#❀•.♡ exploded out of her when she couldn't control it | ariana's convo ♡¸.•❀
magiicas · 4 years
ariana hadn’t been alive for that long, for the most part the witch kept to herself. she didn’t know who would know her in this town. or even how long she would be alive for since she knew that she shouldn’t be alive, she died, killed by a spell during a duel between her brothers and gellert. and while ariana was happy to be alive again, she wished that it would caused the darkness to go away, but it didn’t. she still had the dark force inside of her. but since she started to learn magic, it was more controlled, but not fully controlled. ariana’s head started looking around about to go into a melt down, she needed to calm herself. “stay back.” the blonde stated trying to take deep breathes. she felt the wind around them start to pick up. “i don’t want to hurt you.” she cried. @ratherexciting​ // @soulcfthcstars​ // @innocentsliver​ // @unravclcd​ (any)
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magiicas · 4 years
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ariana dumbledore’s tag dump !
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