#💎 Parthevia's Road Paved With Hope (Serendine Main Divergent)
universestreasures · 10 months
@infintasmal (Ja'far)
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As soon as she heard word from Sindria regarding Al Tharman's attack on her dear friend Kagome, Serendine sprung into action. Well...in what limited capacity she could. Due to her involvement in the fall of the first Sindria, the Parthevian queen was not allowed to set foot on Sindria territory, not even for her friend's own wedding. This would mean she wouldn't be able to see the condition of the queen period...if it wasn't for a little trick she had for occasions like this.
A flick of her golden earring allowed her to access the seed she had planted in Sindria's very own vizier, who currently had been watching over Kagome's slumbering form during the evening. The puppetmaster controls the puppet to get closer to the younger woman, a hand being placed on her cheek. Truly, it broke her heart to see Kagome like this. If only she had been there! If only she wasn't forbidden from crossing into this land! Maybe things could have be different!
Her focus is drawn away as she feels something strange, a sudden..pushback like a string was being pulled on by someone else. The body stumbles until it reaches a mirror, where her own viewpoint of the room shifted from. It was as if she was seeing things from a reflection of Ja'fars eyes, who noticeably had shifted from pink to his usual dull color.
"This is...new. I guess there is more to my powers than that little bratt told me. Ah, I guess it can't be helped."
She sighs, choosing to continue on with the situation given as it did still present an interesting opportunity. Her powers didn't give her access to the knowledge of the seed's host, only what could be gained from their eyes and ears. This limitation in the power was probably done so the power could be countered in someway. Regardless, this circumstance might just help with dealing with that small hole in Zepar's powers after all.
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"I should have known your mind would be a bit harder to drown during such a stressful time, Snake. Though, this does make it easier for me to acquire the information I seek. What happened to Kagome? Why is she like this, and how could you idiots let it happen so shortly after her coronation and wedding? Did you just think Al Tharman wasn't going to not use this chance to attack? Unless you forgot the events of Sinbad's first coronation."
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universestreasures · 6 days
@infintasmal Sent: A 𝑫𝑶𝑵'𝑻 𝑺𝑴𝑰𝑳𝑬 𝑨𝑻 𝑴𝑬 Prompt (Accepting!)
"try not to abuse your power ." Ja'far to Seren :3
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Oh, the snake is being all snarky now, is he? Unwise move if you ask her. He knows full well the power of her djinn, a power she won over his king through her own strength (something she still loves to rub in that drunken man's face, btw), and he dares try to provoke her? Well, seems like it might be time to remind him of what's at stake if he crosses anymore lines. After all, she isn't above using her power for a petty reason like this, especially since it would involve getting back at the vizier she hated so much.
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"Careful now, Snake. Keep talking and you might just force my hand. Have you forgotten what my djinn can really do, or rather, make you do?"
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Princess Serendine From The Magi Series Has Been Added As A Secondary Muse! All info has been added to the right pages!
Adult FC: Esuka Hibino From Cardfight!! Vanguard: Shinemon.
(This is all @highseaskxng​ for the record xD)
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universestreasures · 2 years
@consequor​​ Sent: Valentines for Serendine? more like Valen-die by Ja'far's blade :3c
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“Oh...the snake is learning wordplay and participating in holidays! How cute! Your big sister Kagome will be so proud of you! Well, I guess I should return the favor. It be awfully rude to not return the favor.”
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“I think I’ve got plenty of Valen-dies to give you after all, Ja’far. So, shall we have some fun then? Or perhaps you can go have some fun on my behalf? Put those lovely knives to good use on people who really deserve a stabbing.” 
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universestreasures · 2 years
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“When Queen Kagome sent in her last letter you would be coming this time to see me, I didn’t quite believe it. It has been, after all, a long time since we last seen each other...King Sinbad.” Parthevia’s queen speaks, smiling as the now king of his own country approached her on one of  the palace balconies. She had not seen him since shortly before his own wedding, where he expressed his disdain for her actions that led to the death of the man who ruined her life and how she and her country would never join his alliance. It was something she had come to accept, but perhaps this visit meant he changed his mind? He didn’t exactly seem keen on returning here, after all. 
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“To what to I owe this visit? Surely, it must be important if you yourself came.” The woman speaks, calling aside one of the servants to fetch some wine. Serendine knew the one way to make a conversation with this man go smoother was if he had a little booze in his system, it he did not get some on his way here.
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