#โ˜† ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐’๐จ๐ฅ๐๐ข๐ž๐ซ'๐ฌ ๐ƒ๐š๐ฎ๐ ๐ก๐ญ๐ž๐ซ โ€บ sarah rogers in character
bornoflegends ยท 1 year
@captainrogers-thepatriot liked for a Time Travel AU starter
Sarah was good at her job, but even the best agents were not infallible.
So, in the midst of a fight, Sarah Rogers was transported through time. One moment, she was in 1969, New York grappling with a goon. The next, there was a flash of light from the goon's weapon, and Sarah was alone in a dilapidated building.
Stumbling out into the streets, Sarah had one goal, find a pay phone to call the office. It would get back to her mother that she'd lost her target, but that was unavoidable. Her mother was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
But after walking for a while and getting thoroughly lost, there was not a pay phone in sight.
It was late, so all the shops were closed. So all Sarah could do was wander until a Bodega opened.
Around sunrise, she wandered into a park and sat down on a bench. God, was she exhausted.
The first sign of another human was a jogger, which was enough for Sarah to perk up to try and flag them down.
When the jogger came nearer and Sarah saw their face, her heart stopped, she knew that face, he looked only a few years older than Sarah herself was. But Sarah recognized her father in a moment.
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bornoflegends ยท 9 months
@russian-avenger liked for a starter with Sarah Rogers
Sarah was not a child, and in nineteen years there was a lot of stuff Sarah had seen, but the characters from her father's bedtime stories were something else.
Steve Rogers had drew her pictures of the heroes from his stories, and she recognized the redhead immediately.
"Natasha?" She'd never met the woman, had thought that she was a work of fiction until a few days ago, but Sarah felt like she knew the Black Widow currently holding her at gunpoint like the rest of the Avengers.
"Before anyone gets trigger happy, I can explain, my name is Sarah. I think you know my dad."
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bornoflegends ยท 9 months
@vulpuslunae liked for a starter with Sarah Rogers
Sarah Rogers was many things, a daughter and an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. chief among them.
She took the agent part very seriously.
Hence why she was very interested in her target, as was her mother. It still surprised her that the target wasn't much older than Sarah herself when the door to the residence was opened at her knock.
"Miss Yamaguchi? My name is Sarah Rogers of S.H.I.E.L.D. I would like a word."
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bornoflegends ยท 8 months
@inmentemusae liked for a starter with Sarah Rogers
Sarah felt like her world had been rocked, she'd grown up hearing the kid friendly adventures of the Avengers from her father, she had thought the were just stories he made up to put her to bed to.
But this was no story that was for sure. Because she was standing in the front entrance to her parent's house with someone who could only be Natasha Romanov, her childhood hero.
"... My dad's not home right now." Sarah didn't know how she knew but she had the feeling Natasha was here for her father.
"He and my mum are out for the evening. But I think you should come inside."
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year
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"So...you're from...another universe?" He supposed it wasn't out of the realm of possibility. They'd already done time travel. - Sarah @brooklynbred
"How would I know the answer to that exactly?" Sarah asked. She didn't mean to be short with him. But she was going through a lot at the moment, and the fact that her own father didn't recognize her was not helping.
"All I know is my name is Sarah, you're my father, and the last thing I remember before showing up here is that I was on a mission that went sideways."
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bornoflegends ยท 9 months
@redheadarcher liked for a starter with Sarah Rogers
Sarah had always worn her heart on her sleeve, it was a weakness of sorts because people could always see when she was upset.
Knocking on Scarlett's door, she tried to collect herself, but even still you could tell she was near tears.
The door opened and the redhead appeared.
"My dad lied to me... I've seen my mum."
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year
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โ› canโ€™t sleep? โœ @ sarah @redheadarcher
"Yeah... sorry, I didn't mean to wake anyone up." Sarah understood why her dad had brought her here.
The goal was to get her home to her own time, but things were still so confusing.
She looked to the redhead, the daughter of two of her dad's teammates, she'd been told. How strange to think they might have grown up together if things had been different.
"How well do you know my dad?"
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bornoflegends ยท 9 months
@setitallaflame liked for a starter with Sarah Rogers
Sarah knew to keep her distance from the target, close enough to interact but far enough that she was out of reach.
She hadn't really been told why, but she didn't need to know why either.
"Tristan Merrick?" Sarah inquired, drawing herself up to her full height.
"My name is Sarah, I'm a friend."
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year
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"Nice left hook!" - to Sarah @zimnyayavdova
"Thanks, it was my mum who taught me how to throw a punch," Sarah said, watching the punching bag swing. Her mother had taught her a lot about fighting, Sarah wondered if this newfound cousin of hers had a similar education.
"Would you like a go?"
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bornoflegends ยท 1 year
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โ€œ the truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details. โ€ @ sarah @ayoungeststark
"The irony of a Stark saying that is not lost on me." Sarah said, she'd grown up with Howard Stark as an uncle, the man was infamous for omitting key details and telling half truths.
"Your grandfather was an education on how to lie convincingly."
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bornoflegends ยท 9 months
@beycndredemption liked for a starter with Sarah Rogers
It wasn't every day you find out about the multiverse, nor was it everyday that you found out that somewhere in the multiverse you had a sister who shared your name.
Sarah rubbed her temples, this would never do.
"We can't both go by Sarah, this isn't like elementary school, we literally share the same last initial." The brunette said trying to think of a solution.
"I'll just go by my middle name... please tell me your middle name isn't Elizabeth too."
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