#🤍        i'm damned if I do give a damn what people say      ;       edits
nemeunemaya · 10 months
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Vestindo uma roupa que implorou pediu para @devillvesteprada produzir com muito carinho, Nemaya optou por utilizar cristais (obviamente falsos) na roupa que a amiga fez. O adereço no cabelo utilizado foi uma das poucas coisas que Megara deixou para trás quando fugiu misteriosamente, abandonando Hércules e a filha. Bem, pelo menos ele é bonito, mesmo que o pai fique olhando com desaprovação a todo momento. Além disso, como não é boba nem nada, já deixou a adaga da família presa na coxa, já que aprendeu que não pode-se confiar muito nos desfechos dos eventos escolares. Saber que Hércules estava a caminho apenas a deixou mais mal humorada, afinal sabia que ficaria escutando como não poderia beber nada, uma vez que álcool é calórico e um monte de bla bla bla que não estava afim de escutar. Dessa forma, nem colocou um biquini, já que provavelmente ficaria escutando sobre onde tinha uma mínima gordurinha na barriga e... Bem, o abdômen virando pedra ainda era um segredo para quase todos.
Assim que chegou no evento, era perceptível que não estava muito afim de estar lá, mas não é como se tivesse muita opção. O objetivo era evitar o genitor o máximo que conseguisse, se escondendo onde fosse possível. Ou seja, nada de água para Nemaya.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
apologies if any of these have been done already but 💥🎉🤍
Sorry for the delay, tumblr ate my response, but I got it back.
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
I had a lot of fun adapting Supernatural characters into teachers. The core teachers are the Horseman; Death is the English teach, Mr. Mort, who only assigns books related to death. Other characters are in a different English class, taught by fangirl Becky, who makes her students do fandom style homoerotic subtext analysis and honestly I still think that's hilarious now. The history teacher is War, Mr. Guerre, and he teaches exclusively about war, the bloodier the better.  In this AU, Dean and Cas meet when Cas saves him from a fight, and I wrote:  “My name is Castiel, and I am the one who just saved your ass.” And honestly I think that was pretty good, as far as AUing that line goes.  All in all, this fic (what I wrote of it) is really... prettty decent? I mean, a lot of the writing makes me cringe, but not like I expected it to. I wrote it in 2016, when I was 16.  My fic with the second-least kudos is Wake at 23, which I think is mostly because it's the most recent. I love Wake. I wrote a lot of it at 3am and I knew there were typos in it and I avoided looking at it for a couple of weeks, but when I finally did, it actually needed way less work than I thought. I basically just fixed typos and a couple sentences that didn't make sense because it was 3am but it was clear what I meant to say, and did minimal editing otherwise. I'm really happy with the writing quality on that one! 
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
I celebrate when I actually complete & post, which isn't often. I don't usually do much, but I do enjoy it and feel good about it. I always give myself credit! I wouldn't say I seek validation from others; I crave feedback and engagement, I want a response, but it's not validation I'm looking for. There have been a couple times I wanted to post a fic on a particular day, and for life reasons had to post things a bit rough, and I don't always give myself enough credit for finishing in those cases, but I'm working on it. Celebrating mostly looks like me sitting in my room feeling satisfied, but when I actually complete and post ghost AU I'm going to buy a bottle of wine or something. 
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
Wake started out as kind of an exercise in deconstruction, but it became a story in its own right and I think it's better for it. The intended message of Wake was to show BJ feeling uncomfortable now that he was back in the life he'd spent so long dreaming of, feeling as though he doesn't fit, that he no longer belongs in his home, feeling distant from Peg who's the person he's supposed to feel closest to, not recognizing himself and worrying he's not the person he's supposed to be, and then showing all those feelings as being his fears, not the truth. It's all a part of his trauma and his brain is lying to him.  I said this about this fic before, but he doesn't really wake up until Peg wakes him up by joining him in the kitchen. BJ sitting alone feeling alienated is part of the nightmare. It mirrors Peg's nightmare, where he comes home but she can't recognize him (haha I totally did that on purpose....).  But there's one line in particular in this fic: BJ and Hawkeye, awake in the small hours, listening for choppers, and the war might as well have not ended at all, because not a damn thing had changed. I'm not sure people realized this was a bad thing. It's not negative on Hawkeye and BJ's friendship generally, but the point is that they have to let go of how they were during the war, if they want to wake up from the nightmare (and maybe Hawkeye already has; we don't know, because he doesn't appear here, only BJ's fantasy of him). BJ is clinging to Hawkeye as someone who understands, but he needs to let go. BJ calling Hawkeye at a normal hour to talk to his friend would be good; BJ calling Hawkeye here would be bad, and it's a good thing that he chooses not to.  I was worried about people not getting the BJ scene in hills like white elephants. I think the part where Hawkeye suspects BJ figured out what he did but they don't discuss it for safety reasons is pretty clear. I hope so. I was concerned about that scene coming off too Hawkeye/Margaret, because I was worried people would think BJ thought Hawkeye was or might have the father, or that I was implying that. I'm very much against that interpretation of the canon version of this episode, because I think Hawkeye's role is more meaningful without that implication, and I feel that way tenfold about this fic. I don't want any implication that Hawkeye gave Margaret an abortion because he was somehow involved in her pregnancy. He did it because she needed one and that's it. However, despite all my fears, no one seems to have misinterpreted that scene! What a relief!! 
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nemeunemaya · 10 months
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dynamics edit ( 1 / ? ) : taylor's version
@calitheas as EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED : meet me there tonight and let me know that it's not all in my mind
@eivid as PEACE : family that i chose, now that i see your brother as my brother , is it enough ?
@arkynhaddock as MINE : you learn my secrets and you figure out why i'm guarded
@bcstboy as WILDEST DREAMS : i said : no one has to know what we do , his hands are in my hair , his clothes are in the room
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nemeunemaya · 9 months
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🤍       conheça 𝐍𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐀 : a duquesa !
Nebula é um nome feminino de origem latina que significa “névoa”. Na astronomia, este nome fino refere-se a uma massa nebulosa visível em torno das estrelas que consiste em hidrogênio e poeira cósmica. As nebulosas vêm em uma impressionante variedade de formas e cores, dando a cada nuvem de poeira interestelar uma qualidade lindamente única.
Só os mais corajosos sabiam o que os esperava depois de longas montanhas, um riacho, uma cidade deserta e uma torre bem alta; a solidão para Nébula era como uma amiga, alguém que estava tão presente que não mais a incomodava, fazia parte de si. Para uma vampira milenar, chegava a ser melancólica demais, apegada ao passado: era uma linda princesa até ser enganada por o homem mais belo do reino, de lábia firme e sedutora, beijando-lhe o pescoço nas doze badaladas do relógio. Seus pais haviam a dado aquele destino, aquela torre para que não mordesse alguém, não machucasse. Leia mais sobre o skeleton aqui !
(( Nebula as Nina Dobrev )) !
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nemeunemaya · 11 months
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i don't need to tell you twice ! all the ways he can't suffice . if I could give you some advice , i would leave with me tonight . ( insp. )
ME & MY GIRLS SERIES ( 1 / ? )
with @zarinaz
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nemeunemaya · 11 months
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NEMAYA as six personalities :
santana lopez ( from glee ) : confident
abby (from the last of us 2 ) : loytal
ellie ( from the last of us ) : loses everything
lorelai gilmore ( from gilmore girls ) : charming
eleanor shellstrop ( from the good place ) : egotistical
samantha jones ( from sex and the city ) : outspoken
♡ if i worried what every bitch in new york was saying about me , i’d never leave the house — samantha jones !
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nemeunemaya · 11 months
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'cause i'm that girl that drive you crazy , but you can't leave me alone . got you thinkin' maybe i went supernatural . put you under spells or look into a crystal ball , i'm not like these other girls at all ! (insp.)
ME & MY GIRLS SERIES ( 2 / ? )
with @calitheas
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nemeunemaya · 9 months
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6 MÚSICAS DO GIRLS' GENERATION : give in your passionate heart for this excitement . just like a love bomb , we are one !
Feliz aniversário , Mia ! (( with @calitheas && @jwestergaard ))
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nemeunemaya · 11 months
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except i don't care what you're feeling and i don't need , or i do . i'm a slippage in the system with a natural gift , how i move . (insp.)
ME & MY GIRLS SERIES ( 3 / ? )
with @gravcyard
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