#��� ▌ my other self! ( persona 5 au. )
stygicniron · 1 year
stealshearts asked:
❛ darkness surrounds this place. ❜
Ask Meme : @stealshearts
"That's a bit dramatic," Nico muttered, shooting the other a look. Not that he was thrilled with this location either, glancing over the rather dubious looking building. Technically this sort of work was more under the purview of the detectives, but from the records Nico saw of this most recent case, the police hadn't been exactly thorough. And it wasn't as if any of what they found would be admissible in court, not unless they found a way to get into the detective's hands to present as evidence, but Nico had to figure out the truth.
He had to see this place for himself.
"Ready to go in?" he asked after a beat. There were rumors about a sweatshop inside the building, some clothing manufacturer hidden inside, making cheap clothing to sell and not paying their workers anything. At the moment though, the building seemed strangely quiet.
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stygicniron · 2 years
tumblr forgot my tags again 4/?
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stygicniron · 3 years
primasolaris asked:
‘ try not to die! or do, i don’t care. ’ - akechi
“““Allies””” -- @primasolaris
“Thanks for the advice. Helpful as always,” Judge says, rolling to the side to successfully dodge an enemy attack. They were in another palace again, trying to bring down another person’s corrupted desires. Only this time Crow wasn’t in the middle of battle, hanging back at the discretion of Joker as he, Queen, Judge, and Fox fought the shadows.
Looking over his shoulder, he glared red masked ally, almost as if daring him to snark back. This was looking like a tense fight and the peanut gallery wasn’t helpful.
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stygicniron · 3 years
primasolaris asked:
“time someone put them in their place.” - from akechi
The Musical! -- @primasolaris
A sharpness entered Judge’s eyes as he peered at Crow, tension held between his shoulder blades as he watched the other’s moves, waiting to see what he might do. The stale air of Momentos moaned coolly around them, springing an uncomfortable sweat to Nico’s brow, but he didn’t have time to worry about that.
Suspicions were mounting in the group, one too many inconsistencies, one to many off handed comments that didn’t make sense later. They already had a plan in the works, and part of Nico worried that the plan was about to be exposed when Akechi invited him to Momentos alone. But that didn’t seem to be the case, at least not yet, although Nico knew he had to be very careful not to reveal anything.
“And I assume that someone is you?” he said, words clipped short.
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stygicniron · 3 years
primasolaris asked:
“ i guess we’re stuck here, now.  ” - from akechi
Ask Meme: The Sun is a Deadly Laser -- @primasolaris
Nico’s cheeks puffed out a little as he took a deep breath in before he sighed. The group had gotten split up in Momentos unfortunately, which he hadn’t even realized could happen, but it did. One moment the group was fighting a monster and the next, the world shifted and he found himself alone in Momentos with Akechi.
“You don’t think we can just head out ourselves, Crow?” he asked, twisting the garrote around his fingers as he looked down the winding halls of the strange world. The Phantom Thieves usually headed in and out as a group; he didn’t want to think what might happen on accident if someone was left behind. Especially as he heard some chains rattling in the distance.
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stygicniron · 3 years
@primasolaris is getting a plotted starter for Akechi!
Nico sighed, checking the time on his phone for probably the millionth time before returning to stare at the doorway. His boss, Judge Minos, was supposed to have gotten there half an hour ago for a case scheduled to start only fifteen minutes from now. His helpful message reminding the judge of the trial, it’s start time, and asking for an update had gone unread. The man, normally punctual or at least prompt in updating Nico if there were any delays, had yet to send him a message back about what the hold-up was or if they needed to reschedule the case. Nico did not like the prospect of needing to come up with a reason to tell the court why they might need to reschedule this trial, but the possibility seemed more certain as the minutes ticked by.
Nibbling at a lip, he lifted his head in expectation when he saw the door swing open only for it to reveal not the person he was looking for, but someone he did recognize. “Sorry,” Nico murmured. “I’m waiting for my boss. You’re Goro Akechi, right?”
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stygicniron · 3 years
primasolaris asked:
‘ Oh, I’ve been there, thank you. I found it quite lovely. ‘ - akechi
Ask Meme: A Virgin Lit the Black Flame Candle -- @primasolaris
He’s completely lost it, Nico muses faintly, watching as Akechi cackles having dodged another attack from Skull. Not that Skull was helping much, saying dumb stuff like ‘go to hell’ and losing his temper rather than focusing on attacking, but Nico can tell from how stony Joker’s expression is that he’s angry too.
And Nico stamps down on his own complicated emotions broiling in his gut. A part of him wants to join in the yelling, or maybe even something more direct, to make Akechi feel even the littlest bit sorry for what he’s done, but Nico knows that’s not going to help now. Not to mention he’s on the sidelines for this fight--or at least that was the plan. Catching Joker’s eye, Nico sees him nod subtly.
Tapping Skull on the shoulder, Judge easily slides into place, pulling the garrote tight between his hands as he looks at his former ally. “Shut up, Crow,” he growls.
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stygicniron · 3 years
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stygicniron · 3 years
primasolaris asked:
❝  you don’t have to talk, we can just sit together.  ❞ - akechi
Ask Meme: Soft Content -- @primasolaris
Nico stared down at his hands, mouth a thin line. This shouldn’t be bothering him so much. It wasn’t like he didn’t expect it coming, considering all the research and evidence gathering they’d done beforehand, the trips into Momentos to make sure they had the right target. But even all that, still hearing the warped sound of his own father’s voice coming out of the shadow rocked him to the core. It was all he could do to make sure his attacks landed, to keep himself from yelling back at the figure and let Joker carry out the negotiation as they’d planned.
Eventually the shade did disappear back into the maze of Momentos, defeated and repentant, but that didn’t mean Nico felt any better. Could he ever forget the shadow he’d seen of his father? The cruel things the shade said before he’d been forced to see the error of his ways? That was what truly lay in the depths of his father’s heart, right?
“Thanks,” he said, looking at Akechi out of the corner of his eye. He didn’t have strength to lift his head at the moment.
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stygicniron · 3 years
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stygicniron · 6 years
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Justice Arcana / persona is Pierrepoint ( a reference to a prolific British hangman, persona figure design is an elaborate medieval style hooded figure with a noose even thought Pierrepoint worked in the 1900s) / final form of Persona is Thanatos / and his codename is Judge / primary powers are darkness based with some earth elements / weapons are a black sword, garotte, and spells ( no really distance weapon) / he has a special ability where he’ll put on a blindfold and strike the enemy in an all out attack Sometimes hits an ally, but the higher the confidant bond, the much less likely
think of Nico’s secondary Arcana as Death
his mask, (sort of) but black in color rather than grey with one solid piece, rune etching along the hem/bottom
his father is a career judge who wants to eventually sit on the supreme court. his mother comes from old money and his parents’ match was one more of convenience rather than love. his mother and father work well together but it’s not a passionate union. nico was primarily raised by a nanny/house staff and didn’t have much interaction with his parents
his sister got fed up with the isolation and decided to forge her own path, so she joined the military and was in one of the first female graduating classes of the army
he had some bitterness that bianca left him alone in house by himself, which is something he needs to work through too, but he’s very proud of everything she’s accomplished
nico always thought he was going to become a judge like his father, he was interested in the structures of the law and using reasoning to defend people’s rights, but he’s since grown frustrated with the stagnation of the law and how the judges seem more reliant on internal politics then looking at the culture beyond
his awakening:
minos is another judge working alongside nico’s father who rules even more harshly against cases that break the status quo. nico feels conflicted because he wants to make his father proud/be noticed, but he also recognizes that minos is ultimately not serving justice. (minos had actually taken nico under his wing as an intern as a favor to nico’s father, but he really sees nico as something for his own personal gain) nico puts in a request to the phantom thieves to change minos’s heart and then accidentally gets dragged into minos’s palace
important court case coming up that is ruling on a high profile rape accusation and minos threatens to rule against the rape victim (heavily implied to also have taken bribes). nico’s persona emerges and argues that minos needs to serve justice and the law
it’s a close thing and nico almost falls prey to minos’s words (he’s v persuasive despite his cruelty) but then nico breaks free-- ‘injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’
 confidante level involves bringing justice into more tangible focus for the average person and eventually helping to break his father out of the cognitive lock as well (father in momentos?)
also needing to overcome inaction on his part-- ‘ Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.’
nico needs to learn a little about tempering justice with mercy, he regularly has his eye on the grand shaping of public policy and law, and sometimes forgets that the cases themselves affect human individual lives; also stagnation into action, not maintaining the status quo
also definitely bryce is a feature somehow… eventually
nico ends up working part time at a clinic as part of volunteer service, and learning more about the under-served populations in the city, and meets Will =3
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stygicniron · 3 years
tag drop 4/4
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stygicniron · 3 years
primasolaris asked:
❝ these guys have been tailing me for weeks. thought i lost them. ❞ - also akechi survival verse maybe but idk u can pick the context
Ask Meme: Uncharted -- @primasolaris
“Your fan club?” Nico drawled, looking at Akechi rather than crane his neck to look around at who might be following the guy. Nico would have to take his word on it for now, he didn’t want to risk whoever it was realizing that they had been seen, but that almost meant Nico had to trust Akechi’s word, which he wasn’t thrilled about doing either.
So instead, he pinned Akechi with a look. “Any idea why they might be following you? Other than being the word’s only undead detective?”
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stygicniron · 3 years
primasolaris asked:
❛ did that ghost just spell ‘get out’ wrong? ❜ - akechi
Ask Meme: This is Halloween -- @primasolaris
“Unless Get Ourt means something to you,” Nico murmurs, tilting his head to the side a little, as if this will make the message clearer. It does not.
So, are they supposed to take the message more seriously or less seriously? He glances at Akechi, one eyebrow arched. They had decided it might be worth wandering through the spooky attraction after school that day, because ‘why not’ and ‘it fit the season’ being the following explanations given. Only this attraction seems less spooky and more pathetic. “Maybe they don’t have spellcheck after you die.”
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stygicniron · 3 years
primasolaris asked:
“I might as well die on a wild goose chase as die here.” - akechi
Ask Meme: Beyond the Lamppost -- @primasolaris
Nico rolled his eyes before he nodded towards the back of their intended target. Their leader had them shadowing a possible Momentos mission for the day, seeing if the person actually had a palace and if they would be worth intervening on. So far they hadn’t witnessed anything obvious, no dogs being kicked or candy taken from babies, but they also hadn’t been at it very long.
“Aren’t you used to doing long stakeouts, or is that something for beat cops only?” Nico asked, shooting the other a bemused expression. “Or you don’t think this is the right person?” he tried instead. “He’s the one we’ve gotten the reports about on website.”
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stygicniron · 3 years
primasolaris asked:
‘ Cat’s got my tongue. ‘ - akechi
Ask Meme: A Virgin Lit the Black Flame Candle -- @primasolaris
“Ha ha,” Nico says, voice flat as he stares up at the ceiling, head tipped over the back of the couch. It has been a good 20 minutes of bickering back and forth now between Morgana and Ryuji, and Nico can feel a headache coming on. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he lifts his head a little to give Akechi more of a look. “I wish the cat would hold his tongue. Ryuji too.” 
It isn’t that the argument is bad, working on a strategy to try to take down the next palace, but they hadn’t gotten anywhere in the planning for awhile, especially when it turned into Ryuji and Mona taking potshots at each other.
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