#『» he's probably having times where he misses haru and yamamoto's company and he doesn't understand why ww «
ukigumos · 5 months
❝ would you like me to leave? ❞ ((ooc: added one word to the prompt because I'm curious to see the reaction B3c -Yams))
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UKIGUMOS - »❝浮雲❞« reassurance starters.
Sitting on the edge of the roof beyond the railing, Kyouya observed the vague scenery beneath him. He was burdened with feelings of bewilderment and frustration and opted to attempt at work through them.
His legs dangled, and his jacket swayed against the whispering wind. This place was his sanctuary. It was a safe place for him to rest and recuperate.
So the creaking of the door hadn't quite snapped him out of his deep rumination. It wasn't until he heard a familiar voice that he finally glanced over his shoulder.
"Yamamoto Takeshi."
Kyouya paused, expecting the rest of the critters to come scuttling in— but there was nothing. One part of him was relieved that he could continue enjoying his peace.
"... ... ...Suit yourself," He tore his gaze away, "so long as you aren't crowding." Yamamoto Takeshi could be quite boisterous in the presence of others, but he wasn't bad company on his own. Kyouya trusted that he'd behave.
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