#🔗﹕Another Player Wants To Join Your World. Allow? // Promo
snezhnayanstims · 2 years
Tag List!
🥀﹕Bloodstained Snow // Stimboard
💰﹕Unlimited Mora // Moodboard
❄️﹕Tar-Tartaglia! // Playlist
🗡﹕For The Glory of the Tsartiza // Board
💧﹕Comradic Care // Care-kits
🐋﹕Codenamed Childe // Names
🌫﹕Falling Into The Abyss // Neos
✉️﹕Post Notes For The Travelers // Userboxes
🏳️﹕Wave High The Flag of Snezhnaya // Flags
✨﹕Wishing Upon A Star // Icons
📜﹕Reluctantly Signing Contracts // Banners
🌠﹕Celestia's Buildings // Backgrounds
💤﹕Resting Between Domain Runs // Childe
🚫﹕Breaking A Contract // Denied
🏆﹕100% Region Completion // Other’s Stuff
🔗﹕Another Player Wants To Join Your World. Allow? // Promo
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