#♕ ╾ ・ ⁎  ╱ ╱ queue.
survivingpierce · 17 days
cont. from here || @flappervcmp
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           "you should be thankful that you look like me", katherine retorted with a good visible note of arrogance. "you could look worse. you could be ugly. or are you telling me you haven't gained some things just because of your looks?" in her eyes it is indeed a pointless complaint to look like katherine. she could complain that she was a doppelgänger, which was an actual reason for complaint, but the visual resemblance to katherine? these were two different things.
          "you could have done both of us a favor and died. but apparently, you weren't even good enough for that." there were so many reasons why the other one should not be here. she could have died a natural death in her original timeline. she could have been used in a sacrifice although the fault in there lies probably in the fact that no one has expected a doppelgänger one hundred years too early. although katherine never understood why a doppelgänger should only appear every 500 years. she could have died in place of katherine which would have finally allowed her to be free if there had been enough witnesses. instead, this person was here; in mystic falls out of all places.
          "let me tell you something, cupcake. mystic falls is the last place you want to be if you do not want to be confused with me." or someone else named elena.
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stormbcrn · 7 months
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what color does your love feel like?
COLD STARK GOLD. fireworks, borrowed lighters and sparklers against a dark backdrop, yours is a love that burns stark and bright. it's scary though, like things that burn always tend to be, but for you it isn't the thrill of the open flames that gives pause and a slight stomach drop of terror, but rather the time when the flames go out, the sparkler ends and the night is cold and dark once again. fireworks, borrowed lighters, a struck match, your love burns bright and fast and then maybe it passes, maybe the feeling dies out and you're left in the cold once again. and that's the feeling isn't it? of being bored and waiting for someone to light you up again? to be fair, you do know you don't need it, but then again we don't often crave the things we need. and you crave and yearn and burn in the wait, restless in the knowledge that at some point someone will pass and rub you the right way, that some day you'll light up the night sky bright yet again. there's comfort in the darkness and solace in the predictable loneliness of the in between, but your heart still squirms inside you, waiting and willing and begging to burn up again. your love might not be comfort, it's not one for the sick days, but then again, there's a reason why everyone waits for the shining lights in the sky during holidays.
tagged by: @halfyearsqueen tagging: @aclashofmuses, @sinamor, @wolfwithin, @northsballad, @vis3rys, @linament, @homebehind, @marblecarved, @graunblida and you!
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tsareviich · 1 month
@proditeur from [x] ( tumblr messed up :( )
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he doesn't hide the surprise from his face. everyone else thought he was weird from never participating in the silly game. it was oddly refreshing. he lets the vine go and vasily watches as it slips back into the ground. vasily might have to perfect that move later. just in case he needs it. he hums, still looking at the hole the vine left. " i appreciate it. might come as quite the surprise for someone. especially if it comes out of nowhere. " he looks up at him finally, watching him for a bit. " what do you do again? "
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kaerinio · 5 months
@messianique approached her grace: i always wonder what would have happened. / from Dana 🥹
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Beneath the crescent of the moon, a chest rises, and the breath within flutters, shuddering with consideration at musings left unspoken. What would have happened, words murmur, babbling, like water cutting over stone, and against the thoughts, a yearning heart pounds, its beat a drum upon a battlefield of wishes. Somehow, she is there, marching on that fateful day, stomping on that familiar ground, and blazing with hope. Oh, how triumph flourishes, unveiling a realm of truth : of what would have been, if Rhaegar had proven victorious that day ; of what could have been, if he were the one to rise onto the shore, ebon armor shining and glorious in the rays of a worshipping sun ; of what should have been, if the Usurper's blood had bubbled upon the river's froth — — — not their brother's. What would have happened, the reflection stirs once more, and fingers twitch against a phantom hand, if our wondrous brother had lived?
Against flitting eyelids, blissful visions emerge of bodice-clad forms bestowing favors unto eager knights, their gleaming eyes and handsome lips beseeching and promising honor ; ornately embroidered skirts of vermillion billowing, their fabrics whispering to each other with every prance, meshing into one ; a feast hall lined with a near-impossible number of tables, each one long and teeming with smiling lords and giggling ladies and covered in food aplenty, its walls adorned with banners of the three-headed dragon roaring upon a field of black ; and arms, so comforting and adoring and sweet, cradling them both, shielding them from every blade-sharp edge of the world.
“I do, too. Every day, I wonder,” she whispers, turning her head upon night-cooled, dew-kissed grass to look at her twin, a soft smile forming on her lips. “My mind wanders when I do : to peace and abundant feasts and decadent balls and tourneys,” a sweet ( and longing ) chuckle , then, followed by a teasing coo, “where we are crowned as queens of love and beauty, of course.” Between them, a hand seeks, grasping fingers to secure comfort. A dreamy, almost reverent hush ushers forth her next words ( and her vision focuses on something faraway, on something seemingly within Dana ) : “I see lands filled with people, who cheer upon our arrival. I see their eyes . . . bright with such gladness, it rivals the sun! They run from their homes and hang from their windows, just to see us, the beloved sisters of the king.” Violet eyes, tinged ever-so-slightly with sorrow, meet Daenaera’s, and she gives her fingers an encouraging squeeze. “In your imaginings, what do you see? Tell me of your dreaming.”
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verreprincesse · 2 years
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— ooc:
I have been meaning to post this for a while, I just keep forgetting and then other things happen. But I commissioned art of my dear Cinderella set during the Rococo Era ( which is what i base my main au in ) from @motherednature and let me tell you!!! She delivered! I asked for Ella to be in a color she normally isn’t seen in just cause I love seeing her in different things and the gown drawn here is the sack-back gown or robe à la française. She also incorporated the pink gown in the petticoat and with the pink bow on the stomacher and pink sash around her waist. I think it's such a beautiful nod to her pink ballgown design while giving her a new look that isn’t mostly pink or blue. Thank you so much for the beautiful artwork, you definitely went above and beyond! ♥♥♥
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rossefinchmoved · 2 years
@sugarpapillon​​  sent:  “people  think  i’m  weird.”
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      to  hear  her  own  daughter  say  something  like  that  breaks  victoria’s  fragile,  pink  heart.  all  of  her  life,  she  has  encouraged  every  hobby,  every  trait,  every  phase  her  child  has  gone  through.  to  allow  her  to  grow  and  thrive  in  ways  that  victoria  was  deprived  of  in  her  growing  up  in  that  big,  cold  house.  but  as  his  breaks  her  heart,  it  also  makes  her  angry.  why,  most  of  the  children  in  this  town’s  fathers  are  employed  by  lily’s  grandfather?  have  they  no  senses?  as  much  as  victoria  wants  to  let  out  a  grunt  far  too  similar  to  one  of  her  father’s,  she  suppresses  the  urge.  instead,  a  pale  hand  stretches  forth  to  touch  her  daughter’s  cheek.  gentle  brow  furrowed  in  concern  for  her.  the  image  of  motherly  concern.  ❝  why  do  you  say  that,  darling?  have  the  other  children  said  something  to  you?  ❞
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wonderhevrts · 2 years
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loveindomitable · 3 months
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@mythiqual: cont.
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“I told you it wouldn’t take me long to finish that essay.” Alex smiled, glad that they could be talking again, even while miles away from each other. He hoped one day that they wouldn’t have to spend so much time apart. “I was just thinking the same. Next time I’m going with you, no matter how much your gran protests it. It’s not good on either of us to be apart from each other for long. And I know David misses you too.”
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rexcorlapis · 4 months
tag dump!
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 → ooc 
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡 → ask memes
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑥 𝑡𝑜 𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦 → plots
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑓 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 → open starter
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑓𝟺 𝑡𝑜 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑡 → queue
♕ 𝑟𝑒𝑥 𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑠 → zhongli
♕ 𝑜𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑢𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑒 → zl thread
♕ 𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑒𝑖 → zl aesthetic
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hellsrazedarch · 9 months
( @brknallure ) tara > sam : “i love you, but i do not have time for this, alright?”
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she bites her tongue, leaning her shoulder against the doorframe of Tara's room as her sister rushes around. dark eyes follow, crossing her arms over herself & tries to find the right words. she's been working on trusting her more, trusting the world more, but it's not easy when it feels like ghostface is always a phone call away.
" Tara " Sam steps into the room, gently grabbing her sister's upper arm to stop her as she walks by & waits for her full attention. " i know i'm a lot but i've got good reason to be. " she arches a brow knowingly, licking her lips as she shifts on her feet & lets go of her arm. " just . . . carry your pepper spray at least, please ? "
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survivingpierce · 11 months
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Injury Starters || @ladicsa || accepting
"Did you think I was gonna leave you like this?"
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       the taste of blood was still evident whenever she swallowed and her head pounded as if it were about to burst.
       being human sucks and no one can convince her otherwise.
       katherine, admittedly, was surprised upon discovering kisa's appearance and by the fact she even offered her help, which she had not expected at all.
       "yes i do", katherine responded, her voice raspy because her throat was so dry. she still didn't expect her to help, and even more so she didn't know if she could trust her. being human had made her even more paranoid, as the people she met and who knew her were just predators waiting for their next meal. a meal that would be named katherine pierce. oh, she could see how some would gloat upon discovering her misery.
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stormbcrn · 1 month
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BOLD whatever applies | ITALICS what sometimes applies | STRIKETHROUGH what doesn't apply, & tag people. REPOST, don’t reblog!
LUST: desire for connection, pursuit of pleasure, emotional intelligence, obsessive, lovesick, one-night stand, seductive encounter, flirtatious conversation, erotic party, seductive attire, revealing clothing, passionate gaze, provocative makeup, sensual expressions, suggestive gestures, flirtatious smiles, lingerie, love letters, perfumes, provocative behavior, love poems, erotic art
GLUTTONY: indulgence in experiences, savoring moments, hospitality, generosity, hedonism, culinary expertise, wine tasting, excessive snacking, overloaded plates, excessive portions, bloated stomachs, messy eating, greasy fingers, full tables, indulgent spreads, overflowing cups, satisfied expressions, wine bottles, can't get enough, fast food wrappers
ENVY: motivation, competitive spirit, strategic planning, observational skills, bitter, rivalry contest, envious gossip, resentment-filled argument, social media jealousy, furrowed brows, clenched jaws, side-eye looks, pursed lips, tense posture, whispering behind backs, crossed arms, gossip magazines, keeping up with the Joneses, the grass is always greener, feeling inadequate
GREED: resourcefulness, entrepreneurial spirit, negotiation, materialistic, aggressive investment, lavish spending spree, resource hoarding, get-rich-quick scheme, auction bidding war, property acquisition, piles of money, overflowing wallets, luxury items, locked safes, penny-pinching, rare collectibles, selfishness, unwillingness to share
SLOTH: calmness, stress management, nonchalance, relaxation techniques, lethargic, apathetic, inactive, lazy weekend, binge-watching marathon, neglected chores, skipped workout, long nap, lounging on the couch, missed deadline, unkempt appearance, messy hair, pajamas, blankets, slippers, procrastination station, self-care routines
PRIDE: confidence, self-assurance, self-respect, dignity, public speaking, self-promotion, arrogant, conceited, egotistical, self-important, vain, boastful speech, puffed chest, raised chin, smug smiles, spotlight, tooting your own horn, showing off, refusing to admit mistakes, feeling entitled, personal branding, leadership development
WRATH: assertiveness, decisiveness, strength, intensity, boundary setting, courage, indignant, heated argument, road rage incident, physical altercation, angry outburst, clenched fists, glaring eyes, tense muscles, raised voices, reddened faces, aggressive gestures, stormy demeanor, intense frowns, destructive actions, broken objects, punching bag, out for blood, fists, simmering anger
tagged by @halfyearsqueen tagging: @maidmyth, @wolvesballad, @strnza, @brazenbaela and you!
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tsareviich · 1 month
@dryadologist : ❛  what do people around here do to have some fun ?  ❜
he picks up the bottle in front of him, pouring himself some more of the wine. what he did for fun and what other people did was two different things. but he wasn't exactly sure what wendell wanted to hear. " here... here, as in the palace, or here, as in ravka itself? because those are two different answers. " he pours wendell some more wine before placing the bottle down between them. " there's a town not far from here that i enjoy traveling to in order to gamble on the horse races. there's also drinking. " he brings the glass to his lips, trying his best to hide the smirk threatening to grace his features. " there's also other activities but those are more of the private nature, you know? "
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verreprincesse · 2 years
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Cinderella Fair Dress by BeautCannon
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postplus-protest · 8 months
Hey! I was part of the logout and even stopped my daily gimmick because of it (didn't know how to use the queue, and kinda didn't want to for the logout specifically), but at first I didn't think it did anything..
Until I saw that post+ was actually shutting down!
Whether or not that was because of what we did (which tbh it probably was!), I'm glad that I got to be a part of something like this!
Thank you for everything you've done here, and honestly the haters can go step on the Lego Foot Destroyer
I wish you good luck with whatever you do in life!
- A gimmick blog (here, take this chess piece! -> ♕)
We'll never know for sure it was us and our compatriots that brought Post+ down but I do think it shows of the power of community, organization, and expressing our feelings. Knowing you were a part of that means the world to me.
I gladly take your chess piece and will treasure it forever.
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loveindomitable · 3 months
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@ssolessurvivor: cont.
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Henry finds himself leaning into Logan’s touch. The man is gentler with him than most have been. Not that others have been rough, per se, but they didn’t really put the care into being with him like Logan was doing now and he appreciated the gesture, in fact, he hoped that Logan felt the same with him. This wasn’t just a fling, at least, he didn’t want it to be. More so when he genuinely cared for him and maybe whatever this would lead to would answer a few other things he had about their situationship as well.
“How long?” He finds himself asking, lingering and leaning in more, foreheads brushing together. Henry slips a hand around Logan’s waist, drawing him ever nearer if such a thing is possible. “Me?” He smiles, leaning in to kiss him one more time, taking in the warmth that is Logan before pulling away to say, “Yes, of course yes. I was worried that this would, well, I suppose it still could, I was … worrying too much.” He chuckles softly and then finds himself reaching out to grab for Logan’s shirt, reaching for a button.
He worried that he would never be able to truly give Logan everything. Then again, with anyone he wanted that wouldn’t be possible anyway. Henry wished it though. He wished he could settle with whomever he liked, that it didn’t matter that the other was a man and he could just be happy. His family had very different ideas for his future and he dreaded the thought of it. Sometimes he thought it was better to be alone than be forced to go through all of that. So he took what he could get now and hoped that his friendships did not get ruined because of it. He could not imagine losing Logan simply because they had slept together. Henry pried apart Logan’s shirt one button at a time, revealing the skin beneath, some lingering scars in places that he felt his eyes wandering to before looking back toward his mismatched colored eyes. “You’re beautiful,” he told him, a hand resting at his left flank. “And I can’t believe you want this with me. I’m not taking it back, by the way. I do want this, I want you. You have no idea how much, Logan.”
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