#❛ ⁞ ◤ ——— ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs
politesper-rip · 5 months
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let's get a proper starter call going. it's been a hot minute. multis specify muse please and thank you!
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jaceberg · 3 months
Text📱: Jace & Mack.
Jace: hey, idk who this is but your number is kinda engraved on the bathroom wall of my shop. Jace: just wanted to give you a heads up buddy. ( @mackmontgomery )
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viveetvivant · 11 months
“Did you sleep well?” - @thefrigga
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"Don't I look refreshed?" Loki wondered, even though he didn't mean it since he knew for a fact that sleepless nights left their marks and some of them must have certainly been in display on his complexion. He sipped from his cup of tea and answered the question more properly by shaking his head no.
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amarawash · 2 months
Closed Starter : @kennyxtamblyn Location : Crystal Cove Condominiums
"Wait, hold the elevator," Amara shouted as she sprinted towards the closing doors, preferring not to take her usual route to the lobby via the stairs. Her legs were sore from the previous day at the gym; leg days always took a toll on her, especially since her injury. She barely managed to slip into the elevator, her slim body sliding between the closing doors. "Thank you," she says, observing the other person in the elevator. A feeling of familiarity washed over her. "Have we met before?" she inquired, raising an eyebrow.
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heartxshaped-bruises · 10 months
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                                              ✧・゚  𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑.
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       ❛❛Ha, told ya she's gonna come!❜❜ The words lacked the distinctive slurring of the past hours that Rafe had spent in the cell. It even earned a funny glance from the irritated deputy, but the guy seemed more peeved by the fact that his emergency contact showed up, after all - and that it deprived him of a reason to keep THE TALL MENACE behind bars for the night. Even for his standard, Rafe went off the fucking rails tonight. His knuckles still hurt, bruised and bloody from dishing out. A familiar sensation, even through the heavy fog of inebriation.
       When the doors swung open, Rafe's head was spinning. Both from the booze and the sudden realization kicking in. The tiny, reasonable part in the back of his head started to cuss and writhe. Fuck. What the hell was he thinking? Why was the stupid, smug grin still plastered across his face as if this was a win? It made his gross mug look even worse, you bet. Shit. Rafe pulled on the cuffs chaining him to the bench and huffed. If he avoided looking at her, maybe there was a chance that she'd just piss off again. God knows he nailed that for a whole, fucking year. THE HAPPY ENDING he deserved. But instead, his drunk brain steered his gaze up, just in the moment their eyes met again for the first time in forever. And instead of mirroring the nausea forming in the pit of his stomach at her sight, the skeevy grin just widened and swallowed any hint of resemblance. ❛❛Hey, Miss Jessica...❜❜
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       To say that Rafe wasn't weirded out at least a little bit by the family would've been a lie. He was shit at lying, anyway. Got told so by his brothers and Nana, whom he'd parked in the shade of the church for now while he approached the others in the parking lot. HE'D NOTICED THEM BEFORE. Hell, they stood out like a sore thumb at mass. Some people were looking at them the same way they sometimes eyed his own family, so maybe that was the main motivation why he decided to check on them. Someone should, right? And if anyone knew about cars acting up here, it was him.
       ❛❛Yeah... if ya ask me, you should get that checked❜❜, he told the father after a look under the hood. ❛❛Could be just the engine overheating and ya should be good to go after 20 minutes or so, but it could also be A BROKEN STARTER. Wouldn't recommend a bump-starting if ya wanna keep your catalyzer...❜❜ Rafe rubbed the back of his neck. A few month had passed since his base training and his hair finally started to grow longer again. The only downside to the military, in his opinion. ❛❛Uh... if ya want, I can make a call and get someone to tow your car. My family's workshop's just up the hill❜❜, he offered. His gaze wandered to the two girls and he tried not to linger too long on THE WEIRD-ASS OUTFIT. ❛❛I could take your daughters with my truck and meet you there, Sir?❜❜ // @nanlanmo
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sinfuldynamics · 2 years
@unlevshed plotted
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It had looked to have been sheer luck on their part to find the pinpoint location of Red Skull. Sheer luck that he had managed to notice a thug who had forgotten his pass in the bathroom before anyone else. It made the captain double his efforts in trying to keep as quiet as he possibly could.
The night had always been more dangerous than the day and even if they had hunkered down, it didn’t make being out undercover any easier. ❝ It’s too easy, I can only agree. Which makes it much more crucial to keep our eyes open, Romanoff. ❞ The man out of time moved slowly, careful not to bring attention to himself.
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switchbladenz · 1 year
Jay: Ayo Juice!!!!
Jay: That party was so lame bro.
Jay: Ready to squash Ricky on Wednesday???
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corrodeadarc · 1 year
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the sunlight was peaking through his blinds before hopper finally rolled over to crack open his eyes. another glorious morning... a groan sounded as he heaved himself up and made a staggering trek towards the bathroom. the usual routine ensued as he mentally prepared for the day ahead. it started in alternating order depending on his mood. cigarette, coffee, dressed, pat the pockets for required items, and then out the door to arrive fashionably late to the office. there was one hiccup in his wonderfully flawed morning, and that was when he stepped out onto the porch, his foot went right smack into a casserole dish. the chief growled his frustration as he shook the beautifully baked mess from his boot. "dammit..." his keys jangled at his side as he looked around for the suspect.
of course SHE would be long gone by now. there would be no witnesses to interview (partly because he made sure not to have any neighbors), no clues to uncover. hopper knew exactly who was behind this. it wasn't his first doorstep casserole. quickly changing into his back-up pair of shoes, jim was nearly running to his jeep, dish in hand. slinging it into the passenger seat, he cranked up and skidded down the road towards her house. practicing his rant over the steering wheel, jim puffed on his consecutive smoke for the morning as he hissed out the words. "i ate, alright? you don't have to look out for me. i know how to take care of myself. been doing it for years! i'm a grown man who can feed himself and drink at the same time. well... not at the same time, but I ATE, OKAY?" he ate chips and a leftover slice of lasagna from a previous doorstep dish, but it counted in his mind. he slammed on the brakes as soon as he was in front of her street. careful not to make a scene, he marched up to the front door after closing his jeep quietly. jim straightened his hat before snatching it off in second thought. his hand went through his hair a couple of times. deep breath. hopper knocked and could feel any ire slipping from his body in increments. small, crystal eyes darted back and forth, willing her to appear before he lost all his steam. @godclaws
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despondcnts · 1 year
𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜 : ᴄʟᴏsᴇᴅ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ ғᴏʀ ʀᴇɴ ᴍᴇʀᴄᴇʀ 𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 : ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴍᴇʀᴄᴇʀ's ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴀʟ sᴇʀᴠɪᴄᴇ  𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 : sᴜɴsᴇᴛ
rowan knew very little of the mercer family, only the very same as the public. whether that was by the mercer’s design or his own choice, he wasn’t too sure. however, as he listened on to the choir finish a sorrowful ballad, he became painfully aware how desperate he was for that to change. grief is a funny thing, in that it often comes with bouts of irony ; what didn’t matter to him before hope mercer’s death definitely piqued his interest now. with the choristers drawing out their very last note, rowan’s thoughts ended just as they did. he peered around the room, drawing in a breath and waiting for a cue that it was acceptable to exit the premises. in the very front row sat the family of the deceased and something within him swirled, a sense of... familiarity ? it wasn’t until she turned her head that he got view of her profile and a name pushed itself to the forefront of his mind : ren. hope mercer’s sister. rowan didn’t have many interactions with ren, because to be frank, he didn’t have all that many with hope. he never visited her home, or the places she loved to frequent. instead, he saw her in class and in the halls, which the same could be said for ren.
rowan stood with the crowd, following them down the walkway and out of the cathedral. the air outside smelled of a nearby campfire, and he wrinkled his nose in distaste. normally, it was a welcomed scent but on a day like today it felt... wrong. he craned his neck as to search among the faces for the one that stuck out to him most of all. ro wondered how close the two sisters were, and how ren was handling the passing. in a way, he hoped she needed an ear to listen just as much as he did. when rowan spotted her nearby, he found himself in a jog, waving her down. “hey, ren ! hold up !”  
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vanquishful · 2 years
closed for: @everlaesting where: medical tent when: evening
 he didn’t like to ask for help. it was not in his nature. he, on the other hand, was always ready to lend a hand. especially if those he loved and/or cared about were in need of help. however... that was not the case that unfortunate day. it is quite ironic at the same time, as it happened to be tristan’s brother’s birthday. a tiny piece of him wished it was another normal day. as cruel as that sounded, this day now caused him greater pain than it was necessary. but be as it may... you can’t choose family. not that kind of family, anyways.
 the medical tent was a few feet away and yet the wheels in his head picked up, body visibly tensing from the uncomfortable sensations he was already flooded with. there was still time. he could simply turn around and leave, take an innocent detour. he could hop in the bar, instead. as he usually did. it would be so easy. too easy, almost. he could find a bandage, first aid kit at the bar, or any other place. hell, he has one in his own apartment. however, the sudden sting of pain got his adrenaline rushing fast enough for tristan to bolt outside, with an empty mind heading straight to the medical tents almost as if... a hidden sense of safety was waiting there for him. a specific type of comfort he will not find anywhere else. it was one of a kind feeling. a feeling that followed him everywhere he went ever since he discovered it... and now that the tent was in his sight, his suppressed intuition confirmed the origins of that said deeply rooted sensation. 
if it weren’t for the sharp sting in his left palm that dragged him back to reality, tristan would’ve probably kept standing there, frozen in spot, unable to move an inch. but how could he...? knowing what he knows. knowing that... no. no, she has a day off, today. he saw it. there is a public schedule for that. she’s off duty today. but did it really bring more comfort for him...? or more pain? no. he didn’t want to go that rabbit hole. with a way too sudden shake of his head, tristan picked up the pace and finally reached the medical tent, being mindful to check if they were empty, first. there was no need barging in. not only was it rude, but it was unethical and against the rules. he should know. 
by the time he knew it, the last civilian left the tent all taken care of and even then tristan hesitated. rightfully so. as the weak voice of his intuition tried to reach him, trying to tell him something. unfortunately, to no avail. one of the nurses’ called him in as the ‘next patient’ and he really did not have a choice. one step at a time. tristan sucked in a deep sharp breath and slipped inside the tent, taking a seat, only to wait not-so-patiently for the nurse to stitch him up. meanwhile he was holding his fist tightly shut as there were a couple of pretty deep wounds cut open thanks to that freaking whiskey glass he had drank from earlier. maybe that was his karma for drinking so often. he never went overboard, thankfully, but it didn’t mean it was okay. guess not.
it only took a minute or two, but tristan found himself quite restless. in reality there was nothing to be worried about. it’s not the first time he was going to be checked, stitched up. it has been worse before. he has seen worse back in the day. so there was no reason be feel like it. it’s what he kept telling himself in his head until he started to calm down, bring his heartbeat to a slightly more acceptable rate. a small sigh left his lips right before he heard that angelic voice that forced him to open his eyes so fast he swore he developed an eye strain.it cannot be. it simply can’t. it was her day off. she shouldn’t be there. how did she get there? why? who told her he was coming? they weren’t supposed to meet in there. again. as they did most of times. as they did the first time... officially, anyways.
most likely, unbelievable to hear, but tristan was still trying to convince himself to leave. he couldn’t be such a burden on her. not again. not like this. not by appearing to beg for pity. tristan did not do that. never has. never will. that voice... he could recognize it anywhere. in a crowd of a thousand people. with a blindfold on. it probably is engraved in his brain, at this point. he was about to rise up from his seat when love’s voice broke the silence. this time, the voice was directed at him. guess it’s a bit too late to flee now. with a tiniest of reassuring nods to himself, tristan slowly tilted his head in love’s direction, slightly afraid of what he might find there... but once their eyes met, tristan couldn’t look away. it’s like their glanced locked together, stuck, for eternity. and frankly? he was more than okay with that.
❝ i- uhm... i thought it was your day off..? ❞ he sounded surprised, because he was indeed surprised at the fact that love was standing right there working, although it was her day off. was she taking extra shifts? was she in need of more ration cards? was it a penalty another officer punished her with without his knowledge? there were too many different things that could’ve gone wrong and truth be told, tristan will be the first one to find out just what had happened to put love in such a predicament. 
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politesper-rip · 5 months
like this post for a one liner sometime soon
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jaceberg · 3 months
closed starter w/ @emersonxcassidy. where : the ren faire.
Jace had never intended for it to come to an end, nor did he ever wish for it to do so. However, his mother had taught him not to be selfish, which is why he had to break her heart, as well as his own, in the process. Over the last two years, he had endured the consequences of his actions. His mind continuously haunted by memories of their time together, never fully moving on from the one person who had became his new home - his old one holding far too many painful memories to even be consider.
That's likely why he felt so uncomfortable returning to Aurora Bay, a town he had once loved, now filled with unfamiliar people and places. His home at Fisher Cove felt like a haunted house, filled with the ghosts of the past. It's why he poured so much of himself into his work, aware that if it consumed him, he wouldn't have to dwell on the things he had lost or the people he had left behind.
It's when he spotted a familiar name on a flyer posted next to his stand, a singular ounce of hope rekindled within him. With his feet carrying him over to a nearby pavilion, small children nestled into their parents' arms, listening to her read from a children's book. Seating himself at the back, he watched the woman in all her glory, still awestruck after being apart for two long years.
As soon as she finished reading, he began to make his approach, gently pushing past the children in their knight and princess costumes. He wasn't sure what he wanted to say, or even if he should say anything at all. Perhaps an apology for lying all those years ago and insisting on seeing other people. Or maybe just a simple 'Hello, how are you?' But he was well aware that they knew each other too well for shitty small talk.
As he finally approached, he watched her finish an interaction with a small child before finally speaking. "Em," the nickname rolling off his tongue, "Is it really you?" he questions, his voice soft.
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viveetvivant · 10 months
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Loki watched her from a distance. Oddly enough, she did not seem at all like what he had imagined Thor's betrothed would be. She is beautiful, that is out of the question, but she fails to match his brother's boastful, contemptuous self-importance; for whatever reason, he had always imagined that any maiden that happened to become engaged to Thor, of all people, would be just as conceited as him, just as smug.
She, however, appeared to shrink in the shadow of Thor's ego, an attitude with which he himself was far too familiar. He was not, nevertheless, moved by compassion; he's behaving solely as any younger sibling would, scheming around the idea to snatch for themselves something they believe their elder sibling has been gifted but does not by any means deserve... all right, perhaps there was a hint of compassion there, but he would never admit it out loud.
As the feast runs its course, with people getting up from their seats and roaming about socializing, Loki took his chalice of wine and walked around the table, taking a seat next to his sister-in-law-to-be, casually, quietly, like he had arbitrarily chosen that seat for no reason in particular.
"Don't let the number of people intimidate you," he said after a moment, staring ahead of him as he paused to take a sip of wine. "It's just like any other court only... louder," he added, now glancing her away so she could catch the faint yet playful smile slightly curving his lips. | @sigynoffidelity
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amarawash · 3 months
closed starter w/ @sagexwilliams. where : the beach.
Amara didn't often allow herself to have downtime. Unlike most people, she enjoyed keeping herself busy and took pride in how packed her schedule was. Having no downtime meant having no time to wallow in self-pity and allowed her mind to be focused elsewhere, rather than constantly dwelling on her failed career.
What she had initially thought would be a relaxing day at the beach turned out to be quite the opposite. After being invited to participate in a competitive volleyball game with a large group of tourists she had just met, she found herself fully immersed in the activity. They had only invited her because they thought she looked lonely, but it took zero convincing once the offer was made. During the end of their fifth set, the opposing team spiked the ball over the net, causing it to hit a patch of sand and roll away towards someone's setup. As she approached to retrieve it, a smile grew on her face at the sight of the familiar individual. "Holy shit, is that really who I think it is?"
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                                                        ✧・゚  𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑.
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       Granted, the longer Rachel had waited in line, the more he'd contemplated whether this was worth it. Or a good idea. He already spent a ton of money on the festival tickets and this would be an overkill. He had to think of other things, too. How safe was it really to get a tattoo in A MAKESHIFT PARLOR ?? Where these people legit artists? Or would he have to walk around with a life-long reminder of making a horrible decision?
       Christ alive... he was overthinking this. 1 hour ago he really wanted this. So, back to the old excitement. Even if he remembered how hyped he'd been about the ordeal, there was still A LIGHT UNEASE spreading in the pit of his stomach as he sat here and observed the young woman working on his forearm. He chalked it up as the brain-ramblings of a man in pain. It was probably the insane amount of shading. Of course that got to him. Yeah, that must've been it.
       Rachel refrained from flexing his muscles, even if the need was strong. A soft frown crept across his features. ❛❛Hey, my fingers feel numb. Is that something I should worry about or do you get that all the time?❜❜ Yeah, making conversation... that would do the trick.
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pasionmenta · 2 years
☆ ・゚ @galaxciaas
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“Not sure I understand… but then again I’ve never tried it so…” Is it really that powerful? Theo had his doubts.
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❝ Most DON’T . . . ❞ he shrugs , with a shake of his head. ❝ Not to mention it takes YEARS of practice , I was just LUCKY enough to have a mentor such as MABOSSTIFF. Oh & if you do end up giving it a go DON’T make the classic rookie MISTAKE of barking less than THREE times, otherwise they’ll know youre a BETA. ❞
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