#𝒗.  ‹ main ›
benbraeden · 2 months
ben sits on the edge of a makeshift cot, his shirt removed, revealing a patchwork of bruises and cuts that crisscross his skin. jesse works with careful, deliberate movements, applying antiseptic and bandaging the wounds. his hands, usually so assured with their supernatural prowess, are now tender and almost clumsy as he tends to ben’s injuries.
claire has left them alone, giving jesse the space to focus on the task at hand. the silence between them is heavy, broken only by the occasional rustle of bandages and the faint hum of a nearby lamp.
jesse’s expression is a mix of frustration and determination. the ache in his chest is a constant reminder of his limitations — demon powers can grant strength and fury, but they can’t heal the deep, physical pain of a friend. he applies another layer of gauze with a sigh, his gaze flickering to ben’s face.
“how you holding up?” jesse’s voice breaks the silence, the question coming out softer than he intended.
ben winces slightly as the bandage is secured but tries to muster a barely there, personable smile. “i’m… managing. thanks to you.”
jesse’s jaw tightens, eyes focused on the task, as the corners of his optics darken slightly at the reminder of the state that he found ben in. “i wish i could do more. i’m not much of a medic.”
“you’ve already done more than enough.”
they fall into silence again, the room filled with the quiet sounds of jesse’s movements. despite the physical pain, ben is buoyed by jesse’s presence — a silent comfort in the aftermath of the ordeal.
jesse finishes with the last bandage and sits back on his heels, finally allowing himself to meet ben’s eyes. the weight of his concern is evident in his gaze. “you sure you’re alright?”
ben’s eyes, though tired, hold a spark of warmth. that a part of him that he thought was broken, somehow still holds onto him like a vice. he's a survivor, through the blood of winchester or his mother, he doesn't know. but it's embedded into him, a part of him, just like an arm. “i will be. just need time.”
jesse nods, though his concern is far from assuaged. “if you need anything, you just let me know. anything at all.”
ben gives a small, appreciative nod. his gaze softens as he allows the chip in his armor to crumble slightly, permitting jesse to garner a glimpse into the man below. “i know. and… thanks, jesse. for everything. i mean it.”
jesse manages a small, relieved smile. it's rare that the two share some semblance of vulnerability, but moreso from the braeden. “yeah, well, we’ve got each other’s backs, right?”
“right,” ben agrees, the simple affirmation carrying more weight than words could fully convey. there's a silent nod to the prophecy that is scribbles onto their ribs, how jesse's undoing is to play out in ben's hands, with a blade driving into the other's chest. however, in the face of what they have overcome, it feels as though it's nothing comparative to the bond that forges between the two of them.
the silence that follows is no longer uncomfortable but filled with a quiet understanding. jesse takes a deep breath, knowing that while he can’t mend every wound, he has done what he can. and that, in its own way, is enough.
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dayjobs · 3 months
" miss miss ! i have a case you can solve. the case of my stolen heart. its missing detective, please make an effort to find it. haha ! "
⁀➷ 𝑼𝑵𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑫 / @w4rche1f always accepting !
There was a badge on the proudest display hitched to her hip. She waited outside whilst her blander counterpart finished a few loose ends before they proceeded. This city wasn't willing to wait for them - so as the great beast demands they are always on the move. Stumbling onto the next violent red stain forcibly rutted into concrete.
Leant against a black cruiser her head moves from exhaustingly reading the local news - her thumb hovering over the screen as she's interrupted by the most peculiar man. A blonde, circular bifocals and bushy beard attempted to move in for the kill.
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" uwah !! ... the black market for organ trade... it's worse than I EVER imagined. Don't worry Mister! I'll assist to the FULLEST extent of the law, yeah? "
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" AH - ! wait ! ... it's not my department ... that may prove troublesome. Good luck with filling that empty cavern. " A familiar hand pats his chest before walking past.
" Goodbye. "
Weird guy!! Where's Daejeon?! Don't leave me outside bastard!!
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hirashino · 2 months
it was a double - edged blade. nobody liked going into the doctor's office unless absolutely necessary, and nobody liked going into the doctor's office unless absolutely necessary. yosano cherished the privacy of her own space at the agency, relishing in the freedom and separation from the unorganized chaos of main space. but it got a bit too quiet at times, leaving her to stare at the wall - painted walls trying to conjure some form of an image in her mind, just to stay awake and entertained despite the paperwork piling up on her desk. perhaps she'd spoken too soon, though, that instead of focusing on her work she was now staring at that familiar head of hair hiding under her desk. how dazai managed to contort himself to fit in such a narrow space was beyond her. her chair had been slid away, backed up against the wall behind as her leg crossed at the knee, weary sigh escaping her lips. “ did you get on kunikida's nerves this early already ? ” tip of her pen tapped at her lips as she hummed. “ don't tell me, another one of your peeved flings has shown up around here again. ” magentas narrowed at him, brow arching. “ if you were trying to escape training, hiding here wouldn't have helped you. like, at all. ” ❱ * @osaumu
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exvought · 3 months
i need more training.
alec narrows his gaze onto nina from across the training room, her determination cutting through her timbre and across the area. there's a tick within the line of his jaw as he studies her, his ears listening for the strum of her heartbeat to give leeway to what she is thinking, how she is feeling, and what this newfound mission to train stems from. the world of supes is a dangerous one, never knowing if they will appear and push their fist through the chest cavity of any innocences that they deem unworthy of criminal justice, and instead, their own brutal version of justice.
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alec crosses his arms over his chest, almost sizing her up as his gaze rakes over her. from an outsider's perspective, given alec's crude history, it may seem as though he is checking her out. but in actuality, he's seeing where her strengths and weaknesses may be just from a different point of view. "if you want to train with me, i'm not going to hold you hand. metaphorically, of course," he muses, a simper bleeding to the surface of his features, a usual appearance that he takes on. "think you can keep up?"
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goreur · 1 year
 ❛ sir, we still need sixteen cents. ❜
 ❛ no, yeah, i- i know, i just... h-hang on, i, i know i have it. ❜
 THEY'RE STARING. THEY'RE ALL STARING. a bead of sweat slowly trails down the back of your neck, disappears beneath the collar of your shirt. you normally know exactly how much to bring, the precise amount of change you need for your order, but at the last second you'd decided to buy a strawberry danish for natalie and that fucked up your process and now you don't have enough but you can't in good conscience put it back and turn up empty - handed but you still don't have enough and EVERYONE IS WAITING ON YOU so can you PLEASE hurry it up you FUCKING ——
 seemingly out of nowhere, a hand reaches forth and drops a quarter into the barista's awaiting palm, and she rings out the change with a roll of her heavily mascaraed eyes. your thoughts are interrupted, and the angry voice is gone, replaced by the general muted murmur of an everyday coffee shop.
 trying desperately to hide the way you're still faintly trembling, you slowly turn to face the person who'd stepped in to save your hide, sleepless eyes darting anywhere but their face.
 ❛ you didn't have— i mean, i— uh. thanks. ❜
@remory that one coffee shop thing
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shuanghe · 1 year
𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬. | @jadesanct​
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           𝑨 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒆𝒚𝒆 is that which witnesses passing of spirit. Present only in this region via camaraderie, the evening calls to curiosity. Thusly, she of calamity speaks only in turn---when the opportunity arises in stillness.           “My master once spoke of a being that stood guard over the domain of spirits.. I don’t recall such a tale being one of Inazuma, though.” She speaks plainly, though interest resonates midst marrow.
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benbraeden · 1 year
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he has noticed lately that @sarahbraeden has been checked out whenever he enters the room, the far away glances and the barely there smiles that she forces on her features. in the back of his mind, he always told himself that once everything settles; the storm of his mother coming back, the shapeshifter madness, the guilt of his burdens subsides; he can be there for her. but more time passes, nothing changes, and finally, he is sitting next to her in a run down motel miles from any lively town. "i'm..." he starts, his voice catches before he swallows thickly, gaze focusing the mismatched stains of the carpet below their boots. "how long have you felt this way?" he hates that he asks it, because in some sense of the word; he always knew. he knew when things started to shift in the air between them. when their lingering touches turned into barely there grazes.
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dayjobs · 2 months
izzy what do you think girls like i really wanna make out with one
⁀➷ 𝑼𝑵𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑫 / @m-11o always accepting !
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No way .. could it be that Mello likes a girl ?! Unnaturally there is a glow of pride that washes over Izzabel ( despite this not involving her whats so ever ) - but for Mello to ask her opinion !? It was really quite the honor.. OH! but she's in a bind she's really in the weeds here !! What do girls like ?! How was she supposed to know !?
Was she girly? Was she professional? Was she materialistic? Was she younger or older ?! WHAT KIND OF GIRL DID HE LIKE ?!
The turmoil that spat her around in her head silenced down before she spoke. " Well... " She could only give sensible answers.
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" Girls really like chocolate ?... and well I like vintage lighters and cassette tapes! Maybe she does too? " She sighs, defeatedly " Honestly Mello I don't know - I never tried to win over a girl before so I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction! But I know you're such a good guy she will definitely consider your feelings! "
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chuyua · 3 months
@tokageh : ❛  i  would  LOVE  not  to  listen  to  you .  ❜
the armed detective agency and the port mafia were sworn enemies, everyone knew this, but in practicality ? should've just been sister organizations or something. they were all kidding themselves in believing otherwise. chuuya, sent in countless times after a certain deal was struck, and chuuya, always having his team on the line for their sake. he'd bitch about it every time, too. he didn't particularly care about any of the members, but he specifically felt this one to be a thorn in his side — ex - port mafia members had this effect on him, it seemed. “ and i'd fuckin' love for you to scuttle back to whatever sorry hole they got ya shackin' up in but we can't always get what we want. ” gloved digits pressed to his temples, sharp exhale leaving his lips. “ don't listen t'me and you're walkin' out a dead man. but you do you. see if i care at all, shithead. ” he could just turn around and claim he failed. would it hurt his ego a bit ? yeah. but not enough to stand there bickering while gunfire rained upon them.
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hirashino · 3 months
first stop on, yet, another case given from the police department. it was different from the others where they could already tell it was no run - of - the - mill crime, but something spurned from an ability user. her instinct wanted to point a finger at the port mafia despite the larger part of her silently begging that it wouldn't be so — ghosts of her own wretched past followed her relentlessly, and having to open that door again and again only left her susceptible to more hurt. that wound of hers, it was an infection that begged to be reopened. but she'd ignored it. left it festering. nothing but relief filled her when ranpo declared the mafia had no ties, chest a little lighter.
they'd finished speaking with their last eyewitness of the day, though she already knew none of what they said would be of any help. nobody knew what they saw, the pieces jumbled and missing. magentas were staring at the crime scene from a distance, attention drifting from the tape wrapped around towards the nearby buildings.
@mutekei : “can someone pick me up? i have to pee.”
head turned to face her partner, brow arching. “ i asked you if you needed to pee before we left the office. or when we saw that one public restroom on the way here, and you explicitly said no. ” a heavy sigh escaped her lips but it held no particular feeling. hands planted on her hips, skirt flowing as the wind shifted in their direction, “ there's a tree over there. ”
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goreur · 1 year
teeny verse dump.
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fuselit · 4 months
new tags, new me.
𝒊. study. — call it justice or call it revenge. 𝒊. writing. — live or die while the fuse is lit. 𝒊. image. — tore myself apart before anyone else could. 𝒊. inbox. — you can clean me up but i'm still not the same. 𝒊. ooc. — mothman is real. we made out. 𝒗. main — and you broke me and left these pieces. 𝒗. brba. — the kind of bad that makes you feel good.
𝒅𝒚𝒏. gustavos. — i am the monster you created.
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benbraeden · 5 months
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"i recognize the fact that i got shit that i need t' own up to, and make amends with. that's what i wanna do."
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dayjobs · 5 months
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❛ Hello ! Heyyyy - ! ❜ The uniformed woman fights a crowd of pedestrians and waves her hand , finally catching a glimpse of the other she rushes over in fear his giant strides would cause her to lose him ! ❛ Wait wait ! I'm your escort - you're the inspector they sent from overseas? ❜ Haphazardly she pats around her blazer and produces her badge , unfolded to quickly identify herself.
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❛ Detective Izzabel Sabine , I'm your temporary partner while you're stationed here - and your very best welcome wagon ! ❜ She tucks away her credentials and breaks her neck looking up at this guy. ❛ Wow , they sent the strongest looking guy they had huh? ❜ Massive..
@zenigatakeibu ♡'d for a starter !
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cityserve · 10 months
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ㅤYOUR HAND IS SHAKY as it presses against the wound at your midriff, fingers slick with blood that seeps between them in lazy pulses. it's funny — they talk about how being surrounded by death, being close to it yourself, makes you think that much harder about life. it sounds like a cliche. but they're right.
ㅤafter all these years, what do you have to show for it? a badge you wear day in and day out, and not one person to show it to. no family, no real friends. not anymore. your whole life, you've wanted to be the hero, wanted to help others — and yet, when push comes to shove and you arrive at what seems like the end, you have no one.
" clean yourself up. you're getting blood all over the place. " @priveyes
ㅤkelso's voice cuts through the air louder than the gunshot that had caught you several minutes earlier, bullet now lodged somewhere in your abdomen. maybe it's the demanding nature of his tone, or simply the familiarity of his voice, but something breaks you from your stupor just in time to catch a handkerchief and some tape that kelso had scavenged from a nearby drawer. at least holing up in this bank office, awaiting the next scuffle with the current perps at large, gave you time to slap the cloth over the open wound and tape it down. it'll hold until the paramedics arrive.
ㅤ" thanks. " concise as ever. " we should move in on them, not the other way around. i'll try not to slow you down. "
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