#🔥bird of my heart ( MARCO )
lacasarosee · 7 months
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Tags: Angst, Mention of Dying, Hurt. (809 words)
Ships: Implied Marco x Ace! (🍍🔥)
When I die, bury me beneath the garden soil in your backyard. So when I decompose, my flesh will be wrapped around the ground you water so much—grow into one of your trees, maybe flowers, or even ripened tomatoes we used to eat together in your dining room. When I die, plant chilli trees beside my simple grave, that way I won't forget how you cooked my meals even when I told you that I'm not eating. When I die, don't cry on me, pour your favourite liquor on my rotting body, that way I won't forget the smile on your face when we toast for our victories.
I know I asked so much for a dead body, but when I die, please don't ask my brother about me—but tell the whole world about him, tell everyone that he is my brother! He is my brother! I am dying to know whether I am a good brother or am I not, so when I die, let me be selfish and let me see the face of my own brother, I will later know the answer from how he mourns for me. I want you to tell him how sorry I am, but I am sure you know better than anyone else that my guilt won't resurrect me; so tell him that I am proud of no matter how he becomes. I wish he isn't a crybaby anymore, I want to see him, I want to come and see him—I miss my brother.
When I die, I will tell oyaji just how much you missed him and his presence. He will be delighted, I am quite sure. After all, aren't we his sons? Aren't we great and glorious? I will tell him, I promise, even though the dead man tells no tale but I assure you that I will. When I die, I will ask my mother, I will tell her about you. I will ask her about the freckles you love to caress, and the hair you ruffle so much back then. When I die, I will ask Thatch to cook for me, so you don't have to worry about my meals. The ground is cold and lonely, yes, but do not fear me being alone when I die, because I will meet everyone and I will tell them that you took good care of me. If one ever asks me later, whether I am in love with you or not, I will tell them that you are much more than someone I loved. Because when you said that you'll give your life for me, I know that my youth is yours too. Thus, when I die, if someone asks you about me, please don't hesitate to say my name and tell them that I am in love with you. Because I do, I do, once again, I do.
When I die, tell the sea how sorry I am for not being able to fulfil its calling. I was dreaming of a glorious burial in between waves and corals—but oh, fire doesn't belong in water, even if salt might ignite me green. Also, when I die, can you visit the red-haired yonko and relay him my thanks again? For him to take such good care of my brother, I owe him a lot, the way I owe my other brother.
If the season changes and rain won't stop pouring down the riverbank, tell the fisherman to step away from the slippery stone. I once fell there, you remember? And from that day I mentally haven't got up just because I see how delighted you were seeing my silly antics. When I die, I wonder what is left in me. Even the tattoo on my back betrays my body, missing places and awfully burning.
I promise I do not wish to keep you as mine the moment I left you. I do not wish to keep you, to bind you with my rotting body—with the love I bring with me to my grave, I sleep with your love as my pillow. Maybe in another chance I'll be making you tea, or simply annoying you, maybe we are birds singing together on the tree branches in winter morning, maybe we are worms, maybe we are eternal.
So when I die, let go of me, even if I find a whole side of me in your acceptance, even if I find my heart in between your ribs, let go of me. When I die, please think about me on my birthday only, a day I was blessed because of my name, and not my birth. When I die, when I die, I have so many things to ask, and I burn it together in the fireplace you set for me an hour ago. You will find it there, my resolve, my fire.
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