#👀👀👀 what does it sayyyy?
meemoop · 2 months
I just wanted to slide into your inbox to sayyyy...
You are incredible!! You have such a talent for creating so many funny creative comics!!! I love the story you've created with them, it's endlessly amusing.
• First of all, Draco is just 😚👌 PERFECTION! This ferocious twink is ADDICTIVELY funny, and so, so sweet! The comic about him being insecure broke my heart 🥺
• Nietzsche is PRECIOUS! I love Draco’s bond with them, and how they always mimic what Draco does in the panels. It's such an adorable detail! 😂🐈‍⬛️🖤
• Snape is so *done* but also so resigned to whatever form of torture Draco has in store for him this time XD
• I would sell my soul for your Narcissa. Mother is ✨️Mothering✨️
• Attentive!Boyfriend Harry being absolutely besotted and smitten with Draco gives me so much serotonin I swearrrr 😭 (I wonder if he's ever gotten jealous 😏👀)
Your comics are just such a delight! Thank you so much for giving us so much tasty food!
Take care of yourself and don't burn yourself out! 💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕
HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your thorough compliment; this means a lot coming from you! YOU are of immense talent and the first “hi” alone makes me giddy. As someone who’s only recently begun drawing in a cartoon-y style, words from a decorated artist like you is a shiny award on the mantel! 🫶💕🫶💕🫶 I CACKLED AT FEROCIOUS TWINK-
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wench-and-jezebel · 1 year
NCIS Reaction: High Seas
Wench (@scripted-downfall) reacts [with (maybe) occasional asides by Jezebel (@typicalopposite)]
Oh god.  MEN
“Wandered off" code for dying, more like  [☠️☠️☠️☠️  Wandered off to the next life]
Ooh, more pretty boat work
"Gibbs.  Talk."  Buddy.  That's.  "Make your voice a mail"-coded.
"On the Enterprise?!?!"  DAMN.  Didn't realize NCIS extends to space.  Er, the final frontier.
Why does this look like the Marvel helicarrier thing
I see that everyone likes Burley to some degree
Kate being over-confident again.  I pray that she gets lost now.  [☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  Yep I’m already lost ☠️☠️]
Oof, poor Tony.  "Gibbs must have told you about me?"  "No, actually, Abby mentioned it in passing."  "Oh." "Just assigned?"  "Two years."  "Huh."
We're back to being mean to Tony again.  Kicking him out of the room is so mean :(
aksfdj am I in the wrong episode; that mail carrier was in the other episode and there was a body in it alksdjf
"Any idea who provided the meth?"  Walter White, duh  [☠️☠️☠️]
[You don’t sound like you’re trying to help out, Gibbs ☠️]
Not Kate still being lost.  Oh, right place, finally!  [Seems like she’s just tryin to see some nakey men]  Yer not wrong. She went to the men's room and then to the barracks, where she wasn't supposed to be.
"Fourth-generation Navy" Damn. I'd watch out for them, then, if they think he shamed their name.
"Well, I've got news for you; he did"  Madam, you don't know this.  The evidence has not proven this.  Don't make a theory before you have proof, and don't slander a man if you don't know for sure.  (aka: Kate is aggravating me again)
Wait, I know this dude.  [Tony? 😂 me too.  Kidding.  Wait, he does look familiar.]  I know him from The Glades... And he was in a Burn Notice, a Criminal Minds... and some of Big Sky, and I haven't seen those yet, but it’s still interesting to know
"They gotta be ready.  Tomorrow, it might not be search-and-rescue"  Bravo, dude
"Still, don't you ever lay off, give your men a break?'  The implications of Tony asking this given what I've said about Gibbs, though.
He gonna die btw
Dammit, he didn’t die  (That.  Sounded harsh.  I meant “dammit, my prediction was wrong.”)
[Tony jealous]  Okay, but you don't see anything unfair about Gibbs showering praise on Stanley compared to how he treats Tony?  [No I agree lol  Is this the one where he actually praises Tony 🤔]  He better
"Had your eyes glued to some little-"  Do go on.  [☠️☠️☠️  Gibbs, you dog]
Kate’s lost!!!!  [Kate’s lost ☠️]  Finally getting a comeuppance for her arrogance  [Poor guys like, why so angry smol lady?]  Dark Angel: A Summary
[You watch 👀  Nooo.  You watching them beat it]
"Lost?"  "No."  Yeah, right.  "It's going fine"  False.  "It was confusing at first"  It still is, wdym.  Kate, just ‘fess up.  😂😂😂😂
Y'all, the chances this is them actually taking the drugs are not.  likely.
Y'all.  You have no evidence of any of this.  And why would two separate people give themselves so much they almost die?  Unless they're using the same batch and it's contaminated or something, this makes no sense.
[Oh nooooo he dyin]  "He dead" more like  [Oooof]
Maybe I'm naive but I don't buy that they did it themselves.
[Ahh you and Kate agree]  Ooh, I wanna speak about this.  I’m finishing this scene before midpoint reaction time.  [Ok lol I do think this is the one he praises Tony in.  It’s a Gibbs praise. But yeah ☠️😂]
– – –
Midpoint reaction time!
Okay, so.  Kate started out annoying me with her "I can navigate just fine, hmph!" routine, but she's gotten better.  Her good humor about the getting-lost thing with Tony was endearingly wry, and I appreciate it.  Also, she did try to... not commiserate, and console is strong, but... idk, help?  
Which brings me to Gibbs, who just.  This is aggravating me.  I understand that you've said there's a backstory I don't know about.  Sure, fine.  Whatever.  I know that he and Stanley worked together before, and that was a different time.  Yeah.  Okay.  I follow.  But he's still being an asshole.  And if he's capable of not being an asshole, then it's all the worse that he is being an asshole.  And I've never been one of those people who thinks "being really harsh on someone pushes them to succeed in a way that kindness or geniality won't" because, frankly, that's stupid.  I've worked in both environments over the years, and yeah, I managed to work decently well in both, but I worked better in an environment where, sure, I was expected to do well and held to that standard (and chastised if I didn't), but also got some kind of positive feedback too.  Tough love is great and all, but it's gotta be tough love, not just tough.
Gibbs is clearly capable of maintaining his standards while still praising the recipient — I point to the banter session with Stanley about "this is all you could find?" "At least I don't contaminate evidence while bagging-and-tagging it" — so I refuse to accept that he can't do it with Tony.  Hell, he even sprinkles praise into his conversations with Kate.  And Abby.  (Not really with Ducky yet, but idk if I'd expect that; they seem more like equals, tbh, than a supervisor and a supervisee.)
And, whatever Kate says, I've yet to see a reason that the thing between Stan and Gibbs is substantially different from Tony and Gibbs.  (One may develop, but I haven't seen/noticed it yet.)  Instead, it feels like a blatant double-standard, and a bit of a shove-it-in-Tony's-face situation.  Which might be iffy writing, or might be the intent, idk.  [The lack of a difference is likely a writing flaw again. You don’t see it but your suppose to just accept it’s there]  DAMMIT, WRITERS, I CAN’T READ YOUR FREAKING MINDS.  SHOW, DON’T TELL IS A BASIC PRINCIPLE OF STORYTELLING.  Someone skipped the lore dump to get ahead to “solving the problem,” I see.  (Callback to this post on main.)
[Which this is all fair. I get why you’re frustrated and when I first watched it kinda frustrated me too. But again I watch it and take it as the haha Tony’s jealous I think it’s meant to be. And not the deeper meaning that’s really fucked up to Tony.]  Yeah.  I get there are different ways of viewing it, and, again, intellectually, I understand what they were going for.  But it missed the mark, in my opinion, because it's... idk.  I'm always bothered by mean humor that, I feel, kinda cuts to the core more than it ought.  "The Curious Case of Dean Winchester" in SPN?  Pissed me the fuck off.  
[And see I thought the curious case was hilarious the first time I watched it.]  Oh, god, no, I hated it.  So much.  All the jokes at the fact that he'd literally lost so much — in a sacrifice for Bobby — that he'd come to rely on?  The alleged "humor" of him suddenly not being able to do stuff because he's 80 freaking years old, and Sam (in all of his youthful energy) finding it so funny?  Bobby being all mocking about "oh, you're such a wuss for not dealing with conditions that popped into your system without any warning; I've managed to deal with that stuff for years (when it happened gradually and came about naturally due to aging and not me betting away my life to save my crotchety-ass father figure).  How dare this be a readjustment!!?!?"  [😂😂😂 again all fair!]  And the added injustice… The reason Bobby's more crotchety than normal?  Because he had lost something that was core to his personality, all at once, with zero warning, and had lost the ability to do as much physically as a result.  The "humor" is at best so hypocritical, and muchhhhh more blatantly (to me), so mean-spirited that I just.  God, that episode turns my stomach.  I like the witch doing it, and I like some elements, but I'm never watching that again if I can help it.
Anyway... this isn't a SPN reaction, so back to NCIS :)  [😂😂😂]  Gibbs just.  Bothers me.  Even ifffff it's intended well.  Which I kinda doubt.  It's not cool. And I guarantee that it's not a coincidence that, in the same episode, he was asking the chief if he ever gave his men a break.  The writers might be trying to tell-not-show that Gibbs and Tony actually have a decent relationship, and it's a different decent relationship from Gibbs and Stan, but they're show-not-telling that they don't.  And that Gibbs might be fine with it, but Tony's clearly not feeling great about it.  [Fair. And that’s making me sound like a broken record ☠️ but I do get it]
– – –
I’m an idiot, btw.  [☠️☠️☠️ you’re not but go on]  I was sitting here through that entire midpoint reaction thinking that Kate had some prior knowledge about Gibbs relationship with Stan, right?  But she just joined.  She didn’t, at all.  [☠️☠️☠️]  She just joined.  More recently than Tony alfjkdslkasdjfq  [☠️☠️☠️]
Also, I'm sorry, but talking to the bodies is such a lonely-person-needing-company move. Which is only making the Gibbs-constantly-interrupts-and/or-dismisses-Ducky's-attempts-to-talk even more annoying.  Like, he hasn't done that this episode (to my recollection), but in general.  I've talked about it in the past.
Also, Gibbs bringing Stan his sandwich order; damn, but they're really shoving this down our throat, aren't they.  Literally.  [😂😂😂😂 very true!]
Dude, I'm actually starting to like Kate more than Gibbs.  [☠️☠️☠️]  This is shocking.
Once again; Stan gets teased, but it’s just.  Not the same.
Wait, is Reyes the guy we were talking about earlier?  [I think so]  Because I don’t want him to be the bad guy asldfj  [I also don’t think so 😉]  Good!
Kate, that was answered already.  I guess he was talking to Tony, but still.
Oof, talk about a harsh workplace environment
DUDE.  THIS (using an IV bag of air to induce an embolism) IS HOW JARVIS KILLS HIMSELF IN PUPPET MASTERS; I LOVE THAT FILM
[Plot twist: Ducky’s the murderer.]  sldkfjlsjk that’s basically how Jarvis acted in Puppet Masters  [“YOURE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD”  HORRIBLE ACTING MR (idk his name)]
Wait, what?  I’m sorry, false.  Many types of people know that air + blood = death.  I knew that  [☠️☠️☠️]  Okay, fine, I’m in medicine: my sister knows that (mathematician).  [I knew that]  There we go!  [I knew it from the omen… but I knew it]  I’m officially making the prediction that Wilkes committed suicide.
Poor Abby alsdjf  [☠️☠️☠️ What do you want me to do with all this pee]
Tell me they race.  [I think so]  THEY’RE RACING
I’m gonna cry if Kate wins
Noooooooo.  I called it but nooooo.  [☠️☠️☠️☠️]
Dude, I feel like NCIS is pulling these plots outta nowhere.  I’m sorry but.  Why.  I keep asking.  Why would they take that much without being more careful.
[You love those men… sir]
I’m pinning my hopes on them not having taken the drugs knowingly btw.  I stake my prediction reputation on this.
Jesus fuck, leave Tony alone  [I think Kate was trying to help ☠️ just didn’t work]  I.  Don’t think so.  But maybe.  Out of curiosity, do we ever find out about why he kept transferring?  [I think so 🤔🤔🤔]
If they’re not being slipped it, I’m gonna be mad.  Because I repeat.  Unless the batch were contaminated.  The motivation makes no sense.  They’re not explaining why they’re suddenly taking so much that it’s not hidden anymore.
HAH!  They didn’t know they were taking meth!  I will accept this!  AND IT FITS MY THEY-DIDN’T-KNOW-THEY-WERE-INGESTING-IT THEORY!  (My prediction reputation is safe!)  I win
And I guess the overdoses — or, rather, the now-observed symptoms — were because he didn’t tell them what it was and they were addicted, so they kept taking them without being concerned with adverse effects?  One of the few times they don’t aggressively shove the explanation at us and it’s the one time that would be useful.  [☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️]
I’m watching at an awkward angle, but it looked like he was smirking alsdkfj
[Maybe it is Reyes]  Naw, really? :)  [I could have swore it wasn’t tho ☠️☠️☠️]
I hope this dude isn’t actually sick or anything; I hope that’s a con.  I suspect it is, but I very much hope so.
Lovely; awesome; very happy now.  Glad he’s not seriously sick
Ooh, and Reyes took that pretty damn well, ngl.  [Right!?]
Okay, they’re not wrong about Reyes betraying trust, but it does bear mentioning that Wilkes’ family was kinda.  Um.  Complicit.  In him dying.  Since his dad kinda pushed him to it.
“You gonna go getting all huggy on me?” = “No chick flick moments”
That.  [Hm.]  If that’s your version of Gibbs giving praise.  I question.  [Must be a different episode]  alksdjfl;aksjdf;lakjsdf  [Cause there is one where someone starts bad mouthing Tony. And it’s a similar situation.  But Gibbs goes off. And Tony’s like 👁👄👁  And it ends with like a you like me your really like me moment and Gibbs is like.. now I don’t.]  Well, I look forward to it, I suppose.  I still maintain, though, that verbal communication is better than assuming that he’d go “oh, look, he deigned to say my name; woot”
Thus does it end!
– – –
Anyway… I don’t have that much to add, really.  Decent episode, though I don’t know how to feel about the writing.  I guess Stan talking to Tony about Gibbs default setting was good, but I’m not sure it makes much sense.  Unless the point is he just.  Likes Kate that much that he didn’t do the whole “call by the wrong name” thing?  Also, we have no proof that Tony didn’t get called a different name than his actual one on his first days.  So this is really illogical, tbh.  I feel like it was crammed in at the end to excuse the rest without actually.  you know.  excusing the rest.
I liked Kate this episode (with the exception of her little “well, he did dishonor the Navy” thing at the beginning)   Her banter with Tony — and even, *sigh*, the fact that she won the race — was well done.  Ducky was in it a criminally short amount of time; same with Abby
idk.  Decent episode, but it’s got some iffy bits.  And Gibbs annoyed me, obviously, as I’m sure you’re shocked to hear.
[Again, it’s likely that stuff was just to be assumed. Which I agree is dumb.]  LKSAJDF MA’AM I DO NOT DO WELL WITH ILLOGIC.  WE’RE GONNA HAVE THIS CONVERSATION SO MANY TIMES  [Well ma’am idk what to tell you ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️]  “just cry”  [☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️]
That’s all, folks :)
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Oh man all the missed responsibilities peter has gives me anxiety LMAO. I'm the type to get things done ASAP and enjoy lounging while others still work to meet the deadline so AHHH PETER
But also very understandable his whole damn life changed
Honestly Peter tailoring his entire school career towards oscorp is admirable but also insanely foolish. But I admire his dedication
Honestly that whole bit reminded me how much I pushed myself to do way too much in work or school and forgetting to be human. It's truly not worth it. Dedicating your whole being to something that would drop you like nothing the second they could
I really do love the domestic ness that's forced upon these two due to the spider bite
It's everything I've ever wanted. It's like stuck together/ snowed in together but way better
Just when I thought we wouldn't get more deep dives for the spider bite! That sensory overload was chefs kiss :*
Mannnnn jealous peter can just ASK for all online classes. I can't imagine what papers I could've gotten if colleges or universities did this 😭
The tag line to this whole fic is fine-ish hahaha
No matter the universe it's NEVER the peter tingle 😛
Ahhhhh wade being the bigger man and not taking advantage is so sweet but also KISS KISS KISSKISSKISS
Fangs near wades dick you sayyyy 👀
I know it's not healthy but JEALOUS PETERRRRR
PLUS I'm always happy to see Ellie and yukio
As opposed to your least favourite lesbians,,? Absolutely SLAYED me
Lmao I know Ellie is being the voice of reason OBVIOUSLY but let them be sappyyyyyy
But she's right and so is Ellie. OBSESSION
IT GIVES ME ANXIETY TOO. Peter sitting there like, hasn't been to work in days, hasn't done schoolwork in weeks, never followed up on the internship... makes me slightly panic just IMAGINING it.
And you're right about working so so hard for something/someone that will drop you in a second-- absolutely not worth it and I've learned that the hard time with a couple different jobs/passion projects. BUT I thought it would be an interesting look into Peter's pre-bite mindset to see that like, he really had his life planned out. He always wanted to work the same place his dad did, he's super into science, he was willing to go slower in school if it meant he could live and work in the city-- he was extremely focused and goal oriented which makes the utter chaos that the spider bite brought to his life all the more jarring.
This is pretty much the last hardcore sensory overload we see with Peter where he spirals out of control. The next time we see his powers sort of flexing like that is when Wades like "hey lets see what that spidey shit does" and they work towards him being able to better control and filter out all the over stimulation but that's in a purposeful, controlled environment which is less intense and more fun.
The lesbian line cracked me up too. "these are my favorite lesbians, and my least favorite is Domino and any of her partners cos they're mean to me." love to see it.
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