#☾ v: With the Beast Inside
lunarruled · 2 months
Daryl nodded. He ended up putting in the movie. It's the black and white version of the Wolfman.
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"Great choice babe!" Kyleigh commented once the movie started. It had been a long time since she saw it, and this was the first time she was seeing the black and white version. Laying on her side she rested her head against Daryl's shoulder and focused on the show.
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lunarruled · 3 months
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“Ky… you know that form I took? The scary grey one? I.. I still feel like it’s there.”
Raising her eyebrows silently, the half lycan sat back in her chair and thought. Oh she remembered that scary looking wolf form very well, it was something she was never going to forget. But she was wondering why her friend was thinking about it now.
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"I do remember that and how creepy it was. What makes you bring that up Cas?"
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lunarruled · 1 month
“My wolfblood has been acting up again.” @luposcainus
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Placing the sugar and some creamer down on the table, Kyleigh sat across from Caspian in the kitchen of her small apartment. In front of them each sat a hot cup of tea, the half lycan making sure that she always had supplies for it when her wolf king friend was there. Raising her eyebrow when she heard his words Kyleigh grabbed the sugar and poured some into her cup.
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"Like when that weird wolf creature came out of you or something different?" She asked, sliding the sugar back over to its original place.
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lunarruled · 5 months
"Ky.. I found something!"
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Sitting in the room that had once held the party for Caspian's coronation, Kyleigh was going over the notes she had been given about the search for who could have caused that big scene at the celebration. While she hadn't heard the voice personally she still got the chills just thinking about it. And even though he didn't talk much on the subject, she knew that it was something her friend was still worried about. So she was looking for anything that could give even the smallest clue to the culprit, wanting for the King to finally get some peace.
Letting out a sigh when she still hadn't found anything, the half lycan sat back and ran her hands over her face. Whoever had done this was really good at covering their tracks, making her wonder once more just who or what it could have been. Turning her head when she heard Cas's voice her eyes lit up, excited for the new information.
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"What is it? How? Where? Why? Tell me everything!"
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lunarruled · 4 months
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‘Want some?’
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"That depends. What is that exactly?" Kyleigh meant no disrespect towards the other woman. She had never seen something like that before, and just wanted to know what it was before she took a bite of it.
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lunarruled · 5 months
‘Am I dead?’ Aries found herself in the alleyway of Boston outside of the club. She was on the ground after fending off her attacker. Forget the gift of Royalty. It was horrible humor but she looked like death had visited her. -
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Normal people wouldn't have been able to hear all the noise outside over the noise in the club, but Kyleigh was gifted with very good hearing and knew the tell tale signs of an attack. Running down from the upstairs bar she pushed her way through the throng of people and finally made it outside. It was too late to see what had happened, but she did see the body of a woman laying on the ground. Going over she carefully turned the woman over, relieved to see that she was conscious and able to speak.
"No, you're not dead. But you do look pretty close to it." The woman was pale, a little dirty and bruised from the attack, but seemed to be okay other than that. "Do you need an ambulance or someone I can call for you?" She asked softly as she helped the woman sit up, picking some dead leaves out of her hair.
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lunarruled · 8 days
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"Wanda be a watermelon these days!"
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Letting out a chuckle as she wiped down the counter, Kyleigh threw the used rag into the proper bin for washing later then grabbed the ice cold water pitcher to refill Fiona's glass. She was lucky enough to call both women her friend, and it was only a few days prior that Wanda had waddled her way into the diner the half lycan was currently working at.
"That's one way to describe her, though I would be careful mentioning that when she's near. She's a very powerful woman and I wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of a mood swing."
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lunarruled · 2 months
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"Well well, here we go again.."
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"Yeah you said it. Wait, where exactly are we going again? And for what reason?"
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lunarruled · 1 month
" birthday!"
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"It is! Are you doing anything special to celebrate?"
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lunarruled · 4 months
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Well at least the weather is nice today, Kyleigh thought as she glanced once more out of the large front windows of the diner. She had taken the job just a week ago in order to support herself while in town, she just never imagined it would be this boring. Granted it wasn't the busiest city or anything like that but with it being so close to town she thought more people would be coming in. Letting out a sigh she told herself to be patient and just see what the day brought.
Her answer came a few minutes later when the little bell on the front door dinged as it opened. A heavily pregnant woman walked in, Kyleigh amazed that she could even stand with all that extra belly! Figuring that it was probably going to be easier for the woman to sit up at the counter rather than in a booth, Kyleigh signaled for her to step up and waited for her to sit down as comfortably as she could.
"You can use the stool next to you to put your feet up if you need. That…. does not look comfortable at all."
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lunarruled · 4 months
Learning {Louise & Kyleigh} She imagined this was all a bit of a shock for the other woman. Lycanthropy on this planet was not the norm but rather the exception. Fascinating. Her features soften as the waitress asks after meal orders. “Just another moment, if you don’t mind,” Louise told the other and in an instant she was (comparatively) alone again with Kyleigh. “I do, yes,” Louise explained, delight clear in her eyes and voice. Children were important. “They turned twelve on the first of March. Emma and William. Emma is, goodness, 35 minutes older! That was certainly a story. Here…” and then, taking out her phone and finding the appropriate image, she showed the mechanic ‘proof’. It was a bathroom selfie, with her shirt pulled up to show her full-term and twin-filled pregnant belly. There is obvious pride in the eyes of both the woman in the picture and the woman sitting opposite Kyleigh. From here, Louise could tell she’d opened up an entire can of worms. “I take it you have a lot of questions, Kyleigh. Go on. Ask away!”
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Barely registering the fact that the waitress had come up to ask them for their order, Kyleigh gave her the briefest of smiles before returning to their conversation. It was just so rare for her to meet another lycan that she simply wasn't herself. A more excited version that wanted to know every single thing about the other woman, if she felt okay with sharing that was.
Her eyes were probably the size of the small plates on their table as she listened to Louise talk about her children. From everything she had learned about mixed breed beings such as herself there was no chance of procreation, but she knew with full lycans they were able and often had multiples at once. So twins were probably normal to Louise and her people. Leaning forward a bit more to see the picture on Louise's phone, Kyleigh couldn't help but giggle at how round and big the other woman's stomach had been! "They certainly made use of all the space in there they could! What cute names though!" She said as she sat back in her seat, wondering if she would ever get to hear the story that was behind their birth. Clearly she couldn't have gone to a human hospital right? The staff would know instantly that something wasn't right, or had she been able to get through that without giving away what she was?
"Yeah, I mean how could I not? I've only known one other wolf my entire life, so meeting you is like winning the lottery! Are there more like you? I mean there has to be if you have kids. How did you decide to find me of all people? Did your wolf sense mine?" Kyleigh prayed that was the reason since she didn't want to have to run from trouble again.
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lunarruled · 12 hours
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“Cargo space?” ~ Isura
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"Yeah, it's a term people use to describe where they put all their stuff in a car. Usually it's in the trunk, but sometimes it can be on top of the car too." It was pretty easy for Kyleigh to forget that Isura was still trying to learn all the terms that people on the surface used. But anytime her lizard friend would stop and ask about something she would immediately pause and explain it. "For example." Kyleigh reached into her car and pushed the button that would pop open her trunk. "That is where most of my cargo space is, in the trunk. Big enough to fit a body in it if I had to."
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lunarruled · 1 month
@luposcainus continued from here.
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Kyleigh could hardly believe her ears! Not doing anything for your birthday? That wasn't right! And while she didn't know if that was a thing with Caspian's people or his own choice, she knew she couldn't let the day go by without them doing something! When he suggested that it be around where she lived the half lycan nodded, an idea already forming. "Would you like to go to one of my favorite spots to hangout at and have a picnic? We can grab something to eat and drink along the way. Maybe some cake too, which you have to have on your birthday."
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lunarruled · 4 months
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“Wow … your smile is breathtaking.“
For once Kyleigh didn't mind the sun's rays beaming off the water being in her face. Sitting on the bench with Alois near the spot where they first met she was enjoying a wonderful conversation between the two of them. A small bag with some food and drinks sat next to her, her phone long forgotten in her pocket. The vampire seemed to be enjoying himself as well, perhaps that was what caused him to say those words. Kyleigh knew he wasn't trying to put her on or anything like that, it was just unexpected. Aunt Joan often said she had her mother's smile, and from the pictures Kyleigh had seen it was just as beautiful as that woman had been. Feeling a blush creep up on her cheeks she ducked her head, unaware that she had been smiling in the first place.
"Thank you, that's very nice of you to say Alois. Your's is pretty nice as well."
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lunarruled · 5 months
“You teach me all about the world up here. You stayed with me while I laid eggs in your spare room. You are very kind and smart. You are like an intellectual mother to me, so I tell you Happy Mother’s Day.” - Isura
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She never knew what to expect when Isura wanted to talk with her, so Kyleigh tried her best to keep an open mind and heart as she sat down with the other female. Sometimes it could be a simple question of what to have for dinner that night, or it could be an hours-long conversation about the way something worked up here on the surface world. Either way it definitely would become the highlight of her day.
So to say that she was surprised this time was an understatement. Sometimes Kyleigh would joke that she was the second mother to all of Isura's eggs, but she never thought she meant that much in the lizard woman's life. Blinking her eyes a few times at the rush of emotions that hit her, the half lycan smiled and tried to think of the right words to say.
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"Thank you Isura. I honestly never thought I would hear that phrase actually meant for me in my lifetime. Never thought I would meet someone like you either, but I'm so glad that I did. You've made my life so much better, whether it's helping you with your clutches or explaining things to you. You're an amazing friend to me and I love you so much for that."
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lunarruled · 5 months
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“What is this day of the mothers?” - Isura
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If this had been any other person Kyleigh would have simply ignored the question, not wanting to talk about Mother's Day at all. Even when she had lived with Aunt Joan the day still had an air of sadness around it, but now that she had her big girl living in her own apartment the feeling seemed to be worse. But Isura was a special person and one of her very best friends. Plus the half lycan never turned down the chance to help the lizard woman learn more about the surface world she now called home.
"It's a day that people up here on the surface picked to celebrate their mothers, the ones that gave birth to them. Mothers are very special, kids spend most of their lives with them. Fathers are important too of course, but some lady in the past decided that the first Sunday in May should be just about the Moms. So we buy them gifts or do special things for them. Anything to show them how much we love them and appreciate all that they do for us."
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