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enrogued ยท 3 months
@maximummuses's logan said โ› the beginnings , still a little hazy. โœ
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" hazy how? " it's a strange question to ask, but even though she's no expert on memories (though she's carrying enough to make it feel like she might be on her way to it) it feels like it might have some relevance. everyone experiences things differently. it could be important.
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" like heat-wave hazy, where you've got all the colours but everything's blurry and distant? or foggy hazy, where y' just see grey and shadows? or disco-lights at the club hazy, where everything's clear but only for a moment? " okay, so maybe she does have some experience working with memories.
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enrogued ยท 3 months
@youngheroics' erik sent don't give me that look .
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" what, i ain't allowed to look at ya now? " she props her chin against her closed fist, elbow braced against the table, eyes tilted up towards him even more deliberately than before. since he had the audacity to ask her to stop.
" mind clarifyin' which look exactly you got a problem with? 'cause i got a heap of 'em. " it's easy to pinpoint which of her expressions he might be talking about. the judgemental ones, the disappointed ones, the ones xavier would be proud of. but there's also the others, the softer looks; the hopeful look, the awed look. the ones where the problem isn't that she's judging him harshly, but that she's not judging him harshly enough for his own liking.
the looks that might be meant to move an icy heart to warmth. to soothe a chilly exterior. yeah, that look, that's definitely the one he's talking about. it's like the helmet, isn't it? if she shows him sympathy and compassion (and affection) he might misstep in his campaign. he's trying to be so focused.
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enrogued ยท 4 months
@nerdynanny whispered in rogue's ear [ whisper ] "Is it just me, or is this Magneto dude kinda hot?"
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the sensation of someone leaning in close to her ear causes rogue to flinch, perhaps a tad dramatically. " jesus- scare a gal half t' death why don't cha? " it's instinctive, leaning away and shooting spidey a glare.
a glare which falters as she processes what he actually said. her gaze flickers across the room to where erik- magneto- is speaking to beast. her cheeks blaze pink and for a moment she's caught up remembering her youth, fresh faced and wide eyed and looking at erik like he hung the stars themselves. her skin tingles with the mere memory of his touch.
she fails to feign indifference. " sure, he ain't bad lookin', i guess. " it's too casual for the blush on her cheeks. she forces herself to look away- to even try and change the subject. " you should be more careful approachin' me like that, i coulda laid you out. " ignoring, of course, the spidey suit.
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enrogued ยท 3 months
@themckaytriarchy sent These are the last good days of summer--the last good days before Genosha. They still have time for "trivial" things like team politics and figuring out how to get through to Magneto during disagreements without banging your head into the wall. Tess... has not been doing a great job of getting through to Erik, even if she's persistent. Every day is the same: 'we need arts programs for mutant kids outside Genosha. Like an outreach.' And 'Erik, I'm not giving up." And, 'Every mutant kid should have the opportunity to dread their piano lessons!' Followed by the inevitable, 'Fine, let's table it.' On. And on. At this point, Morph's probably regretting telling Tess their parents couldn't find anyone to teach them to play... whatever instrument they tried to force them into playing as a child. Because Morph didn't pass. So she paces, and she grumbles, and she considers her options. Then she goes, 'well, I might as well.' 'Might as well' involves plopping down in a chair across from Rogue, bracing her hands on her own knees as she leans forward. She doesn't blink as she studies her, gaze speculative. "I'm trying to get something done. Community work." Blunt and to the point. "But Xavier's not here anymore, and I don't know if I can swing it without Erik's help. 'Well. If Rogue kills me, at least I'll get to die in a dramatic fight.' "How do I work him?"
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there's a crispness to the air that's a good indication that summer is almost over, that pretty soon all the trees across the state will be turning orange and dropping their leaves. rogue's always torn between preferring the cooler temperatures because they make it easier to wear full body coverage outfits and missing the heat of the sun that reminds her of home.
but right now the sun is shining and she's settled like a cat in a sunbeam, chair underneath one of many floor to ceiling windows, book in her lap. relaxed. or as relaxed as anyone ever gets around here, especially with the new boss on their tails.
she's not too worried about it. there's no scolding on earth could move her from this spot right now. (she'll move for an emergency, but nothing less than the mansion being on fire).
so she takes a long moment to actually look up from her book when someone sits in the chair opposite. rogue places a gloved finger between the pages to hold her place and raises her head, only to be startled by the intensity of tess' gaze.
it's not intense like angry, it's just piercing. feels like she's trying to see her soul. " ya good, hon? " she asks, as tess launches into her spiel about trying to get some community work done. mutant outreach, she assumes. or something similar. come to think of it she's heard someone mention tess's music and arts programme.
so it strikes rogue as strange that erik hasn't signed off on it yet. her brow scrunches slightly- and then even more as tess asks the most obvious of questions that rogue doesn't want to answer.
how do i work him? as if there's any one way that will work. more worrying is that she's come to rogue, like she knows that it's easier for her than anyone else. is it that obvious? has she been that obvious? that careless?
she ignores the question. " woah, slow down, sugah, is this about your arts programme? " she already knows the answer is yes. " you wanna put together a music and arts outreach, right? " so why hasn't erik said yes? rogue has fond memories of him teaching her about the importance of the arts, talking about a culture of mutant led activities, exactly like what tess is trying to put in place.
is the new magneto so far removed from the erik she knew in the savage land? " i don't understand, erik- magneto should want to put together a mutant arts program, he- " used to talk about it all the time. used to demonstrate how much the arts meant to him by painting me? c'mon rogue, think before you speak. " i don't know why he wouldn't sign off on that. it don't make a lick o' sense. 'less he can't see the forest for the trees. " or he just hates other people trying to explain his own ideas to him (heaven forbid) and so he's deliberately ignoring tess' idea so he can follow through on his own.
" maybe it's a control thing and he won't give ya what ya want because he wants it to come from him. either way, i've got nothin' for ya, sugah. i wouldn't know where ta start. " a lie, because she does know where to start, but it requires a far more in depth explanation of what is going on between her and erik than rogue is willing to give. she wants to say leave it with me, i'll make sure ya get it. but that seems far more suspicious than she wants to be. it's disclosing a little too much. and it's implying she has some sort of sway over their new boss, which she's pretty sure she doesn't. right?
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enrogued ยท 3 months
@youngheroics erik sent โ€œYouโ€™re freezing.โ€ ( hurt/comfort prompts )
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she jumps, palpably, when his hand touches her bare arm, the slight tingle of electricity the only hint of her otherwise deadly powers. the wind whips around them both, freezing, just as he says. her nightgown doesn't do much by way of protection from the elements. short in the sleeve and shorter in the leg- she's not used to being bothered at night and it shows. she hadn't even known he was there until he spoke.
" i'll get over it, " she says with a shrug, despite the gooseflesh crawling up her arms and the flush of her cheeks. " i just needed a minute to soak it up. " to catch a chill, maybe. his hand is warm against her bare skin and she scooches closer to that warmth. " i guess this is the part where ya tell me to come inside? "
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enrogued ยท 4 months
@magnetic-regent-magneto sent ๐ŸŒง๏ธย  toย  findย  myย  museย  inย  theย  rainย  withoutย  anย  umbrella.
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droplets of water bead on the ends of her hair, dripping down her shoulders, down the back of her neck. her (for once civilian) clothes are plastered to her body (more so than usual) and there's a chill creeping in. it's not quite the same as the sudden, violent (warm) storms they get down south but a gal has to make do with what she's got.
understandably, the grounds are mostly empty, with everyone having sought shelter from the awful weather. she'd probably have been wise to do the same.
but there's something refreshing about the rain. she's a creature of simple pleasures. simple cravings. letting herself get soaked to the skin does something to scratch an itch.
she's not expecting to be joined and yet suddenly there's an imposing presence at the top of the patio steps. she cranes her neck in his direction. " i know, i'll 'catch my death o' cold', i'm comin', i'm comin'. " she trudges towards the steps, shoes squelching.
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enrogued ยท 4 months
@nachtfaltcr said โ› ย you just relax and let me do the rest. you deserve a break.ย  โœ
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" kurt- " the exasperation is tinted with fondness for her brother's actions. so well-meaning, but ain't that just nightcrawler all over? she'll be the first to admit he's been doing a bang-up job so far. " i'm alright, really. i don't need a break. " deserve is such a strong word, almost too strong in this instance. should she take a break? almost certainly. is she going to sit idle while others work? definitely not.
" you of all people should know what they say about idle hands, preacher. and i've done the work of enough devils in my lifetime to know no-one wants that. " she stretches, arms raising high above her head, drawing the muscles out from where they've knotted themselves against her spine- a cruel reminder that even though she has the strength and endurance to handle it, she's still human under it all.
" i do appreciate the offer, hon, " she tacks on, not wanting to seem ungrateful for the offer of assistance. " but if i had to sit with just my head right now? i think i'd lose my mind. " it's bitter on her tongue; a little too vulnerable, too emotional. but if you can't tell your family those things, who can you trust? he deserves to hear it.
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enrogued ยท 3 months
@ru5t sent โ€œSo much trouble ... so much trouble.โ€
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her approach is slow, measured- and gentle. as non-threatening as she can make it. thankfully, she doesn't look as dangerous as she is. " hey, it's okay sugah, ya ain't in any trouble. "
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slowly, rogue comes to crouch on her haunches in front of the clearly troubled girl ( as if she isn't a mere couple of years younger than rogue herself ). " i'm here ta help- d'ya mind tellin' me what happened? "
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enrogued ยท 3 months
@themckaytriarchy sent "you look better in that dress than i did."
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" hon, this is proof that i can make anything look good. " she poses, trying not to make a face at the way the ruffles crinkle. " i think i definitely woulda chosen something a little slinkier. " she tugs on the tops of her opera gloves, fixing them to the tops of her arms. there's a couple of inches between the top of the gloves and the sleeve of the dress, but she's worn worse.
" ya know what they say, third time's the charm. " she smooths out the dress and does a brief turn to look in the mirror. it isn't awful. it isn't good either. " let's hope it sticks this time. "
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enrogued ยท 4 months
@themckaytriarchy sent ๐Ÿคข to find my muse visibly sick.
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the longer she sits in the mission debrief, the longer rogue has to contemplate that the heat under her skin and the tremors in her body are absolutely nothing to do with adrenaline or exercise. it's not a sensation she's used to. her fingers clench against her knee under the table as she attempts to keep it together.
if anyone notices her unusual quietness, no-one brings attention to it. she just needs some air, she decides. the war room is hot and stuffy and the thrum of the computers is like someone put a drill bit against her temple.
when scott dismisses them she's the first out of the door. just some air. that will help. and air she gets, heading straight out of the rear doors of the mansion into the gardens. there's sweat on her brow and she doubles over in an attempt to alleviate some of the discomfort.
it doesn't work and what actually happens is she ends up losing her lunch over the neatly pruned border hedging. she tries to remember the last time she felt this bad, and the only thing that comes to mind is the brood infection. thankfully, since she's not missing any time that seems an unlikely source.
footsteps on the gravel tell her she's not alone and she throws a hand up in warning. " careful, i- i don't know what's wrong with me. " and the last thing she wants is to be spreading an unknown virus through the school.
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enrogued ยท 4 months
@nerdynanny's morph said โ€œSoooo.โ€ Morph leans in, not too close as they respect her personal space. โ€œI need a big strong woman to keep me company at the gay bar tonight. Theyโ€™re pretty mutant friendlyโ€” aaand Iโ€™ll buy us drinks. Or flirt for em.โ€
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she snorts softly at the wording of the request, eyebrow raising as they lean in conspiratorially. " you want a bodyguard to go to a bar? " bars and her? not hugely simpatico, not that she doesn't like them and this sounds like it has all the makings of a very fun night out. she's not surprised to learn that certain gay bars in the city are, in fact, mutant friendly. that sounds like common sense, but she's been wrong before. " you sold me at free drinks, sugah, i'm in. "
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enrogued ยท 4 months
@apothekosm said โ€œI got your back, bestie!โ€
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rogue laughs at the willingness of her companion to help, a bright smile pushing its way onto her lips. " i appreciate it, sugah, " she calls back, planting her foot square in the chest of the assailant in front of her and slamming forwards at such a speed they were knocked backwards over a nearby trash can. " but i promise i can handle myself. "
she lands, both feet on the ground, hands on hips. " you'd think they'd know better by now, we x-men are on the news enough. " she shrugs. there's just no helping some people's self righteous stupidity. " i guess stupid is as stupid does. "
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enrogued ยท 3 months
@themckaytriarchy sent โ› are you sure youโ€™re gonna be okay, doing this on your own? โœ
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no. that's the truth, isn't it? she can't be sure that this is the right move, or a safe move, or that she's gonna come back in one piece. but so much of her simply doesn't care about that. it's not fair to the team, of course, not fair to the sacrifices made to keep her alive for her to go off half-cocked, reckless and looking to fight with anything and everything no matter how big. it doesn't honour their memory. or whatever other useless bullshit might get spewed her way if anyone else knew.
she suspects some of them do. logan's had half an eye on her and half an eye on the door for the last week. he's probably contemplating running off solo too. something she's ribbed him for more than once. something she appreciates right now. tess knows too, obviously. but there's an understanding between them that woolf won't try and stop her and rogue won't lie about her plans.
does it matter if i'm not? is what she wants to say, but that is a sure fire way to get someone worried about her. she's not interested in that. so she shrugs, as breezily as she can manage. " ain't no sweat, sugah. i can handle anythin' they throw at me. " anything. anyone. nothing can hurt her any more than genosha.
she slips her arms into her jacket. " i'll be seeing ya. " it may or may not be true. but it's true as long as she believes it. the real issue on the table here is that she might not be welcome back once she's done what she needs to do. she might be too far gone. (they'd like to tell you there's no such thing but there is, there always is).
" look after kurt while i'm gone? " please. her brother is all she has left. she needs him safe. but if she thinks too hard about how the feeling might be mutual then she'll waver in walking out the door. she reaches for the door handle. " and take care of yourself. " it feels like a final goodbye. she wants to go in for a hug. she's afraid if she does she'll start crying- again. so she just opens the door. " and tell the team- i'm not as good with words as 'ro. so, i love y'all. i need to do this alone. don't follow me. and he'd rather ya throw a party than do anythin' stuffy. "
her eyes ache with the effort of not crying, not breaking down in front of tess at the last moment. " later, gal, " she chokes out, stepping through the door and shooting straight up into the air until the air is cold enough to keep her tears at bay.
next stop, general ross.
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enrogued ยท 3 months
@bothsidesofaquestion sent โ› ย when was the last time you ate something?ย  โœ
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the question was not when was the last time she ate, more when was the last time she had managed to keep food down. but both were the same question really and the question was coming from a place of care. from the only person who could get away with intruding on her grief in such a manner- her brother.
" people keep droppin' off food, " she assures him, voice cracking under the strain- whether from the continued silence, the frequent tears or lack of food/water/sleep is yet to be determined. it's most likely a mix of all three.
" nothin' is stickin'. i managed to keep down some crackers...yesterday, i think. but morph brought me pancakes earlier and they came right back up again. it's like-like i can't get the taste a' ash out my mouth. or the smell- " he knows, he has to know.
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enrogued ยท 3 months
@punishmentsdue sent 019.ย  ย the shady bar of a noisy , dark club .
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loud enough to wake the dead, the music is pounding off to the side, pouring out of speakers the same way beer is pouring out of the bar taps. liberally. she's simply nursing a whiskey, settled on the corner of the bar. it's a rare out-of-uniform moment for her, with dark leather pants and a jacket to match making her look out of place in a bar full of women in skimpy dresses and mini skirts (not to mention that it's hot and sticky in there to say the least)
there's an envy in her eyes as she watches the dance floor throb under flashing lights. it turns to quiet annoyance as she's approached by a man offering a drink.
it's common sense not to accept drinks from strangers in bars when you haven't watched them poured. but, if there were to be something in it- her invulnerability would protect her far better than any other woman in the bar. and if not, well, free drink. she takes it.
" thanks, sugah, but i gotta warn ya, you're barkin' up the wrong tree, i'm not interested. " even if she could touch, he's still not her type. and quickly proving himself to be the kind of person she'd avoid like the plague by pressuring even after she's said no. her fingers twitch in irritation.
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enrogued ยท 3 months
@snkts sent "I can curse all I want, dammit."
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" well guess what, logan, i can curse too, dammit an' ya can't stop me either. " she's a little smug, arms folded across her chest, eyes hard if slightly mischievous. challenging authority? her? never(!)
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" what're ya gonna do, ground me? i say fuck that! "
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