#♦ visage.  /  monster made beauty
neverwavers · 2 years
out of cards: so none of my tags have been working, which means ig it’s time for a new tag drop! also a new dynamic tag for @praeteritus-memories‘ Ryou and Bakura ^^
♦ VISAGE → so many masks but which one is the real ‘‘you’‘? ♦ MUSINGS → thoughts that swirl around a tumultuous mind. ♦ MANNERISMS → the way she holds herself; the sight of a proper lady but even more lies within. ♦ AETHESTICS → what may appear as a materialistic desire is anything but. ♦ CARDS → what helps her excel on the high-stakes battlefield. ♦ WARDROBE → illuminate the sky with your ephemeral beauty. ♦ ABILITIES → some may call you a jill of all trades with your many skills. ♦ ALLIES → you are never alone; at least someone has your back. ☠ VISAGE → behold the sight of the monster within; she who has a venomous gaze in hateful eyes for the world itself. ☠ MUSINGS → what thoughts come from such a burning desire to see the world crumble at your feet? ☠ MANNERISMS → such cruelty & malice are reflected in these actions; watch yourself for she might tear you asunder. ☠ AESTHETICS → such a rich taste for the finer things in life; why should she settle for anything less than what’s suited for a queen? ☠ CARDS → mere tools so as to secure a win from impossible situations. ☠ WARDROBE → wrap yourself in garments that are made for royalty; settle for nothing less. ☠ ABILITIES → strike swift & fast from the shadows themselves for no one will be able to keep track of you. ♦ MEMES → it’s all fun & games here! ♦ VERSE → battle city. ♦ VERSE → doma. ♦ VERSE → post-doma. ♦ VERSE → dark side of dimensions. ♦ VERSE → post-dsod. ♦ OUT OF CARDS → the duel is over! you have lost the game! ♦ DYN / praeteriterus-memories: even death won't separate us for our souls are forever intertwined by the sands of time.
#♦ VISAGE → so many masks but which one is the real ‘‘you’‘?#♦ MUSINGS → thoughts that swirl around a tumultuous mind.#♦ MANNERISMS → the way she holds herself; the sight of a proper lady but even more lies within.#♦ AETHESTICS → what may appear as a materialistic desire is anything but.#♦ CARDS → what helps her excel on the high-stakes battlefield.#♦ WARDROBE → illuminate the sky with your ephemeral beauty.#♦ ABILITIES → some may call you a jill of all trades with your many skills.#♦ ALLIES → you are never alone; at least someone has your back.#☠ VISAGE → behold the sight of the monster within; she who has a venomous gaze in hateful eyes for the world itself.#☠ MANNERISMS → such cruelty & malice are reflected in these actions; watch yourself for she might tear you asunder.#☠ AESTHETICS → such a rich taste for the finer things in life; why should she settle for anything less than what’s suited for a queen?#☠ CARDS → mere tools so as to secure a win from impossible situations.#☠ WARDROBE → wrap yourself in garments that are made for royalty; settle for nothing less.#☠ ABILITIES → strike swift & fast from the shadows themselves for no one will be able to keep track of you.#♦ MEMES → it’s all fun & games here!#♦ VERSE → battle city.#♦ VERSE → doma.#♦ VERSE → post-doma.#♦ VERSE → dark side of dimensions.#♦ VERSE → post-dsod.#♦ OUT OF CARDS → the duel is over! you have lost the game!#☠ MUSINGS → what thoughts come from such a burning desire to see the world crumble at your feet?#♦ DYN / praeteriterus-memories: even death won't separate us for our souls are forever intertwined by the sands of time.
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bells-of-black-sunday · 9 months
Tarhos, league verse - (im a monster)
♠ - for a nightmare ♦ - for a dream from childhood ♥ - for a sex dream/wet dream ♣ - for a daydream
Dreaming | Accepting You're a monster fucker alright its okay we all know-
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♠ - for a nightmare
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He couldn't breathe again. Everything was black and still no matter how much his lungs screamed at him and burned he couldn't breathe. Was he a weapon again? Had Haru tossed him to the side- Then he saw it. The same eerie purple glow that sent his body into full panic. Struggling to pull away, get away, do anything and yet he couldn't move.
Why couldn't he breathe? The eyes, thousands of them- millions. Fractals that all stared back and the disfigured claws that reached out to touch his face. Why couldn't he scream? His body was burning every nerve begging, pleading, weeping at him to just move.
Get away from the danger. Get away from whatever that thing was. Yet his claws dug under his skin, digging into his fur and filling his throat until he could feel the things legs forcing it's way out of his nose and his eyes. Then he woke up- panting clawing at his beak chittering to himself. The void.... always the void. Haru's hands on his made him jump dragging his face down into the birds embrace and at least for a moment he could try to relax.
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♦ - for a dream from childhood
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The ribbons of sand danced through the air and he was at home again. Before anything happened. Helping his mother prepare dinner as she hummed that same tune she always did. It was peaceful... tranquil even. He could hear his siblings piling it with their dad to go and sort what they found for the day. Everything was fine as it should be. And then... he woke up. In the tent with everyone else. People with families and those without.
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♥ - for a sex dream/wet dream
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Haru looked so beautiful against the pillows. The bowls of wine reflecting the candles lit and the sheer fabric that adorned his body. His tail fanning out against the dark and bright fabrics almost hypnotizing. He dipped down pressing his beak to his skin dragging his tongue down his stomach and chuckling at the soft whine he got in return. The darkin could stare that the image forever, how beautiful the vastaya was under any circumstance, but especially this. Flushed and trapped in a halo of white while he cooed soft words to him.
Tarhos pulled his hips against his easing his way in sighing at how eager he seemed to be for something like this. Something to ease the tension after long days of travel and killing the pests that still remained. Haru's fingers dug into the soft pillows as his back arched silently begging for him to continue, the darkin's long tongue fell from his beak lapping at his cock until the forks slid inside of him. He couldn't help, but chuckle at the way the bird squirmed and his talons dug into him for support.
Exploring his insides as little he could yet holding him so firm he couldn't move his hips if he wanted to. How sweet his tasted... how his cocks leaked yet his mind remained determined and that's when he woke up with a huff. Growling as he turned over on his rock to peer at Haru indignantly. How dare he wake him up from such a nice dream-
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♣ - for a daydream
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He dreams about going back to Shurima, but what it used to be. The shining city where they'd be welcomed back to after conquering land for and defending the vast empire they called home. He was never worshipped as much as others like the great general, but he was always welcomed into the temples to be bathed and pampered like he wasn't the beast of burden that he took the visage of. His horns adorned in gold and his fur painted in intricate patterns to match the carefully woven fabrics that adorned his body once he was out of his armor.
He always remembered the faithful three who took care of him then. Listened to his stories and shared his company. He misses them dearly as much as he loves Haru.
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