#🥀 i would've followed all the way to the graveyard || interactions.
pomegranatesccds · 2 years
@rottenjudgemcnt​ location: their apartment
“Meg, I have much to confess to you,” Paislee said, biting her lip as she sat across from her dearest friend in the living room. She was nervous to bring up all of the Harold interactions, but she knew her head was not going to be on straight until she did. “Harold keeps....well, he keeps trying to win me back. He showed up in front of our apartment and my job and I just...I don’t know what to do. I want to just ignore him and keep moving forward, but it’s so hard when he is right there telling me he loves me and that he wants a second chance and...this is all a big mess, I’m afraid.” She looked to Meg for guidance and the the truth. If anyone was more honest than Meg was she would like to get to know them for some clarity since all her life she has been surrounded by liars. “What should I do? I’m desperate!”
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pomegranatesccds · 2 years
closed starter @daiisyduboiis​ location: wonderland
“I can’t believe I let you take me here,” Paislee called out to her co-worker and friend. She never really went to Wonderland for anything, but Daisy was another person telling her to bust out of her shell and have a good time and she was tired of making excuses for not doing it. She doubted she would run into Harold here and that made it perfect. “Are you working tonight?” she asked her curiously. She knew Daisy was a performer here, but she had yet to see her in the act. She was sure the woman was incredible and in a way Paislee was jealous that she was so free. “It’s really weird being in a place so far away from plants...I feel like a fish out of water!”
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pomegranatesccds · 2 years
continued from this. @blaiselumiere​
Paislee glared at him. “Calling my best friend crazy is not helping you at all,” she said stubbornly before putting her focus back on the vegetables in front of her. So many looked like they were threatened with little to no care and it saddened her. Of course she knew she could bring them a little more life with a simple touch but she wasn’t trying to expose herself. She didn’t need Blaise thinking he knew her better than some stranger did. She didn’t trust him and she wasn’t going to just start trusting him over one little errand run. 
Still, she couldn’t ignore the sadness that came with seeing plants in such trouble. So she had brought a few back to a proper condition; just a few! She had thought she had done it stealthily but Blaise was looking at her like that was not the case. Great. “What’s interesting? That your judgment was wrong? Not all chefs are perfect it seems.”
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pomegranatesccds · 2 years
closed starter @paulpanics​ location: pais’s flower shop
Paislee always felt at peace when she was at her shop. She could be completely in her element and not have to worry about the rest of her problems. Of course, sometimes her problems came to follow her into her shop, like Harold the other week, but she tries to not let that consume her. She said her peace, he said his, and she was doing what she could to move forward. Jack had been excellent in terms of distraction of the heart, but there was still a part of her that just...sad about her situation. She poured all of that out in the form of love to her plants and tried to keep it at that for now, but when she noticed Paul enter her shop her flowers wilted slightly. She hoped this was a friendly visit and not him checking on her for Harold. 
“Welcome,” she said brightly, bringing the flowers she was working on back to life before looking at Paul. “What brings you to my shop today? Business or...?”
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pomegranatesccds · 2 years
continued from this. @gastonnlegume​
Paislee was still scrambling to understand if this was some sort of trap. Meg had warned her about men and their intentions and after Harold she was ten times more on guard than she used to be. She hated that events in her life had hardened her heart, but she couldn’t afford to not be careful anymore. His story of his poor plant care didn’t really help him either. “Thank you,” she said, less hostile since it was about her work. She did really like how her plants seemed to thrive in the setting. It made this tavern a place she would like to visit more for the plants alone. She let the silence hang in the air for a moment before she sighed and took a seat properly. “One drink, then. But you need to drink it first or I won’t take a single sip!” Another tip from Meg. Thank the gods for her. “These plants will be good to you as long as you are good to them. They just need love and tenderness to thrive.”
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pomegranatesccds · 2 years
tag dump.
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