#❝ she's a tough as a brick brooklyn transplant with an itchy trigger finger ❞ {amelia o'brien}
gas-stxtion · 1 year
//also i wanna be the smallest amount of !!! about some ideas real quick so i wanna share one other thing i've been taking notes on with the new profiles i wrote for the carrd
anyway yeah all my muses here have parents with actual names. feels like a small thing. and did i have to do that? no. no i didn't. i really didn't. but i've wanted for a while to develop these characters' parents, and that starts with giving them names.
does any of this matter? probably not. but i think this is a fun thing to consider for their characters and establishing more of where they each come from, even if a majority of these characters' parents are dead or otherwise not in their lives.
also goes without saying but a lot of my thoughts here are speculation or based on limited evidence in canon, since many of these characters' family backgrounds are just not explained, especially not in any significant detail.
anyway thoughts under the cut
spencer's parents: john and hannah middleton
i've actually had the idea in mind for like a year now that spencer's mom's name was hannah. if you know why.... keep your mouth shut. (kidding)
spencer's parents are dead. he killed them both in retaliation after years of abuse and neglect stemming from their genuine fear of their son's mental illness. basically everyone in town knows he did it, but there's very little chance of him being prosecuted for it. not because anyone thinks it was justified, though--more because, though everyone *knows* he did it, there isn't enough *concrete* evidence.
tony's parents: alejandro caballero and inés torres
so i've talked a little about tony's parents publicly, but not in a lot of detail. the main thing i wanna point out here is that neither of his parents' surnames are vargas. because i'm going all in on "antonio vargas is a fake name." vargas is the surname i gave him but yeah it's all fake babeyyy!!!!
forget if i've said anywhere publicly yet, but tony's legal name is oscar caballero torres! or as he'd mostly be referred to in the U.S., oscar torres. (not sure on exactly *what* specific national heritage his family has, but in at least most spanish cultures, people traditionally have two surnames, one associated with each parent, though in the U.S. for example they tend to go by their matronym. so yeah legally he'd be oscar torres.)
(the only reason i'm giving each of his parents one surname each here is simplicity, but their names would also follow this tradition.)
anyway, tony's father alejandro died when he was a young teenager, but his momma is very important to him and a major figure in his life.
jack's parents: charlotte townsend and william evans
so i mentioned earlier this year that i think it's very possible that jack's surname, townsend, isn't his *original* surname. and i've decided to just commit to that.
my original idea was that jack adopted the name townsend from one of his foster parents, possibly his first, as a way of symbolizing him leaving behind his old name and past and basically just. restarting his identity (which is also how him being trans flew mostly under the radar with his neighbors). i ended up dropping that, though, and instead i think townsend is his mom's maiden name.
jack's mom, charlotte, walked out on him and his dad when he was *very* young, and before that she wasn't super present in his life. i don't think she was actively abusive towards him like his dad was, but i also think she wasn't exactly mother of the year. (idk, i go back and forth on how sympathetic to her i am.)
ANYWAY i have a lot more thoughts on jack's parents that are best saved for another post, but basically. jack's mother left her shitty abusive husband and young child behind and started a new life, and jack took her maiden name as he grew when he started a new one as well. i doubt it was intentional on his part, and honestly i think it came down to an issue in the paperwork when he was entered into foster care.
jerry's parents: daphne and matthias pascal
so this is where i am nervously ignoring canon and just kinda doing what i want with the references to jerry's family while picking and choosing what i want from those references.
jerry's parents are a pair of old money types who settled in delaware, and who are definitely *not* happy with the fact that one of their children ran off to join a cult and hasn't spoken to them in well over a decade. his parents cared less about who he was as a person and more about what he could do to further their legacies and reputations. the cult honestly probably started in part as rebellion against them.
in present day, jerry's parents don't know where he is, and he's happy with that. occasionally, the private investigators they hire to try and find him get close to figuring him out, but he's gotten good at evading them.
rosa's parents: elisa vasquez and lorenzo rivera
again, tying in with what i mentioned about spanish surnames under tony's section, rosa's full legal name would be rosa rivera vasquez. ditto for her parents having more surnames, though i'm sticking just to the ones they would've passed down to rosa.
anyway, rosa has two loving parents who genuinely care about her and are active parts of her life, though she has been making a rather significant effort to be more independent and not rely on them as much as she did when she was younger. (ignoring the fact that she *is* still very young.)
i won't pretend they've never had conflict, but for the most part their relationship is healthy and strong. her parents love her and she loves them.
amelia's parents: celeste o'brien and james ambrose
amelia was raised by a single mother, which is where a lot of her drive to be a strong woman and handle everything herself comes from. i originally considered the idea that her father was mostly absent from her life, but i've decided to scrap that idea. she knows her father and has spoken with him, and he has made an effort to be part of her life. he didn't walk out intentionally, and he's been trying to make it up to her.
buuuut she's not particularly impressed with him. she doesn't want to give him a chance, so for the most part she's just. not going to. she has a relationship with him and it's mostly cordial, but she doesn't really get along with him. her relationship with her mother is similarly tense, but they're definitely closer than she is with her dad.
she is, however, *very* close with her aunt natasha. natasha was there for amelia when no one else really was when she was a kid, and she never forgot that. hell, half the reason she moved to this shitty little town in georgia was to be there for her aunt.
sabine's parents: amanda and joseph lemoyne
yeah, i finally named the gas station owners. about time! i could only deal with calling them pops and mamaw for so long.
sabine's parents were a pair of right-wing doomsday preppers who neglected their daughter severely in favor of preparing for an apocalypse and other conspiracy theorist bullshit. they did their part to prepare sabine as well, but for the most part, they tended to just... have her take care of the home while they dealt with everything else, very rarely giving her the support she needed. generally, the lemoyne's had a reputation in town for being very strange but well-meaning, though, and very few people raised a fuss about anything they said or did.
(and yeah, the fact that the lemoyne's were right in some respects about some of what they were paranoid conspiracy buffs about doesn't take away from their rancid-ass beliefs or their treatment of sabine.)
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@chaieyestea said: Weird question, but are any of your muses ticklish?
//hmmmmm.... alright, y'know, this isn't something i'd thought about before, but i think. some of them?
jack i imagine may be a little ticklish, but not to a super significant degree. probably mainly around his neck, if anything.
jerry isn't ticklish at all but pretends that he is because he thinks it's funny. if you try to tickle him he'll go along with it and then turn the tables on you the second you let your guard down. merciless.
rosa is very ticklish in general, and she giggles very cutely if you manage to catch her off guard and tickle her a bit.
amelia is a little less ticklish than rosa, but she definitely still can be at times.
spencer isn't ticklish--he may have been at some point, but being killed and resurrected has dulled a lot of sensation he experiences, so he isn't anymore.
aaaand tony i feel is a bit ticklish, but not like. *super* ticklish. just a little bit. just enough that if you catch him off guard you can get him to laugh.
sabine wasn't ticklish at all but *would* absolutely elbow you on reflex if you tried to tickle her.
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
🌙 s𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬.
Tagged by: @smokes-and-bullets 
Tagging (with no pressure to any of y’all of course--you absolutely don’t have to fill this out if you’re not feeling up to it!): @paleontaxi @perceiivent @fathertofatality @finalgrrrls @sliding-into-space @sunnysidedeviledorscrambled and anybody else who might want to steal it! Feel free to tag me if you do :’>
Gonna be The Worst™ and answer all of these questions for all six muses here <3 But since this got so long I will put it under a cut
1. what does your muse smell like?
Jack - Jack probably usually smells a lot like the gas station (a strange mix of honeysuckle and ammonia), considering how much time he spends there. Aside from that, he probably smells like his shampoo--he uses a pretty cheap, generic shampoo, one that doesn’t have any particularly exciting or interesting scent.
Jerry - Jerry smells like mostly like smoke, considering he’s made no effort to give up his smoking habit. He also, weirdly enough, smells distinctly like bubblegum, though he claims he doesn’t wear any perfumes or colognes. According to him, that’s his natural scent.
Rosa - Rosa absolutely smells sweet! She loves to wear perfume (not too much, though)--her favorite scent is vanilla. Aside from that, she smells a bit like the gas station, though in general she smells more pleasant than some of her coworkers.
Amelia - Amelia smells a bit like coconut, though she also has the smell of gunpowder on her much of the time. She isn’t really one to wear perfume most of the time, but she will occasionally--she prefers earthier smells rather than more flowery ones.
Tony - Tony, like the others who spend a lot of time at the gas station, smells a bit like it, but he smells much more like the cologne he wears. He doesn’t wear a lot of it, but he wears some. Generally, he prefers scents like sandalwood and other woodsy smells.
Spencer - Spencer probably smells pretty nice much of the time. He invests in his appearance and cares about his image, and so he does wear cologne sometimes. However, wearing too much is distracting, so he goes without. Spencer usually prefers citrusy smells, if anything. More notable, though, is the fact that Spencer always has the smell of death clinging to him, even if it isn’t always super noticeable.
2. what do your muse’s hands feel like?
Jack - Jack’s hands are small and bony, with some small callouses developed over the years. The skin isn’t very soft, but it also isn’t super rough or dry--it’s definitely somewhere in-between. Depending on the ‘verse, he’s also missing his left pinkie finger, with rough scar tissue where it once was.
Jerry - Jerry has warm, strong hands with long fingers and thick, hard callouses. Aside from the callouses, though, his hands are INCREDIBLY soft. He takes his skincare routine seriously. Aside from that, Jerry also has a deceptively strong grip, and if you go in for a handshake he will commit.
Rosa - Rosa has the softest hands of the group, unsurprisingly. Her hands are also very warm and, like Jack’s, rather small. She has a skincare routine that she sticks to and keeps her hands clean and manicured to the best of her ability. Also, her hands are very warm.
Amelia - Amelia’s hands are usually pretty cold to the touch, and though she doesn’t have a strict routine she keeps up, they’re still not particularly rough or dry. Similarly to Tony, Amelia has a strong grip, though her strength isn’t as obvious at first glance.
Tony - Tony’s hands are warm and broad, with prominent veins on the back. He does have some callouses, but they’re not super prominent, and while his hands aren’t necessarily soft they’re also not unpleasant to touch. He has a strong grip, too.
Spencer - Spencer’s hands are always cold, always dry, and his skin is always just on this side of unpleasant to the touch. He has hard, rough callouses from years of hard work, and though he cares about his appearance, he doesn’t waste time trying to keep his skin soft. Holding Spencer’s hand wouldn’t be a very pleasant experience.
3. what does your muse usually eat in a day?
Jack - Very little. Jack is the type to often forget to eat if he’s not reminded, and at most he will occasionally snack on some of the foods at the gas station. It’s incredibly rare that Jack sits down to eat a full meal. In the main ‘verse, he’s getting better about this, but it’s still certainly a process.
Jerry - Jerry, like Jack, doesn’t usually eat much in a day. However, he is much better about taking care of himself, and when he can he tries to make sure that Jack is eating, too. He likes to cook his own food, and he can make some pretty creative dishes. How good are they? Well.
Rosa - Rosa usually tries to keep her meals relatively light, though she does have a big sweet tooth. Unlike Jack and Jerry, Rosa is much better at taking care of herself and eating three meals a day when she can.
Amelia - Usually, Amelia eats breakfast and dinner and that’s it. She may eat something light as well during her lunch break, but for the most part she doesn’t have the time. She’s a busy lady, after all!
Tony - Similarly to Amelia, Tony doesn’t usually eat a full three meals a day. However, he does make an effort to take care of himself when he can, and he much prefers home-cooked meals to going out. And he’s actually a good cook, so you know he’s doing well for himself.
Spencer - So this question really made me ask myself, “Does Spencer eat??” The answer to that is yes, of course, but I think he’s similar to Jack in that he eats very little and often forgets to. However, he does eat better food than just whatever’s at the gas station, so he has that going for him.
4. does your muse have a good singing voice?
Jack - Nope, and he doesn’t particularly care either way. Jack isn’t one to sing regardless, though he may try humming to himself now and then.
Jerry - No, and that’s something he’s proud of. He will sing along to music at the top of his lungs, and he doesn’t care that he can’t carry a tune or that his voice is always incredibly off-key. He’s having fun and that’s all that matters.
Rosa - Kinda? I think Rosa doesn’t think her singing voice is any good, but it’s not like it’s outstandingly bad or anything. It’s also not like... incredibly amazing or anything. I’d say it’s pretty average--she can carry a tune decently and it sounds nice.
Amelia - Yes!! It’s not something she particularly likes to advertise, but she has a very nice singing voice and often sings to herself when she’s alone. 
Tony - Yes! Though he’s more inclined towards playing music than singing it, he has a pretty decent singing voice and it’s something he’s very aware of. Do I think sometimes about him serenading someone? You can’t prove anything (I do).
Spencer - Not really--before his first death, he probably had a pretty average singing voice, but now it’s kind of terrible and that is something he’s painfully aware of. Is he a bit insecure about it? Perhaps!
5. does your muse have any bad habits or nervous tics?
Jack - I’ve talked pretty extensively about Jack’s bad habits and nervous tics, so I won’t go on and on about those. I will say, though, that he really has a bad habit of skin picking and biting his nails when he’s anxious, which is part of why he paints them. He’s less likely to bite them when they’re painted.
Jerry - Jerry doesn’t really have any nervous tics, but I’d definitely say his smoking is a bad habit. It’s not one he’s looking to kick, either. In general, Jerry has a bit of an addictive personality and develops bad habits very easily.
Rosa - When Rosa is feeling REALLY nervous, she messes with her hair and clothes a lot. She is very much a fidgeter, and her clothes are frequently a little messy as a result. Another thing is that Rosa tends to reach out to others when she’s nervous, grabbing their arms, hands, etc.
Amelia - Amelia doesn’t have much in the way of obvious bad habits or nervous tics, as she’s spent a long time perfecting her poker face and ability to stay calm under duress. However, she does have a bad habit of biting her lip, especially when stressed.
Tony - Tony tends to tap his fingers against nearby surfaces when he’s nervous, which doesn’t happen often. He’s usually only ever nervous if he doesn’t feel like he’s in complete control of a situation or otherwise at a disadvantage.
Spencer - Spencer would gladly insist that he doesn’t have any nervous tics, which is true for the most part! Because Spencer’s worst habit is that when he feels threatened he almost always immediately jumps to violence to take care of the problem.
6. what does your muse usually look like / wear?
Jack - Jack usually looks exhausted and a bit disheveled. The regulars at the gas station are used to that, though, so it’s never really worth commenting. When not wearing his work clothes, he tends towards baggy hoodies and jeans. However, when going somewhere nice or trying to impress someone, he WILL dress up and try to look a bit nicer.
Jerry - Jerry loves to dress in outrageous or, for lack of a better word, loud clothing. He loves to stand out and wears just whatever he thinks is fun. Does he look ridiculous? Yes. Yes he does. But he’s having a good time.
Rosa - Rosa usually looks nice and cute--she invests quite a bit in her appearance and loves dressing in shades of pink and yellow. Not to say she’s vain or anything, but she likes to look cute. Outside of her work clothes, Rosa most likes to wear sundresses (especially ones with pockets).
Amelia - Above all else, when on the job, Amelia wants to look professional. She already faces a lot of discrimination from the locals for her gender and skin color, and she knows to be taken seriously she has to appear as well-put together as she possibly can. As a result, she very rarely dresses down, even when off the clock.
Tony - Tony usually prefers to dress pretty casually, but he still wears nice clothes when he can. He isn’t really one for wearing a suit and tie casually, but he’ll wear a nice button-up and slacks. In general, his biggest concern is to dress for comfort and practicality while still making a good impression.
Spencer - Spencer usually tries to dress nice and does enjoy a good suit, but in his line of work, it’s not worth it to wear something super fine that will very likely be ruined almost immediately. Most of the time, he just dresses in all black, sometimes in tactical gear, and tries to appear as intimidating as possible.
7. is your muse affectionate? how much? how so?
Jack - He definitely can be, in his own awkward way. Jack isn’t super outwardly affectionate, even to those he’s very close to, but he shows affection in little ways when he can. Oftentimes, the best way Jack knows how to show affection is by just being there for a person or sharing something with them that he doesn’t normally share with others.
Jerry - He definitely is. Jerry is an incredibly affectionate person, and he’s also a very tactile person. While he’s usually good about respecting boundaries when it comes to touch, Jerry is absolutely the type to show affection by ruffling someone’s hair or patting them on the back unexpectedly.
Rosa - Oh, absolutely! Rosa is a very outwardly affectionate person, especially with those she is super close with. She’s a big fan of hugs, and sometimes she’ll even give her friends kisses on the cheek (if they’re comfortable with it, of course).
Amelia - Not outwardly, but she shows affection in her own way. When Amelia is close to someone, she usually shows affection by teasing them. She very rarely calls the people she cares about by their actual names unless it’s a serious situation--instead, she opts for nicknames, some of which very easily come off as a bit... patronizing, to say the least.
Tony - Tony is affectionate deep down, but he’s also a very guarded person most of the time. Becoming close to someone is dangerous, especially for the other person, and it’s best for him to keep his distance. However, when he REALLY cares about someone and lets those guards down, he’s an absolute sweetheart and incredibly affectionate.
Spencer - Spencer is less affectionate and more possessive. When it comes to someone he cares about, showing affection doesn’t really come naturally to him, especially in any quote-unquote ‘traditional’ sense. The way this man shows affection is by ensuring that anybody he considers his stays his.
8. what position does your muse sleep in?
Jack - Jack normally tends to curl up a bit when he sleeps, kinda like a little cat. Considering he grew up with so many foster siblings and had to share the space with them most of the time, he’s very used to trying to take up as little space as possible when he sleeps. This is doubly true when he shares the bed with another person.
Jerry - Jerry sprawls out like a starfish when he sleeps alone, but when he’s sharing a bed with someone he absolutely clings to them and cuddles up. He loves to spoon up against his partners, but he tends to cling a bit TOO tight for comfort. Good luck getting out of his hold.
Rosa - Rosa is also a cuddler, though she doesn’t hold on nearly as tightly as Jerry. She actually can’t sleep if she’s not cuddling something or someone, so her cat Ricky usually sleeps in her bed with her. (Yes I headcanon she has a cat <3)
Amelia - Amelia usually sleeps on her side and a bit stiffly. She doesn’t spread out, but she doesn’t necessarily curl up. When sharing the bed with another person, Amelia isn’t really much of a cuddler much of the time, but she usually sleeps facing them at least. Though she’d never say no to a partner wanting to spoon her.
Tony - Tony, when sleeping alone, tends to sleep on his back or on his side, one hand under his pillow. He usually keeps some kind of weapon under there, and he wants to be able to access it in an emergency. When sharing the bed with another person, though, Tony is also a cuddler. He enjoys being able to kinda curl around whoever he’s sleeping with, holding them close and protecting them.
Spencer - Spencer can sleep standing and with his eyes open. It’s kinda terrifying. That aside, though, when he does sleep he just kinda falls asleep anywhere he needs to and in any position. He doesn’t tend towards any specific position.
9. could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
Jack - Not unless he’s very stressed or otherwise emotional! Jack tends to speak kinda quietly, and he very rarely raises his voice. Even when he’s trying to talk a bit louder, he can be hard to hear at times.
Jerry - Nearly always. Jerry is a naturally very loud person, and even when he’s trying to be quiet he has the kind of voice that naturally just carries very well. Unless he’s REALLY trying to be quiet (unlikely), you could almost definitely hear him from another room.
Rosa - Probably not unless she’s very excited. Rosa doesn’t tend to talk very loudly most of the time, and she isn’t really the best at projecting her voice. However, when she gets excited, she tends to talk both faster and louder, so you’d likely be able to hear her then!
Amelia - I’d say so. Amelia doesn’t necessarily talk loudly or anything, but she often uses a commanding tone and speaks just loudly enough to be heard. If she wants to be heard, you will hear her, though she doesn’t scream or yell most of the time. She just knows how to project her voice enough for people to hear her.
Tony - Sometimes! Tony tends to talk a bit more quietly, but like Amelia he knows how to project his voice when needed. If he wants to be heard, you’ll hear him--if he doesn’t, though, he knows very well how to be quiet. His natural speaking voice is a bit more on the soft side, though.
Spencer - Spencer talks in a quiet, somewhat raspy voice, almost like a hiss. He can still be loud when he needs to be, but he much prefers to be quiet unless he’s actively trying to intimidate someone. If that’s the case, I’d definitely say you could hear him from another room.
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
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//i'm right btw (blank under the cut)
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
//i can’t believe i’ve never made anyone here in the dating sim picrew??
anyway. it’s my tradition. so pov: you are on dates with my muses or being rejected by them.
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he’s nervous <3
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jerry /would/ be the type to get his date roses on the first date
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rosa my fucking beloved
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tony isn’t tony without his beard </3
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couldn’t find the right style of bun for her so uhhh imagine this is her with her hair down! yeah
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couldn’t fit spencer’s full name so he just gets to be spence. 
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
//ok last one of these for the night
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
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@triggerbigger​ said: ♡
(Get some tips to win my muse’s heart! [open])
//Hmmmm I think I’ll give one tip for each of them since you didn’t specify :3c You may have only sent one heart but shsh it’s fine-
Jack: A good first step in winning Jack’s heart is to engage with his interests. Let him infodump to you about whatever book he’s reading and you will earn so many points in his book.
Jerry: Ultimately, what Jerry wants is someone who understands him, so a very good first step in winning his heart would be to go on an adventure with him and indulge in whatever shenanigans he’s caught up in that week.
Rosa: I think a big step in winning Rosa’s heart would be to really make time for her and go out of your way to talk to her and hang out with her. She’s a very sweet, dedicated person, so someone showing that they’re willing to put in the work for her goes a long way.
Spencer: Winning Spencer’s heart would be a hard battle to begin with, so honestly the only thing I can think of is a bit of an extreme one, but if someone saved Spencer’s life in some way, that’d be a big step in winning his heart.
Amelia: Amelia is a very protective person, especially when it comes to those she cares about, so a good first step to winning her heart would be proving that you can protect yourself without brushing off her concerns or lashing out at her.
Antonio: Antonio is a romantic at heart, and like Amelia, his biggest love language is acts of service, so if you want to win his heart, do something nice for him. The first example that came to mind for me would be to make him a nice meal.
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
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//someone in a discord server i'm in posted this alignment chart and. of course. i had to fill it out.
blank under the cut!
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
//woe! picrews be upon ye!! [picrew link]
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
//i found out lavendertowne has a picrew and i adore her art style, so i immediately made the tftgs crew in it <3 unfortunately, the picrew doesn’t have that many options, so none of them are particularly accurate, but it was still a fun challenge!!
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Jack <3
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Jerry <3
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Rosa <3
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Spencer <3
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Amelia <3 (the least accurate of them all I’M SO SORRY MA’AM,)
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Tony <3 (tony bby i’m so sorry)
aand as a bonus:
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Sabine! <3 (you can’t tell me i’m wrong <3)
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
//still thinking about southern accent Jack so anyway headcanons time, accents edition!!
Jack - actively suppresses his accent, but when he's very tired, emotional, or stressed it slips out and it becomes very obvious that he's a Southern Boy
Jerry - Jerry, despite not being from the south, has a stronger southern accent than Jack, though that's because he actively exaggerates it
Rosa - Rosa has a really light accent, and she only really leans into it when she's joking around.
Amelia - Amelia, as she's not from the area and actually is from Brooklyn, has a Brooklyn accent that hasn't faded in the slightest.
Tony - I think Tony has a slight northeastern accent, but it's not particularly strong. He's good at faking a southern accent, though, and he usually does.
Spencer - Spencer absolutely has a strong southern drawl that especially comes out when he's trying to be scary. It's not super obvious most of the time, but it's there, and sometimes he really leans into it.
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
//slowly figuring out everyone's music taste!! does this matter? not that much, but it's important to me <3
- jack likes a lot of fleetwood mac, billy joel, and elton john (and some johnny cash, and after how much he's listened to it, he also enjoys some louis armstrong songs)
- spencer likes 100 gecs/hyperpop in general so much (unfortunate), but he also enjoys corpse, scene queen, and poppy (and he likes some hollywood undead, i imagine)
- jerry will listen to anything and respond with the same amount of enthusiasm each time (though i do think he enjoys country music a lot)
- rosa enjoys a lot of mid-late 2000s pop music, and recently she's been getting into some k-pop
- tony listens to a wide variety of genres and doesn't have a single favorite, but he has a big soft spot for mumford & sons and muse
- amelia i'm genuinely not sure of because i have a hard time getting in her head, but i see her enjoying a lot of older country songs and some classic rock
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
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//idk where the original is from but i stole this from one of my mutuals on discord <3
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
//decided to spin this generator for each of my muses here b/c i obviously don’t make enough ooc posts
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
@oceanoecielo: does your muse enjoy giving gifts? (for amelia)
//amelia my fucking beloved,,,,,, ma'am i am so sorry for not paying any attention to you </3 and for your bio still not being finished </3
so i think that amelia does enjoy giving gifts to her partners and friends, but i wouldn’t say it’s her primary love language or anything like that. i think amelia would love to spoil her partners, but the main way she actually shows affection would probably be through acts of service. she’s a woman of action to her core, and her method of spoiling someone she cares about would be less through giving them gifts and more through doing things for them.
not to say that she doesn’t enjoy giving gifts, like i said--it’s just not her primary way of showing affection. so, it’ll happen, but it won’t be a particularly frequent occurrence. as for the kinds of gifts she’d give, i think for the most part they would be very practical gifts. i can’t really see her giving someone something that wouldn’t be USEFUL to them in some way, y’know?
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
//hey i used tupperbot to do one message summing up each of the muses here on this blog. was this a good idea? good fucking question.
Jack Townsend:
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Jerry Pascal:
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Rosa Vasquez:
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Spencer Middleton:
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Amelia O’Brien:
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Antonio Vargas:
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