look, "You fueled my anger and hatred for years, so much so I came with horrible plan to make...make wife's life painful." He look at his wife who stare at him with tears in her eyes, "I'm so sorry, my love, I did all of this to get back at your brothers for my mistake, I should have never left the castle nor should I have taunted Baela and Rhaena." He turns to the twins who who stood next to each other with Lucerys and Jacerys by their sides.
"I am sorry."
Baela raise her brow taken back while Rhaena look meekly with a shock look, Aemond look away from them back to his mother.
"I have grown tired holding on to the past, mother. I must focus on my future for the sake of my wife and son."
"A son that is not yours." Alicent said quietly and dishearten with her head down as she pick at her nails.
"I know." Alicent look up at him, "But, he is still mine even if you do not want him to be he his mine, mother." Aemond took a step close to his mother and grab her hands, " I do not ask for much I just want it all to stop, I want you to stop holding on to whatever grudge you have against Rhaenyra and stop punishing Jaenara for it, please."
Alicent stare gazing at her son's face, thinking about how once it was chubby and innocent, now he is grown and  staid. A heartbreaking revelation of her son growing up, she thought of his words and glance at Jaenara. As she stare at the princess, the more the feeling in her heart grew rather than shrink and she look back at her son, moving her hands to caress his chest with a strain look.
"She is using you, Aemond." She whispered, Aemond sigh moving to squeeze the bridge of his nose with his fingers, "She will hurt you and betray you, I can feel it–" Aemond brush his mother's hands away from him before stepping back, "Aemond, you have to listen to me–"
"I don't have to do anything," he glare at her, "You have NO idea how lucky you are to have me as a son and her as a daughter in law."
"She's trying to take you away from me, why should I be happy about that–"
"Because it was my idea!" He shouted, "Jaenara had no clue about this, I wanted to give you a chance to make this right. To change your mind before the baby comes. I want my son to know his grandmother." Alicent look at her son for moment before shaking her head.
"I can not do what you ask...it just too much, Aemond." Aemond's shoulders lower in defeat, "You asking me to go against everything i believe in–"
"But, yet you are so quick to welcome Rivers's bastard into this family." He sneer making Alicent swallow as Aemond's eyes grow dark, "That woman doesn't care about me, she cares that I can take care of her. She is selfish. Like you." He look at his mother with disgust and disappointment.
"Unlike, Jaenara." He continues as his face softens, "After all she been through having to be raised in the shadow of her brothers, the mistreatment by her mother, the hell we put her through..." He let out a shaky breathe, "And yet, she is the most kindest and most giving person I have every meet in my entire life, she does more for the common folks in fleabottom than you and I combined."
Rhaenyra turn her eyes up at the ceiling as the others look on with small smiles, Aemond exhale as he stretch his fingers out and look down.
"I don't deserve her. I never did. The fact that she hasn't slit my throat in my sleep yet is another reason she is too good for me." He lift his head up and turn to look at his wife who wore a teary smile as she look at him, "I took everything from her, her love, her freedom, her reason to live." His voice waver making him clench his jaw as his once stable emotions were starting to seep through, he look down again before looking at his mother.
"I already lost my daughter because me, I won't lose my son too because of your ignorance."
Alicent was silent as Aemond step back and turn to his wife, Jaenara didn't waste time in throwing herself into his arms and wrapping her arm around him as she rest her head his chest.
"I'm sorry, my love." Aemond whispered into her crown as he stroke her hair, "I'm so sorry."
"I know, I know." She nods as the tears continue to fall uncontrollably as her face is press against his chest.
After a moment they pulled back from each other but Jaenaea was still in Aemond's arms, Aemond soon to look over to his father.
"If it's alright with you, father. I would like to end this and take my wife back to her chamber to rest before dinner." Aemond asked, viserys gives a single nod.
"Of course, my son." He granted, "Eveyone can go back to their chambers now,"
Everyone in the room expect Otto and Alicent bowed their heads before turning to leave as Jaenara and Aemond make to the door, the king spoke up again making couple of them to stop.
"Expect you, Rhaenyra, stay...we have some things to discuss." Viserys commands.
Jaenara glance between her grandfather and her mother before being urge to follow Aemond, her attention turns back to her husband as she feel fatigue tug at her eyes.
"Aemond." The couple stop to see rhaelle and daemon walking up to them as the rest of the family part ways to do their own thing.
"Cousin. Uncle." Aemond greeted both of them, rhaelle smile at him as she and her husband come to a stop in front of them.
"We won't take too much of your time, we just wanted to make sure you and jaenara were alright." Rhaelle assures as move to clutch her hands together against her stomach, she look at jaenaea with a small smile,"How are you doing, little one?" She asked gently, Jaenara return the smile.
"I'm fine. A little tired but I am good." Jaenara reassures making rhaelle nod.
"We are happy to hear that, darling." Rhaelle says before looking at Aemond with a gentle but serious look, "Aemond, if you were serious about moving to Dragonstone, I want to say you have mine and daemon full support on the matter. If not you still have our support." Aemond nods.
"Thank you, rhaelle."
Rhaelle bow her head before having Daemon grab her waist as he nod to the couple, they turn walking away as jaenara and aemond went the opposite way towards their chamber.
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