#❤️ i'll be probably sharing thoughts while i go thanks for stopping by anon
wernerherzogs · 2 months
Omg you're starting 911?? It's my favorite show to put on as background or when I'm feeling down. Buck's character arc is also really good. I love him so much. Chimney is a close second when it comes to my fav characters.
me: i'm just having a casual look it's not a big deal idk
me @ me a minute later: i know what you are
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wriothesleybear · 8 months
I need more soft moments with New!Dad Wriothesley 😭! Maybe the first night home he’s instantly awake the moment he hears his newborn daughter crying and will hurry to see her even though she’s fine. He sits in the rocking chair with the tiny baby on his chest, his big hand completely covering her little body as he rocks his daughter back to sleep 🥺! His wife comes to the nursery concerned why he hasn’t come back to bed and has to gently talk him into putting their daughter back in the crib so he can go back to sleep…
omg i love this anon! its so cute and true🥹 he barely sleeps the first couple of nights because he's on alert the whole time for when his daughter cries. being the first one to tend to her so you can rest after having to do all the heavy work for the last 9 months. he would be the type of husband/dad to try and lessen the work load for you. after all, he's usually gone often due to work so when he's home, he does all the work with the baby while you are finally able to relax.
sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night finding your husband's side of the bed empty. knowing he's probably in the nursery again, you quietly walk there and find him asleep in the rocking chair with your daughter in his arms. it's an adorable sight to see. you contemplate waking him up, but ultimately decide to. you gently nudge him while avoiding to wake your daughter. his eyes slowly open and land on you. "what are you doing up? you should be in asleep in bed." he groggily asks you.
"i should say the same thing about you." you say as you gently comb your fingers through his hair. "come on. let's put her back in her crib and go back to bed." he doesn't move, not wanting to let her go, worried that she'll cry again once he sets her down. "she'll be okay wrio. she's fast asleep." he finally hums in agreement. he gets up from the chair and puts your daughter back in her crib, tucking her in and leaving a kiss on her forehead. once he's done tending to your daughter, you grab his hand and drag him back to your room. you both lay down on the comfy bed. he's already on the verge of sleep as his head hits the pillow. you pull the comforter over the both of you and snuggle close together. he wraps his arms around you, holding you close and nuzzles into your neck. "such a good dad." you coo at him as you wrap your arms around him in return, rubbing his back to lull him to sleep. you know he's finally asleep when you feel his breathing slow and he begins to sightly snore. you feel your eyes getting heavy also and you soon follow after your husband to the land of dreams.
a while later, you're suddenly awoken by the cries of your daughter. your husband is awoken also and begins to get up until you stop him. "don't worry. i'll get her this time. get some sleep darling." he gives you a look that silently asks you if you're sure. you smile at him and pull him back down to the bed. he's too tired to protest and takes you up on your offer. you leave a kiss on his forehead once he gets situated back in bed. you get up and head to the nursery to tend to your daughter while your husband catches up on some sleep.
thank you for sharing your thoughts anon🥺❤️ i really needed the fluff rn. i hope you have a lovely day/night🥰
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