#💎 Melodious' Home Of Magical Nobility (Yuzu Nobles Of Nature AU)
universestreasures · 3 months
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Nobles Of Nature AU: Group Composition Arc 1: (The Pale Moon Circus)
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Since my Nobles of Nature AU with @abysseeker and all her blogs is a complex web of many characters and storylines, I decided to try my hand at making a little chart for all the different groups and even show the hierarchy of the houses (And who is above them).
This is the composition for the first arc, which features the Pale Moon Circus as the central threat. This composition does change for the following arcs (we have at least 4 planned in total as of rn), but this is it for now.
Only the blogs owned by the tagged blog may reblog (Aka any of Crix's blogs!)
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universestreasures · 2 years
 @enterpainment​ (Yuya)
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Yuzu had retreated to the manor garden’s gazebo after dinner that night, a tactic usually her older sister Serena would do. Normally, the pink-haired noble liked having the time to talk with her siblings. As close as they were, they didn’t get much time to spend with one another outside of meals, rehearsals, and formal events. It was rare they ever did any sort of family outing, mainly because their father never approved of such ideas. It broke Yuzu’s heart every time someone proposed it and it was rejected, especially when it happened to relative newcomer Ruri for the first time not too long ago.
Her father’s rule over the Akaba House was one with an iron fist, controlling and suppressing everyone in it. His children were no exception, and while Yuzu’s had arguably a lot of freedom compared to the likes of Serena or Ray, it didn’t mean she was free to blossom as she wished. She was forced to keep her singing a talent a secret for fear of it being used for someone’s else gain. She was forced to remain in the manor and could only leave with an assigned escort. And most recently, she was forced to keep a chain on someone who had become near and dear to her so quickly.
“Yuya...” She speaks his name as he comes into view, no doubt having been searching the place for her after her exit from the dining room. Yuzu hopes her actions didn’t cause him to worry, but knowing him, he probably did. Despite his situation, Yuya had treated the girl with kindness and care ever since they met. They hit things off so well, becoming the closest of the dragon-noble pairs in the shortest amount of time. Perhaps it was that closeness that caused her heart to ache whenever she looked at the bracelet on her arm: the mechanism that kept him chained to her forever.
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“I don’t...I don’t like having this power over you...” Yuzu is honest to him about her feelings, a her bracelet hand being raised towards Yuya’s eye level. “But this bracelet is something I can’t take off, even if I wanted to. It’s the same for my sisters. Father designed these bracelets and Ray’s headpieces himself to help channel our magic. They give him the ability to monitor how our progress is doing through his technology.”
After all, her father’s goal was for all the Akaba daughters to get super strong in their magic. It wasn’t for Yuzu or her sisters’ benefit, though. No, it was all for his own sake. More magical talent meant more ways to manipulate the elements of nature, providing him with more fuel for his research. That’s all he cared about, advancing his own goals without any consideration for what other’s wanted. 
It made her seriously wonder why Ray still showed him affection when the other siblings did not. Was it because she was his clear favorite? The only one who he really acknowledged and praised outside of a dinner party? All that favoritism certainly made the other siblings feel like they were nothing more than just offspring made for his own benefit, especially with faint memories of fights he would have with Yuzu and Ruri’s mothers the girl can recall. 
Yuzu’s body then moves towards Yuya. She is slow in her approach, not wanting to startle him with what she intends to do. Pink locks flow over her shoulder as he head falls to rest on his chest, one hand wrapping itself around his core while the one squeezed his shoulder. In those somber sapphire hues, tears start to form. She promised herself she wouldn’t cry in front of him, knowing it would tear away his smile, but...she just couldn’t stop them. 
They were, after all, tears she shed for his sake.
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“These accessories are... locked to our bodies...until he decides to remove them.” The words manage to come out in-between sobs, her body starting to shake underneath her intense emotions. Admitting this to him was...not easy, but she feels he deserves the truth. “We’re all powerless to override our father’s desires. Which means that we...That I...can’t set you all free. You’re just like us...prisoners of his rule... ”
It breaks her heart to say such things, to admit such things out loud. Yuzu wasn’t blind to her situation. None of her siblings were. However, she always tried to make the most of it, enjoying the little things she had and the time she did get to spend with those she loved. Yuya had brought so much joy because of his constant companionship. He made living here...tolerable, making her forget about the reality of her situation just for a little bit. That was more than she could ever ask for.
“I’m...sorry. I’m so sorry, Yuya...Please...please forgive me...for being unable to do anything...”
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universestreasures · 1 year
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This was a risky move. Leaving the Akaba House unexpectedly and without her father's permission was practically a death sentence. He never liked any of his eight children making moves on their own, especially ones that involved escaping the reaches of the estate. However, at this moment, Yuzu doesn't care. For her escapade today was not to escape the horrible life she had been condemned to by a controlling parent, but rather to seek aid in finding the person she held most dear.
Yuya's disappearance was sudden, leaving the entire estate in a stat of chaos. His brothers, in some shape or form, had been dragged into conflict after conflict over these past few weeks. And then out of nowhere, her companion suddenly went missing overnight with no explanation. Yuzu knows Yuya wouldn't escape this place without his brothers or without telling her. So, the only logical conclusion is that he was taken by someone, but...who? No one knew of the true nature of the dragon retainers except for the Akaba Family, meaning no one knew of their true value.
The entire situation was puzzling. No one inside the Akaba House could provide any semblance of information, and...she didn't exactly feel comfortable contacting the Rainsworth or Dragon Star houses for assistance. Doing that would require, most likely, disclosing Yuya's true nature, something she wasn't exactly comfortable with doing with people she didn't know well.
That meant she only had one option, only one person she could turn to in a time like this: her aunt and sister to her mother, Eve.
Her aunt was rather estranged in a sense. Though, Yuzu knows tha'ts not my choice. It's no secret that her father wasn't exactly a fan of the Eden House's head mistress considering his ideals clashed with hers. Eve was always a proponent of helping people and the world around, while Lord Akaba was out for himself and his own ambitions. It was only natural the two would clash.
However, Eve still made sure to at least pay her nieces a visit whenever she could, usually through a public function. During those times, Yuzu and her would bond over a love of flowers and singing. Truly, they were precious memories for the young girl, ones that reminded her of her short-lived time with her mother. If there was anyone she could come to during a time of crisis, it would be Eve.
The young noble stands at the entrance to the Eden House, one that was beautifully surrounded by flowers and hedges. The building wasn't as big as the Akaba House, but that was mainly because her aunt preferred to keep most of the natural beauty of this area intact, only building the building to the size that would be needed for everyone to live and work. Those who admired her didn't call her 'Nature's Protector' for nothing.
Before she could even make it to the grand doors covered in flowers and vines, sapphire blue hues hone in on the sight of a figure approaching her. His rusted hues and turquoise hair were in sharp contrast to the greens that surrounded the place. Even without that difference, however, Yuzu figured out right away who it was. Only one person who lived in the Eden House looked like that, after all.
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"C-Cousin Olivier! H-Hi! I-It's been a while, hasn't it?"
Despite speaking to family, Yuzu felt awkward in conversing with him. She doesn't know Olivier that well, other than his reputation as the Eden House's golden child who was loved by children of all the orphanages the house supported. If her father didn't hate her aunt and her ideals so much, there is no doubt that he would have tried to arrange some sort of marriage with Olivier and Ray. That was how notable a figure he had become among the noble houses.
Still, she couldn't forget why she was here. She had a mission, one she promised to herself she'd see through no matter what. Yuya...was counting on her. He was, in all in tense and purposes, her charge. She was the one responsible for him. Thus, it is up to her to bring him back home to where his brothers, his family, was waiting for him.
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"I-I know it's very impolite to show up without notice, but...it's an emergency. A very, very dear friend of mine has gone missing, and...I need Auntie's help to find him. She's...the only person I can turn to for this. Can...Can you bring me to her?"
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universestreasures · 2 years
@enterpainment​​​ Sent:
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Yuya had been searching high and low for Yuzu. He looked everywhere from under her bed to atop the trees that grew within the courtyard. Just as he nearly resorted to shouting her name he had begun to hear something-- No... someone? The voice was faint but his senses were keen and he followed the trail of musical notes hanging in the air. The source? Well, it was Yuzu herself, singing alone in the foggy morning, away from most prying eyes and ears....aside from Yuya’s, obviously. He was stunned into silence, her voice taking center stage. It was only when she stopped for breath did he trip over himself, unable to NOT say something. ❝Lady Yuzu, that... That was... Amazing--❞  [Yuya @ Yuzu, Nobles of Natures verse! PLS TELL ME I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO HAD THOUGHTS OF YUYA CATCHING YUZU SINGING AND BEING ABSOLUELY WOWED]
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Yuzu had awoken uncharacteristically early that foggy morning. She had gone to bed the previous night a bit earlier than usual due to being so exhausted from a long day of dance classes. The Akaba family was to host a grand gala soon to celebrate Ray’s 21st birthday, a day where she was also old enough to get her inheritance from her father. Leo Akaba wanted everyone in the family to present their best selves, and thus, he ordered everyone to partake in dance lessons to ensure there would not be any embarrassment at the event. 
Yuzu didn’t mind the lessons it. In fact, she liked it like the rest of her sisters did. It was just the fact it was basically nonstop from sunrise to sunset that bothered her so much. So, she decides to take this morning to spend some alone time partaking in her preferred hobby of singing. It was a talent Yuzu had since she was young, one she also shared with her estranged aunt Lady Eve. 
Though, she never made her talent for this known beyond her siblings and Yuya. The last thing she needed was her father finding out about it, and forcing her to perform for political gain. It was part of why her sister Serena also kept her secret affinity for dance a secret too. In fact, Serena purposely kept making errors in the steps to try and throw everyone off, causing amused chuckles from Yuri who was watching from the sidelines. 
The melody Yuzu was partaking in was a soft ballad from the heart, a song she composed herself actually. Music composition and music theory were also things the flower magic user seemed to have an affinity for, often taking time to read and practice those things in secret. She hated she had to hide such passions, but when you lived under the iron fist of a very controlling political figure, you did what you had to to ensure you wouldn’t become more of a tool for family gain than you already were just by existing. 
Sapphire hues suddenly widen and her voice stops in her throat as the noise of another presense reaches her ears after taking a breath. Her face turned as pink as her magenta locks, sweat dripping down her face as she turned to face Yuya. Part of her was happy it was just him who heard her and not someone else, but the embarrassment she suddenly felt was still there all the same. 
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“Y-Y-Yuya?! D-Don’t sneak up on me like that!” She hides before her gaze looks to the side, the blush still gracing her delicate face. “And uh...t-thank you...It’s a new song I’m working on that I’m planning to surprise Ray with for her birthday. Not sure if it’s good enough, though. The chorus could use some work, along with some of the lyrics.”
Her expression then shifts to look back to Yuya after her blush had seemed to cease, the heartbeat in her chest returning to normal levels as well. “A-Anyway, I’m sorry for not leaving a note or something. I’m sure I worried you. It’s just after yesterday, I wanted to have some time to myself, but I think I’ve done enough singing for now. Besides, the last thing I need is for one of the staff to catch me and then report to my dad.”
She knew that ever since the dragon brothers entered the home, observation of Yuzu and her sisters had become increased. This was was done in the interest of safety, of course. Though, Yuzu could do without the feeling she is being watched everywhere. The land that housed her silver rose bracelet on her wrist then reaches out toward Yuya, grasping his hand gently as she smiled. 
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“Say, do you want to go get some breakfast? I heard from some of the cooks that pancakes are on the menu for today, and I know they are your favorite, Yuya.”
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Nobles Of Nature AU Lore: The Noble Houses
(Verse developed with and exclusive to Crix’s blogs, aka @masterofaster​​ / @enterpainment​​ / @kinglanius​​ / @hollowedhatter​​ / @abysstainment / @darkoccultism​ )
Throughout the land, there exists a group of noble houses that are tasked with supporting and governing the people who live there. Each house specializes in a different area, having their own strengths and weaknesses. Some houses get along, some do not. Some appear good and are good, but some might have something darker under the surface. 
Akaba House
The Akaba House is headed by Lord Leo Akaba, and specializing in combining magic and technology together. Research is headed by Lord Akaba himself and by his trusted science partner, Dr. Faker. They’ve developed everything from defense systems, to weapons, to practical things that increase the efficiency of everyday life, all done by harnessing the magic that exists in the powers of nature itself. Out of all of the houses, they are by far the biggest and most advanced. They have allieship with the Sawatari House.
The Akaba family is large and diverse, Leo Akaba having had three different wives throughout his time as a lord (including having relationships with multiple at the same time) and having three different sets of gifted children with each one. With his first wife (who is deceased), he had four daughters: Ray, Rin, Serena, and Yuzu. With his second wife (who died a few months prior to the start of the story of this AU and raised her children apart from the main house until her death), he had two children: Shun and Ruri. Lastly, with his third wife Himika, he had two sons: Reiji and Reira. 
The daughters of Leo Akaba were gifted with unique magical gifts relating to a specific aspect of nature. Yuzu with flowers/plants, Rin with wind, Ruri with animals (she is best with birds, through), and lastly, Serena with the moon. The eldest daughter and true heir to the family Ray, on the other hand, has the capacity for magic manipulation of all these aspects, being able to combine them and harness their full power. 
The sons of the family, on the other hand, were not gifted with magical abilities. Reiji Akaba inherited his father’s intelligence and affinity for science, usually being seen locked in his room doing his research. Reira was also gifted in intelligence and raw instinct, but is very shy and is rarely seen away from Reiji’s side. Shun is gifted in the physical sense, being the strongest physically and quiet adept at at combat with both weapons and physical combat. He developed these skills to protect his younger innocent sister Ruri, who in his eyes is the only remaining family he has since he does not share the familial bond with his half siblings.
Each of the children have a retainer assigned to them to look after and protect them. Shun’s retainer is Dr. Faker’s son Kaito, whose main job consists of keeping the young master from causing havoc with his anger management issues and violent tendencies. Reiji’s retainer is Nakjima, a quiet, strong, and loyal man who will follow Reiji’s orders without question. Reira’s retainer is Haruto, the youngest son of Dr. Faker. Though, Haruto acts more as Reira’s friend than anything else, both children having bonded due to their similarities and quiet natures.
The retainers of the daughters of the house are quiet unique, being a set of five brothers who are dragons hidden by a magical disguise produced by enchanted jewelry worn by each respective lady. Their existence as dragons is kept secret under orders of Lord Akaba for reasons unknown to everyone but the man himself.  They were all given this task when the five brothers were spared by the family after causing a massive rampage across many towns and villages that the daughters of the house stopped. This rampage was started by the eldest brother Zarc, an alpha dragon whose connection runs deep with his little brothers Yuto, Yuri, Yugo, and Yuya. 
Due to being the most destructive of the five dragons, he was assigned to the eldest and most experienced daughter Ray. He was stubborn about accepting his position at first, especially with Ray refusing to give him any orders for the first few months. However, with Ray’s help, he eventually settles in, realizing his own faults regarding how he viewed his brothers like they were still babies, and begins to take a liking to his new mistress.
The second eldest, Yuto, was assigned to Lady Ruri. He has a dark, brooding, and frightening exterior according to his brothers, but he is noble, quiet, and very gentle hearted. His outward appearance did not scare his lady, however. In fact, she treated him and continues to treat him with kindness, the opposite approach to her protective brother Shun who threatened Yuto on his first day. Shun eventually became to respect Yuto when he saved his little sister from harm, and has grown a strong kindship with the young dragon. Yuto can often be found in the house gardens with Lady Ruri, her brother and his retainer, or on occasion one of the heirs of a noble family associated with the Akaba Clan: Lady Sayaka and her retainer Allen.
The third eldest, the playful and poisonous dragon Yuri, was assigned to Lady Serena. Similar to the situation was Zarc, he was chosen to be with Serena due to her being the most combat experienced out of her sisters. He follows orders better than any of his brothers, and is the most formal. However, he is also the one who will mess with his mistress more than any of the others. Serena, not at all happy with this arrangement, usually tells him to leave her be. If he is at her side, it is usually on her father’s orders not her own. If not, he can be found in the house’s gardens creating toxic plant life to use as security. 
The second youngest, Yugo, was assigned to Lady Rin. Aside from the protective aspect of his position, he sucks at his job. He is not formal at all, often doesn’t listen, and gets himself into trouble more often than not. This has caused Rin to be more of a caretaker to him rather than the other way around, but she doesn’t mind it despite the annoyance. Yugo brings her companionship, and is just too darn kind and adorable to get mad at for long. They are a pair who got along relatively quickly.
The youngest, Yuya, was assigned to Lady Yuzu. A dragon with duel-colored eyes, Yuya is a natural born entertainer. Yuzu, who very much had an entertainment related hobby in singing, instantly got along with the young dragon. Out of all the pairs, they got along the fastest. They can be seen having fun together in all sorts of ways, smiles never leaving their faces. Though, Yuzu is not afraid to whip out her fan if Yuya takes a joke too far or does something stupid.
Sawatari House
The Sawatari House is headed by Lord Sawatari, and is the smallest house by far. However, what they lack in size they make up in funds. The Sawatari House is by far the richest of all the houses, and deals with the land’s economy. Because of this, they tend to be the house everyone wants to ally with. Currently, they are only allied with the Akaba House due to an arranged marriage between the Sawatari heir Lord Shingo and the third eldest daughter of the Akaba House, Lady Serena.
Lady Serena is 100% opposed to the marriage, while Lord Shingo is all for it. He’s been in love with her ever since they met, and he’s determined to marry her at any cost. Though, with the recent introduction of Yuri, that might make things more difficult. In fact, he feels jealousy towards the retainer, so much so he would no doubt like to get rid of him to have Serena all to himself...
Eden House
The Eden House is headed by Lady Eve, and is the house most loved by the public due to their charity. They are dedicated to helping the lives of the commoners, opening up several orphanages, soup kitchens, and shelters for those in need. Lady Eve truly believes in helping others, wanting to bring salvation and hope to those who do not have any. Some see her as a goddess and or a savior. However, her direct involvement in such affairs is limited due to an unknown illness she had been inflicted with several years ago, causing horrible wrinkles to appear across the left side of her face. She is often bedridden in a medical ward headed by Issac for large parts of the day. 
Her inner circle consists of herself, Issac, Ren, Sora, and her love Adam. Adam, much like Zarc, is an alpha dragon with extraordinary power. He too hides his dragonic appearance using enchanted jewelry, something Eve had gotten as a gift from her late sister: Leo Akaba’s first wife. He acts as Eve’s retainer, their love being kept a secret to everyone outside the inner circle. Adam, similar to Yuya, is a performer, often performing magic tricks and taking on any role Eve would desire. His devotion to her and her mission to help the world is unmatched.
He also has a past with Zarc that he keeps hidden, being the only person outside of the Akaba House to know of Zarc and his brother’s true identities as dragons...
Rainsworth House
The Rainsworth House is headed by Lady Sheryl Rainsworth and Lord Barma, and is the house specializing in espionage and information gathering. This means they are experts of knowing what is going on with the other houses and the world at large. They have the most extensive library in the land with just about any book you could think of, making them a prime resource for anyone wanting to study anything. However, of the houses, they are the most isolated of the houses, only really leaving their area to gather information or to maintain relations. 
The heir to the house is one Sharon Rainsworth, a strong, kind, and intelligent young lady who is the granddaughter of Lady Sheryl. She lost her mother Shelly due to illness not so long ago, and as a result of that, decided to take on a contract with a creature known as Equus. You see, the Rainsworth House is much like all of the houses in that they contain a secret power. They hold the power to access a realm known as the Abyss, a mysterious prison home to creatures known as Chains who can make contracts with humans to allow use of their powers. 
Sharon, her grandmother, Lord Barma, her retainer Break, Glibert Nightray, Reim Lunnetes, and Oz Vessalius are the only people in the house who have a known contract with a Chain. Unlike the Akaba and Eden houses, the Rainsworth House has made the existence of the Chains known to the other houses. However, the knowledge the other houses have about the Chains and contractors is limited. This is because to keep power balanced between the houses, all the supernatural power one house has is to be made public. Ryou Bakura is also a member of this house, as well.
Dragon Star House
The Dragon Star House is officially headed is headed by Lord Jack Atlas, but internally is managed by the bearer of the mark of the Dragon Head: Lord Yusei Fudo. This house is one focused on maintaining order and justice between the other houses as well as the people. Essentially, they are the central governing body of the houses. This makes them both a desired ally, or hatred enemy for some. 
The heads of the house are a group of individuals known as the Signers, six people born with birthmarks of the legendary beast of legend: The Crimson Dragon. These marks pass on through the generations, and as of now, the current Signers are: Jack Atlas, Yusei Fudo, Crow Hogan, Aki Izayoi, and the twins Rua and Ruka. Their status as Signers allows them to form special bonds with legendary dragons who serve the Crimson Dragon. 
Jack has bonded with Red Dragon Archfiend. Yusei has bonded with Stardust Dragon. Crow has bonded with Black Winged Dragon. Aki has bonded with Black Rose Dragon. Rua has bonded with Life Stream Dragon, and Ruka has bonded with Ancient Fairy Dragon. These dragons are well known throughout the land, some seeing them as guardian deities. They also are the reason most do not want to mess with the Dragon Star house.
The Dragon Star House’s main adversary is the Earthbound House, home of the Dark Signers. They have been in conflict with the Dragon Star house for generations due to the Dark Signer’s deities, the Earthbound Immortals, being the mortal foes of the Crimson Dragon. The Signers will stop at nothing to ensure the safety of the land from the Dark Signers. However, a wrench is thrown into that when a new maid of the Dragon Star House, a girl named Carly, ends up forming a strong connection with Jack Atlas...
Earthbound House
Last but not least, the Earthbound House is lead by the brothers Lord Rudger and Rex Godwin. They are the shadiest of all the noble houses, and do not do anything to benefit society. No, instead they have a secret society full of followers who worship the Earthbound Immortals, dead gods hell bent on destroying the Signers and turning this world into ruin. The Earthbound Immortals envoys are the Dark Signers, who have birthmarks of the immortals etched onto their arm that have been passed down through the generations.
The current Dark Signers are Rudger Godwin, Roman Godwin, Kiryu Kyosuke, Demak, Bomber, Misty Lola, and Carly Nagisa. They bear the marks of the spider, condor, giant, monkey, whale, lizard, and hummingbird respectively. In order to fuel the rebirth of the Earthbound Immortals trapped inside seals in the ground by the Crimson Dragon, they plan to harvest the energy of their followers when the time is right. They also have decided to send in someone to spy and trip up the signers, using their powers to make them lose their memory until the time comes to trigger it back...
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universestreasures · 2 years
@enterpainment​​ Sent:
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❝No, no. That’s not magic-❞ Yuya claims with a serious sort of playfulness, despite knowing very well the power Yuzu was capable of. That’s not the kind of magic he was referring to though!  ❝REAAAAAAL magic is unexplainable!  It’s the suspense and wonder that makes it magical! Let me show you-❞ He offers Yuzu the wildflower he had been holding onto, before suddenly closing his fist around it. When opening it next the flower was gone! He proceeds to show both sides of his hands to Yuzu, proving it's disappearance, before reaching around behind her head and producing the flower seemingly straight from her ear! With a satisfied sort of swing added to his mannerisms he now offers Yuzu the flower for real this time. ❝Now that was a genuine magic trick! See what I mean?❞  [@ Yuzu, Nobles of Nature verse? Here’s something silly lololol I like to think Yuya learned a thing or two from a certain wandering magician somewhere somehow at some point :] ]
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“Really? You think being able to grow flowers instantly isn’t real magic? Get real, Yuya.” Yuzu rolls her eyes at his comments. It was a rarity for her to be irritated with the odd-eyed dragon. Out of all the noble dragon pairs her father had formed, she and Yuya had gotten along the best in the shortest amount of time. They had a lot in common, both being the youngest of their full blood siblings who had a passion for performing. It only made sense they’d get along so quickly. Though, this conversation certainly was causing the girl to get a slight headache.
She took great pride in her abilities, as did all her sisters. To even  compare them to Yuya’s little tricks was an insult. However, she lets him finish his point and perform the little vanishing act anyway, finding them rather cute. The little huff that graced her face seemed to vanish as he did his act. Yuya always had a way of making her smile no matter the situation. It was one of the many things Yuzu had become to cherish about him as they spent more and more time together. 
“I do, but even as you said Yuya, they are still tricks. Cute and entertaining tricks, but still tricks.” She takes the flower from him then, closing her sapphire hues as she channels her magic into it. One flower suddenly grows into many, a full bouquet of colorful flowers appearing in her hand. You can see the pride cross the young woman’s face at the display. Multiplying them like that was one of the first things she learned how to do, and it was a feat she was proud of it despite it’s simplicity.
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“This is the result of real magic, but I still like your tricks. They suit you.” Yuzu replies as she stretches her hand out to offer the botanical beauty to him. “By the way, where did you learn how to do them anyway? I don’t know much about dragon culture, but I don’t think magic tricks are a big pastime or anything, Your brothers don’t do them as far as I know, either,”
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universestreasures · 2 years
@enterpainment​​ Sent: A Touching Tenderly Meme (Accepting)
a touch to give reassurance. [Yuya @ Yuzu, big support :]]
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Yuzu finishes putting the last blue flower in her hair to complete her dressing preparations for the big gala soon to be held in honor of her eldest sibling. She can already see from her window guests arriving on their doorsteps. The fancy dressed up folks are total strangers to the young flower mage, aside from the Sawatari family who annoyingly always seemed to be around the house more often than not. Man, she already knows Serena is going to try and avoid coming out of her room as much as possible just to delay meeting her fiancĂ©. In fact, Yuzu wouldn’t be shocked if Yuri had to pull her out kicking and punching. Parties like this were not exactly her sister’s favorite thing in the world.
As for how Yuzu was feeling about things, she was feeling a sense of uneasiness. She wasn’t going to perform for everyone or anything thankfully. Her secret still was secure, and she planned to give Ray her song gift after the party concluded. No, what she was feeling this unusual uncomfortableness about was regarding the formal presentation of the family that they all would be forced to do. It was essentially her father’s way of boasting to everyone how ‘perfect’ and ‘prosperous’ his family was, as if all of them were little dolls to be be put on display. 
On top of that, the entire situation put so much unneeded pressure on everyone. This event was meant to celebrate Ray, a gathering of those the family knew to honor her accomplishments and cement her place as the next head of the Akaba House. This little plan of her father's just made it seem like the event was more about him and his ideals regarding keeping the image of the house up than anyone else. And everyone knows his fury will be legendary if anyone dares tries to shatter that image. So, in reality, they can’t even enjoy the party at all because of his eyes watching their every move like Shun’s falcon! How was that fair!?
The girl sigh as she stares at herself in her reflection. She was honestly looking forward to the event before her father’s little announcement spoiled it for her. Parties like this were something she had not really had the chance to attend before, considering she was one of the youngest of the house, and now she can’t even get a chance to have fun at her first one. The thought made her just want to pull her hair out.
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“Yu...Yuya...?” He is there at her side with a comforting and reassuring touch on her shoulder, as if he could just sense what she was feeling and what she needed in that moment. Seeing him reminded her that she and her siblings wouldn’t be up there standing awkwardly alone. All of the retainers who served the eight Akaba children would be at their lord or lady’s sides the entire evening. Whatever would come their way that night would not have to be faced by themselves, giving each of them a support to fall back on should things get intense. 
After all, parties like this were prime for both drama and danger. And considering how many enemies the Akaba House has made over the years, it wouldn’t be a shock to anyone if someone tried to sneak in with the intentions of bringing serious harm to any of the prized members. Was that perhaps why he risked the five dragon brothers making their first public appearance here? Just as a precaution in case of the danger?
A small smile then graces the girl’s face then, sapphire hues looking into the crimson and emerald ones of the dragon. It was moments like this she was grateful to having Yuya come into her life. While she loved her siblings, they were all sadly separated more often then not with their own lessons and hobbies. She never really had a...constant companion in her life before him, and now that he is in her life, it would be hard to imagine what it would be like without him. Yuya had become that close, close enough to make his way into her heart after only a few short months together.
“Thanks, Yuya. I...I needed that. I...I know tonight isn’t going to be the way I hoped it would, but we can still make the best of it, right? Who knows, maybe we’ll get the chance to dance together? I’d much rather dance with you than any of those potential suitors who I’m certain will come up to me at Father’s request. Besides, I don’t want all those hours of awful dance lessons to be for nothing.” She then stands from her vanity chair, raspberry locks decorated with flowers flowing behind her. Her hand then takes his own, still able to feel his warmth despite both of their palms being encased in white gloves.
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“And don’t worry if you don’t know how to dance. I can help lead you. Our lessons did make a point to show us what to do if we get matched up with someone who can’t dance, just to save us from being embarrassed by our partner. Though, knowing you, I’m sure you’d get the hang of it. Dancing is a performance, after all. And no one is a better performer than you, Yuya.”
Yuzu then begins to lead him to the exit door of her room, her gaze shifting to look at him as determination can be seen in her eyes and in the tightness of her grip. “Let’s just do our best out there to enjoy this evening where we can. Whatever tonight brings us, good or bad, we will face it together, okay?”
That night certainly would be one to remember, but not for the reason anyone expected. For that night was to be one of revelations, discoveries, and...horror beyond imagining... 
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