#♣️ louder than sirens (psa)
pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
♣ Hi everybody! Just wanted to say that my already spotty activity may die down in the next couple days.
As you might know if you’ve been around a while, October is a hard month for me in general. I lost my mom on the first day of October 15 years ago, and I still struggle with it to this day. 
On top of already having a hard time, I just learned that my grandma (my only living grandparent and the only one I ever got to know as all the others passed before I was born) is having serious health struggles and has gone back to the hospital. I won’t go into detail as it isn’t important, but yeah. 
Because of this, I’m a bit of an anxious mess and I’m just doing my best to focus on anything at this point. So, I’m sorry if short replies take priority! Or if nothing comes out for the next couple days. 
I’m still going to try and do drafts and asks while I’m able to at work, and on the occasions I have the energy at home, but I make no promises with my current mental state
Thank you for being so understanding! Much love to you!
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
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♣ Since tumbles is being fucky wucky lately I will NOT unfollow unless I softblock if we were mutuals.
If you notice I'm suddenly not your mutual anymore but you're still following me? It wasn't me doing it. Tumblr did it.
On that same note: I will NEVER be angry or frustrated with you if you break a mutual follow, either on purpose or by tumblr being dumb.
If I notice and say something and it was on purpose? Just say "hey yeah i did that" and i'll back off. no explanation needed. I'll back off immediately.
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
♣ This goes for everyone of my mutuals that has an adult muse capable of consenting to relationships:
I do not follow you just to ship with you.
Admittedly, I'm always willing to explore chemistry should my fellow mun be up to it, but it is NEVER my priority.
My top priority is making connections. Platonic, familial, rivalries, enemies, etc. All of it!
Shipping romantically is NOT all I'm about.
It can seem that way, because I REALLY love writing LOVE in all sorts of forms! But my biggest thing is that Bella and I are here to make friends and forge bonds.
If Bells snags a romantic bond, great! If it's friendship? AWESOME! Found family? BRILLIANT! Enemies? FANTASTIC!
I want ALL of it.
And before you go worrying that someone's upset me or said I'm only here for shipping and whatnot, that didn't happen. I'm getting in my own head and worrying that people see me that way. Or that I'm making people uncomfortable because it seems like, me mentioning that I'm willing to let chemistry lead the way is making people think i'm only wanting Bella to jump your muses.
It's not anyone specific, it's me worrying myself.
I care about you all! I hope you have a good night!
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
♣ Aaaah, I haven’t really had a chance to write today. My hour of being on the computer is almost up, and I haven’t even gotten one reply done... 
I did draft all my new asks from this week, so I have plenty to work on tomorrow, and I’ll make an effort to get more done tonight (provided my son doesn’t fight sleep like a wildcat like he has been)
There’s still stuff in the queue to be posted, so that should last at least through tomorrow where I hope to get more done. 
I know I haven’t actually sent out any asks for my inbox call yet- I’ll be trying to do that when I go home today! If not, I’ll make another effort tomorrow to get it done. 
Thanks for being so patient with me and my currently super wacky schedule 💕 y'all are rockstars
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
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♣ I'm gonna be switching mostly to the beta editor, just to let my partners know. It'll potentially mess up Editable Reblogs, and using Trim Reblogs instead will be better.
Of course, if my partner is still using legacy editor, I still have editable reblogs installed... But still.
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
♣ Work is SUPER busy today since we were closed yesterday, so idk how much i’ll get done. Thankfully i have another hour on the desk (which is the only place i have any chance of doing replies at work, oof) so i’ll see what i can get done there
i just put all the new asks i received into the drafts, so those will be worked on in the order they were received (or whenever i find motivation for them, if i can’t be bothered to do things in order.)
i promise nothing for tonight. my son got his second c*vid vaccine yesterday, and has been fighting sleep more aggressively than ever. if i have a night like last night, nothing’s being touched until tomorrow when i am at work again lmao.
i have 24 drafts currently and got like... halfway through one of them this hour. lol
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pluviacuratio-a · 3 years
Hiatus Announcement
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♣ Hello, my lovelies!
As you’ve probably noticed, my activity has dipped significantly in the past week. This is because I bought a new game, and ADHD brain is telling me to put all of my focus into the game. This means that, as much as I try to work on stuff here, I can’t really focus on it because I want to play my game!
This will end up passing, and more than likely it’ll pass soon, but I don’t want to keep you guys waiting without some sort of notice that I might not be here.
What does this mean? Well, I’m still gonna be running my queue! Twice a day posting, and it will be completely filled with threads and ask replies
I’m also still going to show up on mobile while I work. This means that I’ll definitely be reblogging memes and probably some musing posts too!
I am also absolutely going to be available by Discord, so please feel free to ask me for mine if you don’t have it yet!
TL;DR a game has me in its clutches and i don’t want to make you guys wait for my usual daily activity when it’s just not happening. i’ll still be around on mobile at work, but not as much when i don’t have to work!
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
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pls fill out the interest checker so i know what i can do as far as interacting with you thank you
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