#🤣🤣🤣 I'll tell you a secret I know people who have read the book and still accidentally use he/him pronouns for Gideon
maefansblog · 3 months
Bridgerton Season 4: What Do We Want?
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[It's probably a long shot if any of Netflix actually listens to what the viewers actually want.] (I posted on reddit a little earlier. I want to see what the community wants from Season 4, too, either here on Tumblr or Reddit.)
Don't make us wait another 2 years. Spin offs should not happen if they can't deliver on the main story. If the story can't be fully told in 8 episodes, give us 10.
1. Main story: Benedict and Sophie
Masquerade, the sofa, Sofie runs away,
Benedict exploring his pansexuality, Sofie's family drama, Sofie Runaway and becomes a servant, Benedict not knowing who Sofie is, and
asking her to be his mistress [ughh yes I hated that], Sofie saying no, 🤣
MY COTTAGE, Sophie discovering Benedict's art,
them falling in love,
the jail scene,
Benedict discovers Sophie is the Lady in Silver, Whistledown and Benedict saving Sophie.
Benedict and Sophie HEA
A good HEA should be at LEAST 15 minutes.
2. Eloise being secretive, hiding away, writing letters and disappearing either by the 7th or 8th episode.
3. Penelope's fall out from Lady Whistledown. Rasing the heir, trying to be a part of society as the heir's mama, and editing Colin's journals. Also saving Sophie through Lady Whistledown.
4. Colin and Penelope writing, visiting John, Fran, Michaela and Eloise. Colin loving being married, eating a lot, and taking care of his son. It is told that Marina has passed away. Penelope, Colin, and Eloise deal with this.
5. Anthony and Kate actually working as the Viscount and Viscountess. We see the new baby.
6. Violet actually moving into a Dowager House. Hyacinth and Gregory fade a little into the background. Maybe Daphne's children make an appearance if Daphne and Simon can't. Violet loves her grandchildren. Show Eloise actually interacting with the kids. Lady Danbury, Violet, and the Queen continue to strengthen their relationship.
Some people are saying that Araminta is Cressida’s mother. If Cressida is Sophie, I will throw the entire show away. If Cressida is Posy or Rosamund, I will feel better. Cressida will have a part in the story, but I do NOT want her with Benedict. 😡
I love show Benedict. I remember reading An Offer from a Gentleman a few years ago and I hated what Benedict did. The show has an opportunity to touch on dark themes that happen with Sophie, but also redeem Benedict by humanizing him. Luke Thompson already has.
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Book Quotes:
"I can live with you hating me," he said to the closed door. "I just can't live without you."
"You're beautiful because you know your own darkness and still, that alone doesn't stop you from finding your own light."
"It suddenly made sense. Only twice in his life had he felt this inexplicable, almost mystical attraction to a woman. He’d thought it remarkable, to have found two, when in his heart he’d always believed there was only one perfect woman out there for him.
His heart had been right. There was only one."
"Be mine. Be mine right now. Be mine forever. I'll give you anything you want. All I want in return is you."
"At the masquerade, even before I saw you, I felt you. Anticipation. Magic. There was something in the air. And when I turned, and you were there, it was as if you'd been waiting for me, and I knew that you were the reason I'd stolen into the ball. You are the reason I exist, the very reason I was born."
[In all honesty, I want Bridgerton to keep going. There are a lot of stories to tell. It shouldn't end here. It shouldn't end with Benedict. It should be told in its entirety. I'm worried that if they continue to deviate so much, they are going to lose a lot of fans.]
If you read this far, I appreciate you. 💕
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sebastianswallows · 1 year
LOL I definitely didn’t read the prompt right i’m so sorry🤦‍♀️ but how about 🧠 and more headcanons for seb
Pffft that's ok!! I was exactly the same when I read it I was like "...wait" 🤣 Had to think for a sec wtf the question meant.
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Seb <3 My bby, my sweetest boy.
I have so many headcanons for him, but if I had to choose one favourite... it's that he's actually very awkward around girls, romantically I mean.
He's such a nerdy little boy, first of all. He reads a lot, he literally says he reads practically every book he finds. This is not really a social activity. Which means he probably spends a lot of time alone, indoors (or maybe outdoors, but who are we kidding).
And before MC arrived, his best friends were Ominis and his sister.
And his idea of a ✨fun night out🎉 is sneaking into the library 🤦‍♀️
There's also the fact that his parents died when he was young, and so much of how we learn to interact with others comes from our parents. All he had was grumpy Uncle Solomon, a bachelor, until he went to Hogwarts at 11.
Seb seems to have very good self esteem and confidence in certain interactions, like duelling or discussing spells and other academic activities, but I think if he were placed in a situation that was more "social" (aka normie), he wouldn't really know what to do. Remember how he's at first secretive and suspicious when you first approach him in the Slytherin Common room. Not exactly a social guy.
I think he's one of those people that learns to compartmentalise his feelings and can pick and choose his reactions in a deliberate way so as not to embarrass himself or put himself into a situation that's outside of his comfort zone, but it would be a conscious effort for the sake of saving face.
Thank you for the ask, my dear! I loved answering this one 💚
→ Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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eileen-crys · 2 years
Have you heard whether Deaky gets mentioned at all in Rudi's new book..?
Hi! Ok, so- Yes, in the last days I've been able to give a quick read to Rudi's book thanks to a friend's friend who lent me her ebook haha I'll leave a personal review under the cut at the end of the post.
John is not mentioned very much, when it happens it's usually because the band as a whole gets mentioned, and it's mostly while filming videos, but there are a couple of anecdotes with John worth mentioning imho and that I took screenshots of. Mind you that I'd always take Rudi with a grain of salt (more under the cut) but I personally don't see any issue in these anecdotes.
First we have the band rehearsing at Wembley Arena before the Magic tour, and we have a glimpse of John excusing himself for not coming at Freddie's place with the others, to go home instead 🥺💕
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Freddie seemed a bit disappointed but Rudi is quick to remind the readers about their friendship. Phoebe already mentioned in his own book how Freddie and John were close in the studio during this period when they wrote some songs together, but their private lives remained quite separated and Freddie was always respectful of it.
I forgot to screenshot mentions of John during the filming of Breakthru, Rudi recalls how John came up with the idea of having a train in the video, but more than once the whole band was worried of being on the train and John expressed his concern a couple of time, in fear they'd fall down the train while moving! But in the end they had great fun and "John enjoyed the wind in his hair" 😌
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And now a sadder bit, after Freddie's passing, during the rehearsals for the tribute concert:
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Nothing new for us fans, but I appreciate the respectful tone this is written in. It's also the last time John gets mentioned and it's easy to believe it's the last time Rudi saw him as well.
More Brian-related, but I still found sweet, is Freddie directing the band on the Slightly Mad video and trying to convince them about his ideas:
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It's never enough to repeat how Freddie was the peace-maker of the band and I thought this bit on the Slightly Mad set could be a nice example of him convincing his bandmates in the studio about his ideas.
Now, if you want more thoughts on Rudi and the book...
First, I admit I skipped quite rapidly through the book and looked mostly for John anecdotes or things related to the band or about filming the videos, so I haven't properly read the book in its entirety. I jumped a lot through the chapters. However, I must admit I didn't find it terrible as expected and there was an overall tone of genuine admiration and almost naive curiosity about Freddie and about his work. (The book should be titled "Me simping for Freddie" 🤣).
I don't like Rudi as a person, it's no secret, he irks me big time. And his book is FAR from being flawless. It's almost annoying how much, also in the book, he praises himself (yes Rudi your videos are good, we know 😅) or is unaware of how gross or inappropriate some things might be to read black on white. But I didn't read malicious intents, he's truly oblivious about certain things specially regarding gays and how they "work". His chapter "I'm the only hetero among a group of relaxed gays" is still terrible, no cap, but in the entirety of the book it's clear he's had a moment of confusion dictated by wrong prejudices at the time, and def didn't recall it in the best of ways. HOWEVER he also realizes how wrong his moment of fear of getting AIDS through a kiss has been, and admits that while he got scared, it was all because of the ignorance an panic that was diffused at the time, and acknowledges it. Some steps back, some steps forward.
He also clearly enjoys telling coke-related stories, he admits he had an issue with it, it's also a way to admit how normal having coke was and still is in the showbiz but some people might not like to read about it. Be aware.
Rudi has a story of telling lies and exaggerating stuff, bragging about his relationship with Freddie, and seeking attention like a teen, so I'd recommend to take his stories with a grain of salt, but his book to me sounded much different from, say, the terrible LAJ who writes in a scandalistic mocking tone and brags about being best friend with Freddie when she's never been.
While still telling funny stories related to drugs and parties, Rudi pours a lot of pure admiration for Freddie in his book and praises his talent and creativity and good heart, and took also a step back with his Barbara stories, admitting she and Freddie never had sex, and constantly repeating that Freddie was gay and much in love with Winnie first and then Jim. Mary is briefly mentioned, too, but still not as "Freddie's true love yada yada". I was quite confused about the bits where Phoebe tells Rudi that Freddie got sick in Munich and thought was already AIDS but I'd blame more Phoebe for it, recently I can't trust him anymore.
I must admit I was surprised because I expected much worse. I still would recommend it only if you want to collect all books about Freddie and are interested in a new perspective, and if I had to choose between this or LAJ I'd definitely choose Rudi's book. There is also a good dose of anecdotes about the backstages of filming, which I'm a huge fan of, honestly 😅🙏🏻
So, in the end, it's not the best book I'd recommend to a new Queen fan and I would also mention Rudi's habit of not being very reliable, but I wouldn't throw it directly in the fire either.
P. S.: I would throw in the fire all the pages with the abominations that are certain edited photos passed as drawingsto get clout, and I know you know what I'm talking about lol
These are my opinions of course, feel free to agree or disagree but please be polite 🙏🏻💖 I've (kinda) read the book so you didn't have to 😘
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