#💀 —— ❛ no one goes off in every way like you do / tony.
smolwritingchick · 21 days
Hii hope you are taking care of yourself my question for you is Jennie going to have other types of beef with an another idols/celebrity’s in the future.
Hi!!! Thanks so much!! 😄 I’m enjoying Pumpkin while ignoring my friends express their disgust for it lmfaooo. I’m excited for Fall! Ok this answer was longer than anticipated. 😭 I rambled. Hope it made sense.
I’m still brainstorming other people but a big one I have is Camila Cabello. This was planned for quite some time. This beef is going to build for a few years and it’ll come to a point where Jennie is going check her for running her mouth, shutting her up for good so she can stop bothering her.
Jen and Shawn Mendes are platonic and will work so well together when they collab on music in future chapters. Jungkook and the rest of Bangtan already know about how they collaborate. They trust Shawn because of how kind and respectful he is towards Miss Bangtan and will remain close with him as well. It’s always a great vibe with Shawn and the boys. No jealousy, no nothing. So don’t expect anymore jealous Jungkook with Shawn as time goes on in the story.
I still have this story idea for 2024 with Jen and Shawn Mendes hanging out and walking Tony and Bam at central Park in NYC after the Met Gala as she catches up with him and runs into fans. And especially during 2024, their fanbases will understand fully that they are just great friends unlike years before with people shipping them. With Jen happily married to Jungkook and the admiration for Shawn and Camila, those ships would be put the rest.
Personally, I am not a fan of Camila and although Jen is in talks with her now, it definitely won’t be like that in the future. I see this starting as one sided beef with Camila downplaying the success of Jen and Shawn’s collaborations. I want it to begin to annoy her how Shawn and Jen’s chemistry is so good that people believe that they’re dating instead of her and Shawn. How they make what they create effortlessly believable. I think a great example to their chemistry is The Weeknd and Ariana Grande and how each collab they do is amazing.
Another thing that’ll bother Camila is how Jennie is always brought up in conversations about Shawn. Sometimes the media will try to pit the girls against each other but Jen wouldn’t feed into it, already understanding the agenda. She’d be graceful with any answers about Camila thanks to her media training. She knew the media would want Jen to shade Camila but she refused to be made into this negative person for drama.
Camila however
a different story. She’ll just randomly visit Shawn whenever she sometimes sees them both alone and smooch him in front of Jennie 💀 it’ll annoying Jen a bit cause when she is with Shawn, she is in work mode and gets serious and passionate about the art they create. She’d appreciate having no interruptions when working on music.
hi. Can that wait until after we finish our business meeting on our project?” Jen would say, feeling awkward at her abrupt PDA. The way Jen would have a bunch of stories to share with Jungkook about the ridiculous behavior of Camila 💀💀 it’d make him laugh at how Jen would impersonate Camila’s behavior, too.
As time goes on, Jen wouldn’t pay her much mind, already cutting her off and saying her piece the first time of why she’ll keep her distance from her. Later on though, Camila’s odd jealousy will begin to annoy Jen every time she questioned her about Shawn and what they did alone. It’ll give her a headache as she explained everything is strictly platonic despite her openly saying how he was her celebrity crush. She’ll also bring up that she’s well trained in playing the part well of performing on stage and on camera with her peers.
Because when filming Lost in Japan, Jennie and Shawn act romantic and I’m considering them to kiss. They’ll be outside at night, with them sitting on the ground as he sat behind her, arms wrapped around her. They’d be watching fireworks and then you’ll see them kissing while they are filmed from behind. Of course Jen already informed Bangtan, it’s acting, the boys already know. It’s work. It’s professional. They’re just filming a music video. Acting classes have been paying off for Jen and Bangtan knows what she’s been working on.
They’d get filmed being on a “date.” For this music video. And as they are filmed talking, real conversations would happen with Shawn even asking her about her favorite dates she’s had with Jungkook and how their relationship is going while they juggle fame and a busy schedule.
“Sex sells” so of course everyone raves over the spicy MV of Camila and Shawn. However
when news breaks that Jennie was actually supposed to be singing in senorita, and Camila was the second choice when the label began making suggestions on who should sing with him, huge debates would start.
Jen had politely declined the song, wanting to do Lost in Japan instead which Shawn happily accepted. She liked the concept, but didn’t feel like it suited her. And lowkey she’d rather do her first spicy music video with Jungkook instead. She enjoyed the vibe with Lost in Japan more. It felt more her. Plus the concept would be perfect cause they’d have Bangtan in Japan and the music video scenario would be Shawn wanting to visit her in Japan after Bangtan’s concert. I have a vision. I’ll hook it up. It’ll be cute.
With the debates among fans, the what if scenarios of what if Jennie took Camila’s place would be discussed as well as disappointment from some fans and shippers on how it should have been Jennie pinned on the bed instead of Camila.
And another huge debate will spark with people preferring how wholesome Jen and Shawn acted together in their Lost in Japan music video and their interactions didn’t seem so forced. It looked more real and a cute first date. They didn’t need to do too much to promote their duet.
Jen and Shawn will be performing during some of the USA Music award shows especially when BTS attend as well. And fans would compare how Shawn would perform with Jennie to Camila. Seeing a significant difference and chemistry. Oof when Shawn performs both songs in one night with the girls the comparison posts that would be made.
All in all, Jen is going to think the whole thing of Camila overreacting about her and Shawn is ridiculous. And that she needs to work on her trust issues. I mean if her man Jungkook is understanding and even watched the rehearsal for how Jen and Shawn would be on stage, then Camila shouldn’t worry about it. Also, Jen would think of her as obnoxious and the less time she can endure her the better.
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honeyed-lemonade · 2 years
s2ep18: Grand Theft Gato is out now!!! let’s do the live reaction thing
spoilers ahead-
intro: link mimicking the crew please he’s precious
nevermind stop being mean to hermie WAIT HE SOUNDS LIKE SCOOBY DOO
dad facts:
anthony’s purposely oblivious quips are way too funny to me “he’d sit on the breadsticks?” shut UP TONY you’re a genius
“hi everyone my name is matthew arnold— known misogynist” will’s laugh gets me every time
I really hope that after all this is done normal and link have a vacation in tent city because will is such a positive force for dad facts
will campos— lover of women (norm sure doesn’t though am I right lads /j)
NORMAL’S FIRST KISS?? oh of course it’s another mascot-
“my first kiss was a threesome” what was that anthony 💀
everyone stop making fun of matt let the man BREATHE
alright let’s start the episode:
“you rustle within your calzone” horrifying.
“you manage to slither out of your calzone” WORSE.
no not the hiccups again freddie go get your straw
sparrow,,, snaps dorito devito’s neck,,,, in front of his son. did he learn nothing from what happened to grant?
“we gotta go save hermie!” “
willy’s back, jesus wept my god I hate this bastard. in their dreams too?? I mean we knew it was gonna happen but fuck this guy and his handsome face
he doesn’t actually care about scary I know that but wowwww is anthony a good actor. tbf I would believe him if I was scary
sober adult sparrow is so unsettling to me. the immorality of the now-dads is freaking me out!
I can’t imagine what it would be like for the children willy kept hostage to see scary being manipulated by him though, especially terry after he saw what happened to his dad.
anthony yelling anthony yelling dear god dramatically it’s fantastic but it always scares the shit out of me
ohhhh they syringed the whole population that makes sense
anytime will gets choked up or cries I lose my mind, his characters are always so sweet and it hurts-
NORMAL APOLOGIZING FOR HIS FAMILY’S BAD BEHAVIOR?? GOOD JOB. and taylor is such a good friend trying to make him feel better
“I’ll post-mates you over a cake!” “why a cake??” “
well you like cake” he’s the sweetest I love him and his rich mom

.is the guy Ms. Swift met Willy fuckstick Stampler
how does taylor NOT have unlimited minutes
I don’t trust him but also he’s being weirdly chill and I don’t know how anthony is going to make this work plot-wise. if he betrays scary it’ll seem repetitive, right? happy to see where it goes though
link is the tallest and taylor is the shortest so I’m certain link it’s dangling his phone over his head
“I’ll take my shoes off that helps” another autism flavored quote for link’s book everyone
“this is BULLYING” “yeah, yeah it is”
ffs matthew stop being the funniest this season /j
“maybe hermie and I have some psychic intuition!” just say you have a crush norm
no angst, no nothing, just a cool one-liner. what more could I have expected from hermie the unworthy?
oh thank GOD he didn’t go through the tunnels
is terry junior back in the tower he watched ron kill terry senior in?? that can’t be good for his emotional well-being
clearasil!! that’s a good one
ohhhh my god “human gun” this is terrifying
scary what are you planning this is ominous!!
omg it’s terry!! with a sword!!
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kagejima · 2 years
Punk!Sukuna who has a soft side for kids. You come into his skate shop one day with your little brother and can't help but notice how sweet he is. He helps your brother pick out a board, teaches him a few moves, and even gives him a lollypop from his hidden stash behind the counter. It's obvious that Sukuna tries to hide this side of himself but just for a moment there you could see it and it made you smitten for him a little bit ;)
my birthday is this thursday and all i want for it is Punk!Sukuna please and thank you universe
author's note: this is NOT a teaser for the Punk!Sukuna WIP. the only way this is connected to the Punk!Sukuna WIP is he works at the skate shop heheh. So... double Punk!Sukuna AU?? I guess?? Damn, I gotta finish that Punk!Sukuna WIP for you guys so i can stop suffering alone :(
more thoughts under the cut (gender neutral reader)
There are other things you’d rather be doing on a summer morning than bringing your little brother to a store that’s got whatever his latest hobby is; but deep down, you really care about him and he’s your lil’ buddy – your lil’ errand buddy, your lil’ tv show watching buddy, your lil’ buddy. So it’s not that big of a deal when he just absolutely begs you to take him down to the skate shop on the boardwalk.
You’re like, “Is this because you played the new Tony Hawk game at your friend’s house? 💀”
And he’s like, “yeAH, WHAT OF IT?? đŸ˜€â€
So anyways – here you are down at the boardwalk, your little brother dragging you practically all the way from the car to the shop because he’s sooooo fucking excited to finally get a skateboard and everything else he needs. You aren’t expecting much to come of it. It’s probably some old guy that works at the skate shop who wishes that he was as good as Tony Hawk.
You certainly aren’t expecting a guy around your age to be working there.
And a very, very cute guy at that.
You’re certainly caught off guard when the aesthetically pleasing punk man smiles at you warmly and says, “Hi! Welcome! Let me know if you need anything!” before he goes back to his paperwork.
You get out some sort of answer, but he’s so handsome that you’re not even sure what the fuck you said back. You hope it wasn’t embarrassing.
While you’re trying to not stare at the guy behind the counter, your little brother is practically bouncing around to every display in the shop, changing his mind every ten seconds about what board he wants. The man behind the counter seems preoccupied and you don’t want to disturb him, so you just kind of follow your brother around the store while affectionately telling him to calm the fuck down.
“Is there anything in particular you’re looking for?” You hear a voice behind you.
You know who the fuck it is, it’s only you three in the shop but you still haven’t calmed the fuck down yourself from when you saw him when you first stepped inside.
You brace yourself as you turn around.
Jesus, he’s so much more handsome up close.
“I’m getting my first skateboard today!!” Your brother answers for you.
The man’s eyes crinkle when he smiles as he turns his gaze from you to your little brother, “Oh yeah? That’s exciting, man. What were you thinking of getting?”
“I want that one!”
Oh god. Oh god, of course he wants the red one with flaming skulls all over it. Oh god. This is so fucking embarrassing.
The man laughs, “Are you sure? I could make you a cooler one than that.”
Your brother’s eyes light up like a Christmas tree, “WHOA, REALLY!?”
“Yeah, little dude. Step into my office. You too
. Uh
. Parent?” He tries.
Oh god. OH GOD. When will this nightmare end?
“Sibling.” You clarify.
“Ah, gotcha. Sorry
” He laughs, scratching the back of his neck.
You wave your hand to tell him you don’t mind and trying to be breezy about the mix-up, but you end up whacking a display of kneepads in the process.
Well. This is
The little smile he does when he sees you do this makes you want to crawl into a hole.
He turns to your brother and leads him over to the front counter, pulling out two stools from behind the counter for you both to sit on.
And you’re mesmerized as he asks your little brother questions about himself – what his favorite colors are, what his favorite animal is, who his favorite superhero is.
You think that he’s just taking notes for a custom order, but when you finally look at the paper in front of him, you see he’s actually sketching.
And he’s fucking GOOD at it.
He doesn’t mind that your little brother is talking non-stop (you’re embarrassed by it, but it’s still cute in a way seeing him being this excited), and he just keeps nodding and sketching away.
“So something like this then?” He finally asks, sliding the rough draft of some art for your brother’s board over the counter.
Your brother’s voice goes up ten pitches as he screams and you consider never coming back here ever fucking again.
“It’s PERFECT!” Your brother gushes, the paper crumpling in his hands as he shakes it up and down wildly.
“Whoa, whoa
” The man laughs, gently plucking it from his jittery hands, “I need this if I’m gonna do it.”
“Can I get it??” Your brother turns to you, eyes wide and wet as his fingers dig into your forearm.
“You’re gonna have to ask Mom. I’m just responsible for bringing you here.” You remind him.
“FUCK!” Your brother yells, letting go of your arm.
“OHMYGOD, WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT!?” Your eyes go as wide as his just were.
Your brother blinks at you.
“You did.” He says.
The man snorts at this answer.
When you turn to look at him, it’s his turn to wave his hand breezily.
“Sorry,” He half apologizes, “It happens a lot. It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
And yeah, maybe you don’t have to worry about that

But you can’t help but think about all the times you’re gonna have to worry about seeing this incredibly handsome man over the next few weeks finalizing this custom board.
And keeping it together much better than you did this time.
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