#❝ the deepest rivers flow slowly.﹙v : meiji era﹚
lunafaeris-archive · 2 years
♡ Wonder who this could be for! Kek
catch my muse being a loner | accepting.
15 . Laying in the grass at night, accompanied by fireflies.
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          She knew it was selfish. She knew it would send the entire household into a panic, her disappearing into the night without leaving any indication as to where she might have gone. It wasn’t as if she felt like their prisoner anymore... her lord husband did everything within his power, short of striking terror into the hearts of his servants and the rest of his vassal state, to ensure once and for all that they accepted her. She was extended every hospitality, even more so now than the night that she, a foreigner and a military scout, was marooned on their shores.
          Why? Because she was pregnant.
          After that, everything changed. She had already begun to question her allegiance to the west, long before she even realized her condition. As terrified as she was, once it was clear and she accepted the fact that she was with child, she considered her mission forfeit. There was nothing left for her there, nothing that would have sent her crawling back to them at the risk of leaving him behind. Even then, the following months after they had safely returned to Ryukuzan were among the most difficult for her to bear.
          She was still at odds with herself, trying to find reason within her fragile state of mind. Trying to find the light at the end of the tunnel, when all of her life she had been taught that motherhood was just another way keep women bound and chained, and out of worldly affairs. Not that she believed Madara would ever submit her to that kind of life... still, she had her doubts. More so about what was expected of her from other members of the estate, or how she would bond with the child once they were born.
          When her time came, she didn’t know what to think. She didn’t know what to do, other than to follow what the midwives said, telling her as calmly as they could to trust her instincts. She remembered that in spite of the rapid, onset pain, her head felt like it was drifting in and out of a fog, limply nodding along to whatever they said. At some point during the birth itself, she passed out... the next thing she knew, she woke up lying on a futon, cold and shivering, wondering why she felt so weak. But more importantly, wondering what had happened to the child.
          It was a girl. Perfectly healthy in every way. Once she recovered her strength and was given the chance to hold her, she couldn’t help but feel overjoyed, something that she never in her life would have believed was rightfully hers. Or that she would ever have a daughter, her own flesh and blood, to love and care for. She couldn’t explain it, even when it went against everything she stood for... but just seeing her was enough. Enough for her to swallow her pride and hold her close, tears welling up in her eyes, knowing that she had made the right choice. 
          Now, less than a month later, everything she felt after the delivery became overshadowed by a growing list of concerns. She still loved her daughter, but what was she supposed to do? She wasn’t used to sitting idle, no less with a child that depended on her. The servants did what they could to help her acclimate to her new role as a mother, but even then she was doubting herself at every turn, struggling to adjust... having recurring thoughts and nightmares that she still wasn’t suited for any of this.
          It was stupid. Irrational. She knew it, yet her thoughts kept her spinning around in circles, making her feel trapped. Which was why she couldn’t help but steal away into the night, to get away from it all, just to run and breathe and find some inner peace if only for a few hours. She wasn’t going to abandon them... she just needed to know that she was still the same person she was before. That she could have her freedom, that she wouldn’t be treated as second class.
          She didn’t know how long she had been running... she only stopped when it felt like her legs were about to give out, the soles of her feet slick with mud, slowing down and collapsing in a field of tall grass. She had run out of the manor wearing nothing but a thin, white linen robe underneath her haori, curling in on herself amongst the reeds as fireflies floated gently on the breeze. She could smell the ocean not far away, something to which she found strangely comforting, eyes lazily drifting between the dim glow of the fireflies set against the night sky.
          It didn’t take long for her to pick up on the sound of footsteps, carving a path through the tall grass in order to find her. She could only imagine how outraged he must have been, after realizing that she’d run off without so much as leaving a note behind. She was prepared for the worst, too tired to make any sort of argument in her defense. She knew she was in the wrong, that none of this would solve anything... but she just had to remind herself of what was out there, waiting for her.
          “... Go ahead. Yell at me. Call me selfish. It’s not as if I don’t deserve it. Not after what I put you through... I never meant for any of this to hurt you.”
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lunafaeris-archive · 2 years
          /A very smol, unedited preview of what I’ve been working on:
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          I wanted to get this scanned in before working on replies, so here it is. I know it’s technically not Japanese New Year’s right now, but I couldn’t help myself. You can’t not expect me to draw her in pretty clothes, period.
          Even better when it’s verse relevant and she can show off her dottir (psst @asaraltu​ 💕).
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
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/I think abt her... abt them. For the serotonin.
Also, she’s a fashionista no matter the era.
Costume change for private Meiji Era verse w/ @asaraltu
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
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tf when your youkai bf gets all up in ur b.oobs like catnip
(whenever @asaraltu​ challenges me, the pokemon trainer battle music starts up and i am compelled to answer)
feat. a little extra w/ shiemi:
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
the devil dragged me straight to hell (hmmm wonder who this could be for...)
jackrabbit sentence starters | accepting.
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          “Well then, I suppose it’s a good thing he didn’t keep you. That he didn’t keep either of us, really.” She responded gently, not to disregard or even mock the melancholy evidenced by his tone, but for the benefit of their daughter who had all but crawled into her lap. Shiemi really had a knack for bursting in at some of the worst opportune times, whether she felt like playing a one-sided game of hide and seek away from her tutors or she just wanted to see whatever her mother and father were doing.
          That afternoon, Luna and Madara had been in the middle of discussing possible levying tactics with representatives from the capitol, all youkai themselves who worked alongside the nobles within the system, but had been made aware of the sudden resurgence of the Uchiha clan in recent months and sought to take action. Letters had been sent back and forth between the two factions, seemingly friendly on the surface, but their tone could have just as easily been a clever ruse to lower their guard. She sat at the low table beside her husband, scrupulously pouring over the letters with a fresh set of eyes as she scrolled down the page, considering every alternative and by doing so how they would formulate their own response without inciting an all-out war. If they proposed a trade initiative, that might throw the blood hounds in the capitol off their scent for a while, and their forces had amassed enough goods from European trade vessels that it wouldn’t take away from their own resources. It was their best option in her opinion, despite how much Madara surely wanted to display a show of force. That was precisely why she was there, to keep a steady focus and have him avoid making any rash decisions that he would later regret.
          She was just about to begin composing another draft of their response letter (as they had gone through several already arguing over what should be included and what tone they wanted to convey), laying out a blank scroll in front of her as she picked up her brush only to stop herself short once she heard the sliding doors hurriedly open and close. She wasn’t too surprised to find Shiemi had made her way to them, again hiding from her tutors most likely. As the little girl crawled into her lap, her eyes immediately lit up as she spotted the brush in her hand, attempting to grab it before her mother openly gave it to her. After dabbing it in the ink well and making it splash everywhere, Shiemi abandoned the brush altogether and starting smacking her hands across the paper, making little messy black imprints all over the page.
          Sure, some of the ink splatter landed on the sleeves of her mother’s haori, but for once Luna didn’t seem to mind. It was a welcome distraction, one that hopefully lifted Madara’s spirits as much as it did hers, smoothing a gloved hand atop her head of auburn curls. Her curls, her face, both incredibly strong and delicate features she had inherited from her, while almost everything else she took from her father. She was the living essence of them both, a miracle that she would have never thought possible with her condition, and now could never live without, smiling fondly as she wrapped her arms around her daughter to give her a gentle squeeze before turning back to Madara.
          “Let’s bench this discussion for another time. Besides, between the two of us I think we already have everything laid out. Those snobs from the capitol can wait one more day... though I’ll give them credit that they seem much more organized than their human counterparts. Still, they can afford to be patient. After this, we should decide whether or not to extend an invitation to meet in person. Not here, but somewhere more remote. Then we’ll see their intentions for what they truly are. For now, I think we’ve been cooped up in here for so long that she’s starting to feel neglected.”
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
“This is what I like to call ‘quiet time.’” flooooooof
"cruel intentions” meme | accepting.
          “Is that what you would call it? Or are you just too tired to come up with anything else clever?” She mused, evidently pleased with herself she broke into a smile, too exhausted and having no desire to move as she laid on top of him, tangled up in one another with her head nestled against his chest. Though she had to give him some credit... if it hadn’t been for him stumbling across an overgrown path up the mountain slope, then they wouldn’t have found shelter in this abandoned temple before the monsoons hit. She could hear the rains that had chased them here beating down against the roof, dulled only by the crackle of a modest fire they had built for themselves in a hovel in the floor.
          Quiet... peaceful. A far cry from the splendor of the Uchiha manor, where their journey had begun, but she wouldn’t trade this moment for anything in the world. Her, a castaway on distant shores and a military scout, someone who by all accounts shouldn’t have been granted clemency when the lord and prince presiding over the island came across her that night. Her only thought at the time was survival, enacting diplomacy, choosing her words carefully like she was walking on eggshells, but still determined to keep her head held high. Even in the most dire of circumstances, she would not forgo her dignity nor allow it to be stripped away from her so easily, a fact which seemed to resonate with him as time went on.
          Even when he threw himself into fits of rage, when he was in such a cantankerous state that even his closest vassals wouldn’t dare approach him, she didn’t shy away. Maybe she was just being stubborn. Maybe she was just trying to make herself a valued asset in the eyes of his people, to live another day. Or maybe, in spite of all that, she recognized the pain that he was in, a pain that never truly healed without someone there to guide him through it. She could be that someone, to give him a steady hand, to help lift him out of the dark. There was no cure for being a monster, but she could at least give him focus, inspiration, things he severely lacked and needed now more than ever, for someone to show him what the future could be as if they were his equal.
          After a while, after convincing him to show her the mainland, through many battles and near-death skirmishes against holy men and youkai alike... her mission, the very purpose that had landed her on his doorstep, didn’t feel as important. Like a secondary notion she had continually pushed to the back of her mind as she found herself living in the moment. Reminding herself of what it felt like to live and breathe, to run to the edge of the horizon and experience true freedom. The untamed wilderness had a way of cleansing the spirit, she had no doubt about that... but it was the wildfire in him that had her coming back, drawing her in, something that she inexplicably wanted to help nurture and grow to its full potential. She wasn’t afraid, after all she had been burned before. She was a demon; feeding the fire was simply her nature, a part of what made her feel whole.
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          He made her feel whole. Even when she didn’t realize that something had been missing, or refused to believe it herself. Her eyelids fluttered open, still heavy with exhaustion as she had her ear pressed against him, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat before raising herself up, folding her arms underneath her. Her hair was a godawful mess, spilling over her shoulders, perspiration matting her bangs to her forehead, but in the glow of the firelight she couldn’t bring herself to care.
          “I’ve been thinking... what if I stayed?” She began, sounding a bit uneasy. But it was a risk she was willing to put forth as she reached out to play with a tendril of his hair, gliding through her fingers like spilled ink before tucking it gently behind his ear. “I’ve been pushing myself this far, thinking that it was my sworn duty to fulfill my mission. But really, there’s nothing left for me back there. Nothing I feel devoted to. Any family I have is either dead or hates me, so already that’s a lost cause.”
          She chuckled dryly, before sobering up and grounding herself back to reality, leaning in just enough to lay a kiss at the corner of his eye.
                    “... Will you let me stay?”
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
Sinks his teeth into her neck until he draws blood-- (i take 0 responsibility for u provoking him xoxo)
          The moment she felt his teeth sink into her neck, she buried the urge to tear herself away, though there was little space for her to move with her back pressed ardently against the wall. She had already done away with the front of her kimono, letting the heavy layers of fabric slide down her shoulders, all the more to give him better access to feast on her flesh. And feast on her he did, sumptuously like it was his first satisfying meal after months of starving in the wilderness, threatening to tear her asunder.
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          Were she anyone else, he would have throttled them in his jaws, but she knew better. The pain mixed with pleasure, the intensity of which was all part of their little game ignited a fire deep within her belly, allowing animal instinct to take over and consume her, losing herself in the throes of lust. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, tearing apart his kimono at the seams with her claws and biting hard into his nape for good measure; an eye for an eye it would seem, when in reality she was just as ferocious as he was, just as unwilling to let go of what was rightfully hers.
          Still clinging to him, one arm hooked around his neck as she growled into him, her free hand grabbed at the hem of his hakama, albeit clumsily, hastily shimmying them down his waist.
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
For Madara to be rough with Luna wasn’t unusual in itself, as the demoness had seen him at his worst. That might, however, was different. With raging, territorial hunger did the Uchiha pin the Italian to the futon like a predator devouring prey, sinking wicked fangs into her neck and hitching her thigh to his waist with wicked talons. It was enough to draw blood, surely— (u rang? :^])
          The fact that she had already seen him at his worst and she didn’t run, she didn’t cower in fear was a testament not only to her own strength, but a sign that the well-tempered stone walls, the fortifications she had built tenuously around her heart were beginning to crumble under their own weight without her even realizing.
          Humans feared him and cursed him out as a monster... but she was no stranger to the monstrous side of things, to beasts of burden, wild and untamed and in all likelihood more afraid of retribution or rejection from the outside world.
          Humans loved to point the finger and assign blame to those who don’t perfectly align with their ideals... she was used to being on the other end of that argument so paper thin, wavering back and forth on the edge of a knife. But her moral compass pointed elsewhere, her loyalties to a dying house and her instinct to survive and rise above despite the odds being stacked against her, despite her rationale and her intelligence and having a curious mind when women were expected to play a secondary role. To be subservient. To have everything forced upon them, then taken away. To be novelties that were bought and sold and then tossed aside like porcelain dolls that were unneeded or unwanted anymore.
          Humans had expected her to break, to shatter into a million pieces at the first sign of trouble. But that wasn’t her. Maybe the mountains and the bitter cold did breed the humanity out of her to an extent... that harsh environment with its northern winds and eternal snows, that isolation gave her the claws and fangs she needed to bite back. Humans hated her, condemned her for it, called her a heartless witch... and yet she had found more inner peace here in the dominion of the beasts, walking among them as one of their own, than she ever did as an ordinary human woman.
          That’s why she didn’t fear him. That’s why, despite her many reservations at the start of their journey, she didn’t reject him. He had bitten into her once before, a scar embedded onto the flank of her left shoulder, now a permanent reminder of a time where he feared her more than she feared him. And yet she persevered. She stayed. He was miserable, lonely. He needed guidance, without being held back by a leash or left to be chained up in the dark. That much she could understand... even more so, it was something she was willing to provide him.
          Everything, everything about him was rough, pressing her down onto the futon, raking his claws up along her thighs as he held her flush against him and buried himself inside her. The kind of intimacy that bordered along violence, yet his malice did not come without intent, without want. She could see that and respond to him in kind, even as he sunk his teeth into her neck enough to draw blood, rolling her head back as she cried out in ecstasy.
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          The pain only ignited the fire already burning underneath her skin, coursing through her veins, as she trailed her hand up the length of his forearm, smoothing over rugged feathers and obsidian scales, features that would have turned away even the most hardened of men in disgust or fear, but she accepted them as they were. She wrapped her arms around him in a vice grip, claws extended and arduously digging into him something vicious and needy, raking across his shoulders and tangling her fingers into his hair. Hands smeared with a thin layer of blood, one tugging at and massaging his scalp, the other sliding down towards his waist and the small of his back, she was desperately clinging to him, breathless and begging him to fuck her senseless, to make her see stars. It was like his scent, the warmth of his body, his weight on top of her was a long-awaited comfort, a drug that flooded her senses completely, yet she didn’t care.
          He made it clear that he wanted her from the start, for who and what she was. And she wanted him, she needed him now more than ever, her legs coiling around his waist. The hand at his scalp grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked him back, just enough so that their eyes could meet as she roughly pulled him down into a kiss, reckless, greedy and insatiable as she could taste her own blood on his lips and tongue.
          “... I love you. I love you, you damn fool. I want you... say that I’m yours.”
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
Gently kisses Luna's cheek--
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          She didn’t seem to notice at first, the way he rounded the bend from the corner of her vision, eyesight tampered and bloody as trails of sweat lingered on her brow, matting hair to her forehead in a disheveled, unruly mess. Her once pristine sky blue haori was coated with mud and grime, nearly sagging from her shoulders as she drove the barrel of her rifle into the ground at her feet, using it as a makeshift cane to steady herself from crumbling underneath her own weight.
          Surrounding her, almost in a perfect semi-circle, like she alone stood as the apex in the eye of the storm, laid the bodies of more than a dozen monks and spiritualists who had vainly opposed them. Honestly, she would have been keen enough to leave them alone and let them go on their merry way, knowing that any provocation without intent would only draw more attention to themselves if they wanted to keep a low profile. But of course, the leader of their little band just had to open his mouth and alert the others the moment he sensed something off about them as they walked past. Something inhuman, what he had perceived to be bordering on malicious intent.
          What a fucking joke. Humans were always so quick to jump to conclusions. Always wanting to seize their chance at glory and become the hero.
          Still, the battle had taken more out of her than she initially thought. She dug her claws into the shoulder stock of her rifle, its wood grain stained red with blood after she had caved in their leader’s head and smashed it against a boulder. She was in a daze, eyes fixated listlessly towards the ground, haggard breath struggling to return to normal before it appeared as if she was about to fold in on herself and lose her balance.
          That was when he must have caught her as a hand other than her own wrapped around her midsection, followed by an aptly placed kiss upon her cheek.
          For whatever reason, that was just enough to gradually wake her from her stupor, eyelids heavy with exhaustion as she blinked upon glancing up at him. His face had become a familiar sight and a comfort, just due to the simple fact that she could pick him out from among a crowd. In these distant lands far from her own, her wasn’t a stranger to her... not anymore. Knowing that alone brought a smile to her face, soft and tender like clouds of mist.
          “ ... You approve? Was that for a job well done? ”
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
@asaraltu​ | closed starter.
          “Princess! Princess, wait--”
          Mere moments after she had exited the main house, she was halfway across the courtyard when a frantic voice echoed from the innermost sanctum and down the halls. She stopped, accompanied by the sound of gravel idly shifting and crunching underfoot, as she turned around to see what was the matter; only to be greeted by none other than her own daughter rambunctiously running towards her, cheerful as can be with all of the boundless energy of a four-year-old as she jumped down from the front stairs in one fell swoop and wrapped herself around her mother’s leg.
         Of course, she was more than happy to see her smiling face, if not a bit surprised as she gently smoothed a few stray curls turned cow licks poking out of that messy head of hair, a likely result of her earlier mischief running indoors... when one of the servants finally came into view, haggard and out of breath as he braced his hands atop his knees. She recognized him instantly; Daichi was the princess’ private tutor and like most of the house staff had been with the Uchiha clan long before she arrived on their shores. Still, it wasn’t like Shiemi to disobey him and run off without an explanation. Feeling Shiemi wriggle her way behind her for protection, tightly clinging to her pant leg, she already had her suspicions the moment she glanced the servant’s way, stonily leering at him from the corner of her eye while maintaining her composure.
          “M-my lady! Apologies, I didn’t mean to disturb you. I know this is when you leave for your daily ride and the princess suddenly wanted to join you. She got away from me when my back was turned.”
          “It’s alright. As long as her lessons are done for the day, I don’t see why she can’t join me for a bit of fresh air. Today was writing and calligraphy, was it not?”
          “... Y-yes. And she did well, as expected. I had planned to do a review over what she's learned, but she’s been getting restless. I keep telling her that a lady’s place, even for as young and small as she is, is to remain inside the manor. F-for her safety! She’s still of noble birth, though until she is of age, I recommend that she be kept away from prying eyes for the sake of the family honor--”
          “--What are you implying?” Oh, not this again. She knew exactly what he was suggesting and she would hear nothing of it. The lingering prejudice against her daughter for being a half breed. Against her mother, the lord’s wife, for being a foreigner. As if responding to her anger, her inugami mount arose from where it had been lying in a shaded grove, riding up to its master’s side and massively stomping at the ground as a growl rippled through its maw, bearing its fangs in a threatening display. Starkly resembling their native Shiba Inu, the inugami stood several heads taller than its master with floating wooden wheels affixed to its shoulders like medieval pauldrons that burned with an everlasting flame. It was more than enough to make the servant falter backwards and cower in fear of its might as she scooped up Shiemi into her arms.
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          “On second thought, don’t waste your breath. I don’t want to listen your pompous, narrow-minded drivel... if you think the sight of her would offend the outside world that much, then perhaps you should sequester yourself to your chambers. In fact, I don’t want to lay eyes on you for the rest of the day; if I do, I will burn you alive and feed you to this one right here. Is that understood?” The severity of her words seemed to get the message across as the servant feebly nodded his head, afraid to say even a word in his defense as he scrambled back to his feet, making a mad dash from whence he came. After that, the tension in the air slowly disappeared like a far-off dream, carried off by the rising winds as she gently petted down her daughter’s hair before turning to her inugami mount beside her.
          “You’re not off the hook just yet, young lady; we’ll review what you’ve learned once we get back. For now, I think we could both use a little break.” She smiled, a sweet delight saved for her only daughter, her pride and joy, as she pressed a kiss to her temple, the inugami then diligently bowing its head and lowering itself onto its haunches so that she could lift Shiemi up onto its back without any trouble. Before she could climb up to join her however, she could sense someone's eyes on the back of her neck, watching everything that had just transpired from a safe distance. She knew who it was without even having to turn and face him, though she felt compelled to slyly glance over shoulder... a tender smile still wavering on the edge of her lips.
          “All things considered, I think I handled that rather well. It was more mercy than he deserved... are you here to see us off? Or will you be joining us, my lord?”
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
Uses Luner's chest as a pillow tbh--
          “ Madara-- nn--!! ” She was barely able to coax out his name before he landed on top of her, his feathery mane bristling in his youkai form like it was surging with an underlying electric charge as he nuzzled his face into her bare chest. Realistically she had only been gone for what, ten minutes? Now that the summer months were upon them, every day turned into a struggle just for her to get up and face the heat... it was even worse now for the last week or so, she had been feeling inexplicably lightheaded and more exhausted than usual. She thought that maybe a dip in the nearby river underneath the shade and seclusion of the mangroves would help her cool off, and maybe even give her some time to think.
          Not that any of it mattered, since she was very nearly trampled on her way up from the river bank, wearing nothing but a simple kimono loosely draped around her shoulders while running a towel through her hair.
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          “ Was that really necessary? Christ, you’ve been clinging to me more and more recently... and considering how you are normally, that’s saying something. It’s not like I was going to disappear on you. ”
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
“Settle down, you’re safe now.” Luneeeeer
attacked | accepting.
          There, there. You don’t have to give me that face. Scowling is so very unbecoming of a woman like yourself. Beautiful, yet short-lived.
                  Out of respect that you are still my niece and from the goodness of my own heart, I’m going to make your death a swift one. Unlike your brother, who went down stark, raving mad, howling with his teeth bared like an animal, even after he had been skewered over and over again at the point of our lances. You have more dignity than that... at least I hope.
          --You little fucking bitch! I have taken everything from you right under your nose, I have wiped the name of house Montanegra off the map and you still have the nerve to lash out and bite?! To defy me when you are completely at my mercy?! When you have nothing left to bargain and I have you crawling on your knees?! So be it...
                  Maybe it was the mountains that bred the humanity out of you and turned you all into wolves. As such, I suppose you’ve sealed your own fate to die like a dog. No... like a filthy mongrel who just didn’t know when to stay down and keep quiet. I’m sure they have a lovely spot reserved just for you down in Hell--
          Gasping for air, she awoke in a blind panic, mind still wavering between past and present as she reached for her pistol, sticking it in the face of whoever was hovering over her with the barrel pressing directly against their forehead. It seemed for an instant that she was ready to pull the trigger, hearing nothing but the soft clatter of metal from the gun trembling in her hands and the sudden, thunderous pounding of her own heart as her eyes glazed over with fear.
                  “Settle down, you’re safe now.”
          That voice... it wasn’t the same as the one from her dream. Everything began to slow down as she returned to her senses, carefully lowering her pistol out of the way only to find that she had aimed it squarely at Madara. He didn’t even so much as flinch... did he really trust her not to shoot him? When she had been caught dead between reality and a waking nightmare? She angrily cast the pistol aside, throwing it well out of arm’s reach before looking down and taking closer inventory of herself.
          Gingerly peeling away her haori and peering underneath her blouse, she had broken out into a cold, nervous sweat, only because her mind thought it well enough to play tricks on her in her sleep. Having her relive the memory of her death in excruciating detail... why now of all times? Hadn’t she been made to suffer enough at the hand of divine retribution? Still shivering, her hand instinctively went for her right eye, fingers brushing across her cheek and her closed eyelid just to make sure that everything was still intact. There was no blood. No gaping wound. No loss of vision. All was as it should be, but she still couldn’t shake the terrible dread that had settled like a pit in her stomach.
          She was so focused on cementing herself back into reality, that she almost track of her wits and forgot that he was there beside her. Like he had never left. Whether or not he had any intention of leaving seemed irrelevant as she hung her head disparagingly low, disillusioned even, hesitantly tugging on his kimono as if begging him to stay. It pained her resort to such childish methods, of having to seek comfort and solace in the arms of another. But she couldn’t bear to be alone with her thoughts and in spite of everything, her misgivings, her long list of frustrations, even her damnable pride... she had learned to trust him. Even after the bite mark he had left on her shoulder and embedded into her flesh. She was there for him then. She had been there for him countless times... maybe this was his way of showing gratitude and understanding for her plight. By doing the same for her in return.
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          “ Don’t go. Please. ” Without waiting for a response, she nestled her head into the crook of his neck, just barely curling up against him. His warmth beside her own came as a relief, releasing the tension in her shoulders as she finally settled. Even his scent somehow reminded her of that day in the rain, like upturned earth, freshly tilled after a spring shower. Only to be left out and scorched dry by the sun.
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
[ kiss + rough ] for lunerrrrrrrrrrr
nsfw muse reaction prompts.
[ kiss + rough ] your muse pulling mine into a rough kiss.
         For the first time in what felt like ages, everything seemed peaceful. Instead of fending for life and limb another night out in the wilderness, she had taken it upon herself to sneakily pilfer some coin off of a drunken nobleman stumbling down the street towards the red light district and suggested that they spend the night at the most luxurious inn money could buy. The couple of ryo she had gotten her hands on were more than enough to pay for their room and board, as well as a bountiful spread of the local seafood cuisine and an abundance of sake. As fate would have it, since she did ask for the most highly coveted and expensive room they had available, there was also a private hot springs adjacent to their sleeping quarters walled in by a tall and ornate bamboo fence. After the staff each presented them with a fresh set of clothes and served them their accouterments, they politely bowed their heads as they exited while leaving both man and woman to their own devices.
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         She didn’t partake in much of the food, only nibbling a few morsels here or there just to cleanse her palette. But she did find herself oddly fancying the sake, downing a little more each time and faster than she would have anticipated. Maybe because of how reverent their people were to the spirits, the taste of their alcohol left a lasting impression and more profoundly affected the supernatural. Taking her cup and half bottle and setting down beside her, careful so as not to tip it over, she leisurely disrobed as she then entered the water, first dipping in her toe to test the surface temperature before sliding in her legs and submerging herself completely.
         It wasn’t long after Madara opted to join her, though between the copious amounts of sake that had been shared between them, she could tell that his intentions with her were far from pure. Not that she would have expected anything less, but maybe that was the sake talking. Or maybe the sake was just letting her drop the iron bravado and do away with the obnoxious pretenses for once in her life. From the warm, soothing waters swirling all around them laced with an intoxicating herbal remedy, to the slight tinge of the alcohol burning down the back of her throat, she felt simply incredible. Completely open and relaxed, laid bare with him, for him and not feeling the least bit ashamed for it.
          She leaned in as he kissed her, acutely aware of how the water shifted and displaced itself once his youkai form began to take hold, but not paying it any mind amidst their drunken and slovenly rapture. Her spine arched as he pressed her into the bedrock at the edge of the spring, wincing only slightly once he cut his teeth on her bottom lip as she was all too quick to make up for it. Splayed fingers slid up the width of his chest, weaving through that tangled mess of blackened hair she had come to love before wrenching her hand around the back of his neck, matching his speed and ferocity as she achingly moaned.
                  “ You’re... a fucking beast, my dear heart. And I wouldn’t... mm... have it any other way. ”
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
I want the k + mada & luna 8’)
but do you really want the k?
8: Kiss in the Rain
          “ Madara? Madara! Answer me!! ” Her voice cried out, hoarse from calling out his name and searching high and low for him throughout the ravaged scars of the battlefield, but her words didn’t travel far amidst the ongoing monsoon. She didn’t know what had happened, only just having re-discovered his trail after they had been separated by a massive rock slide cleaving through the side of the mountain. She thankfully caught wind of his scent before the rains began to pour, but it seemed she had been too late to stop him from rampaging against a battalion of warring samurai in full armored garb. Wading through the grassy field, she could see evidence of where his claws had gouged out the earth, upturning waves of defenseless foot soldiers and ox-driven carts, until in his brutal outrage no one had been spared from his wrath. Not one from their regiment was left alive, but she knew that she wouldn’t find him here among a sea of dead bodies, all mutilated beyond recognition... something must have set him off to go berserk like this, but what? Nearing the edge of the field, she caught a glimpse of a fresh set of tracks leading towards the base of the mountain. Tracks that were far too large and widespread to be from any native animal species with talons as long as her fingers.
          Had he... had he lost himself? Had he turned? Gone mad?
          She didn’t have time to stand around and fret about whether or not he was alright; if these tracks did in fact belong to him, then her only option was to follow them before the rains swept them away. Hastily trudging through the underbrush and past a sparsely laden grove of trees, she finally spotted something moving strangely in the distance, laying low to the ground as it had secluded itself from the rain underneath the branches of a maple tree. The smell of blood from those fallen samurai clung heavily to it like a tumultuous cloud... in that moment, she knew there was no denying it. That thing, that monster cowering from the wet and the cold was Madara. They were one and the same.
          In his rage, he had grown to his full height as a youkai, towering over her with the oily black of his mane having transformed into a mass of feathers. If it wasn’t for his tattered dark olive hakama or the feral red of his eyes staring back at her, or rather staring through her, then she wouldn’t have dared believe it herself. He seemed confused and in a state of shock, shivering like a rat huddled into a corner, unable to comprehensively speak and growling from the back of his throat as she approached. It was almost as if he didn’t recognize her for who she was... but whatever the risk, whatever the danger involved, she knew that she had to try to bring him back to his senses, cautiously laying her rifle down on the ground beside her before closing the distance between them, taking it one step at a time so as not to agitate him or have him spiral further.
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          “ Can you hear me? Can you... understand me? I promise I’m not here to hurt you. ” She remained visibly calm on the outside, her eyes leveling with his as she was determined to see him back to his former self. She did everything within her power to make it appear that she wasn’t a threat to him, her arms spread wide as if she was welcoming him into her embrace, but something inside him suddenly snapped as he lunged straight for her in a frenzy, raking his sharp talons through the sleeves of her haori as he held her in place and sank his teeth into the cusp of her shoulder.
          “ --!! ” Her boots slid through the mud as he pushed her back, but even after enduring the monstrous force of his bite, she steeled herself in both mind and body, refusing to let the pain get the better of her as she grit her teeth, morosely lowering her head without uttering a sound. Warm blood seeped through the wound, staining her clothes a dark shade of red, but still she was adamant to bring him back to the light, back to the way he was as her trembling hands found a home in his hair, stroking his neck and the back of his head in a last attempt to soothe the beast that had surfaced.
          “ ... It’s me, you miserable old fool. I’m not going anywhere. ” She breathed, the strain of her voice little more than a whisper as she could feel his teeth give way, unhinging his jaw as he released her. He tentatively raised his head, his mouth marred with her blood, though there was a flicker of realization that had sprung to life in his eyes, wavering between the edge of madness and sanity. Despite the incredible pain she was in, despite everything he had done, she stayed. She smiled even, weak with fatigue as she gently cupped his cheek and stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him. Sweet and tender, ignoring the rain and the thunder cascading all around them with the taste of her own blood dribbling down from his lips.
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
“Tell me I’m wrong.” luner tho--
prompt list i | accepting.
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          “Madara, I know you have reservations about others looking at your back, but you were the one complaining about having stiffness of the shoulders. You didn’t have to throw out the physicians quite like that when they were only trying to help, as is their duty.” She sighed, moving only so far as to slide the doors closed to keep out the cold and the damp. No doubt that this steady rain had worsened whatever discomfort he may have been feeling, seeping into his very bones as he had made it clear he had no love or tolerance for being able to weather the cold like she did. After he had simmered down somewhat, she turned around and knelt down next to the futon already laid out in the middle of the floor, where the court physicians had attempted to examine him before he flew into a violent rage, lightly patting the space in front of her as she beckoned him to lie down. Not unlike a fussy cat who would behave only when handled by their favorite person.
          “If nothing else, let me have a look at you. I trust that you won’t throw me out at the very least.” She jested, a faint smile tugging sharply at the corners of her lips like a roguish grin as he lied down. As he settled and made himself comfortable, she gently brushed his thick mane out of the way to expose the span of his back, littered with scars as evidence from countless battles he had faced, where he had shed blood on behalf of his countrymen. Whether these were from before or after his transformation into a youkai she had no way of knowing, but she was careful to apply pressure only where it was necessary, slowly laying her hands at the base of his neck to give his body time to relax and become familiar with her touch. She traced the outline of shoulders, the length of his spine, all with tender focus and precision as fire trailed from her fingertips, before finally landing what felt like a particularly nasty knot just above his right shoulder blade. No wonder he had been in such a foul mood; she could feel just how much the muscles were inflamed, yet he refused to seek medical attention until she was the one who finally put her foot down.
          She exhaled lowly in exasperation, shaking her head knowing this was all because he was so damn stubborn. That stubborn streak would eventually lead to his downfall, but lucky for him she was just as stubborn, albeit more level and composed as she pressed firmly into his back, kneading and working out the knot like a ball of dough as she felt him jerk and writhe underneath her... before settling back down just as quickly as a wave of relief seemed to wash over him, laying her palms flat on the surface of his skin to let her residual body heat meld with his, providing him an extra bit of relief as everything began to heal.
          “There. That’s much better now, isn’t it? You’ve been taking on too much all at once and your body knows it. It builds up in the form of stress and makes you all stiff and cranky when it you let it go for too long. The next time you start to feel like this, instead of taking it out on the physicians why not cut out the middleman and let me examine you? I can even help you plot out the best route across the sea to avoid the path of European trade and emissary ships altogether, or pillage them if you prefer. I have been looking for a new telescope... by chance if you should ever find one out on the war path. Just a thought.”
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
🛑 luna tbhhhhh
send 🛑 to clean blood off of my muse after they protected yours | accepting.
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          “--Never mind me! What about Shiemi? Is she alright?” Without thinking, she caught him by the wrist as he reached out with a damp cloth to wipe the blood off her neck and collar, her voice hollow, rattled as she struggled to retain her sense of calm. She wasn’t worried about herself, no... right now, every racing thought in her mind laid solely with the well being of their daughter.
          She had been a fool to take her eyes off her, even for a moment. She was the one who insisted on leaving their retinue of guards at the compound, so that they could have some peace and solitude as they took a stroll through the neighboring mountains. Away from the prying eyes and ears of the court. To spend time together as she thought a family should, though Madara had insisted on bringing Lady Sawa and her daughter Reiwa as their attendants.
          She didn’t object to it; in fact, she and Lady Sawa had grown rather close after they reconciled. Once she was able to prove herself in that she wasn’t a threat to their clan’s survival, Sawa gradually lightened up, little by little, more so once she realized that they both wanted the same thing. For the lord to prosper and be happy. They still butted heads occasionally, as proud, upstanding women do, swathed in an air of nobility, but they respected each other enough to listen to a difference of opinions.
          Still, none of that mattered when Shiemi ran out ahead of them down the mountain slope, going off trail as she disappeared into the undergrowth. The maid servants panicked, rooting around and trying to find her before their lord caught on to their carelessness. Madara and Luna had taken their time catching up with them, leisurely walking beneath scattered rays of sunlight breaking through the autumn leaves, firm in their belief that their daughter was in safe hands...
         Until they heard her scream.
         Luna’s heart sank, forgoing all sense of decorum and immediately bounding off in the direction of her voice; for whatever she may have lacked in brute strength she made up for in speed, running hard and fast like the wind as she skated over waves of fire, its essence threatening to burn through the very soles of her feet. She was overexerting herself, she might have even rationalized it as a calculated risk, but in truth she didn’t care. Not when her daughter’s life hung in the balance.
          Upon reaching a clearing within the trees, she saw Shiemi, scrambling on the ground and overshadowed by a giant mountain oni, its skin pewter grey with moss hanging off its back and shoulders. It must have disguised itself as a lone boulder on the forest floor when Shiemi happened upon it by accident, reaching out for the little girl as she shot forward, instinctively putting herself in front of the monster before it could even blink while slicing it through at the wrist with her claws.
          After that, the rest was all a blur... well most of it, anyway. She remembered the oni’s hand falling to the ground with an earth-shattering thud and that she was going for its eyes next as her blood felt like it was close to boiling with rage... she must have lost control of herself in the heat of the moment, for when she regained consciousness Madara was at her side, having carried her to the river bed where he was already tending to her.
          “I’m alright now... none of this blood seems to be mine.” Breathing slowly, she gingerly let go of his wrist as she aimed to reassure him. She wasn’t in any pain and just from the horrible stench of it, it had to have been from the oni she felled. Her eyes wandered from his face, frantically looking around for any sign of their daughter only to find her in the care of the maid servants just a few yards away at the top of the embankment. Sawa and Reiwa looked just as relieved as she felt, checking the little girl over for any injuries before sternly warning her from ever running off like that again.
          “She’s a runner. No doubt she gets that from me.” She turned back to him with a pained smile, eyes low towards the ground as she placed a hand above her heart, clutching tightly at her blouse. “I never thought I could feel so scared. So angry... if anything had happened to her, I don’t think could ever forgive myself. I don’t want to shelter her, but the moment I heard her scream the only thought that arose in my mind was to protect her. I’m just glad that she’s safe.”
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