#🐍 {I'm only after success} {IC}
chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“Why do I get the feeling that two people are  scheming something involving me?”
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chaoticsmultyverse · 2 years
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"Hmm, she's a dear friend of mine and... I'll admit I'm attracted to her. So smash? It feels weird to be so causal about that."
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"Yeah sure! I bet it'd be fun"
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"SMASH! It's a strong way of bounding with someone & I realyl like her."
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"Well uh that's blunt but! Smash."
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"Would it be bad if I say pass? I don't feel like I know her well enough to want to outside work..."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
'note' for vera because i feel like both of them would have something like that, just in case
My muse has died. Send 'note' for a goodbye letter my muse wrote to yours as a precaution, in case something, like it has, should happen
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'Miranda, thank you for being my friend. I am sure you already have gotten the news of my death so I will spare you of going into that. I am sure my sister has already given you and the rest our close friends the details she can and if we're both dead then there are far bigger issues than just my personal death and I urge you to go into hiding, something like that would only happen if I got involved in something really bad.
It was nice to have a friend who could enjoy the finer things of life with me but keep things light-hearted, I may have been bad at showing it but... I almost always happy to have you interrupt my solo girl stuff, I might have been a bit of a loner but I didn't like being alone.
I do have something to ask of you, I have a few pet snakes that I kept both for the shake of having a pet and for their venom, I know you're a very caring person so even if you feel you can't personally care for them I trust you'll be able to find someone that can.
I hope you'll be well, and try to not let the ending ruin the memories we made together -Vera Oberlin'
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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"Miranda!" Vera's cheeks turned flushed, she'd never truly get used to the affection.
"I'm happy to see you too." Vera gave Miranda a side hug and a kiss on the cheek, while she wasn't as kissy as Miranda she did still want to show some affection.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
♡ for all of the monprom muses. torment.
Send me a ♡ and my muse will describe their idea of the perfect date with your muse!
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“Hanging around the beach! We could get cool summer drinks, play some stuff like volley ball and like watch the sunset together.”
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“Hmm I mean I would want to do whatever she wanted to but if I had to pick then hmmm I guess take her to a bar? Show her what a ‘normal’ night looks like, I’m not sure to be honest.” 
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“I would love to show her around some of the ruins that were my homes over the years, I feel like she’d get them a bit better than most of the others and it’d be nice to get to share that part of myself... Even if I couldn’t talk too much about it.”
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“One where she is somewhere far away with someone she likes and I am safe. It’d be better for us both.”
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“I think it’d be fun to hit the town with her, going from club to club. She’s a very lively person and I think she’d spice up what would otherwise be a normal night, and after we were done we head home and I make some sort of meal for us both, it’d be a nice way to finish the night.”
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“Oh a date, that’s something you do after getting married, yes? Either way she seems like she’d enjoy the art of acting within my home so take her to a show? Go on a romantic walk by the sea afterwards? She seems like she likes biting stuff so maybe find something for her to bite other than me.”
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“A date... With a princess who’s one of the most popular girls at school? I think I’d just chat her ears off!”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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“Lol you haveing fun with that?” Polly couldn’t really feel pain so she was more than happy to let her friend get it out of her system.
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“Ow. Uh....” Sawyer stared for a moment trying to think of what say to get the biting to stop but she looked so happy doing it that they didn’t have the heart to ask her to stop. This was fine.
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“AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH-” Oz was a bit of a scaredy cat at the best of times so getting bite, even if it didn’t hurt still had Oz scream like he was trying out for a horror movie.
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“....” Should she mention the venom in her veins right then or just sneak the antidote to her friend after she was done???
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“STOP I HAVEN’T EVEN DONE ANYTHING THAT BAD HERE YET, I DON’T WANNNA DIE.” Prince’s blood was a odd share of purple and had glitter in it, also he tasted very bitter and almost like a pineapple in hw it felt like it bite back.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
🌼 + Vera
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"There isn't anything to say, simply put I don't have a mother. Sure someone gave birth to me but firstly I can't assume that'd make them a woman and secondly they didn't rise me, being a parent takes actually rising one's child to be worthy of the title."
Send ‘ 🌼 ’ for my muse to talk about their mother.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
"Vera did you kill a dude for me today?" It was a casual question between Oberlins, Valerie didn't seem all that upset, just a bit surprised.
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"Not today..." Vera trailed off for a moment for the effect. "But yesterday is a different story."
"Normally I'd be more than welcome to let you fight your own battles but in this case they really picked a bone with me so..."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
🌹🌹🌹 rosie for polly. rosie for vera. rosie for sawyer.
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"Aw Miri you shouldn't have! Thank you." Polly held the flower close to her chest, where her heart once was.
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"..." Vera quietly accepted the gift form Miranda, normally she'd have something snarky to say but it was a rather sweet thing to give.
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"This is so kind of you, if you wanted I could show you how to make these into a flower crown, then I could show it off to people." Besides what's a princesses without a crown?
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Don't mind Miranda, she's just going to scooch over and take a seat. Right on Vera's lap. She's tucking her head under Vera's chin too. She has no idea what Vera is doing, but her lap is free, and that's all the invitation Miranda needs!
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Vera was on her phone, writing out some to do lists and updating some of her spread sheets she used to keep track of her shit. Once again in came Miranda, Vera was half expecting another kiss but thank goodness for her tried lips that  Miranda wanted to cuddle instead.
Vera gently rested her arms on Miranda’s back, not putting too much real weight but a light pressure akin to a hug.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Right at Vera's side, there comes Miranda, curling up tail-over-head to just... lay there. Tucked against her side. All coiled up on herself like a cat. Everything is overwhelming, and bad, and she is going to lay there and be upset until it is less bad.
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Vera isn't sure how to react at first but... Quickly she understands, she's had her sister do the same thing in the past when she's overwhelmed.
Slowly and carefully Vera patted Miranda's head, Vera humming a small random tune, she knows that it makes her body feel like it's purring to anyone laying on her/close to her.
Vera won't say anything but she hoped that Miranda knew that it was alright to take all the time she needed.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Innocent whistling and humming. Come here, Vera. Miranda is not planning to push you into the ocean in the slightest.
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Vera knew better given what happened last time then to trust when Miranda acting overly Innocent, last time resulted in a drip kiss and Vera did not want to be once again on the receiving end.
"Miranda I can tell you're thinking of doing something mischievous, but may I say that instead of doing it to me, I could help instead."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
........ Hold on she needs to lovingly bonk her head against Vera and just nuzzle her. Like the giant bastard cat she is. Happy purr. Happy purr. Happy purr.
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Vera was rather taken it back, she wasn't too used to such affection "Miranda!" But before she continued her protest she noticed how content Miranda looked along with the purring. Why was Vera all people cursed to have loved ones that loved nuzzling so much??
Vera gave some slow pats on the head to Miranda, careful to avoid anywhere that'd be uncomfortable.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Wow Vera, isn’t it disappointing to be related to a delinquent like your sister? Hardly even uses school for anything but causing chaos. It doesn’t look good on your whole name.
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Not a word came out of Vera, she didn't need to speak to make what she thought clear as she simply glared at the monster before walking past them without a word, what they didn't notice until later when it was too late was a small cut that seemed to wet with some sort of poison, to say that their death was slow and painful as they lost even the power to move up off the ground or call for help would be an understatement.
The next day Vera could be vaguely overheard speaking about the shopkeep and how Valerie seemed like a crafty and... Kind person. Even if Vera kept her relation to Valerie on the down low she still liked to brag.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
"Vera, I have heard that you did not actually get chosen for 'Monstropolis' Number 1 Up-and-Coming CEO', that you had to bribe your way to the title. They were not going to pick you at all, they were going to pick that little goblin man who is always trying to buy my serfs!" She knows she's just trying to annoy Vera, it's what friends do best-
since I noticed you had Vera on your roster !
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"And who told you that bullshit? Miranda it’s a part of the qualifying processes, if you don't know how to properly bribe an official then there's no way that you're actually even suited to be a ceo." Vera was annoyed to say the least that there was someone out there insulting her good name in the world of business.
“So for the record I won fair and square.”
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