pumpkzsafeplace · 2 months
So it was a livestock show!! They do more today and tthen tomorrow is the auction!! But for bunnies specifically at that one show, idk how they do it in other places, but in mine basically they have a biiiig longg table and like, cages with 2 openings, and all the kiddos stand on one side of the table and the judge on the other. U put ur bunny in the cage, the judge walks to all the bunnies and takes them out on the other side of the table and analyzes them, and then after the initial run through of everybody’s bunnies, the judge goes back and forth between like, “Ohh how is this bunny compared to this one, is this one a better market rabbit than this one,” comparing all the bunnies to each other. If its been like 10 minutes already, and the judge keeps going BACK AND FORTH BACK AND FORTH between your bunny and a bunch of other people’s, that’s a good chance that you placed high!!
At the end, he’ll start going to everyone’s rabbit, last to first place, and explain to the owner what was good and bad about the rabbit. They tend to look for how much meat is on the shoulders, loin, (and fur but that’s VERY LAST on their list of things to judge for) and like, if you look at their spine and the meat around it and look down towards their butt, what they look for is meat that doesn’t like? go inwards, like
Instead of \ | / with the middle line being the spine and the lines on the side being the outline of their muscle, they look for | | | !! A good, nice well rounded bnuuy!
There’s 4 separate competitions for bunnies, breeding bucks, breeding does, single fryer rabbit, and pen of 3!! Which means you can’t enter just 2 bunnies into competition, and for the breeder bunnies, u get to use the same bunny in multiple years, or u get to enter your own bunny instead of getting a new selection each year, because you sell the market rabbits!
And for the pen of 3, you’re not only looking for a good bunny, you’re looking for 3 good bunnies that MATCH the absolute best!!!
Last year I got 2nd place against all odds with a single fryer rabbit, he was my ONLY chance at competing and we got reserve champion!!
ok bnuuy rant over!! -🍒
OH ALSO I MAYBE THINK I MET AN AGE REGRESSOR AT THE LIVESTOCK SHOW, I started conversation with them and asked their age, and we talked about not wanting to grow up and they mentioned how they wanted to stay like, mentally 5 forever, or at least until they were ready to grow up, and I was like Oh Yeah I Understand!! -someone who does indeed stay the age of mentally five and below sometimes HWAHHAHA
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
oh!! so it's like the dog & cat shows?? for some reason, i've never thought they did the same for bunnies :o
i've just had a google & there is like bunny festivals n everything :o
that's actually so cool :o
also congrats on getting 2nd last year!! that's like amazing!! <3
+ that's amazing!! i feel like we need to all agree on like agere codewords so we can find each other when we're all out in the wild ahahah! like a random colour or something <3
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 5 months
told someone about my regression during a bit of a breakdown, i feel embarrassed and shy and i just. auuugh. they think it is more than ok and cool to just, talk about it with me whenever I feel like it, but i feel very embarrassed. i only want to tall about things that are brought up by other people. ):
- hihi cupcake'! <3⭐
aww honeybee ~ i completely understand <;3.
although i'm very confident here about my regression, in public i'm like a timid fly. somethings we like to keep close because it's so important & it's hard to let go a little and let people in, but they reacted well!! that's a huge success!! <3.
take all the time you need in opening up sweetpea, nobody's rushing you or forcing you to talk about things you don't want too- but i am proud that you told somebody, i know how hard that is <3
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 4 months
oh oh also today i get to give a friend some chocolates and sit on thw swings with him <: iloove him! /p he’sanother person who knows about the regression, he’s a regressor too!
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
oh my goodness that sounds fab honestly!!
i havent went on the swings for ages :<<
my inner child cries everytime we walk past a park without them :<
what kinda chocolates where they?? do you have a favourite??
i hope he enjoys them!!! <3 enjoy ur time together! <3
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 5 months
also i wanna color but my printer doesnt work )):
- hihi cupcake'! <3⭐
oh no honeybun i'm sorry <3
something i do when i want to colour but don't have any drawings is make one big squiggle, i make funky patterns and then later go in with some colours to make this cool abstract art thing!! it's very fun!!
maybe that could help? <3
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 3 months
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
THANK U "!! <3
YUMMY YUMMY CAKE!! tehehe! <3
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 9 months
no “(pretty) girl summers” here. Nono. Today we are doing SLEEPY GIRL SEPTEMBER!! we got all pretyy and cozy in our jammies and now we’re in bed with our toy <: i’m very happy! im really eepy and burnt out from lately but today is a sick day!!! and a saturday! so i get to lay down and play all day while i regain energy!!! i did all my school work this week!
ok bye bye! - 🍒
hihi lil bug’ 🌼
YESSSS!! i love this message because honestly i think i'm part sloth by how much i nap and sleep! <3
so yes, i'm 100% down to back up 'sleepy girl september' teheh <3.
i'm proud of you for doing all your school work! and giving yourself sometime to recharge! <3
i hope you had the bestest weekend and got to play & relax so so so so much! <3
big big big hugs honey, and good luck with school!! <3
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pumpkzsafeplace · 2 months
hiiiii pumpk!!! i didnt sleep well and in really really eepy but yesterday i went into a competition for my bunnies, my si ngle rabbit got 12th place outta 15 but MY PEN OF THREE GOT 6th place, I made it to auction! i think the top 8 or top 6 go to auction, ii was very neevous heeheee
also new verbal stim, like the image of the kitty with its tongue out: blehhhhhh
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
oh no i'm sorry that you didn't sleep well sweetpea! <3
but CONGRATULATIONS!! that is amazing news!!
look at you go!! <3 i didn't even know competitions like this existed for bunnies?? what is it like?? <3
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 3 months
pumpkiiiiiiiiin!! hiii!!
yesterday was good and this morning im drinking hot chocolate out of a cute cup and am watching Gravity Falls while I crochet!! I like being up early, I get to kick my feet and have alone time and NOBODY MINDS WHAT I DO!!!! >:3
-🍒 !!!
ps I wanna show u a picture of the cup
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
omg i LOVE gravity falls!!
i'm glad you're having such an amazing time!!
and i saw the cup!! it looks adorable!!! :o
i want one!!!!
hows the crocheting coming along?? did you make something nice??
(i wasn't sure if you wanted your profile shared, so i chose not to respond to the picture just in case! )
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 3 months
HIHIHIHIHI PUUUMMMPKIN! :D My friend was one of the first people to know of the gross person and probably would block him if he ever tried friending his account, and luckily the other staff members in the server IMEDIATELY were like “??? No, no way, no how, goodbye.” and he was banned on sight (:< WE PROTECT OUR PEOPLE RAHHHHH
I feel happy today!! and energy!! I may go to the park with a buddy to swing!! I want more little gear gosh darned it!!! Not sure if my friend is checking mah posts super often now but if he is he’s really cool and of he isn’t, he’s still cool but. YKNOW- GRAHHAHAHHHH AHEHEHEHEH
i like doing that, GRHAHHAHHHHH its loud :D I like being loud
OK BYE BYE PUNPKIN IM gonna go do morning routine now!! OH OH OH AND IM GETTINGN BACK INTO MY EXERCISES FOR MY MORNING AND NIGHT ROUTINE :DD cause I was doing 25 situps/pushups (the kind of pushups where you do them on your knees, you know? the ‘easier’ kind? still hard though sometimes cause im not in shape ):) in yhe morning and 25 pushups and a plank at night and my body gave up on me (i was sore in the hips & arms and everywhere and REALLY TIRED) so I took a biiiigg break BUT!! NOW, we’ve started again and I’m doing rest days now!!
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
it's so lovely seeing you so ecstatic for the day babybee!!
i'm glad things are going well! i hope your park adventure goes well too!! <3
i need to get back into working out! i want to do boxing or maybe my pole dancing again :< i miss being fit and active hehe! <3
i hope ur fitness journey goes well!!! <3
& hope ur week goes amazing!!
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 4 months
YOOOO pumpkin I posted. the largest tumblr post ever (/exaggeration) to vent a little (i read it all in my head in a matter of fact professor voice. very fun to do and make it less embarrassing! i like presenting my thoughts like someone doing a presentation with proper tone and at least okay-ish grammar lol) and to ramble about a few things and it really helped get things off my chest!!
and i hope my buddy isn’t worrying about me too much. he says i seem down lately, but I feel ok some days, but then I wrote that and realisd I have a lot on my plate. hopefully he knows i am doing ok!! i made sure to include in the post that i am strong and know i can get through this and i am grateful for things coming my way!! and that making a tumblr post to possibly start a conversation or help him understand my brain a bit more is easier than texting to one direct person, because at least with tumblr, IF he sees it, he can just like to let me know he saw, and understand me and my thoughts better, and its easier on my social anxiety to rant to a broad audience on tumblr who don’t know me with the possibility of one person seeing it than to just message one person 28 paragraphs with a guarantee of him seeing it. but i feel much better now!!!
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
oh my god, that's so goood!!
sometimes it's good to just get it out of your head! i tend to do it a lot to help not to overwhelme me so much! <3
& honestly, i understand how you feel 100%
my daddy often checks my posts to make sure i'm doing okay because i don't like burdening others with my problems ~ even if ive known him for nearly four years <3.
i'm glad it made you feel better sweetpea!! <3
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 4 months
3 days ago someone in discord i was trying to do verification for made a nasty comment about me and my body and wanting to do stuff, and I heard nothing more about it, but then today they keep trying to friend my account! i blocked him but its still icky
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
oh my goodness :<
i'm so sorry that happened to you!! you didn't deserve that at all!
make sure your friend blocks him too- and maybe report him to the people in the server too :<
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 4 months
I got a little bit of a cut on the back of my ankle and I have discovered that I prefer those like… circular bandaids, with the characters on then, y’know, the ones you buy for kids? (I didn’t discover this due to agere, surprisingly!)
I have a very small household (3 people, myself included + some pets), and we don’t get hurt. whole lot, meaning we have some *old* bandaids. Like, bandaids that came out when the original Pets movie came out!! And the sticky part is bigger cause it’s a big circle, so it stays on better, I just wish the actual absorbent part was a little larger.
But I get to look down at my ankle and see the main dog, or the dog I forgot her breed but her name was Gigi I think? And the latest bandaid has the rabbit :3 on it!!
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
oh i love those plasters!!! <3.
i always wanted to get cute pink ones!!
but the shops around me are boring :<
you should get yourself a little collection!! <3
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 4 months
my buddy did indeed find my tumblr account but all is well he’s cool with it 😎 how are you doing!! i wanna talk but i dunno bout what
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
aww!! i'm so happy to hear that!! <3
see, i told you everything will be okay!! <3
i'm doing good!! i've gotten new hyperfixations with 141 task force & fried chicken pft! daddy is getting sick of me requesting the same thing to eat for the 7th time this week while I force him to watch the same thing hehe!
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 4 months
Pumpkin I’m gonna be honest tonight we’re struggling a bit
tw, emetophobia warning near the end
I can’t go a day lately without needing to gasp for air like a frickin fish so we can calm ourselves from having a panic attack, i was supposed to get help in January but either our mom forgot or we don’t have the money for it, I just need my head to stop hurting so much lately, I’ve never felt physically ill JUST from anxiety but lately, dude holy heck it’s bad, usually the anxiety just causes my food not to process right and I get an upset stomach from that, but lately it’s been at least twice this week where I’ve had the worst feeling in my stomach because of how bad ive gotten freaked out, and tonight i felt like I was gonna vomit from how bad i’ve been feeling, I have a really strong stomach so it’s just. a lot.
sorry for the vent, you’re very lovely, I’m so sorry, I’m sure my next ask will be much happier -🍒
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
you don't always have to be happy here love, i'm not all the time- and that's perfectly okay <3.
sometimes we feel icky, sometimes we feel sad, sometimes we feel depressed, sometimes we feel anxious ~ and that's okay & perfectly valid.
i would re-address the situation with your mum, it's not fair for you to be suffering alone, especially to these extremes. have you noticed any triggering things that set them off. i.e, for me it's heat & small places.
i hope you're doing a little better! & just know that i'm always here to listen when you need it.
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 4 months
🍒here!! i know babble cafe is closed but i have been anxious to the point my stomach hurtz because remember the person i told my regression to? he is trying to find my tumblr, and if he finds it is okay, and i am sure he will be very nice and very accepting of whats on there and try to make sure i do not feel guilty or bad, but oh boy its!! it makes my stomach feel so bad
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
hi babybee!! ~ you're more than okay messaging me even when the cafe is closed!! i'll get around to replying back, i always do! <3.
& i understand how scary that is :o
but i find it enderring that he wants to learn & care about that side of you so much, that he's looking for your tumblr. remember, he's doing this because he understands you, and respects you.
but your boundaries are still important! so if it's too much you could simply tell him no for now until you're sure you're ready for it <3
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 4 months
i hope your daddy is okay!!!
squuueeeeezes for the both of you!!! -🍒!!
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
thank you sweetheart!! <3.
daddy is okay, he's feeling a little bit better but still a bit bleh.
i've been sleeping on the couch so he can be nice and cozy in bed when he needs too! <3
big big big squeezes back!! <3
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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