#โ› ๐œ๐ฅ๐จ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ ๐ข๐ง๐๐ข๐ฏ๐ข๐๐ฎ๐š๐ฅ โœ | anon asks
seaoftales ยท 6 months
oh to have mihawk's makeup skills
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There he is, in all his glory, sporting his best โ›ย am I a fucking joke to you โœ face he can muster.
โย Never have I, nor will I ever, wear makeup. You might be looking for... another. The clown school for whiny little bitches is down the hall, second door to the right. Now tread along. I have better things to waste my free time on than entertain such juvenile rumors. โž
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seaoftales ยท 19 days
Rumor has it Mihawk's iconic eyes are actually just colored contact lenses.
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โย Do I look like a certain clown to you and have the urge to play weird dress-up? One might dare say somebody is jealous to not have a unique feature like myself. โž
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seaoftales ยท 8 months
Mihawk, you've known a lot of Warlords. Which ones are the most annoying and which ones were the most tolerable?
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It was hard to believe that somebody would give him free reign on bashing his (not so) esteemed colleagues, and who was he to hold back when the opportunity presented itself so wonderfully.
Oh, where to even begin. Probably with the most tolerable ones. While those were many more than the ones he found incredibly annoying, he didn't mind them all too much. Then again, he seldom ever attended Shichibukai meetings to properly asses each and every one of them.
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โย Kuma would probably be the most tolerable out of all of them. The man tends to follow Marine orders like a trained dog and it's so boring watching that. Doflamingo, on the other hand, is absolutely obnoxious. Trust me, nobody likes somebody who acts high and mighty, not to mention like he owns the place. Now, if I had to choose my favourite out of them, it would be Hancock. Equally uninterested in what the Government wants from us and a delight when it comes to gossip. โž Truth be told, he wished they had conversed some more during the Shichibukai meetings. The woman was an absolute delight.
โย The rest-- ah, they're there. Even if they weren't, I couldn't care less. โž
anonymous / curious anons.
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seaoftales ยท 14 days
Anon confession for Mihawk - we don't have a child together, but sometimes I daydream what a little version of us might look like. Our fantasy babies always have your eyes.
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muse confession time!
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seaoftales ยท 14 days
We have a child.
muse confession time!
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seaoftales ยท 14 days
(Confession meme For Mihawk) I want to wear your hat... and your coat... actually, can we just get the name and location of your tailor?
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muse confession time!
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seaoftales ยท 17 days
rumor has it shanks performed a mating dance for mihawk
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โย ... โž
He's refusing to even address such ridiculousness with a proper response, while somewhere from the background, one could hear Mihawk simply say: โ›ย Mating dance? Ew, gross. โœ
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seaoftales ยท 18 days
The rumor is Shanks and Mihawk are getting a divorce
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โย It's because he keeps threatening to divorce me whenever I make the smallest thing he doesn't like, Mr. Perfect that he is. โž
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seaoftales ยท 19 days
Rumor has it that Lucci likes being scratched behind his ears and under his chin in Zoan form.
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Just how did this rather personal information get leaked? โย Let me put it this way: whoever is brave enough to approach me while I'm in my Zoan form will find out whether that's true or not. โž
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seaoftales ยท 19 days
Rumor has it Shanks is able to read and write but has Beckmann handle those things out of laziness and usually being too drunk.
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The audacity! People really had it out for him. โย Hey! My ma never knew how to read or write, and whatever I know I learned from Rayleigh back in the day. Oh and the arm I'm missing? Only arm I knew how to write with. I'd much rather have Beck do the paperwork than have it look like a toddler scribbled down illegible things. โž
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seaoftales ยท 19 days
Rumor has it that Lucci has a breeding kink
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โย Rumor also has it I have a killing kink. Would you care to see which I prefer more with you? โž
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seaoftales ยท 19 days
Rumor has it Hattori is just a very complex and realistic robot made by Vegapunk for Lucci.
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โย Don't ever talk to me or my son ever again, โž as he's hugging his beloved pet and companion close to him.
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seaoftales ยท 19 days
Rumor has it Mihawk has to force Shanks to bathe because otherwise he's a stinky boy.
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โย As much as I wish that wasn't true, it is. Even then i don't have it easy. There's times where he's so stubborn I end up dumping a bucket of water on him just to make him take a bath. โž All said while he's very adamantly holding a hand over Shanks' mouth to stop his protests.
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seaoftales ยท 2 months
๐Ÿ‘‘ + Kaku
Hear me out: I adore Kaku, but so god help me if I could ever write a canon version of him. He just seems so pure and wholesome and I don't think I could do him justice writing him as the bad guy. But an AU version where he would be an actual employee of Galley-La and just got mixed up with the wrong people, that I can do. I just don't know how people would react to such a version.
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seaoftales ยท 4 months
Captain!!! There's a strange looking man on board. He's got this weird moon shapped hair style and red hair just like y....*and saldy the the apprentice would only be able to get out that much as they'd pass out from a wave of conquerors haki practically suffocating them*
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Grey eyes shot up from the map he was studying alongside Beck, the two of them trying to find the best course to take to their next destination. He didn't even get to speak to their newest apprentice on board as they collapsed to the ground. Shanks felt the reason why. That was strong Conqueror's Haki, so strong that even his own legs threatened to give in. There were very few that possessed such strong Haki, and the description given was very much enough for him to know just who the apprentice meant made an appearance on deck the Red Force.
With his right hand man in tow, Red Hair stepped outside of his cabin, eyes instantly locking onto the tall, almost towering figure of none other than the man who left him for dead almost 42 years ago. The reason why Conqueror's Haki was used in the first place was evident --- his crew, upon spotting the intruder, pulled their weapons out. Those who managed to withstand the wave still stood, weapons still in hand, and those weaker were well knocked out.
A simple motion of his hand was enough for everybody to lower their weapons. The captain took a deep breath and moved several steps closer to the latest arrival on board their ship, a frown on his face.
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โย To what do I owe this displeasure? โž
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seaoftales ยท 4 months
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โย The world's sinking?! โž
Of course he knew all along that it would eventually start sinking, only a fool would believe so otherwise. Would he ever come to admit to that before the time came? Absolutely not. Might as well paint a bright red bullseye on his back if he'd run his mouth about the things he knew that the general public was better off not knowing about.
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