#πŸ’Ž Maiden's Monochromatic Alternate Destiny (Kisara Manga Verse)
universestreasures Β· 3 months
@shacchou Sent:
❛ Β You don't ask for a lot. ❜ An observation accompanied by an imperturbable tone that betrayed no immediate emotion; baritone voice resounding through the cold surfaces that encompassed the woman's cell. Not unlike a statue, the priest stood before the iron bars; blue eyes fixed on her, and the Millennium Rod held tightly in his grasp. Since the incident that took place a few days before at the underground arena, he had given the order to his guards to not only move her to a new location unknown to anyone but him, but also to provide her with anything she might ask for or require; food, drink or clothing. And yet, not once had she requested for more than what little was given to her. (Kisara, from Priest Seto)
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Following the incident, Kisara had went into yet another string of days where she did nothing but sleep. Her body was under a constant state of pain and discomfort, no doubt in part due to the years of struggle from being deprived of basic necessities. So, rest was often one of the only ways to restore her strength. However, after what she had learned from those of the Pharaoh's palace, there might be another reason for her frequent sleeping state other than because of her deprivation of food and drink.
She had been told she had a monster, otherwise referred to as a Ka, living deep inside her, one akin to a god. Of course, she was hesitant to believe such things. Kisara, despite her unique appearance, was not one to think of herself as noteworthy. She knew her limitations, knew of her fragility, and lived each day simply to survive. She had no purpose other than that...at least maybe until now.
If she harbored such a mighty beast, the 'white dragon' as Lord Seto described, could she potentially use it for the greater good? Despite not being from this land, the young woman was well aware of those like her who struggled daily. Even those who would curse her existence and stone her were in a similar position. They didn't want her to 'curse' them to more anguish than they already had.
But perhaps that 'curse' of hers that seemed to be around her since she was born could be reversed and instead turned into something good, something that can help people come out of the darkness and into the light. Though, there was an obvious hurdle with that. Kisara isn't aware of even how to summon her Ka, let alone control it and use it.
Could she be taught how to do that? Could Lord Seto teach her how to do that?
Her thought of the man who saved her is soon followed by his appearance on the other side of the bars, as if on queue. Kisara slowly stands from her bed, moving towards his direction. At his inquiry, she simply bows her head in respect before answering.
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"You have already given me more than enough, Lord Seto." Her voice is soft but laced with no hint of dishonesty. "You are the reason I am still here today, after all. I am eternally grateful to you. Kindness like what you have shown me has been...a scarcity in my life. I only hope I can manage to repay you for it someday."
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universestreasures Β· 3 months
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Kisara from Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters has been added (FINALLY) as a Somewhat Active Muse! Canon compliment and headcanon expanded! Anime, Manga, and Modern Verses are available! Duel Monster AU coming soon!
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