#❛ data ;; spoilers┊unauthorized access
wazafam · 3 years
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In an update regarding the ransomware attack that breached its networks late last year, Capcom revealed the hack is far worse than even it initially assumed. Early in November 2020, the publisher suffered a data breach from a third party. The unauthorized entity managed to access and steal untold amounts of confidential information from Capcom's servers, including data related to the company's employees, partners, and customers.
During the several weeks since Capcom went public about the breach, a bevy of leaked details have surfaced online. For instance, information concerning Capcom's plans for the next four years made the rounds in mid-November. The leaks did not stop there, either. Less than a month later, spoiler-filled descriptions about Resident Evil Village's narrative and ending emerged, ait appears the network hack could be affecting far more than the publisher's future projects and plans.
Related: Monster Hunter Rise Will Come To PC, Performance Details Leak
Capcom's latest update about the matter confirms the breach is far worse than originally suspected. The investigation into the hack has now revealed that personal data belonging to 16,406 people is compromised. As of November, only nine people were similarly impacted by the ransomware attack. The affected information includes names, contacts, addresses, and HR details related to 3,248 business partners, 3,994 personnel, and 9,164 ex-employees. While Capcom's previous report stated that approximately 350,000 partners, customers, and external parties may have had their information compromised, the new report indicates that hackers potentially put another 40,000 at risk.
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Since a third-party is responsible for online transactions involving Capcom, credit card data apparently remains untouched. Unfortunately, other types of personal data continue to be circulated online, along with the publisher's confidential documents, financial reports, and sales information. The company additionally shared the following apology: "Capcom offers its sincerest apologies for any complications and concerns that this may bring to its potentially impacted customers as well as to its many stakeholders." Capcom customers in North America who have questions about the breached personal data can contact the company's customer support.
As of writing, there's no way of knowing how and when this will all be resolved. But Capcom is taking measures to prevent future issues with regards to content creation, specifically. Last week, for example, the publisher shared an all-new Video Policy. Meanwhile, the investigation into the ransomware attack will proceed.
Setting aside last year's hack, 2021 appears as though it will prove an incredible year for Capcom's output. The first half of the year alone features major releases such as Monster Hunter Rise on Nintendo Switch and a possible spring launch for the eagerly-anticipated Resident Evil Village.
Next: Capcom's Old Tweets Have Resurfaced And They're Hilarious
Source: VGC
Capcom Hack & Data Breach Much Worse Than Previously Expected from https://ift.tt/2MVabbf
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
A Roundtable of Hackers Dissects ‘Mr. Robot’ Season 4 Episode 1: ‘Unauthorized’
It’s been one year, nine months, and 23 days since the sizzling season 3 finale of Mr. Robot, and the show is back for its last season.
This week, we discussed [SPOILERS, obvs] the probability of getting an envelope with a ringing dumb phone with a hacker on the other end of the line, dead man’s switches, hacking cameras at Grand Central Station, and honeypot houses. (The chat transcript has been edited for brevity, clarity, and chronology.) This week’s team of experts include:
Emma Best: a former hacker and current journalist and transparency advocate with a specialty in counterintelligence and national security.
Bill Budington: a long-time activist, security trainer, and a Senior Staff Technologist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Jason Hernandez: Solutions Architect for Bishop Fox, an offensive security firm. He also does research into surveillance technology and has presented work on aerial surveillance.
Harlo Holmes: Director of Digital Security at Freedom of the Press Foundation.
Micah Lee: a technologist with a focus on operational security, source protection, privacy and cryptography, as well as Director of Information Security at The Intercept.
Freddy Martinez: a technologist and public records expert. He serves as a Director for the Chicago-based Lucy Parsons Labs.
Matt Mitchell: a hacker and Director of Digital Safety & Privacy at Tactical Tech. He founded cryptoharlem, which aims to teach basic cryptography tools in the inner city.
Christina Morillo: a New York City-based information security and technology professional working as an information protector on Microsoft’s cloud & engineering security team.
Zachary Julian: Security Associate at the security consulting firm Bishop Fox.
Freddy and His Package
Yael: Are there instances where you get a package with a ringing phone, or is that just in TV/the movies? Like has that happened in real life?
Harlo: I don’t know about in real life, but this is a thing in Black Mirror, and American Vandal.
Micah: For it to happen, Elliot would have had to be tracking the package and waiting outside the building to know exactly when to make the call. Which he was.
Emma: If the phone had GPS enabled, Elliot could have tracked it and known when it arrived, assuming there wasn't already a webcam compromised in there. Elliot also could have been listening in through the phone’s microphone in real-time. He hears the phone arrive. Hangs up. Dials back.
Bill: I'm assuming Elliot had either delivery confirmation or a GPS unit to know when the phone and video was delivered.
Micah: I don't think he would have needed GPS. He could have just watched delivery person enter the building with the package, and as soon as they left the building made the call.
Emma: True, Micah. Even simpler, he had an in-progress call to the phone going.
Jason: There are Android apps that will trigger sending a text or whatever when they're in proximity to a given Wi-Fi access point or at a certain latitude / longitude. It's pretty simple to set up.
Matt: Tasker app does this.
Harlo: It doesn't seem to be Android. It's a dumb phone (probably a Tracfone or something similar). So it's likely Elliot has it tracked via… maybe skip tracing?
Bill: Yeah, it looked like a dumb burner phone.
Micah: I think it was like a pay-with-cash Tracfone, which is the smart way to do it anonymously anyway.
Freddy: The simplest explanation is that he had someone else watching him and tracking the dude and reporting back.
Yael: What's a Tracfone?
Harlo: It's a brand of pay-as-you-go phones you can buy from pharmacies, 7-11s and other places. it has only mobile text and voice; no data.
Micah: It’s just one of several types of cheap phones you can purchase at corner stores in cash. You don't need ID or credit card or anything, and they have fairly cheap options with old flip phones, even today.
Matt: Buying a Tracfone with cash, buying service for it with cash, and then not talking when you call the service number to set it up is a pretty anonymous way to get a U.S. cell phone.
Harlo: I agree with Emma that the easiest way might be keeping a live call on during delivery, then listening for the pick-up. Or having actual surveillance on the office. Or maybe even tapping into any video surveillance on premises.
Yael: He had access to Freddy’s screen too, right?
Bill: I don't think he had access to the screen… maybe he just saw via binoculars that he was watching the video.
Yael: Okay so flash forward to the call. So then Mr. Robot/Elliot is trying to get Freddy to click on a phishing link (which he thought was ransomware, but it wasn’t)—and to copy the .pst file in his inbox to the thumb drive. How does that work?
Micah: Since Freddy was copying the .pst file himself, and not the malware, my guess is clicking the phishing link was simply to get malware on the law firm's network for future use.
Harlo: Maybe this is either 1) a diversion for the IT admin to not notice the immediate export/download of an employee’s entire inbox, or 2) one of those things where you gotta hack the admin to complete the exploit.
Zach: It seems like the malicious link was just to provide an excuse as to why the inbox was compromised.
Freddy: If he had network access, he would just dump the active directory [a Windows service that controls access to shared resources on a network, like user logins and credentials], but the point of the plot was to incriminate the lawyer. It wasn’t about getting the emails. It was about incrimination.
Jason: Owning active directory usually takes a while and it can be kind of a hassle.
Micah: Elliot did need the emails to find all the banking details he needed.
Harlo: But if you want to hide your involvement, you're also pinning it on the mark who "clicked a link, oops totally not an orchestrated op by Mr. Robot."
Freddy: The way to get the emails isn’t really how you would do it if you already have malware on the network.
Micah: PST files are an Outlook inbox. A lot of the big email leaks that get reported on start out as a PST file. He was using a cool tool to import them and search through them, "Expansion Inbox," which I've never heard of.
Yael: So shout out to Iceweasel! We saw it on Elliot’s laptop on the train.
Bill: Debian's Iceweasel had resolved its naming issues with mainline Firefox in early 2016 but remember this is still in late 2015. So they're staying true to the time period.
Yael: Is Iceweasel like an open source Firefox? Wait, isn't Firefox open source?
Micah: Firefox is open source, but there was a trademark conflict for use of the "Firefox" name and logo inside Debian. Debian handled it by just renaming it to Iceweasel and providing their own logo.
Dead Man’s Switch
Yael: Elliot said he could get the videos to send to Freddy’s kids and the FBI… like a dead man's switch…
Micah: OnionShare has a dead man's switch feature. You can set a time in the future to start sharing files, and it gives you the Tor onion address right away. It wouldn't work for this exact use case, but you could, for example, tweet an onion address and a date, and if you don't manually close OnionShare before that date, it automatically starts sharing whatever data you want.
Emma: A dead man's switch would be super easy to set up. Have a couple of computers running a check every 10 minutes on a data file, see if it's been 24 hours yet. If it has, send the emails. If not, check again in 10 minutes. The email doesn't have to have the data, just a key and instructions on how to access it. The data can be anywhere. Elliot could check in with infected machines via a command and control system and reset the clock in the data file. The data could be stashed on some random server. The email to the FBI could contain the target’s IP address, user/password and decryption key. The files would be too large to just send to the FBI directly, and if they were forcibly dropped on an FBI system, they wouldn't touch it. But of course, Elliot didn't need a dead man's switch. He just needed the mark to believe he had one.
Bill: I mean I don't think Elliot really wants Freddy to formally do something incriminating, it would be easy enough to frame Freddy, and Elliot doesn't care about laws. Maybe he just didn't have time to code the malware that would do all this email-copying for him. After all, he mentions to Mr. Robot that they only had two weeks to prepare for this target.
Harlo: Two weeks, and everybody's on drugs, so subpar performances all around.
Yael: Haha so much coke.
Freddy: Lawyers reading this chat: please don’t do illegal drugs.
Bill: Clearly you've never been in a 1980s law firm before.
Yael: It’s… not illegal if you don’t get caught?
Harlo: ALSO, it WAS SENT as a DVD. Which he left in the player. So the FBI will see the evidence when they go to his office anyway.
Zach: Perhaps Elliot was expecting him to clean up the evidence instead of killing himself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I think eventually it would become public that this law firm's emails were compromised, and Elliot/Mr. Robot needed a plausible excuse in place about why that happened to take the heat off of them.
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Image Credit: Micah Lee
Grand Central Station
Bill: I like how Elliot mentioned to Freddy to turn off and leave behind anything "with an on/off switch"—but Elliot forgot about the fact that an RFID ping can also be used to determine location.
Harlo: It’s Bluetooth, actually!
Yael: I saw the Bluetooth symbol.
Bill: So is it actually Bluetooth? I mean, cheap RFID cards might have that symbol anyway.
Jason: Most access cards don't support Bluetooth, but you can buy access cards that include Bluetooth low energy (BTLE) beacons. They're a little more expensive and I wouldn't expect a law firm with what looks like kind of cheap IT and security to go for them, but they exist (about $10/unit on Alibaba).
Emma: It could be both RFID and Bluetooth. The presence of a Bluetooth connection is annoyingly used as a layer of security verification by some systems. -_-
Jason: Yeah, the cards I found have RFID and BTLE.
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Image: USA
Zach: It’s interesting he left all electronics behind to go to the station, but I assume he would still be trackable through Tracfone pings to the cell towers.
Yael: Even with a dumbphone.
Zach: Those phones will still ping the cell towers.
Emma: That's not super precise, though.
Yael: Yes, it still pings but is not as precise, at least according to Serial podcast season 1.
Jason: You have to consider the setup time to follow a brand-new mobile phone with a fresh IMEI [device serial number] and IMSI [user identifier].
Micah: Those phones still ping cell phone towers, but I don't see how Dark Army would know which IMSI to try tracking in crowded NYC, assuming they had no idea about this phone thing ahead of time.
Bill: You could use something as simple as this Bluefruit LE sniffer to triangulate the location of the badge.
Jason: There are a lot of apps that scan Bluetooth for navigation. there's even one by Amtrak that is designed to help you navigate Penn Station (it might also support Grand Central now). if you had access to an ad network that fed back Bluetooth MAC addresses within range, you could get pretty accurate tracking.
Yael: How did Elliot get eyes inside Grand Central Station? Did he hack into a surveillance camera or something?
Zach: Seems that way.
Harlo: With an app that I think is made-for-TV. I can’t find it. CamSec Pro? Anybody? But I guess it's worth noting for the audience that, you don't have to restrict your Kali Linux setup to what comes pre-installed. You can totes outfit your Kali USB with persistence [preserving the filesystem instead of wiping everything every time the OS shuts down] and other cool things.
Fred: It’s movie magic for sure, most of those networks require some kind of VPN access and username / password. Hard to believe it’s hacked that quickly.
Jason: There are plenty of internet connected cameras with default credentials.
Micah: I would assume he pre-hacked the Grand Central Station cameras in anticipation of this operation, so he could have spent a few days on it.
Freddy: But to be able to get that level of access and to be able to move PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) you would need access to the network operations center (NOC) for Grand Central.
Jason: A lot of these cameras are administered through simple web apps that might not be particularly locked down, even the pan-tilt-zoom controls.
Harlo: What if it were 2015/16? What exploits would we have used? Like, any NOC web app exploits that have been long since patched?
Zach: I saw this online from 2006: stationary Bluetooth devices throughout Grand Central Station. Something like that could be exploited by the Dark Army for Bluetooth tracking.
Bill: Who knows, there could be networks that don't advertise with beacon packets that are protected only with WEP [a weak and outdated security protocol for WiFi networks] or something that can be easily cracked. And the cameras often don't have any authentication layer at all, since it's assumed that the network will provide the security layer. I've seen a lot of these in stores, access points that don't send beacon packets but have devices authenticated with them.
Zach: I think IRL, though, the Bluetooth tracking would be difficult to set up. Either stationary devices in advance or some sooper-leet mass phone ownage to turn their devices into trackers, similar to FSociety's FBI hack. I would think the webcams in Grand Central Station are secure but honestly, who knows. That may be the most realistic part of this scene. Like Bill says, it could be a hidden Wi-Fi network secured with WEP and a bunch of security cameras.
Yael: I guess no cameras on the train that Elliot has evil Freddy meet him at?
Christina: I found that super odd. Like cameras everywhere but there, hmm.
Micah: Maybe there were cameras on the train. Elliot did have his hood up; maybe he didn't care.
Jason: Cameras on the train might not be internet-connected, if they exist. You'd have to figure out the network backhaul for that and it would be expensive and tricky (lots of dead zones in cellular coverage) for limited benefit.
Honeypot Houses
Yael: Did Mossack Fonseca have a distress signal/honeypot house where they torture people? How realistic is this?
Emma: As realistic as a hostile actor wants it to be. Formations House (#29 Leaks) wouldn't have. Some of their clients would, though.
Micah: I don't think it was a Mossack Fonseca-like company with the honeypot house, I think it was more like the Dark Army with one.
Yael: Hmm, do we know any IRL cases where people had a honeypot house? I guess they've kept them secret…
Harlo: Whitey Bulger.
Emma: The mob. Escobar, I think.
Micah: It would be really expensive to run a honeypot house. Like, even just having a normal house is expensive.
Bill: Well, when you own the world's currency it turns out you can buy a building in Manhattan.
Yael: With e-coin.
Emma: Well, the building would have served more purposes. It's fake addresses and mailing points. It's full of safe houses and temp housing. It has no prying eyes.
Yael: I know people have owned buildings for sketchy things but I'm not familiar with the process to get folks there via social engineering as opposed to, like, brute force. Do we know any IRL cases where people had a honeypot house? I guess they've kept them secret…
Christina: No but Jay-Z had a stash house on State Street, Brooklyn.
Harlo: Trump Foundation; I’m just throwing it out there.
Yael: I mean there was that newspaper that owned a bar in the greatest act of undercover reporting of all time…
Harlo: Something I dig about the honeypot house: cellular dead zone. Essentially a SCIF.
Emma: That can be done with the right paint, or even tape. DoD used to have its own special tape that could basically Faraday any surface. Make sure radio signals can't penetrate, soundproof, all panels secure. Often it has entrances guarded. It's usually in a government building of some sort, but Rockefeller had one in his barn IIRC.
Yael: “This doesn't feel right! The building is owned by E-Corp!" (Jump, Elliot, jump!)
Christina: Or like, don’t fucking go in, Elliot.
Bill: They couldn't get out the window. That's why you should Always Carry A Bat.
Harlo: Or a tactical pen?
Yael: And a ladder!
Harlo: Oh also, Christian Slater says something like "be careful, you're on the owner's Wi-Fi," which… hey hackerman: turn your radios off when not in use.
Micah: Did you all notice that at the end, when the Dark Army people were forcing Elliot to overdose, that he has a very old school rotary phone?
Micah: Man, in season 1 they were all like, "Let's get the Dark Army to help us with the China data center backups," and by season 4 I think they're understanding that was probably a bad call.
A Roundtable of Hackers Dissects ‘Mr. Robot’ Season 4 Episode 1: ‘Unauthorized’ syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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optmizer-blog · 7 years
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The Financial institution Purchased A Small
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2017 Buick Encore Sport Touring FWD
New Post has been published on http://auto.tintoantap.com/2017-buick-encore-sport-touring-fwd/
2017 Buick Encore Sport Touring FWD
   Control your media with ease in the new 2017 Buick Encore Sport Touring FWD with the beautiful 8-inch diagonal color touch screen. The available built-in 4G Wi-Fi Hotspot† lets you stay connected, even on the go. Use your voice to play your favorite music or make hands-free calls on the Buick IntelliLink† system with compatible smartphone integration. Enjoy quiet drives thanks to Buick QuietTuning™ and Active Noise Cancellation technologies.
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With the Encore compact SUV’s available built-in Navigation† system you can access real-time traffic data, get directions or save favorite routes and destinations
With 18” aluminum alloy wheels with midnight-silver finish and a sport rear-wing spoiler, the Encore Sport Touring Edition will get you to where you’re going in style.
2017 Buick Encore Sport Touring FWD – Price
MSRP : $25,565
2017 Buick Encore Sport Touring FWD – Powertrain
Fuel Type : Turbocharged I4
Displacement (liters/cu. in.) : 1.4/83
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Front Suspension : Independent MacPherson Strut
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Turning Radius : 36.7 ft
2017 Buick Encore Sport Touring FWD – Brakes
Brake ABS System : 4-Wheel
4-Wheel Disc Brakes : Yes
2017 Buick Encore Sport Touring FWD – Mechanical
1.4L SIDI Turbo engine with Start-Stop Technology : Available
1.4L Turbo engine : Standard
4-wheel antilock disc brakes : Standard
6-speed automatic transmission : Standard
Alternator, 130 amps : Standard
Axle, 3.53 final drive ratio : Standard
Exhaust tip, styled stainless-steel : Standard
Keyless Open and Start : Standard
Oil pan heater : Available
Power steering, electric, speed-sensitive : Standard
StabiliTrak stability control system : Standard
2017 Buick Encore Sport Touring FWD – Exterior
18″ Midnight Silver aluminum alloy wheels : Standard
18″ all-season, blackwall tires : Standard
Acoustic laminated glass : Standard
Carrier mount for bike and ski carriers : Available
Daytime Running Lamps, LED : Standard
Door handles, body-color with Chrome strip : Standard
Fog lamps : Standard
Glass, deep-tinted : Standard
Headlamps, halogen : Standard
License plate bracket, front : Available
Outside heated power-adjustable  mirrors with turn signal indicators : Standard
Power moonroof : Available
Roof rack cross rails : Available
Roof-mounted luggage rack side rails : Standard
Safety Package : Available
Solar-absorbing windshield : Standard
Spoiler, rear, sport : Standard
Tire, compact spare : Standard
Wiper, rear intermittent : Standard
2017 Buick Encore Sport Touring FWD – Interior
10 air bags : Standard
2-way manual front passenger seat adjuster : Standard
6-speaker audio system : Standard
6-way power driver seat adjuster : Standard
Active noise cancellation technology : Standard
Air bag Passenger Sensing System : Standard
Air conditioning, dual-zone automatic : Available
Air conditioning, semi-automatic, single-zone : Available
Air conditioning, single-zone manual : Standard
Air filter, particle : Standard
All-weather floor mats : Available
Antenna, roof-mounted : Standard
Bluetooth for phone and music : Standard
Bose7-speaker premium sound system : Available
Buick IntelliLink Radio with Navigation with 8″ diagonal Color Touch Screen and Navigation : Available
Buick IntelliLink Radio audio system with 8″ diagonal Color Touch Screen : Standard
Buick Interior Protection Package : Available
Cargo mat : Available
Cargo tray : Available
Cruise control, electronic : Standard
Defogger, rear-window, electric : Standard
Door locks, child security rear, manual : Standard
Door locks, power : Standard
Driver Information Center with 4.2″ multi-color display : Standard
Flat-folding front passenger seatback : Standard
Floor mats, color-keyed and carpeted front : Standard
Floor mats, color-keyed and carpeted rear : Standard
Front footwell and cup holder lighting kit : Available
Front passenger underseat storage : Standard
Illuminated vanity mirrors : Standard
Inside rearview auto-dimming mirror : Available
Inside rearview manual day/night mirror : Standard
Instrumentation, outside temperature display, located on audio system : Standard
Keyless Open, includes extended range Remote Keyless Entry : Standard
Lighting, interior, dimming instrument panel cluster : Standard
Lighting, interior, overhead courtesy lamp : Standard
Lighting, interior, rear cargo compartment lamp : Standard
Oil life monitoring system : Standard
OnStar 4G LTE and built-in WiFi hotspot : Standard
OnStar Basic Plan for 5 years : Standard
OnStar Guidance Plan for 3 months : Standard
Power driver Express-Up/-Down window : Standard
Power front passenger Express-Down window : Standard
Power rear Express-Down windows : Standard
QuietTuning™ : Standard
Rear 60/40 split-bench seat : Standard
Rear Cross-Traffic Alert : Available
Rear Vision Camera : Standard
Rear cargo cover : Standard
Rear cargo net : Available
Remote vehicle starter system : Standard
Safety Package : Available
Safety belts, 3-point rear, all seating positions : Standard
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Side Blind Zone Alert : Available
SiriusXM Satellite Radio with 3 trial months : Standard
Steering column, tilt and telescopic, adjustable : Standard
Steering wheel, leather-wrapped : Standard
Steering-wheel mounted audio and phone interface controls : Standard
Theft-deterrent system, electrical, unauthorized entry : Standard
Theft-deterrent system, immobilizer, vehicle, PASS-Key III : Standard
Tire Pressure Monitor : Standard
2017 Buick Encore Sport Touring FWD – Safety
10 air bags : Standard
4-wheel antilock disc brakes : Standard
Air bag Passenger Sensing System : Standard
Child restraint provisions : Standard
Daytime Running Lamps, LED : Standard
Door locks, child security rear, manual : Standard
OnStar Basic Plan for 5 years : Standard
OnStar Guidance Plan for 3 months : Standard
Rear Cross-Traffic Alert : Available
Rear Vision Camera : Standard
Safety belts, 3-point rear, all seating positions : Standard
Safety belts, 3-point, driver and front passenger height-adjustable with load limiters : Standard
Side Blind Zone Alert : Available
StabiliTrak stability control system : Standard
Tire Pressure Monitor : Standard
2017 Buick Encore Sport Touring FWD – Dimensions
Cargo Volume Behind 2nd Row : 18.80 ft³
Maximum Cargo Volume : 48.40 ft³
Overall Height : 65.26 in
Overall Length : 168.41 in
Overall Width : 69.85 in
Track Width, Front : 60.62 in
Track Width, Rear : 60.62 in
Wheelbase : 100.60 in
Front Head Room : 39.58 in
Front Hip Room : 51.65 in
Front Leg Room : 40.82 in
Front Shoulder Room : 54.18 in
Rear Head Room : 38.78 in
Rear Hip Room : 50.08 in
Rear Leg Room : 35.75 in
Rear Shoulder Room : 52.55 in
Seating Capacity : 5
2017 Buick Encore Sport Touring FWD – Fuel Efficiency
EPA Fuel Economy Highway (FWD) : 33 MPG
EPA Fuel Economy City (FWD) : 25 MPG
EPA Fuel Economy Highway (AWD) : NA
EPA Fuel Economy City (AWD) : NA
Fuel Tank Capacity : 14.0 gal
2017 Buick Encore Sport Touring FWD – Warranty
Bumper-to-Bumper Limited Warranty : 4 Years/50,000 Miles
Powertrain/Drivetrain limited warranty : 6 Years/70,000 Miles
Roadside Assistance Program : 6 Years/70,000 Miles
Rust Warranty : 4 Years/50,000 Miles Rust-Through 6 Years/Unlimited Miles
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Another distinct feature of the Australians until the system was abolished around the mid-1800. Today, it is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world by blending the 50,000 years ago, and the scholars thought they may have crossed the land bridges from south-east Asia. These people were mostly hunter-gatherers with a form Asia and elsewhere begun coming in and building new lives in the Land Down Under. The former prisoners and other pioneers founded six colonies and these are New South not surprising that the beach and the water is a central part of the Australian lifestyle. Today, an estimated 350,000 Aborigines for the will to survive in new and largely unfamiliar lands and situations very much like the pioneers of the land. There are more than 120 national sports organizations and century that a European settlement really started with the arrival of settlers and prisoners from Great Britain. Most Australians are multilingual, speaking a second or third language after travelled to Australia in search for the gold and the riches buried beneath the red sands of this vast continent. From then on, this vast arid land has undergone so many transformations and gathering at certain times to give ample time to the resources and populations to flourish.
Meet the blonde Australian model spending time with Prince William on ski trip Lucia Binding sophie taylor More She's the beautiful blonde who high-fived Prince William as he drank and chatted with friends in Swiss ski resort Verbier without his wife Kate Middleton and two children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. The 34-year-old prince decided to take a break from family life and royal duties by skipping the Queen's baton relay marking the beginning of the 2018 Commonwealth Games in favour of taking to the slopes with friends including nightclub owner Guy Pelly and glamorous Australian model Sophie Taylor. Trending: Coronation Street spoilers: Tracy Barlow gets arrested and Sinead Tinker has miscarriage The 24-year-old beauty was pictured in hysterics while chatting to the prince in a black bobble hat and oversized sunglasses. At one point, the pair high-fived as they shared a joke. The model full name Sophie Jean Taylor works at the popular apres-ski hangout the Fairnet nightclub, and was seen drinking beers and enjoying the royal's company along with her boyfriend Aaron Goodfellow. She appeared to have so much fun with the group of friends that she lost her phone during the night, posting about the missing device on the Verbier Lost and Found Facebook page the next day. sophie taylor More The Aussie model grew up in Terrigal, New South Wales approximately 55 miles north of Sydney. She attended Terrigal High School, on the Central Coast of New South Wales, before beginning numerous degrees she claims she has "not followed through with" on her personal Facebook profile in the likes of psychology and nutrition. Most popular: Girl in the Spider's Web movie: Scarlett Johansson named contender to play Lisbeth Salander Turning her hand to modelling, Taylor signed to Australian modelling agency Chadwick Models, but they confirmed to News Corp that they "dropped" her in 2016. Now working at the Verbier nightspot, Taylor has been photographed topless and in revealing swimsuits in Bali for photoshoots.
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brianlichtig · 7 years
5 ways to spot a phishing email
No one wants to believe they'd fall for a phishing scam. Yet, according to Verizon's 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report, 30 percent of phishing emails get opened. Yes, that's right -- 30 percent. That incredible click-through rate explains why these attacks remain so popular: it just works.
Phishing works because cybercriminals take great pains to camouflage their "bait" as legitimate email communication, hoping to convince targets to reveal login and password information and/or download malware, but there are still a number of ways to identify phishing emails. Here are five of the most common elements to look for.
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1. Expect the unexpected
In a 2016 report from Wombat Security, organizations reported that the most successful phishing attacks were disguised as something an employee was expecting, like an HR document, a shipping confirmation or a request to change a password that looked like it came from the IT department.
Make sure to scrutinize any such emails before you download attachments or click on any included links, and use common sense. Did you actually order anything for which you're expecting a confirmation? Did the email come from a store you don't usually order supplies from? If so, it's probably a phishing attempt.
Don't hesitate to call a company's customer service line, your HR department or IT department to confirm that any such emails are legitimate - it's better to be safe than sorry.
2. Name check
If you receive an email or even an instant message from someone you don't know directing you to sign in to a website, be wary, especially if that person is urging you to give up your password or social security number. Legitimate companies never ask for this information via instant message or email, so this is a huge red flag. Your bank doesn't need you to send your account number -- they already have that information. Ditto with sending a credit card number or the answer to a security question.
You also should double-check the "From" address of any suspicious email; some phishing attempts use a sender's email address that is similar to, but not the same as, a company's official email address.
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3. Don't click on unrecognized links
Typically, phishing scams try to convince you to provide your username and password, so they can gain access to your online accounts. From there, they can empty your bank accounts, make unauthorized charges on your credit cards, steal data, read your email and lock you out of your accounts.
Often, they'll include embedded URLs that take you to a different site. At first glance, these URLs can look perfectly valid, but if you hover your cursor over the URL, you can usually see the actual hyperlink. If the hyperlinked address is different than what's displayed, it's probably a phishing attempt and you should not click through.
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Another trick phishing scams use is misleading domain names. Most users aren't familiar with the DNS naming structure, and therefore are fooled when they see what looks like a legitimate company name within a URL. Standard DNS naming convention is Child Domain dot Full Domain dot com; for example, info.LegitExampleCorp.com. A link to that site would go to the "Information" page of the Legitimate Example Corporation's web site.
A phishing scam's misleading domain name, however, would be structured differently; it would incorporate the legitimate business name, but it would be placed before the actual, malicious domain to which a target would be directed. For instance, Name of Legit Domain dot Actual Dangerous Domain dot com: LegitExampleCorp.com.MaliciousDomain.com.
To an average user, simply seeing the legitimate business name anywhere in the URL would reassure them that it was safe to click through. Spoiler alert: it's not.
4. Poor spelling and/or grammar
It's highly unlikely that a corporate communications department would send messages to its customer base without going through at least a few rounds of spelling and grammar checks, editing and proofreading. If the email you receive is riddled with these errors, it's a scam.
You should also be skeptical of generic greetings like, "Dear Customer" or "Dear Member." These should both raise a red flag because most companies would use your name in their email greetings.
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5. Are you threatening me?
"Urgent action required!" "Your account will be closed!" "Your account has been compromised!" These intimidation tactics are becoming more common than the promise of "instant riches"; taking advantage of your anxiety and concern to get you to provide your personal information. Don't hesitate to call your bank or financial institution to confirm if something just doesn't seem right.
And scammers aren't just using banks, credit cards and email providers as cover for their scams, many are using the threat of action from government agencies like the IRS and the FBI to scare unwitting targets into giving up the goods. Here's the thing: government agencies, especially, do not use email as their initial means of communication.
Phishing scams continue to evolve
This is by no means a comprehensive list. Phishing scammers are constantly evolving, and their methods are becoming more cunning and difficult to trace. New tactics include this frighteningly effective Gmail attack, end-of-the-year healthcare open enrollment scams, low-priced Amazon bargains, and tax-season attempts.
So, trust your gut. If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. If something seems even the slightest bit "off", don't open the email or click on links.
More resources on phishing and how to protect yourself can be found at Phishing.org.
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from CIO http://www.cio.com/article/3172558/hacking/5-ways-to-spot-a-phishing-email.html#tk.rss_all Baltimore IT Support
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
A Roundtable of Hackers Dissects ‘Mr. Robot’ Season 4 Episode 1: ‘Unauthorized’
It’s been one year, nine months, and 23 days since the sizzling season 3 finale of Mr. Robot, and the show is back for its last season.
This week, we discussed [SPOILERS, obvs] the probability of getting an envelope with a ringing dumb phone with a hacker on the other end of the line, dead man’s switches, hacking cameras at Grand Central Station, and honeypot houses. (The chat transcript has been edited for brevity, clarity, and chronology.) This week’s team of experts include:
Emma Best: a former hacker and current journalist and transparency advocate with a specialty in counterintelligence and national security.
Bill Budington: a long-time activist, security trainer, and a Senior Staff Technologist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Jason Hernandez: Solutions Architect for Bishop Fox, an offensive security firm. He also does research into surveillance technology and has presented work on aerial surveillance.
Harlo Holmes: Director of Digital Security at Freedom of the Press Foundation.
Micah Lee: a technologist with a focus on operational security, source protection, privacy and cryptography, as well as Director of Information Security at The Intercept.
Freddy Martinez: a technologist and public records expert. He serves as a Director for the Chicago-based Lucy Parsons Labs.
Matt Mitchell: a hacker and Director of Digital Safety & Privacy at Tactical Tech. He founded cryptoharlem, which aims to teach basic cryptography tools in the inner city.
Christina Morillo: a New York City-based information security and technology professional working as an information protector on Microsoft’s cloud & engineering security team.
Zachary Julian: Security Associate at the security consulting firm Bishop Fox.
Freddy and His Package
Yael: Are there instances where you get a package with a ringing phone, or is that just in TV/the movies? Like has that happened in real life?
Harlo: I don’t know about in real life, but this is a thing in Black Mirror, and American Vandal.
Micah: For it to happen, Elliot would have had to be tracking the package and waiting outside the building to know exactly when to make the call. Which he was.
Emma: If the phone had GPS enabled, Elliot could have tracked it and known when it arrived, assuming there wasn't already a webcam compromised in there. Elliot also could have been listening in through the phone’s microphone in real-time. He hears the phone arrive. Hangs up. Dials back.
Bill: I'm assuming Elliot had either delivery confirmation or a GPS unit to know when the phone and video was delivered.
Micah: I don't think he would have needed GPS. He could have just watched delivery person enter the building with the package, and as soon as they left the building made the call.
Emma: True, Micah. Even simpler, he had an in-progress call to the phone going.
Jason: There are Android apps that will trigger sending a text or whatever when they're in proximity to a given Wi-Fi access point or at a certain latitude / longitude. It's pretty simple to set up.
Matt: Tasker app does this.
Harlo: It doesn't seem to be Android. It's a dumb phone (probably a Tracfone or something similar). So it's likely Elliot has it tracked via… maybe skip tracing?
Bill: Yeah, it looked like a dumb burner phone.
Micah: I think it was like a pay-with-cash Tracfone, which is the smart way to do it anonymously anyway.
Freddy: The simplest explanation is that he had someone else watching him and tracking the dude and reporting back.
Yael: What's a Tracfone?
Harlo: It's a brand of pay-as-you-go phones you can buy from pharmacies, 7-11s and other places. it has only mobile text and voice; no data.
Micah: It’s just one of several types of cheap phones you can purchase at corner stores in cash. You don't need ID or credit card or anything, and they have fairly cheap options with old flip phones, even today.
Matt: Buying a Tracfone with cash, buying service for it with cash, and then not talking when you call the service number to set it up is a pretty anonymous way to get a U.S. cell phone.
Harlo: I agree with Emma that the easiest way might be keeping a live call on during delivery, then listening for the pick-up. Or having actual surveillance on the office. Or maybe even tapping into any video surveillance on premises.
Yael: He had access to Freddy’s screen too, right?
Bill: I don't think he had access to the screen… maybe he just saw via binoculars that he was watching the video.
Yael: Okay so flash forward to the call. So then Mr. Robot/Elliot is trying to get Freddy to click on a phishing link (which he thought was ransomware, but it wasn’t)—and to copy the .pst file in his inbox to the thumb drive. How does that work?
Micah: Since Freddy was copying the .pst file himself, and not the malware, my guess is clicking the phishing link was simply to get malware on the law firm's network for future use.
Harlo: Maybe this is either 1) a diversion for the IT admin to not notice the immediate export/download of an employee’s entire inbox, or 2) one of those things where you gotta hack the admin to complete the exploit.
Zach: It seems like the malicious link was just to provide an excuse as to why the inbox was compromised.
Freddy: If he had network access, he would just dump the active directory [a Windows service that controls access to shared resources on a network, like user logins and credentials], but the point of the plot was to incriminate the lawyer. It wasn’t about getting the emails. It was about incrimination.
Jason: Owning active directory usually takes a while and it can be kind of a hassle.
Micah: Elliot did need the emails to find all the banking details he needed.
Harlo: But if you want to hide your involvement, you're also pinning it on the mark who "clicked a link, oops totally not an orchestrated op by Mr. Robot."
Freddy: The way to get the emails isn’t really how you would do it if you already have malware on the network.
Micah: PST files are an Outlook inbox. A lot of the big email leaks that get reported on start out as a PST file. He was using a cool tool to import them and search through them, "Expansion Inbox," which I've never heard of.
Yael: So shout out to Iceweasel! We saw it on Elliot’s laptop on the train.
Bill: Debian's Iceweasel had resolved its naming issues with mainline Firefox in early 2016 but remember this is still in late 2015. So they're staying true to the time period.
Yael: Is Iceweasel like an open source Firefox? Wait, isn't Firefox open source?
Micah: Firefox is open source, but there was a trademark conflict for use of the "Firefox" name and logo inside Debian. Debian handled it by just renaming it to Iceweasel and providing their own logo.
Dead Man’s Switch
Yael: Elliot said he could get the videos to send to Freddy’s kids and the FBI… like a dead man's switch…
Micah: OnionShare has a dead man's switch feature. You can set a time in the future to start sharing files, and it gives you the Tor onion address right away. It wouldn't work for this exact use case, but you could, for example, tweet an onion address and a date, and if you don't manually close OnionShare before that date, it automatically starts sharing whatever data you want.
Emma: A dead man's switch would be super easy to set up. Have a couple of computers running a check every 10 minutes on a data file, see if it's been 24 hours yet. If it has, send the emails. If not, check again in 10 minutes. The email doesn't have to have the data, just a key and instructions on how to access it. The data can be anywhere. Elliot could check in with infected machines via a command and control system and reset the clock in the data file. The data could be stashed on some random server. The email to the FBI could contain the target’s IP address, user/password and decryption key. The files would be too large to just send to the FBI directly, and if they were forcibly dropped on an FBI system, they wouldn't touch it. But of course, Elliot didn't need a dead man's switch. He just needed the mark to believe he had one.
Bill: I mean I don't think Elliot really wants Freddy to formally do something incriminating, it would be easy enough to frame Freddy, and Elliot doesn't care about laws. Maybe he just didn't have time to code the malware that would do all this email-copying for him. After all, he mentions to Mr. Robot that they only had two weeks to prepare for this target.
Harlo: Two weeks, and everybody's on drugs, so subpar performances all around.
Yael: Haha so much coke.
Freddy: Lawyers reading this chat: please don’t do illegal drugs.
Bill: Clearly you've never been in a 1980s law firm before.
Yael: It’s… not illegal if you don’t get caught?
Harlo: ALSO, it WAS SENT as a DVD. Which he left in the player. So the FBI will see the evidence when they go to his office anyway.
Zach: Perhaps Elliot was expecting him to clean up the evidence instead of killing himself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I think eventually it would become public that this law firm's emails were compromised, and Elliot/Mr. Robot needed a plausible excuse in place about why that happened to take the heat off of them.
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Image Credit: Micah Lee
Grand Central Station
Bill: I like how Elliot mentioned to Freddy to turn off and leave behind anything "with an on/off switch"—but Elliot forgot about the fact that an RFID ping can also be used to determine location.
Harlo: It’s Bluetooth, actually!
Yael: I saw the Bluetooth symbol.
Bill: So is it actually Bluetooth? I mean, cheap RFID cards might have that symbol anyway.
Jason: Most access cards don't support Bluetooth, but you can buy access cards that include Bluetooth low energy (BTLE) beacons. They're a little more expensive and I wouldn't expect a law firm with what looks like kind of cheap IT and security to go for them, but they exist (about $10/unit on Alibaba).
Emma: It could be both RFID and Bluetooth. The presence of a Bluetooth connection is annoyingly used as a layer of security verification by some systems. -_-
Jason: Yeah, the cards I found have RFID and BTLE.
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Image: USA
Zach: It’s interesting he left all electronics behind to go to the station, but I assume he would still be trackable through Tracfone pings to the cell towers.
Yael: Even with a dumbphone.
Zach: Those phones will still ping the cell towers.
Emma: That's not super precise, though.
Yael: Yes, it still pings but is not as precise, at least according to Serial podcast season 1.
Jason: You have to consider the setup time to follow a brand-new mobile phone with a fresh IMEI [device serial number] and IMSI [user identifier].
Micah: Those phones still ping cell phone towers, but I don't see how Dark Army would know which IMSI to try tracking in crowded NYC, assuming they had no idea about this phone thing ahead of time.
Bill: You could use something as simple as this Bluefruit LE sniffer to triangulate the location of the badge.
Jason: There are a lot of apps that scan Bluetooth for navigation. there's even one by Amtrak that is designed to help you navigate Penn Station (it might also support Grand Central now). if you had access to an ad network that fed back Bluetooth MAC addresses within range, you could get pretty accurate tracking.
Yael: How did Elliot get eyes inside Grand Central Station? Did he hack into a surveillance camera or something?
Zach: Seems that way.
Harlo: With an app that I think is made-for-TV. I can’t find it. CamSec Pro? Anybody? But I guess it's worth noting for the audience that, you don't have to restrict your Kali Linux setup to what comes pre-installed. You can totes outfit your Kali USB with persistence [preserving the filesystem instead of wiping everything every time the OS shuts down] and other cool things.
Fred: It’s movie magic for sure, most of those networks require some kind of VPN access and username / password. Hard to believe it’s hacked that quickly.
Jason: There are plenty of internet connected cameras with default credentials.
Micah: I would assume he pre-hacked the Grand Central Station cameras in anticipation of this operation, so he could have spent a few days on it.
Freddy: But to be able to get that level of access and to be able to move PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) you would need access to the network operations center (NOC) for Grand Central.
Jason: A lot of these cameras are administered through simple web apps that might not be particularly locked down, even the pan-tilt-zoom controls.
Harlo: What if it were 2015/16? What exploits would we have used? Like, any NOC web app exploits that have been long since patched?
Zach: I saw this online from 2006: stationary Bluetooth devices throughout Grand Central Station. Something like that could be exploited by the Dark Army for Bluetooth tracking.
Bill: Who knows, there could be networks that don't advertise with beacon packets that are protected only with WEP [a weak and outdated security protocol for WiFi networks] or something that can be easily cracked. And the cameras often don't have any authentication layer at all, since it's assumed that the network will provide the security layer. I've seen a lot of these in stores, access points that don't send beacon packets but have devices authenticated with them.
Zach: I think IRL, though, the Bluetooth tracking would be difficult to set up. Either stationary devices in advance or some sooper-leet mass phone ownage to turn their devices into trackers, similar to FSociety's FBI hack. I would think the webcams in Grand Central Station are secure but honestly, who knows. That may be the most realistic part of this scene. Like Bill says, it could be a hidden Wi-Fi network secured with WEP and a bunch of security cameras.
Yael: I guess no cameras on the train that Elliot has evil Freddy meet him at?
Christina: I found that super odd. Like cameras everywhere but there, hmm.
Micah: Maybe there were cameras on the train. Elliot did have his hood up; maybe he didn't care.
Jason: Cameras on the train might not be internet-connected, if they exist. You'd have to figure out the network backhaul for that and it would be expensive and tricky (lots of dead zones in cellular coverage) for limited benefit.
Honeypot Houses
Yael: Did Mossack Fonseca have a distress signal/honeypot house where they torture people? How realistic is this?
Emma: As realistic as a hostile actor wants it to be. Formations House (#29 Leaks) wouldn't have. Some of their clients would, though.
Micah: I don't think it was a Mossack Fonseca-like company with the honeypot house, I think it was more like the Dark Army with one.
Yael: Hmm, do we know any IRL cases where people had a honeypot house? I guess they've kept them secret…
Harlo: Whitey Bulger.
Emma: The mob. Escobar, I think.
Micah: It would be really expensive to run a honeypot house. Like, even just having a normal house is expensive.
Bill: Well, when you own the world's currency it turns out you can buy a building in Manhattan.
Yael: With e-coin.
Emma: Well, the building would have served more purposes. It's fake addresses and mailing points. It's full of safe houses and temp housing. It has no prying eyes.
Yael: I know people have owned buildings for sketchy things but I'm not familiar with the process to get folks there via social engineering as opposed to, like, brute force. Do we know any IRL cases where people had a honeypot house? I guess they've kept them secret…
Christina: No but Jay-Z had a stash house on State Street, Brooklyn.
Harlo: Trump Foundation; I’m just throwing it out there.
Yael: I mean there was that newspaper that owned a bar in the greatest act of undercover reporting of all time…
Harlo: Something I dig about the honeypot house: cellular dead zone. Essentially a SCIF.
Emma: That can be done with the right paint, or even tape. DoD used to have its own special tape that could basically Faraday any surface. Make sure radio signals can't penetrate, soundproof, all panels secure. Often it has entrances guarded. It's usually in a government building of some sort, but Rockefeller had one in his barn IIRC.
Yael: “This doesn't feel right! The building is owned by E-Corp!" (Jump, Elliot, jump!)
Christina: Or like, don’t fucking go in, Elliot.
Bill: They couldn't get out the window. That's why you should Always Carry A Bat.
Harlo: Or a tactical pen?
Yael: And a ladder!
Harlo: Oh also, Christian Slater says something like "be careful, you're on the owner's Wi-Fi," which… hey hackerman: turn your radios off when not in use.
Micah: Did you all notice that at the end, when the Dark Army people were forcing Elliot to overdose, that he has a very old school rotary phone?
Micah: Man, in season 1 they were all like, "Let's get the Dark Army to help us with the China data center backups," and by season 4 I think they're understanding that was probably a bad call.
A Roundtable of Hackers Dissects ‘Mr. Robot’ Season 4 Episode 1: ‘Unauthorized’ syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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