#《☆oh sinners come down! // come gather 'round ;; anon☆》
demonic-duo · 2 years
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queenlilith43 · 3 years
Chain of Thorns Song Theories Part II
Alright, I'm back with some more theories! This song is one I can pin down to a specific character and might involve some stuff we came up with back before Chain of Iron was out.
Thank you anon for reminding me I have to do this. I think some more might have been added so I'll get onto it!
The cover was updated! It's one of the TLH tarot cards, the portrait of James. This is of interest because in this illustration James's hair is up like a crown, and his eyes glow. Maybe he'll be on the cover of Chain of Thorns! Right now it's about fifty fifty between him and Grace.
Tag list: @apple-bottom-jeansx and I'll add anyone who wants to to this tag list. Just ask me!
Master list Link
Lyrics, as always, are ones I Googled and will be put into italics and indented.
Fortune, fortune, smiling fate
I haven't seen you much of late
I think we can all agree we didn't have much luck in Chain of Iron. Everything just went down the drain and fell apart.
Need you now and cannot wait
But wanna look, you're not around
We all need luck. But it's nowhere in sight. This song is also very dark, partly because Barns Courtney's voice is very deep, which makes it sound dark.
Nevermind in what we do
The night's still good for a gram or two
Oh great. Someone is going to snort some cocaine. This was the early 1900s, and back in the day, Coca-Cola contained drug coke. I really don't that will happen, but it's an interesting historical tidbit.
I'll be drinking late with you
Until the morning comes around
This makes me think of Matthew. He needs someone to help him. This could have been what the song is referring to, but trust me, the chorus will turn that on its heels.
Yeaaah, I must be good for something
Yeaaah, yeaah, yeah
So, for some reason, this makes me think of Lucie. It will make more sense as my analysis goes on, but doesn't it make you think of her? How Belial is so dismissive of her powers, but she has some serious power hiding in wait.
Oh sinners come down, come gather 'round
Oh sinners come down, yeah-eh-eh
Dancing on cold feet
Marching on cobble streets
This made me think of ghosts. If you think of ghosts, cold feet is something the works. Also people who are scared AF, but my mind went to ghosts. Along with me bringing up Lucie, it will make more sense as this goes on.
Oh sinners come down, yeah-eh-eh
Yeaaah, I must be good for something
Yeaaah, yeaaah, yeah
Repetition with the "good for something" line. I think the sinners could be demons, or as I said before I ghosts. Maybe even the Merry Thieves because that gang is just chaos.
Down and out, and out of luck
We're spinning, but the needle 's stuck
Okay, I have to say I love the figurative language in this line. I just have to go ahead and say that because it's just great.
Other than that, this line means someone wants to continue living, being happy, but something just stood them.
Let's go have some fun before
They go and put us in the ground
You weren't expecting this! Heh, it turns out these "sinners" might be ghosts. It could be actual humans, but remember, the Shadowhunters' bodies are burned after they die. It makes more sense for them to be ghosts, but it could go for the Merry Thieves.
Lions sit in solemn lines
Drinking gin and dropping lines
Again with the alcohol. Makes me think of Matthew again, so this song could be about the Merry Thieves, but this song is very dark. So is it theme or ghosts?
Wasting beats in this heart of mine
Until the morning comes around
This song could be about Matthew, but what does Lucie's power? This could be talking about the dead she brings back, wasting their time on Earth.
Yeaaah, I must be good for something
Yeaaah, yeaah
Oh sinners come down, come gather 'round
Oh sinners come down, yeah-eh-eh
Dancing on cold feet
Marching on cobble streets
Oh sinners come down, yeah-eh-eh
Yeaaah, I must be good for something
Yeaaah, yeah
At this part, taking this with my ghosts theory, it's definitely ghosts. Maybe Lucie summons an army of ghosts??? It's giving me those vibes.
Oh sinners come down
Come gather 'round
Have a little fun before they put us in the ground
Dancing on cold feet
Marching on cobble streets
Oh sinners come down, yeah-eh-eh
Yeaaah, I must be good for something
Yeaaah, yeah
And again with the chorus. So what do you think? Is it the Merry Theives, or Lucie and an army of ghosts?
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Justin Foley (request(2))
anon asked for an imagine where the reader accidentally touches Justin’s bratwurst (10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU) while trying to get her pencil back from him and smut pllss
Alright, like I said before, smut is not my strong suit, but I will try my best to do it.Hopefully I am not so shit as I think I am at it. 
Projects were the bane of your existence. If there were any people in the world who actually liked doing making things for Physics, they were absolutely psychotic, you concluded.You hated it with a passion. Now maybe it was because the minute that complicated formulas and math problems came into science you started to severely failing your classes, but if there was anything worse than doing a project on it’s own, it was being paired with your boyfriend, Justin Foley. Normal people would rejoice if they got partnered with their significant other, but since you knew that Justin was not the type to focus and actually help his partners during a project, you were absolutely angered. Especially since you two were dating, because the chances of him acting up were one hundred percent positive. 
You were exactly right. And it did not help at all that you enjoyed being in Justin’s company, because you were getting distracted as well. A little more agitated than anything though. 
“Come on, Justin.” You sighed when he snatched your pencil from your hands, lifting up your goggles. “I have to write down these lab reports. Mr. Hall will be on my ass if we don’t get them down.” 
You noticed that everyone was beginning to put away, snapping off their latex gloves and cleaning their stations. You looked at Justin with your eyebrows raised and he just grinned, placing the pencil in his pocket. 
“For a kiss it is all yours.” He smirked, taking his goggles off. 
“Justin we’re in class, please the bell is about to ring, let me write the reports.” You sighed. 
He just shrugged and began to slowly take off his lab coat, the smug smirk still playing on his features. You groaned and launched yourself at him, grabbing roughly at the place where you thought the pencil was, causing Justin to jump and suck in a breath. 
“Y/N, that is not your pencil!” Justin hissed, suddenly going red in the face. 
This time you grinned and then squeezed harder, before moving your hand into his pocket and grabbing your pencil. You moved away from Justin and bent over the table, writing down all of the reports. You felt someone extremely close to your backside as you finished the last bit of calculations, and you snorted when you saw Justin still tomato faced and covering the front of his pants. 
“What’s up now, Justin?” You smirked this time, gathering the lab equipment. He narrowed his eyes at you and picked up one hand, pointing a finger at you just as the bell rang. 
“You can’t do that, Y/N!” Justin growled, following very closely behind you as the teacher went to monitor the halls. You two were the last ones in the class, everyone else had been done and gone right when the bell rang. 
“Do what, Justin?” You feigned innocence, knowing that what you had done was only to get him off your ass. Maybe it hadn’t been the best plan. At least the reports were done. 
“You know exactly what you did, Y/N.” Justin said, helping you to wipe down your lab table. He burrowed his head deep into the side of your neck when you were close to him, his voice deep and needy. “Grabbing me and then bending over the table. That lab coat doesn’t hide the fact that those jeans hug your ass, baby.” 
You shuddered and then let out a laugh, removing your own lab coat and goggles before grabbing your backpack. You grabbed the collar of his letterman and brought him forward, kissing him before bringing his ear to your lips, nibbling on the soft skin of his earlobe. 
“Maybe,” You whispered lowly, letting your tongue make an appearance. “that’s what you get for being an absolute asshole and making me late for my next class.” 
You pushed him away and started to walk outside of the lab room, waving to Mr. Hall from his post and going in the direction of your next class. In all honesty seeing Justin so hot and bothered had begun to get you a little warm, since there was definitely a lot to hide in those jeans of his. You were just glad that it was not so obvious on you than it was on him. 
There were loud footsteps behind you as the crowds began to thin, signalling that you were indeed going to be late to your next class. You groaned and cursed Justin, just as you rounded the corner of an empty hall. Well, almost empty. There was one of the jocks at the end of the hallway, the one that you identified as Jeff. 
“Hey, Y/N!” He called out, smiling and waving. 
“Hey Jeff!” You smiled back. 
There were loud footsteps behind you before Jeff was snorting into his hand. “Hey, Justin! Nice to know that you make sure Y/N knows she looks good.” 
Jeff laughed out loud before entering a class at the end of the hallway, shaking his head. You turned to see that Justin had dropped his bag and was slowly picking things up, his little friend not completely hidden from view. You sighed and went to help him, squatting down and picking up his books. 
“You know what they say, Y/N,” Justin said when he looked up, stuffing his pens in his bag.You looked up at him and he licked his lips, his eyes darting your own. “If you’re already late might as well be hella late.” 
You sighed, pulling yourself up and handing him his books. Well, book and journals. You placed a hand on his shoulder and looked over his shoulder quickly. “No, Justin. I think it’s why bother going at all.” 
You grabbed Justin’s hand, knowing that he wasn’t expecting it, dragging him to the nearest closet and shoving him in. You made sure the coast was clear before locking the door behind you and turning to face Justin. He was breathing hard, his back pressed up against a bookshelf of cleaning supplies, his bag thrown at the other end of the closet carelessly. 
“Oh, fuck, Y/N you’re-” 
You shut him up, not wanting him to say anything, pressing your lips to his and latching your fists into the collar of his letterman. His hands grabbed roughly onto the material of your shirt, bringing it up and exposing your skin. His teeth grazed your bottom lip as your hands slowly moved to his hair, low noises coming from the back of his throat. You knew this was wrong and that there was a chance of getting caught and that’s what made your heart pump faster as you slowly inched your tongue into his mouth. 
“Fuck, Justin, take this shit off.” You breathed after a few moments, yanking at his thick jacket. He pulled away and threw it to the ground, grabbing you by the ass this time and forcing you to jump and wrap your legs around his waist. 
You could feel his hard on through his pants, and you teasingly let one hand glide down and rub harshly at it, causing his hips to buck into your palms as a low growl escaped him. One of his other hands moved from your ass to the front of your shirt, and he groped at your boob through your bra. You let out a low moan as he pinned you against the wall, pulling your mouth from his to catch your breath. He placed his hot mouth on the skin of your neck the moment your lips left his, wet, sloppy kisses trailing from your jaw to the crook of your neck. You could literally feel the hickeys forming, his nibbling teeth and tongue making your neck wet and bruised. Eventually he was ready to kiss you again, and you took the time you two were separated slightly to remove your shirt, revealing the pink, lacy bra that you had on underneath. Justin stared at it for a second in awe before pushing your more forcefully up against the wall his erection pressing into your clothed heat. You palmed him through his pants as he attacked your neck once more, the other hand going to his hair and tugging at the roots of it. Justin let a loud moan out, his pink lips opening and staying still for a second as he relished in the feeling. He pulled back, panting, before removing his own shirt, his need evident in his hurry. 
“Fuck, I don’t know how you always manage to get me harder and harder each day.” Justin said to you once he was connected to you again, his mouth only inches apart from yours, his eyes looking directly into your own. 
“Just fuck me already, Justin.” 
Justin placed his mouth on yours and let his tongue slide into it, one hand placed next to your head on the wall, the other occupied with the job of unbuttoning your jeans. You grabbed at his cheeks and bit his bottom lip slightly, before giving him another long, passionate kiss. He finally pulled your pants down and let you down so you could remove them completely as he took off his own. 
“Jesus Christ, did you grow, Justin?” You teased him breathlessly, and he looked down as if to check. When he realized what you said he rolled his eyes and charged forward, grabbing your sides and lifting you up once more. 
“I love you, Y/N.” Justin said as he unclipped your bra, sending it falling to the floor. “I love your body, but I love you more.” 
You smiled and brought his lips to yours, his hard (also long, lets be honest) erection pressing into your inner thigh. “Just fucking fuck me, Justin. I love you too.” 
as always, this is unedited, so go away h8ers i am giving a disclaimer 
OKAY so i’ve concluded that i can do kind of smutty things, so you can request kind of smutty imagines but i just can’t do the whole weenie in the hot dog bun part. It’s just because writing it makes me feel like such a sinner. I had church today, you know. 
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